Chapter Five:Fate Foretold
Geno's POV days later
"So are you excited? I can't wait for you to come over for the slumber party!"Blue says over the phone
"Hehe, of course I'm excited Blue. What time should I come over?"I ask with a chuckle at his enthusiasm
"Hmmm, Error, Ink? What sounds like a good time to meet?"He asks
We were discussing the plans over the phone and laughing when I heard a portal open. I glance behind me and hardly had time to react.
"Reaper!"I yell in alarm as he swings his scythe down
I narrowly dodge it and he only managed to slice my phone in half and trim my scarf. I look at him and quickly realize that this isn't the Reaper I know. His face was darker, he isn't wearing the scarf I gave him, is ATTACKING ME, and he is here despite Gaster putting a barrier to keep his son out. Meaning this was another timeline's Reaper that is intruding.
"Your time is up.~"He says with an eerie voice that I'v never heard from him
I fired some Blasters and bone attacks, quickly opening a portal to escape. There's no point in staying there to fight. He's a GOD OF DEATH! I can only delay him! I ran as fast as I could, hopping through AUs and portals while still able to hear him behind me. I fired attacks every now and then to delay him the best I could. I remembered Two Fate's words and shake my head. "I think you'll quickly figure out which is which." He says..NO KIDDING! I just have to outrun him or find some help somehow.
I tried to open a portal to Reapertale but that is blocked.
Of course it is....T_T THANKS GASTER!
I just kept running and firing attacks, eventually finding a place to hide. I heard him say that my name isn't on his list so it's not like he can locate me. I just sat there, panting and trying to figure out what to do next. I know I can't stay here for long. I'll have to run again soon.
Reaper's POV meanwhile
I was sitting in another boring meeting where Gaster and Gerson were arguing about something and the rest of us just had to wait it out. I sighed, tapping my fingers on the table impatiently and resting my chin in the other hand. I shut my eyes, imagining myself with Geno instead of here. But suddenly, I got a really bad feeling and saw Geno in my mind. He was running and suddenly stopped and turned. I saw my scythe raise up and when it went down, I heard Geno scream before silence. I jolted back, opening my eyes in alarm. I check my list and see the writing of his name glowing like fire alarm lights to tell that something isn't right. I shot up from my seat and everyone else quickly took notice.
"Sans, what do you think you're doing?"Gaster snaps
"I'm going to see Geno. He's in trouble. And I'm sure you don't need me here while you debate nonsense with him for the next century."I say
Everyone else looked at each other. Papyrus and Asgore shot up from their seats.
"I declare this meeting over! You can debate on your own!"Asgore says
Papyrus and I quickly leave.
"Wait!"Asgore says
We turn to him and he quickly runs to catch up to us.
"I'm coming too. I want to help Geno too. I see how he makes you happy Reaper and don't want that to change....Despite your father's critique."He says
I smirk, glad to have him on my side. He overrides Gaster's code and we enter to find Blue, Error and Ink already there. They looked at me and quickly summoned attacks.
"Woah! Chill out guys! It's only me!"I say
"That's the problem."Ink says
"Huh?"Paps says
"What did you do to Geno?"Blue asks, holding a bone attack
"What makes you think I did something? I just got here!"I say
"Yeah and Gaster used some magic code to keep him away from Geno. He hasn't been near Geno since our party."Asgore says
Ink picks up Geno's broken phone and a small piece of a red scarf. I dropped my scythe at the sight.
"We wErE tAlKinG oN thE pHone anD hE suDdenLy gAsPeD bEfOre YeLlInG yOuR nAme. ThEn wE loSt ConNeCtiOn. We cAmE hErE tO fiNd tHis And hAvE beEn coNnecTiNg tHe dOts."Error says
"If it's not you....Error, maybe it's another one of those cases."Ink suggests
"What cases?"Paps asks
"There has been a strange trend in the multiverse. Genos are mysteriously disappearing without a trace. They aren't dead or getting killed cause if that were the case their timelines or AUs would cease to exist. And they aren't reaching out or able to be located in other AUs.....It's like that Bermuda Triangle thing!"Ink attempts to explain
"I'vE bEen InvEstIgAtInG iT tHe bEsT I cOuLd bUt hAvEn'T gOtTen tHaT fAr yEt."Error says
"Maybe another Reaper came and attacked thinking it was his timeline? One that doesn't know or love Geno like our timeline's? Geno did yell his name...."Blue suggests, pointing to me
I froze, my soul missing a beat at the thought of that being true. Was my sighting more than just my imagination? I quickly look at my list and collapse to the floor hugging it. His name is still there. Thank the heavens!
