Chapter 34: Raven
"It makes a huge difference, Reaper. Do you really think me or my soul would accept anyone else? I get that the tests knocked me unconscious and I may not be all-powerful or whatever, but my soul isn't weak or stupid either."I tell him, crossing my arms.
He is silent. No denial of my question or agreeing with my reasons. Just silence and his empty sockets. That told me that he did think so...His frown grew and his fists clenched. I'm not sticking around to see where he takes this.
"Well, I'm done with the laundry. I have to run some errands so you can watch and bond with Goth."I say, pushing off of the dryer and past him.
I head to the living room where Goth was playing with his doll named Toby. They were coloring pages together.
"Goth, I'm going to run some errands. Be good for your dad. Maybe cheer him up a bit."I say
"Okie dokie!"He says
I grab the restraining order on my way out since it states that it will keep Gaster away from our home, Goth, and wherever I go with it. I hear footsteps running from down the hall.
"Geno, wait! We have to-!"Reaper begins
"Have fun you two!"I say, shutting the door
I let out a deep sigh. I remember what Life told me during another visit I took to her.
"The only reason that this new soul was able to be formed was because of the love that connected it. Your soul loves Reaper, so anything related to him or his soul was accepted by yours. Including his power. If it were any other god, your soul would've rejected it. Love is the energy that connected you."She advised me
Having that knowledge made the fact that Reaper even considered another god making a soul with me hurt more. I walk to the food market in the village and sigh, buying the food I need or Goth requested. Then I went to the tree, gazing up at the carving. I see a knife still stuck in the bark and take it out. I draw a line from the heart containing our names to carve another pair of hearts. I carve Goth's name in one and pause at the other, thinking. My soul appears with the smaller one attached.
"What to name you....Hmmm..."I mumble
A raven lands on the roots and the soul lunges at it, pulling me down with it. The poor bird got scared off but the point was made.
"Got it..."I sigh, carving Raven into the other heart.
I sit down against the tree, looking at the developing soul.
"You're....our child, right? Gaster didn't....ruin things, did he?"I mumble
The soul glows and spun a bit. I didn't understand.
"*Sigh* Well it's on neither of us even if that's the case...Gaster was the one experimenting....I won't let you become a lab rat....You will be my kid regardless."I say
The soul presses against my cheek, sharing a warmth and brightness as a form of thanks.
"Now...Do you think we should go back?"I ask
Raven's soul trembled at the question and I understood why.
"Yeah, me neither. Maybe I could see Paps instead...."I say
Raven's soul glows brightly and pulls me forward eagerly.
"Okay okay! We will go! But you have to hide! Can't risk anything when you're still forming."I say
My soul fades away as Raven complies as well. I grab the bags of groceries and move along, heading away from my home and towards Pap's home. Hopefully he won't get upset like Reaper either....
Meanwhile, with Goth and Reaper
Goth stares at the front door after it had slammed shut. He holds his favorite doll Toby close, some thoughts racing through his head. His papa looked so happy today. But then his dad came home and he could tell that something upset his papa. Even when he smiled at Goth and told him to be good or have fun, it was clear that something was wrong. And his dad was just alone with his papa. He knows his dad was upset when he arrived home, so is his dad the cause? Why did his papa leave? He didn't understand and grew worried.
Toby absorbed all his fears and worries that was activating his powers. But Goth's eye glowed brighter than before, showing a faint red which was the closest to a genocide eye that he could activate. Toby couldn't absorb anything to change that being shown.
Goth looked to his dad who stood at the door, frozen in place. Fists clenched, hood down, empty sockets and his teeth grinding together. There was obvious hostility and there seemed to be a darker, more hostile aura coming from him. Unresponsive too, just staring at the door with vicious rage. He never saw his dad so angry before where his eyes disappeared, so it scared him. But thoughts still entered his mind. Did his dad chase his father out? Did this aggression scare his father too? Did his dad do something?
Whatever it was, Goth was going to find out.
"Dad? Why is Papa upset?"He asks his dad
Reaper snapped out of his trance and looked at his son. The question confused him.
