Chapter 32: Goth's Family
Many months later
"Reaper!"I yell
"What is it? Is everything okay? I got my scythe so just point to the troublemakers!"He says, gripping his scythe anxiously and looking around quickly
"Help!"I shout down to him
He looks up and sees my current position.
"Wha-? How did that even-?"He begins
"Shut up and get up here!"I snap
He flies up, seeing Goth trying to fly off if it weren't for my hands holding his and my feet hooked onto tree branches.
"How did this even happen?"He asks
"He saw a butterfly soar by, sprouted his wings and went after it! Now he refuses to go back down!"I say as Goth continues to cry, terrified of the height he reached
"Oooh, okay....Hey, Goth. Hey, little angel.~ Don't cry....You're alright...."He says, trying to soothe Goth
Goth opens his eye and looks at Reaper, seeing that he was flying as well. He looks amazed and it distracted him from his fear.
"Yes, see? I fly too. It's okay....Now, let's just go back down ok?"He says
"Dada..."He whimpers, flying into Reaper's arms
I see Reaper's eyes twinkle as big hearts.
"Gen! He called me Dada!"He exclaims
"Mmmhmm.."I say, muffled in his cloak as I hung squished between them
"Oh! Sorry!"He says, lifting me up in one arm as he holds Goth with the other
"Papa! Dada!"Goth cheers
I smile at him. Reaper slowly lowers us to the ground.
"I-Is this the first time that he-?"He begins to ask
"Dada! Dada! Paaapaaa!"Goth cheers eagerly
"Yes, it's his first time saying your name completely. Among others...But ours seem the most popular, even in pieces."I say
Goth gently feels Reaper's wings, in awe of them as he rambles some gibberish.
"And he got wings now....Man, and he isn't even two years old yet."He says
"Well, he's 1 and a half a year old. So he's nearly there."I say
"Can you imagine how he'd be at this rate?"He chuckles
"Oh, I have an idea. Especially how he seems to copy you."I say
"What? No he doesn't."He says as Goth tries to match his expression and mouth along with him
I look at Goth, then back at him.
"Riiiight...."I say
He looks down, seeing Goth copy his motion and chuckles.
"Okay, but it isn't like I haven't seen him do the same to you."He says
I feel a tug at my scarf. I see Goth pulling my scarf so he could wrap it around his neck.
"Exhibit A, Gen."He says
I chuckle, kissing Goth on the head as he climbs into my arms.
"Though now I'm concerned about how many kisses he could steal now."He sighs
I look at him with a smirk.
"He grows wings and that's your concern?"I chuckle
"I love your kisses, Gen! And sometimes it takes work to get it! I don't want to get cheated out of a reward!"He says
I shake my head, then Goth starts bouncing in my arms. He raises his hands up above his head.
"Uppa! Uppa!"He says
I lift him up and he kisses Reaper's cheek. I see Reaper's eyes twinkle. I smile, finding it cute before Goth dozed off in my arms.
"I don't think you have anything to worry about."I say
He nods. Then his brother comes over.
"Hey, Sans. I got the new lists from Gaster. These are shorter luckily. Let's get them over with."He says, then looks at me and Goth
He smiles at us and gently brushed a finger on Goth's cheek.
"He's adorable. He looks so much like you both."He says softly
I smile at that. Then he leans closer.
"Why does my brother look so conflicted?"He whispers
"Well, Goth grew wings and he thought that meant Goth was going to steal kisses he earned of all worries to think of. Goth responded by kissing his cheek before dozing off."I chuckle
He sighs, shaking his head.
"That's my brother, always with the most bizarre ideas."He says
"Hey!"Reaper snaps
Paps chuckles and takes his hand.
"Let's go, Brother."He says
I kiss Reaper on the head and smile.
"Don't get into too much trouble."I tell him
"Me? Never..."He says with a chuckle, then kisses me back."I'll see you soon, Gen!"
He soars off with his brother, the Reaperlings soon following. I smile, pulling Goth closer to my chest as he sleeps. One of Reaper's feathers tickles his nose and he sneezes, blinking awake.