"Brother?"Papy says
"His name is still here....He's out there...."I say, my gaze focused on the name
Asgore walks out and a few minutes later, returns with a handful of gods from the party....Unfortunately including Destinio and Two Fates.
"How can we help find him?"Asgore asks
The three of them were surprised but smile.
"Welp, I'm glad I warned Geno."Two Fates says
"Warn him what?"Everyone asks
"I've caught onto a lack of Genos increase in the multiverse and foresaw the Reapers of those worlds, good or bad, mistaking Geno to be theirs and coming after him. I warned him of such and telling by how things appear, one of the bad Reapers went after him. Most likely a much colder Reaper who may not have met Geno or just has reached the point of not caring anymore. But there's good news. I also foresaw good versions coming so maybe he'll get saved. We just have to figure out his location."He explains
I get back up and smile.
"Well then I'll contact other timelines' versions of me to check in on things."Paps says
They all look at him in surprise.
"What? I've been places and met people! What do you expect?"He says
I chuckle as they all start to plan after that comment.
Geno, we're coming....I'm coming. And I'm going to keep you safe.
Geno's POV again
"Come on, bud! I'll make sure to make it quick and painless!"Reaper shouts behind me
"NOPE!"I yell, continuing to run
I fire bone attacks again but suddenly get pulled to the side between two houses. My mouth is covered before anything could be said and I was shushed. The murderous Reaper went right past without a single glance. I look to see another Reaper had saved me. No scarf but maybe it's him?
"Reaper..."I say softly
He smiles.
"Hey, sweetheart.~ I've been looking for you everywhere."He says
He opens a portal but this one looked different....Before I could do anything he pulled me through it and inside a house I've never seen before. I lean against a wall, glancing around.
"Ah, home sweet home is finally complete with you."He says
He starts breaking down into tears.
"I've been looking for you for so long, hun. I was so worried and didn't know what to think...I heard rumors and knew the statistics...They said I'd never find you but here you are! And to think that you were getting attacked and hunted down by another me this entire time..Heh, am I really that bad to you? Hehe....I just love having you back."His says, wiping his tears as his hood bubbles with hearts
I smile, finding this a much friendlier setting even if it's not my Reaper. He places a hand on my cheek.
"He...I....That one didn't hurt you, did he?"He asks
"No...I made sure to stay at a distance from him."I say
"Oh thank the heavens!"He says
I saw joy, worry and a mix of other emotions in his eyes. He looked so relieved.
I notice a ring on his finger. It looked like an engagment ring. Wait....Are we-? Is he-? Am I-? In this timeline?
Before I could question things or explain things, he pinned me to the wall and kissed me. I felt my face burn up and soul race in reaction while my mind was sent into panic mode. This kiss isn't meant for me...It's for his Geno....His Geno is still missing....How am I supposed to tell him this? He looks so worried and so happy now! He is crying! How am I supposed to tell him that he saved the wrong Geno and that his is still missing? It'll obviously break him!
He pulls away from the kiss with a smile.
"That was the only other me you encountered right? No horny ones? No crazy ones? Just that one?"He asks
I couldn't speak. I just nod.
"Good."He says
"Dad? Daddy are you home yet?"A little voice asks
"The nice-cream is probably gone by now with him..."A second says
"Perfect timing. I didn't know how I would explain your disappearance to them. I HEARD THAT RAVEN!"He tells me before shouting to the voices
Two little boys come down and peek in. They both gasp when they saw me.
"MAMA! WE MISSED YOU!"They squeal, running over and hugging me
They climbed up and into my arms.
The heck?! KIDS?! MAMA?! How am I supposed to tell all of them that I'm not their Geno?! I can't!
"See? They really missed you, sweetheart. Now, I have some problems to solve so I'll leave for you both to catch up. Raven, behave yourself and stay out of trouble. Goth, help your mother around. Mama went through some stuff and probably has to rest. Your uncle is down the street if you guys need anything."He says
"No promises!"Raven chuckles, waving to his father
Goth nods and nuzzles his head against my chest.