"You didn't tell me that he was upset."He replies
"He was happy. You home now. Papa upset now."Goth says, emphasizing on his father's current state
"Has anyone come here while I'm out?"He asks
"No...Uncies, Gampy Gamp, Wife...."Goth replies
"Wife?"He asks
"Mhm. Big Grammy wady. Wike Grammy Gramp!"Goth says
"Oooh..Life."He says
Goth nods.
"Toby saw Papa smile. Wife talk tuh Papa. Papa smile! Dad talk tuh Papa. Papa no smile. Why?"Goth asks
"Your father is very happy with me."He responds
"Papa gone thoooo. Why? You no smile. No smile scary....You scare Papa? Away?"Goth asks
Reaper pauses, catching on to what Goth meant. He was surprised that his son caught onto their tension. Though he didn't hide it either.
"You mean tuh Papa?"Goth asks
"Why would you say that?"He asks
"Gas mean tuh Papa. Papa gone if Gas home. You home, Papa gone."Goth replies
Reaper frowns, his eyes fading as the situation sinks in. Goth crosses his arms and pouts.
"Theruh! Tat scary! Scare Papa? Papa gone!"He whines
Reaper blinks and comes closer to Goth. Goth holds Toby tighter.
"Uh oh...You mad at me..."He says, looking down
Was he mad at Papa too? Did that make Papa leave? Scare? Mad? Why would Papa come home?
"Papa no home if you mad..."He mumbles, hiding in his scarf
Reaper picks him up.
"Let's go have fun!"Reaper says
"No. No fun. You upset Papa."He says, looking away
Reaper sighs. Goth's too young to understand what they got upset about. But he doesn't want his dream family to fall apart either.
"Well it will be resolved. He's not coming home soon so let's bond like he told us to, okay?"Reaper says
"Hmph."Goth pouts, hiding in his scarf from him and hugging Toby
Reaper looks to the Reaperlings that were awake and gathering.
"Watch the house. I'm taking him to a park."He says
He swiftly leaves, flying to the park to get there faster. It was on the edge of the forest and he couldn't help but glance into it, wondering if his husband was visiting the tree. He sets Goth down and his son couldn't get away from him quick enough, running away with Toby to the shelter of the play structure. He sighs, displeased with himself for upsetting his son. So young and already so angry with his father.
Goth quickly joined the other kids who were familiar with him by now. His papa would often take him here while his father was off working with his uncle.
"Goth! Hey! You are here!"One of the kids say, catching the other children's attention
They cheered eagerly and welcomed Goth happily.
"Is your papa here? His book?"Another kid asks
"Story?"A third suggests
Goth understood why. His papa would often calm them down from their hyper playing by reading them stories. These kids were big fans of his papa.
"No...."He says softly
"Awww, why?"One kid asks
"Who here?"Another asks
"Dad is here. Dad mad. Dad scare Papa and Papa gone."Goth says
"Your papa hurt?"One girl asks
"Huh?"He asks
"Your dad scare your papa. Your dad hurt your papa?"She responds worriedly
"Why hurt?"Another kids asks her
"My dad mad. Mad Dad scare my ma. Mad Dad hurt Ma."She says as they climb up the structure to the highest slides
Goth glances at his dad, who smiles at him and waves. Goth couldn't erase the scary look of anger that his dad showed moments before when staring at where his papa left. He clenched his fists...Could the girl have a point?
"Jess, no say dat! Goth is good! His papa is good! So his dad is good!"Another girl says
"Who your dad?"A boy asks
Goth points to him and the kids froze, immediately terrified of him. They've seen him at work and recognized his aura.
"Nuh-uh. He scary."The kids say
"Your papa should take you away from him. He be gone like my meanie dad."Jess says
Goth frowns. Reaper sees this and comes closer until he is underneath them.
"Is everything okay, Goth?"He asks, able to see how scared the other kids were
Goth turns away, not wanting to consider his thoughts. Jess steps in front of him. He remembers seeing his papa holding his wrist as he left. Could that indicate that he was hurt?