"He's adorable, Brother. Have you both been well?"Papy asks, appearing beside me
"I've been doing well. He's been happy and healthy."I reply
"I can't wait until his birthday so I can give him the scarf I made for him."He says
I smile at him.
"I'm sure he'd love it."I say as he slowly dozes back off.
I hear heavy footsteps and laughs as a conversation comes closer.
"Oh, Gaster. You are as wise as you are foolish. You have a tower full of experiments and you didn't expect breakouts, damages or escapes? That truly is hilarious."Asgore says
I see he and Gaster walking along, getting closer. Asgore was full of smiles and laughs while Gaster was grumpy.
"But not that cell! Of all cells! I didn't even get to have my fun and learn!"Gaster whines like a child
"Well maybe learn not to do risky experiments or save them for later."Asgore says with a shrug
Gaster glances over to me.
"How the hell did you get out?!"He shouts at me
"Sssshhhh! Quiet down! My nephew is sleeping!"Papy snaps
"Don't shush me about my grandson! How did they even get out?"Gaster snaps back
"Nyehehe! If you're the grandpa then I'm a leprechaun!"
"What's a leprechaun?"Gaster tilts his head
"Exactly! Point is, you're not his grandpa!"
"As long as I'm the father to my sons I am!"
"Oh you little-"Gaster growls
Goth squirms in his sleep, opening his eyes. Everyone froze.
"Aww, hey Goth. Did we wake you? Sorry, we will try to be quieter, little cutie. Nyehehehe!"Papy says softly
Goth looks up at him and smiles.
"Uncie! Uncie!"Goth cheers, reaching out with his wings flapping eagerly
Paps smiles and kisses him on the head, playing peekaboo with him. Gaster saw Goth's wings and quickly came over. I pull Goth closer, unsettled by this movement and knowing that Gaster saw SCIENCE where his GRANDSON was. He frowns when I caught onto him and adjusted to his movements.
"Geno, a grandfather has a right to see his grandson."He says with a venomous tone
I pause thinking for a moment, then smirk.
"You're correct with that one, Gaster."I say
He extends his hands and smiles, expecting me to hand him over.
"Goth, your gramp is here too."I say softly
Goth smiles wider and his head whips around, looking.
"Gramp? Gramp?"He cheers eagerly
"Right here, Goth."Gaster says
Goth refused to look at him, leaning his head out before gasping.
"Gramp! Grammy Gramp!"He exclaims, squealing with joy and giggles
He soars out of my arms to Asgore, hugging him close. Asgore chuckles and cradles him in his arms as Goth gently feels his beard, in awe at the sight of him again.
Papy smiles, holding back a chuckle.
Gaster's jaw dropped.
"You gave him MY rights?"He snaps
"Can't lose what you never had." Paps says
"Geno!"Gaster snaps, somehow looking for my support
"What? You thought you still had those rights or title after you abducted us and held us captive for experimentation or so-called safety? Well you're wrong."I say
Asgore gently brushes his fingers across Goth's cheek, making him giggle. He comes over, cooing to the little boy. Gaster glares at me.
"I do wonder how Goth even came to be...."He says thoughtfully
Asgore summons his trident.
"Don't even start."He growls
Gaster stomps away, making Goth giggle. He summons a cloud of glitches and sits on it beside Asgore, smiling.
"Oh dear...He's figuring out his powers."I say, shaking my head
"We'll help you look after him."Papy says, Asgore nodding
"Thanks..."I sigh
Though we didn't realize how much farther Gaster had gone from starting and what he'd dare to do.
Goth spent hours just crawling around, exploring the garden Asgore took us to. We quickly learned that he does have Reaper's power, but it only seems to activate when he gets upset. Of course he didn't understand it so he'd cry when the flowers wilt from his touch. I can't give him clear advice but I'm not raising an Elsa kid so I just replace what was lost. I made him a flower crown to distract him while either Asgore or Papy remove the wilted flower from sight. Or they'd just revive it when he wasn't looking.
Over the next few days I learned that the flower crowns calm him down the most, usually combined with listening to my soul or snuggling me.
I made today's extra special to calm him on his birthday.