I just stood there, horrified at the situation and my mind racing with questions. If I'm here, where's their actual mother? His Geno? I didn't have the soul to tell them that I'm not the one they know. I only stood there in silent horror and worry as he left.
Goth looks up at me curiously.
"Mama, are you okay?"He asks
"Uuh...I just have a lot on my mind..."I say, dodging the question
"Oooo! Can we see Sissy?"Raven asks
Without an answer Raven snaps his fingers, summoning my soul.
"Why don't I see Sissy?"He asks
I quickly connect the dots. They're having a daughter?! And he's missing?! I felt even worse.
Goth looks up at me.
"You're not our Mama, are you?"He asks
"I-I'm sorry but no, I'm not. Your father saved me from a bad situation....."I say
They both smile.
"Thank you for sparing Papa. He would've been obliterated if he learned the truth. Our Mama has been missing for weeks with our baby sister Shino. Mama went to the doctor but never came home......Maybe Uncle Papy knows your version of Dad or someone from your timeline!"Goth says
Raven hops down and gets a notepad.
"Let's narrow things down before we call Uncle Papy over."He says
"Yay! Interrogation!"Goth cheers
I sit down and Raven smirks, Goth joining him with a pencil.
"Do we exist in your timeline?"He asks
"No."I say
"Are you married?"He asks
"No."I say
"Are you dating anyone?"He asks
"No."I say
"What's your relation to your version of Dad?"He asks
"We're friends."I reply
"Any special details that might narrow things down?"He asks
"I made and gave Reaper a scarf at a party."I say
"Alright, that will probably help things."He says
"I'll go get him!"Goth says
He runs out and a few minutes later returns with another version of Papyrus. He comes over and examines me carefully.
"Yep, you're not my brother's husband. He has a scar on the back of his skull from an incident with Raven."He says
I look at Raven.
"I was running with a knife and Mama chased after me."He says
(Geno:Hey! What do you have?
Raven:A knife!-runs off-
Geno:NO!-chases after him
Raven:Sorry Mama.)
"Let me check my contacts, I think I got messages from a version of me with matching details."Papy says
He scrolls through his phone and nods.
"Found him. He texted me about how happy his brother was with the gift."He says, then presses a button and lifts it up for a call
"Hello! Are you busy right now? No? Alrighty......Is your Geno missing? Yes? Well, not for long. There seems to have been a mix-up. My brother found a Geno getting chased by a murderous Reaper and brought him home thinking he was...ya know. His Geno. Well, after my bro left we determined that it wasn't him. We think he might be your timeline's. He gave your brother a scarf at a party, right?"He says, talking on the phone and pausing to listen
He smiles.
"Oh phew! Thank goodness! Well, he's unharmed and sitting with my nephews right now. My brother is out probably hunting that bad Reaper down now. He doesn't know the truth yet.....Would you like to speak to him? No? What about your-Oh, hello, Reaper. Yes he's here and okay. Wanna talk to him?"He says
He turns and hands me the phone.
"Let's get you kids something to eat."He says, taking them into the kitchen
"Geno?"I hear Reaper say
"H-Hi Reaper..."I say
"Geno! You're okay? What happened?"He asks
"Y-Yeah, I'm okay. Another you came to kill me and I just kept running through AUs....Then the brother of the Paps you just talked to got me out of there thinking that I was his Geno."I say
"What was he like?"He asks
"Much nicer than the one chasing me, I can tell you that. His husband is still missing though......"I say
"HUSBAND?"He exclaims
"Yeah, in this world you have a family.....Your brother's an uncle."I say
"If only you could see his face right now, Geno!"His brother chuckles over the phone
"W-Why didn't you come to me?"He asks
"I tried, but I think Gaster's barrier blocked me out."I say
"Just our luck......"He says
I could hear his anger.
"We're coming for you. I'm going to protect you."He says
A portal opens outside. A stranger comes through and looks right at me through the window. He smirks and lifts a knife with chains.
"Geno? You still there?"He asks
"Y-Yeah..."I say, locking the doors and windows
"Everything okay, Alternate Mama Geno?"Goth asks
"Y-Yeah, just don't go outside."I say
"Why?"He asks
"Someone is outside."I mumble
He nods and runs off to lock things up.