"You stay away! You meanie!"She snaps
"Excuse me?"Reaper says
"You no hurt Goth! Go! Go away! Like my dad!"She snaps
Reaper didn't have a clue what she was talking about. But it annoyed him how similar her statement was to Gaster's.
"I don't hurt my son. I won't ever hurt my family."He says
"Lie! You lie! You scare Goth's papa! So you hurt Goth's papa! Like my da hurts my ma!"She snaps
The kids roared with chatter, either of fear or of anger. They surrounded Goth and blocked the slide or rails so Reaper couldn't get near him. They were snapping at him, talking at once so it scrambled into gibberish for him.
"What's all this noise about? What bothers you children?"A voice asks
"Life!"Some kids cheer
"Nice lady!"Other cheer
The group of kids quickly ran with Goth and took lower slides to get right to Life as soon as they could. Life sat on the grass around the park, instantly brightening whatever Reaper killed. They hug her or sit around her, throwing Goth into her lap. She was surprised but smiles.
"Hello, Goth. It's nice to see you again."She says
"H-Hello...."He says, hiding in his scarf
She noticed his voice cracking and the tears in his eyes. The other kids were scrambling to explain but went quiet when she looked at them.
"Why are you all so upset? Why is he crying?"She asks them
"Him! Him! Keep Goth from him! Bad meanie!"Was all she understood as they pointed to the play structure
She was confused until Reaper came into sight.
"Oh! Hello, Sans. I wasn't expecting you here. You certainly scared the children. Do you mind telling me what happened? Why is your boy in tears?"She asks
That surprised and concerned Reaper. Then he glares at Jess, who glared right back at him and blocked him from Goth protectively. The little girl lost her fear despite being only two years older than Goth and facing Death himself. She didn't want Goth hurt like she saw her mother.
"They're messing with hi-"He begins
"Dad scare Papa away! Papa gone! Dad mad!"Goth cries out, hugging Life's arm before he could get the words out
"What?"She says
"Dad scare Papa away....Papa upset...gone...."Goth sniffles
"Ya! My da scare my ma like him! My ma only scare of my da...Da hurt ma so his dad hurt his papa!"Jess claims
Life glares at Reaper, catching onto what they meant and hoping that they misunderstood.
"Kids, you go to the swings. I'll care for Goth."She says, putting on a smile again
"No meanie by Goth!"They say
She nods.
"I'll make sure of it."She says
The kids nod, then go to the swings. Jess walked backwards, gesturing to Reaper that she'll still be watching him. Even on the swing she was glaring him down.
But it was nothing compared to the look Life was giving Death now that the kids were gone.
*Reaper feels his sins crawl down his spine*
"Sans, why is Goth saying these things? Where is Geno?"She asks
"He left Goth with me. He said he had to run some errands or something."He replies
"Did you have a fight with him? Is that why he says you are mad?"She asks
"Dad mad. Mad dad scary. Papa arm hurt..."Goth says
Reaper froze with that detail. Was he holding Geno that tight without realizing?
"Yes...We had an argument. I got angry and he left."Reaper says
"Hmm, and you hurt him? In what way?"She asks
"I didn't...At least, not that I'm aware of..."Reaper says
"Why?"She asks
"Well, he found out what Gaster's experiments achieved...."Reaper says with distaste
"Ooh! Congratulations!"She says with a bright smile
"What do you mean?"He asks
"Gaster's experiments were meant to see how your power made your son. It confused him how death's power creates life. So if it succeeded, you'll be getting a second-born!"She says
"...."Reaper is silent
Goth looks up at her.
"Wha?"He says
"You may get a new brother or sister, Goth."She giggles
Goth smiles.
"Toby like that!"He says, lifting his doll
"Half-sibling."Reaper comments
Life glares at him.
"No, full-sibling. Reaper, it would be pointless to test with other gods for your power. And even if he did, Geno's soul would reject anyone else that wasn't you."She says
"...It would?"He asks, feeling horrible as the realization hits him.