"Aww, he's adorable with that crown, darling.~"Reaper says as he lands beside me
"I thought it'd be a nice gift for him to stay calm."I say while he plays with the flowers
Reaper kisses me with a smile. Then a realization seemed to hit him.
"Dada!"Goth exclaims, turning to him
He starts crawling over but Reaper quickly leaves. That made him cry, not understanding why Reaper fled. He crawls into my lap, resting his head against me as I wipe his tears. He smiles and starts cooing again. My brother walks over, wrapping a scarf around his neck carefully. His eye twinkles.
"Each stripe is a family member, with you as the lilac center. Happy birthday, little one. Nyehehehe..."My brother says
He gets an eager hug from his nephew as thanks. He smiles.
"Happy birthday, Nephew!"Paps cheers
I glance over as Goth gasps. Reaper was bringing his brother over, his wings folding. But Goth's focus quickly zoned in on him and ideas were running through his head already. He flaps his tiny wings and raises to his feet.
"Dada!"He exclaims, taking shaky steps forward with his arms reaching ahead
His feet would slip or he'd stumble, but his wings kept him up. But once he got up, he didn't stop moving until he was clinging onto Reaper's clothes by his knees. The 3 of them were shocked, but I smile proudly at Goth. He's a quick learner.
"W-Were those his-?"Reaper begins
"First steps? Yeah. He doesn't want you to leave again."I say
He kneels down, smiling.
"I'm not going anywhere. I was just getting your uncle before the big mean man got him."He says
Goth hugs his face.
"Now, I have something for you. I think you might like it."He tells Goth, taking out a doll
Pap's eyes dull.
"A doll, Brother? Really? You know what that reminds me of."Pap says, sounding ticked
"Yes, but unlike that, this doll is meant for fun and to help him. He can play and not worry about his power. It absorbs his power with no changes, then the power fades away."He explains
"What do you mean?"I ask
"He is referring to Gaster's gifts. He gave me practice dummies shortly after making me and used them to teach me my job. Yeah...Free trauma for me to learn how things react to my power and well...die...Just touching a flower could've taught that but noooo, I had to see a dummy act through the stages of death before they pass....Uuggghh.....But that doesn't matter. This lil doll isn't like that and will make Goth happy."He says, shaking his head before booping Goth on the head
Goth giggles with his gifts. Asgore and Life had passed by already, giving gifts like making flowers grow or placing a promise of good health on him. Pap gave him a blanket and the Reaperlings snuggle alongside him. After spending the day celebrating his birthday, we went home to put Goth to bed. Within seconds of shutting his bedroom door, I get pulled into a deep and passionate kiss from my husband. He pulls me closer, getting deeper into the kiss.
"Mmmph! Mmm..."
He pulls back after my slight push.
"Hm?"He hums with a questioning look
"Not now."I whisper
I go downstairs and hear him sigh with disappointment. He pouts as he comes downstairs. I sit on the couch and he glances at me, sitting beside me before pouting again. He leans back, deep in thought. I glance at him and lean against him, a bit surprised that he just took it at that. I pull him closer, kissing him.
"I just wanted to get comfy without waking Goth, silly."I say
He smiles.
"Good, cause I can hardly resist you.~"He says, kissing me
I fall against the cushions as he climbs on top of me. He pulls my scarf off and opens my upper clothing to get at my body more. He gently brushes my bones with his fingers and kisses me wherever he could reach. My face burns as he got to my soul in my rib cage.
"R-Reaper...."I stutter, trying to keep quiet
"I love you, Geno.."He coos
The room starts spinning the more affectionate he got. I squeeze the edge of the couch, not used to this. This hasn't happened before when he does this.
"I love you......Spinning....."I sigh, my head falling back
"Awww, dizzy from my love? Did I finally woo you, my love?"He chuckles
"We're"I say, struggling to keep my eyes open
"Oh dear, are you okay, Gen?"He asks
"Feel....funny....."I say, my eyes closing
"Hey! Stay up! I don't trust this!"He snaps, turning serious
It went black, my eyes shutting anyway.
"Geno!"He shouts
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