"Who was that?"Reaper asks
"That was Goth. He's one of your kids here..."I say
"And who's outside that's making you so uneased?"He asks
"I don't know, but he certainly isn't friendly."I say
"Alright, we're coming. You'll know it's me since I wear the scarf you gave me."He tells me
"O-Okay, got it."I sigh
"I love you, Geno."He says, heavily empathizing on love.
I felt a warm feeling in my soul.
"I lo-"I begin
I see that the call ended. I go into the kitchen and return the phone to Papyrus while the kids eat.
"Everything is going to be okay, buddy. Nobody is going to-"He tells me
Before he could finish, I fell through a portal that was opened right below me. I hit the floor hard and found my ankles chained, then something on my wrist. I try to open a portal or summon an attack but the thing on my wrist electrocuted me and prevented me from doing anything. I hear screams and gasps. I look around to see the stranger pacing back and forth in front of a bunch of chained other versions of me. Dozens of them with different or similar looks. Some were different species like human, cat, bird, hybrid, whatever. So this is where the Genos that went missing are....
"Okay, now for the newbies I have collected, let me make this clear. My name is Slash. I was supposed to die but escaped it. But I have been corrupted like the rest of you and lost a purpose. Or should I say, gained a new purpose. I have found that I have the power to change the code and give things a new purpose. So I have taken it upon myself to give worthless beings like you a new purpose by changing your code. You can't use magic or any abilities here. You cannot leave and if you dare to fight back, your soul will be added to my jar collection or worse. So you better get used to it. I'll be back in a few to see who will be my test subject before I repurpose you all."The stranger says, leaving the space
I look around and the other Genos wave to greet me. I felt hopeful. I could find the one that is actually those kids mother. I notice a bunch huddled together in a corner. I move over to them and see that they were protectively surrounding one in the corner that was holding himself tightly. I see a ring on his finger.
"Ummm, are do I put this...em, are you Mama Geno?"I ask
"You'll have to be more specific."He replies
"Are you married to Reaper with two sons named Goth and Raven? Are you the one with a scar on your head from a Raven running with a knife incident and have their sissy with you?"I ask, trying to be as specific as possible
He turns his head, showing a small skinny scar on his skull and nods.
"How do you know that info?"He asks
"Your husband mistook me for you and took me to your place before that creep got me here. Are you okay?"I ask
He nods.
"We're fine....for now."He says, showing a developing soul along with his
If that maniac touches his code who knows what will go wrong! He might delete the developing soul's code! I'm not going to let that happen!
He quickly hides it again.
"Are they?"He asks
I nod.
"Your Reaper is searching for the culprits and the kids are with their Uncle Papy. I will try to keep you safe. He is not touching your code."I say
"But how? He surely broke your phone! We can't reach anyone outside of here!"He says
"Well, I've heard about the disappearances and thought ahead."I say, glancing around
No cameras and no audio so that creep has no clue what happens when he's gone. Good. I slid my shoe off and take out a small device. I press it and it starts working. It leaps between to bricks, completely out of sight.
"What's that?"The rest ask
"It's a tracker. It sends a signal to a good friend of mine that will never be covered up or stop. He had a theory that the disappearances were connected or going to an untraceable place so he set it up to be small, simple and able to make the location traceable."I explain
They all sigh relieved. I smile.
"We are getting out of here. I'll even be his test subject to stall and keep him from experimenting on any of you."He says
Then I put myself away from all of them. I hear the door open and Slash came in. He looks at me and grins.
"Seeing that you're on your own, how about I repurpose you first as my test subject?"He asks rhetorically
He grabs me and quickly drags me away. Then he started multiple painful tests to the point where I lost count and got tired of screaming. Eventually he gave me a break and tossed me onto the floor roughly to rest in a seperate room. More tests would continue later, he wrote on a note since I lost my hearing. I couldn't sleep, feeling all the bones in my body getting cracked and rearranged forcefully while the effects of the tests started up. My eye was no longer covered and the skull around it was cracked horribly, overwhelmed by the tests.
I look into a puddle to see how bad it is. Human Test? Working. Genderbend? Check. Soul shown 24/7? Check. Hearing? Yep. Weakness? Check. Language change? Check. Who knows what else? DEFINITELY. Why turn me human if I can't even hear?
