Chapter Two:The Gods
Geno's POV
Just the way he said it was telling. It sounded like an offer but it was the kind of question where it had a tone that said that they wanted you to do something. For a moment it reminded me of my brother when we would mess around at home.
"Sans!"He shouted
"Yeah, bro?"I replied
"Could you please pick up your sock?"He asked
"Sure I could."I said
"Thank you Sans!"He said
Then I'd either do one of two things, not pick it up and joke with him OR pick it up only to place it in a slightly different spot to mess with him. Sure, it drove him nuts but later we'd find it funny and he always got over it.
"Geno!"Reaper says, knocking me out of my memory
"Huh? Oh, sorry, I was in my thoughts. What did I miss?"I ask
"As I said before, could you come with me, Geno?"Gaster says
"He is going nowhere with you!"Reaper snaps
"That is not for you to decide, Sans. I was asking him after all."He says
Reaper was gritting his teeth, clearly unhappy.
He did help with the Undyne issue....I don't even know what he wants....Maybe he just wants more info. It would make sense if I'm causing problems for his balance just by living.
"U-Umm, okay."I say
He takes my hand and leads me away. I heard a loud thud and glance back to see that Reaper had sliced a tree in half with his scythe, glaring daggers at Gaster. I glance at Gaster and he lowered his head as if acknowledging the glares but staying calm as if this was completely normal. We reached his chambers and he had me sit in a chair. He shuts three sets of secure doors, locking them. He locks the windows as well. I grew uneased. It was as if he was trying to keep something in or something else out.
"So sorry about my son, he doesn't trust me as much as his brother does. I'm sure you heard plenty of his complaints when he visited you."He says, shutting the blinds
"Umm, no. He completely avoided talking about his home AU or whatever. This is the first that I'm learning your names or seeing you."I tell him
"But he at least told you his job?"He asks
"No....He'd toss his scythe aside and rip his list every visit. We'd just sit and talk or joke."I say
"Oh well allow me to explain things to you so you know who really has been visiting you."He says, then proceeds to lecture me on all the things about this world with or around Reaper
It took a long while for him to get through all of it. But he often sounded like a proud father when it was something his sons did.
"-And Reaper can be super rebellious so I often have to help him in secret since if he were to learn that I did something, he'd undo everything just to spite me. Which includes getting you both together..."He says, then finally pauses to let it all sink in
"Wait, you got us together? You planned that?"I say
"Course I did. I created him and his brother, I'm going to take care of them. And lately the others around here have been overworking them....Especially him. I've been working to remake the balance between their work and social lives, but set plans in place for him to meet you due to how badly he was being impacted by the workload."He says
"Why me of all people? Not that I'm complaining but there is a big multiverse out there. I'm just the leftovers of a genocide run stuck in an antivoid....."I say
"I can't give a specific reason but when I looked at records on you, you seemed different than others. Different in ways that I cannot explain that seemed to be fit for him. Who knows, you could be the voice of reason he needs and will listen to. And telling by how he acts toward you and is behaving like himself again, I think I made the right choice. Now, enough about his problems. How has he been treating you? I'm sorry if his visits are troublesome for you."He says
"No no! He hasn't caused any issues! He has been very nice. He's been one of the nicest friends I've had in a long while. He has introducing me to laughing again and is very funny. I look forward to his visits."I say
"Does his reputation change things?"He asks
"No. I think he is still the same person I was hanging out with, with or without that reputation."I say
"Now for the big question, has he touched you?"He asks
"Yes but for some reason I didn't die."I say
"Ah, well the universe works in mysterious ways. Guess it was a lucky choice to plan for you both to meet if that's the case."He says
His head perked up as if he heard something. He peeks out the curtains and sighs, shaking his head. He comes around the table and begins whispering things to me. Then he walks to a bunch of cabinets and closets in the room and disappears into it.
"I'm guessing you'd like clothes without blood all over them. It's both uncomfortable and unproper."He says
I look down at my clothes with the bloody slash still there.
"Y-Yeah..."I say
He snaps his fingers and the clothes were replaced mostly except for my scarf that I held onto. It was a big robes or cloak design that was a bit too big but he seemed as happy as my Papyrus when just making a new batch of spaghetti, so I didn't complain. I couldn't see my hands the sleeves were so long. He whispers so more info or bits of advice.