"Yes, because he only loves you. You do realize that, right?"She says
He is silent.
"Oh...oooh, Sans. Please don't tell me that you snapped at him over that."She says
"He tried explaining but I didn't believe him..."He says
Life groans.
"Sans...."She huffs, pinching between her eyes with frustration
"I didn't know!"He says
"You basically accused him of cheating on you! And with something that he had no choice in! Gaster didn't exactly ask permission!"She snaps
"I..."He says, speechless
"Do you know where he would've gone? You have to apologize."She says
He looks off to the forest and frowns.
"Yeah..."He says
"Let's go then."She says, carrying Goth over
Reaper leads them to the tree, hoping to find Geno there to settle this. But Geno was long gone. All that was left was the knife in the tree to indicate that he was there. Goth flies out of Life's arms to observe the carving. He pats the heart with Raven's name carved into it and giggles. Reaper only stares at it, speechless. He's still having the kid despite their fight about it? The misunderstanding?
Life only giggles.
"It seems that he has made his choice about the new soul. Raven is such a sweet name."She says
"He's actually keeping it...."Reaper mutters
"It's hard to give up a child when you have a connection to it."Life says
Goth lands on a branch and holds his head, shaking it.
"Papa! Papa! No!"He snaps, his eye glowing brighter than before
Reaper and Life look up at him in shock as they see a scythe fizzle into existence before fading away. Not even five and nearly summoned his weapon. But what's making him freak out?
"I come Papa!"He shouts, summoning glitches to form a portal
He flew through the portal and shut it behind him.
"He's already very powerful."Life says
Reaper nods.
"He might be at his brother's..."He says
"I'll leave you to that."She says, leaving
Reaper sighs, flying off to the home of Geno's brother. He knocks at the door, only to get greeted by his brother-in-law's glare. Reaper felt so much smaller under that gaze, knowing he did wrong. But Papy could tell, much like his own brother. So after letting Reaper squirm under his gaze uncomfortably for a few moments, he sighed and glanced away. He steps out and shuts the door.
"Who is with my nephew?"He asks
"He went looking for Geno so I thought he'd come here."Reaper replies
"You had one job, Reaper. Well, two. And you failed both of them. How'd you manage that in a single day?"He groans
Reaper frowns.
"I realize that I did wrong and wanted to come make it up to him. How is he-?"Reaper begins
"Horrible. He's horrible because of you."He snaps
Reaper grips his arm and looks down.
"*Sigh* He's not angry with you, Reaper. He's just hurt. You tossed his love aside for the idea that someone else would....Ugh...You didn't trust him, you made that clear. Why'd you even get mad at HIM over it? He didn't have a choice in it regardless of who was used on him for the experiments. And by the way, he just found out today just like you. He was still figuring out what to do and worrying about how it may go when you came home. He was being a good husband and informing you, unlike Gaster who would've wanted it kept secret from you. It's called communicating properly. So I think he needs some space from you before this topic comes up again."He explains
"But-"Reaper begins
"Oh and before you ask, yes he is keeping the child. He won't blame an innocent soul for something out of their control or wasn't their fault. He won't hold anger against them like you did. He's going to raise the soul no matter what you think of the soul. Already named the soul Raven. Nyehehe! He looked so happy when he told me so and when I returned the news with joy instead of anger. Besides, you got the child you desired already, what's wrong with him getting the child he already loves? And he's not here anyways. He knew you'd come here eventually and had to run some more errands so he left an hour ago."He cuts him off with a smile
"Then where is he?"Reaper asks
"Wherever Goth is. But my advice is to leave him alone. You've said enough to him for today. He needs space. And you can't change our minds. But you're welcome to come inside and think it over."He says, opening the door
Reaper nods, going inside.
Elsewhere, Goth arrived landed beside his papa. He smiles and runs to him for a hug...only to see him collapse. He stops in his tracks, confused. A strange mist floated over to him and soon he passed out as well. The only sound that could be heard is Geno's phone ringing.
Things are about to get interesting.
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