Suddenly there were bright red flashing lights, most likely a loud siren screeching with it. I got up to see what was going on and see everyone all over the place. They were breaking free or getting freed by a mob of Reapers that were zipping around. We're getting help!
Slash fled through a portal.
I spot the other me I met before and go over to them. I spot Goth with his brother and father. I help him over to them and they smile, happily reunited and leave before things take a turn for the worse. I look around, trembling. I had no clue who to trust and everything was speeding past me. I couldn't hear anything and just realized how hard it would be to recognize my Reaper out of the bunch. A ton are wearing red scarfs and it's not like we came up with a codeword. My body was screaming in pain, threatening to collapse. But I had to find him or Error. Error was the one with the tracking device after all.
Some more Reapers show up but they summoned their scythes. They started going after any Genos still trapped which was starting a war among the chaos between the Reapers protecting them and the attackers. I stumbled up the stairs and out of the dark basement that we were being held hostage in.
I limp outside and saw only one Reaper standing out there. He was muttering things I could not hear and turns away, opening a portal. Then I saw a detail that I had sewn into the scarf:His name so we could tell the difference and it had a bit of an orange shade.This has to be him! I felt terror fill me, thinking that he was leaving. I limp forward but get stopped by a human Reaper.
"I no te oigo. Soy sordo. No soy de un mundo humano. Slash experimentó conmigo."I say
(I can't hear you. I'm deaf. I am not from a human world. Slash experimented on me.)
He uses sign language to ask if I've seen his Geno. I had only seen one human Geno. I told him that but also to check the closet. That's where the jar collection is.
"I-S Y-O-U-R M-E H-E-R-E?"He signs
I nod, then point to Reaper. Then I felt a horrible pain from my spine. It was as if it snapped.
"REAPER!"I scream, collapsing to the ground and crying in pain
I couldn't hear anything but feel someone flip me over. I look up, seeing a handful of the Genos I was trapped with and the human Reaper. They send the human Reaper away and take my scarf off of my wrist, tying it around my waist to hold my spine together. They were all talking and then yelling with aggressive hand motions. Next thing I see is Papyrus looking at me with his scythe.
"W-E-R-E Y-O-U G-O-I-N-G T-O A S-L-U-M-B-E-R P-A-R-T-Y W-I-T-H B-L-U-E?"He signs
I nod.
"D-O Y-O-U L-O-V-E M-Y B-R-O O-R N-A-H?"He signs
I nod.
He looks over and yells before disappearing from my sight.
I shut my eyes, feeling my bones breaking and cracking. I open my eyes again when I feel arms wrap around me. I see all the other Genos had backed away out of fear. Slash was pulling me away. I slam my arms and try to get free but his grip only hurt me more. Within seconds there was a scythe at his neck and I got dropped. Then I feel my body get picked up. I glance over and felt my soul beat a bit faster.
Reaper had me in his arms. He looks at me and his first move was to kiss me. My face burned up and I look at him.
"Reaper...."I say softly
I feel his cheek softly. I couldn't hear anything he was saying and could see Slash running from his scythe and his brother behind him. His smile and hood bursting with hearts said enough. His hand slips up my back and I feel him grab something. I look to see wings sprouting from my back and flapping. I glance around to see Error, Ink and Blue staring like what-the-hell just happened? I look at him again and lean close.
"Gracias, mi héroe."I whisper
He looks at me and his eyes lit up. Then his gaze trails along my body. He says something with a questioning look.
"Soy sordo, Reaper. Lo siento. Lo siento. Es una larga historia...y creo que mi columna se rompió..."I tell him
(I'm deaf, Reaper. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. It's a long story...and I think my spine broke...)
He kisses my cheek. The human Reaper comes over and takes me from him. Then he goes through a portal as my body went limp and I shut my eyes.
When I woke back up, I was laying in a hospital bed. I shake my head and could hear voices.