"You may go now. Keep hanging out with my son if you wish, he seems quite fond of you. And if you can, please talk some reason into him to keep him out of trouble. You may come to our world whenever you'd like and roam freely. I'll handle anyone that gives you problems. That's all. I know if I keep you here any longer, he may start breaking through the doors."He says with a grin.
"A-Alright. Thank you."I say, getting up
I was going through the three sets of doors when I met Toriel who was coming through the second door. She stopped in the space bettwen the second and third doors and looked at me in shock.
"You're that soul Reaper spared.....I'll have to talk to you later."She says, shoving me aside and bursting through the doors to see Gaster
"Gaster! Do you know where Sans is?"She asks
"No. Just like I told you for the last 28 times you asked. You and I both know how he is and given what you've all done to his schedule, you should leave him alone."Gaster says
"But-!"She begins
"No but's."Gaster says firmly as the doors slam shut.
I grin. He really does care for his sons and does his best to protect them and their well-being, even if Reaper doesn't realize what happens behind these closed doors. I went out the last set of doors leading to the hall and it shut with a thud behind me, the sound echoing through the empty hallways. I notice how big the golden handle was beside my head. Those doors were heavy and I can see why he put so much between the halls and his chambers. It must get annoying for others to burst in out of nowhere as frequent as it seems to happen.
Within seconds of the doors shutting I saw a black blur zipping down the halls and next thing I know, Reaper had zipped over to me. He paused, seeming to examine me.
"Hey, Reaper."I say
He is silent. He grabs my hand and quickly took me away from Gaster's area to the outdoors.
"Are you okay? Did he hurt you? Was he rude to you? What did he do to you?"He asks, already tracing his hands down my arms as if looking for a problem.
"Reaper, calm down. I'm okay. The most he did was change my clothes. Other than that, he mostly just talked, explaining everything to me. He seemed really nice."I tell him
He looks at me and sighs.
"Okay....."He says
I glance to see that he was holding my hand.
"I still can't believe that I can touch you!"He says, looking overjoyed
"Touch who, Sans?"A voice asks
I look to see Gerson coming over curiously. He noticed me quickly and looks at Reaper.
"It would be wise of you to kill him elsewhere. Life is nearby."He says
"I'm not killing him."He growls
"Well either way it would be wise for you both to go elsewhere. She is looking for you and you know how she can get."He says
Reaper nods, seeming to understand. He takes me away until he was sure that we were alone. We lay on the ground together, talking as if nothing changed. And nothing really did for me. It was just learning more about Reaper. Sure, it was sudden and chaotic, but he's still the same person that made me laugh from his jokes during his visits. He's still my friend. He got this smirk on his face that said he was up to something.
He started joking and messing with me, now adding in playful pokes or nudges as he joked since we can touch each other now. Next thing I know, we were rolling and tumbling, messing around and laughing. I got stuck under him and he grinned.
"Gosh we're so childish."He chuckles
"And? You always goof around!"I say
"Yeah, but I've never had someone to goof around with like you.."He says
I reach up and wrap my arms around him hesitantly. Gaster did say he was lonely and his work impacted him....Plus the others haven't been the nicest to him either. I smile at him.
"Well now you do. And I'm not going anywhere."I say
He falls quiet with a smile. We just gaze at each other. Then I feel something wrapping around my ankles, then my wrists, yanking them to the ground. I look to see roots and plants binding me to the ground.
"Uhh, Reaper?"I say as more starts to wrap around the rest of my body
He notices and frowns.
"Show yourself, Life."He says, the joy I saw before quickly killed off
I see Life walk over.
"So this is where you sneak off to. Interesting."She says
A root wraps around my mouth as if to keep me quiet.
"Let Geno go!"He snaps
"Oh! So this is the soul you spared! You both seem awfully close. Hmmm, who to speak to first? I think I want to get to know him too.~"She says
The roots pull me away and next thing I know I'm against a tree with my arms and legs restrained by the roots.
