4.3 Being Followed
Amon had watched the events unfold as the other survivor returned. He had seen the zombies go in and watched the fight inside. From his position in the dark he could see clearly through the window as they killed the hungry creatures. Amon didn't feel any kinship with the dead, he walked among them like a philosophical giant, so far above them. They avoided him like the animals they were, understanding just enough to know he could kill them easily. Not that he didn't feel for the once humans, now walking flesh, he understood their hunger better than anyone.
He was a human supporter, through and through. When the chips were down he bet on the home side, regardless of the odds and when the door stayed open too long, he raged like a soccer fan yelling at the players in the field. When the door didn't close, he doubled down, severing the spinal cord of the closest zombie he could lay hands on. Quickly he slashed his blade opening the insides of another, letting the steaming mess pop and spill forth from its split belly. The door slid closed and a new feeding frenzy started outside. The survivors defeated the away side on their home turf and lived to tell the game later.
After the excitement they talked for a long time and Amon went back to his usual stance of watching from afar. Even up close he had trouble making out words and the exercise frustrated him. He hoped that the new development would bring about some change in the status quo, maybe kick them into action. While he waited, he ate, flesh a plenty had accumulated at the hotel and mostly it was easy pickings. With each stomach full he felt more alive, more energetic and stronger, but it only made waiting all the more difficult.
A time later a back door opened and a sole survivor emerged. His dark skin shone in the reflected light of the moon as he shouldered a pack and ran across the grassed area. Amon watched him reach the boundary fence with a couple of dead in pursuit, turning at the last moment he slay them with heavy blows from an axe, he sliped through the wire fence and made his way across the field before disappearing over a hill. Amon watched for a little longer waiting to see if anything else would happen and when it didn't he made the decision to follow the lone survivor.
Chances are he wouldn't get far and Amon could return to his voyeur perch to watch over the others once more. Still this black man interested him greatly, to leave the rest alone and travel on foot. Quickly he caught up to the man following behind at a distance. The moon was full and provided plenty of light for the next few hours before the sun would arise, after that he would have to be more careful not to be spotted. Not for fear of any danger one man might present, but for his mere presence might alter the guys actions.
Staying clear of buildings the human walked for a day before taking refuge in a tree. Only when he slept heavy did Amon get close enough to see the rope that tied him to the branch. Maybe he had been wrong about this man succumbing to death quickly and that thought reenforced his good decision to follow him. Early morning seen the man rouse and once more Amon was forced to watch from afar as he traveled across more empty fields on a path that seemed vague but always ocean bound.
Only when the sea was within sight and the homes became unavoidable, did the man refer to a map. Returning to higher ground after getting bearings he continued along the coastline at a distance, until he reached wherever it was he seemed to be going. Here it became difficult to follow as the streets were short and many, giving Amon less time to pick a sure path. It also became more dangerous as dead wandered the roadside and several times the man paused to destroy the skull of a wayward zombie.
Eventually he came to a road blocked by many vehicles, which he had to climb over in order to continue. The arrangement of cars in a small street struck Amon as unusual but for what reason he couldn't make out. Climbing onto a nearby roof he survey the area and found that wherever this was, it happened to be the destination, as the street had ended in a cul-de sac and the man was knocking on a door.
The alarm took them both by surprise as it screamed into the still air, making the man panic, turning wildly in the street. Shouting above the noise he pleaded with whoever was behind the door but nothing changed and he became panic stricken. From his height Amon could see that it was only going to get worse as a horde of dead came eagerly swarming from over an embankment, filling the road as they searched like blood hounds for what was going to be an easy meal. The arrangement of the vehicles became clear to Amon as he watched with no breath to be taken away. Someone had set a trap for this man and he had fallen for it, even traveling for days, only for it to end badly. Whatever the bait had been it must have been good and Amon wondered what would have been that good to risk everything one possessed, even life itself, to obtain. The man raised his axe as the hungry pack approached and prepared to go down fighting, refusing to give up. The act of defiance stirred Amon and his muted emotion flickered just a little, enough when combined with his curiosity to not sit back and simply observe. If there was ever a time to real now was it, he only hoped this was not bait set for him.
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