"WHY DID YOU TAKE HIM FROM ME?"I hear Reaper snap
"Cause clearly you didn't understand what he was saying. His spine snapped in half from the tests. If I didn't take him, he'd be dead in your arms. And I'd do anything to help Geno regardless of the world. Also he went through hell as that creep's test subject, volunteering to keep the rest safe. If it weren't for him, who knows what conditions we would have found them in. That is, if we would've found him without that tracker. My advice is, learn spanish or sign language so you can communicate with him and be glad they were able to heal him and that he's recovering."Human Reaper says
"What even is this place?"Reaper asks
"It's a multiverse hospital center. The staff here can handle just about anything. Seems fair given all the chaos in the multiverse."He says
I couldn't move anything. My arms were heavily bandaged and my legs were in casts. A few minutes were spent on me just sitting to gather my thoughts. I look over and see Destinio beside me in a chair.
"Morning, sunshine.~"He says, trailing his hand across my body
He tries to dig under my bandages and I feel his fingers graze my soul.
"REAPER! ¡Ayúdame!"I yelp as he messes with my soul
Within seconds Reaper grabbed his wrist and shoved him away. He leans close and gently caresses my cheek.
"Hola, feo.~ ¿Cómo está ese ojo tuyo? Parece una magdalena podrida."He says
(Hey, ugly.~ How is that eye of yours? It looks like a rotten cupcake.)
"What the hell did you just say to him? You're lucky he's deaf."Destinio chuckles
"Mi sentido del oído ha vuelto."I say
(My sense of hearing is back.)
"Oooo!~ You're in trouble."Destinio says
"What? What did I say?"He asks, opening a spanish to english book.
He froze, slipping it back away.
"Geno I-"He begins
I chuckle a bit.
"Eres un idiota.........Te extrañé, Reaper."I sigh, gazing up at him with a smile
(You're an idiot.......I missed you, Reaper.)
He translates it and looks at me with tears in his eyes. He leaps onto me, hugging me and crying.
"Never scare me like that again!"He snaps
"Lo siento..."I say
He curls up beside me and clinging onto me as he tried to calm down. Asgore and the other gods peek in. Asgore smiles and Papy takes a picture.
"Looks like they won't be going anywhere. Let's head back."Undyne says
Gaster peeks in and frowns, which only seemed to make Reaper grip onto me tighter.
"I still wonder how Slash even knew where to look. Like the save screen is one thing, but how did he track Geno to that other world that he called from? There were no trackers on the phone of any sort and nobody else knew the location but us. And he had already gone there for the other Geno so he had no reason to return unless he was given knowledge that there was another Geno there....."Asgore says
Gaster got this look on his face like he got busted and was extremely nervous. He slowly tried to slip away but both Papyrus and Asgore noticed.
"Where do you think you're going, Gaster? You look guilty of something."Asgore asks with narrowed eyes
"Father what did you do now?"Papy asks
"I thought we'd need as much help as we could get and that guy wanted to find Geno so when we had a location, I told him so he could bring him back. I didn't know he was the enemy."He says
"But that would've been pointless! Sans was already heading over!"Papyrus says
"I think that was exactly the problem. Gaster, I've noticed how you've meddled with your son's relationship with Geno and trying to keep them apart. Tell me, did you send a stranger over on purpose just so they stayed apart longer?"Asgore says
He sent that guy after me? Let me get captured? Go through all that or risk something worse just so he can keep Reaper away for whatever reason? Now I see what Reaper complained about......
Gaster is silent, not making any attempt to deny it. Then two strangers come through a portal.
"Memoria and Ted! What are you both doing here?"Papyrus asks
"To see Sans' special friend that we saw at the party. We're feeling strong radiations from him and want to help ease it or investigate it."They say, coming close
They each poke my skull and shut their eyes. I didn't have a clue what they were doing. When they opened their eyes they both looked horrified and enraged.
"That demon is as good as dead!"They say
"What? What did he do to Geno?" Reaper asks
Memoria puts a finger on our heads. I could see Reaper's face grow darker each second. When the fingers were removed, he was staring at me with empty eyes, no lights in them.
"I'm off to kill him."He says
Everyone else left after he did. I shut my eyes to rest but hear some clashing noises like items falling. I open my eyes again and see Slash walking out of a hallway closet into the room.
"Dear stars I never thought they'd leave. Now, dear Geno, I have not completed your repurposed code. And I'm going to fix that down to the very last detail, including your name."He says, opening a code screen
He glances around then at me.
"But it's probably best that you're unconscious. It would be too cruel for me to do it while you're conscious again."He says with a chuckle as he lifts a hammer
Within seconds I was knocked out.
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