"So, how did Gaster make you?"She asks, sitting down with a smile as if this was normal
"Make me what?"I ask
"Make you exist. He created Papyrus and Sans so I assumed that he just created you to be their friend since they are lonely for some strange reason."She says
"Oh I wonder why they seem so lonely....It's not like their schedules are crammed with work because others keep filling their lists with souls to collect without breaks to socialize like everyone else! And Gaster didn't create me, I'm from another AU."I say with some sarcasm in the beginning
"Then how did you get him to spare you? To open up to you? He always seemed so distant and never seemed to value life."She says with a dull tone as if those were flaws of his
"I didn't make him do anything. It was his choices and actions. We began to bond and we treated each other with respect. It was just like anyone becoming friends. And in case you haven't noticed, his position that you help put him in doesn't exactly allow him to value life. He literally has to take lives as the god of death. Yeah and I wouldn't get close with the people overworking me by randomly creating lives and then making me fix the mistake by taking their lives or boss me around to work harder when they are actually partying or socializing in the time that I'm working. Gaster explained everything and what Reaper is put through. Which possibly is another reason he seems so open to me. I don't force him or boss him around. I let him do things when he wants to and suggest things, not bossing him around or hunting him down to force him into things like you. I let him open up and have the freedom to be himself without being snapped at or criticized at every turn. He just told me before that he never got the chance to goof around before for example! While you and other gods are having fun and free, he is stuck either working or shutting his fun personality away! All that isolation and darkness that he has to deal with can really impact him badly! Trust me, I live in an empty black void-like space! I know what darkness can do! So for you to make comments like that as if his behavior is unjustified or wrong is so insensible and brash of you to do!"I explain
She frowns.
"And how in the world can he touch you without killing you?"She asks
"The world works in mysterious ways."I say
She sits there quietly, rubbing her forehead as if stressed by the info.
"LIIIIIFFFEE!"I hear Reaper yell
"Now, I'm going to speak with him myself. You stay out of it."She says
The roots wrap around me and I find myself up to my nose in the ground with a bush quickly growing to hide the top of my head. I could see the black of Reaper's cloak coming quickly over to Life. I could see the blade of his scythe swing into the ground. I couldn't move that much and could hear them talking. Well, Reaper was snapping at her and demanding answers while she was beating around the bush and avoiding answers or firing questions at him instead.
"Seriously, of all people, why did you choose to spare that one? He's gone through hell and looks like it too! He deserves to be freed!"Life snapped
"You are in no place to judge! It's my business, mind your own! Now where is he? You better not have hurt him!"He says
"Oh of course I wouldn't have hurt him. But do you even realize how little of him is left? He is so fragile and is a mess about to fall apart at any second! It's a miracle that you haven't hurt or killed him!"Life says
I get pulled out and she wipes away the glitches by my eye.
"Just look at him!"She says, pointing my the mess of my skull that I hid behind it
"Hey!"I snap, covering it with my hands
"SHUT IT LIFE!"Reaper snaps, lunging forward
He grabs the roots and rips them off of me, killing them in the process. He pulls me close and lifts me over his shoulder. He quickly turns and zips off, allowing me to see Life fade into the distance.
"SANS!"She shouts
Her shouts soon became faint and once again we were alone. He sets me down with a look of concern on his face, then dusts me off from head to toe. I reach up to cover my eye but he grabs my hand, stopping me. He rests his hand on my cheek, gazing at me silently.
"Reaper...?"I say
"So this is what you hid behind those glitches."He says
"Y-Yeah..."I say
He begins to feel my skull gently, slowly getting closer to my eyes.
"W-What are you doing?"I ask
He just kept staring at me. I move his hand away from my eye and lift my scarf up to hide my face.
"I know it's gross and freaky like she said. T-That's just what happened from the genocide run and why I try to hide it. I-"I say nervously
"I don't think so."He says
I look at him in a bit of surprise. My soul beat a bit faster.
"W-What?"I say
"I don't think you look freaky."He says
Those few words and the look in his eyes meant so much to me. I look down.
"O-Oh...T-T-Thank you, Reaper."I say
I see why we get along so well...We make each other feel special or normal in the very least.
I hear a portal open.
"There you are, Geno!"A voice says
I turn to see Blue running over. I hid my eye with glitches.
"Well you look different...Where have you been?"He asks
"He's been with me."Reaper says, setting his hand on my shoulder
"Oh! Hello, Reaper! You finally got a break, huh?"He says
"You could say that."Reaper says
"Well do you mind if I borrow Geno?"He asks
"With how things are going here, I think he'd be safer with you."Reaper says
Blue takes my hand and takes me through the portal. He gave me a phone with multiverse frequencies to keep in contact and I had dinner with him and his brother.
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