Chapter 22:A New Glitch
"Geno...It feels so good to have you back."I hear the Reaperlings say
I smile as they lay around me, snuggling up on a peaceful afternoon. Everything has settled back into place the past few weeks. Reaper and I rebuilt our home and secured it better than before, not a single picture out of place. My phone had somehow managed to keep the memories in its files that were meant to be erased, so we simply printed or remade the photos to spread around the house. And we changed the layout of the house from before. We now sleep together in a single bed and snuggling more instead of having everything set apart like Reaper originally arranged. We still have respectable boundaries, but we've grown closer and those boundaries aren't as tough anymore. Right now Reaper is in a meeting after reaping with the Reaperlings all day, so he sent them home. I was just randomly flipping through pages of a book. The house is clean and dinner is in the oven so I am just relaxing. I glance at the clock to see it getting closer to six o'clock.
I hear chirping with a louder squawk and look outside to see a pair of birds looking in from a window. A cardinal and a red parrot specifically. They both flap their wings, their eyes glowing a bright orange once I noticed them. The ravens glance over from their perches around the room, noticing them. The hedgehogs and panthers raise their heads curiously. The cardinal just sat at the windowsill, watching quietly. I smile at it, having just read the symbolism of birds and knowing the little red bird is a sign of a sweeter message, and a comforting one when it comes to loss of others. I grip Papy's scarf gently. The parrot cocks its head, looking at me carefully.
"Squawk! Hello Sans! SquAwK! We wish you well. And so does our Creator. Squawk! So good to see you happy!"The parrot says before flying off
The cardinal follows behind it.
The Reaperlings look at each other with a shocked look or confused glances.
"Did anyone else sense something weird from those birds?"One of the panthers ask
The rest nod.
"What is it?"I ask
"Umm...We'll go check with Life before we assume anything."The ravens say, flying off
A few minutes after they left, I hear the oven ding. I get up from the snuggle-pack with the panthers or hedgehogs and go to check it. I open the oven with some gloves just as I hear the front door close.
"Something smells really good."Reaper's voice says
"Heh, welcome home, Reaper."I say, setting dinner on the table
He sets his scythe down at the door and smiles. The Reaperlings welcome him as I pour them some dinner into their bowls. I straighten back up again and feel a kiss on my head while they dug in. I smile up at Reaper.
"Where are the ravens?"He asks
"They took off to speak to Life about something."I say
I fill their bird feeders and hear him pull a chair out. We sit down and eat.
"So how was your day, Geno?"He asks
"Good. Did the same routine as the past few days. Read some books and looked at some quizzes in the newspaper. Even the Reaperlings gave their input."I say with a chuckle
"Oh, and what conclusion did they come to?"He asks, munching on a piece of food from his fork
I glance to the panthers and hedgehogs.
"Hello Aladdeen!"They cheer
"Huh?"He says
"Okay so the quiz was relationship focused and it was asking which character from Disney is your partner most like?"One hedgehog says
"We couldn't settle on Prince Naveen or Aladdin, so we went with a mixed choice of our own called Aladdeen!"A panther purrs
Reaper looks to me for my opinion, looking bewildered by what they just said.
"I mean, it doesn't sound too far fetched."I say, munching on my food some more
"Guess I have to see that quiz too."He says with a big grin
I roll my eye with a chuckle as he winks at me. Then he chuckles.
"They're still not used to me being in a relationship."He chuckles as he sips from a cup
I knew who he was referring to. The other gods and goddesses at the meetings. Even Papyrus, Asgore, and Gaster got their memories erased of our relationship, which is an interesting situation. Papyrus and I were quick to bond again once meeting again. Asgore met me on a stroll and gave the same protection order again to the other gods, stating not to mess with our relationship or face his wrath. Gaster's reaction was quite different from before, showing just how much he changed. He was happy for me to be Reaper's lover, regardless of my mortality. He only cared that we were happy, that I made him happy, that was all that mattered to him. It made me so much happier. And it certainly pleased Reaper that we wouldn't deal with his troubles again. But it is still funny to hear how they readjust to the relationship.
"When I told them that I had to leave the meeting, they didn't understand at first. They weren't used to me saying that I had to go home to see my Geno.~ It was funny seeing it sink into them before they let me go."Reaper chuckles
I nod my head, unsurprised.
"So, how much do you want to cuddle?"I ask, knowing it relieves him from whatever horrible things he saw while going through his lists.
He starts eating quicker once he heard that, making me smile as I go to wash my now empty dish. I go to the couch, his gaze eyeing me carefully as he tries to eagerly finish his food in the dining room. Then he quickly goes to the kitchen with a clatter of dishes and a rush of water, soon leaping onto the couch beside me. I wrap my arms around him, pulling a blanket around us. He happily starts snuggling with the Reaperlings snuggling closer around us. I glance up at him and he rests his head on mine.
"I love these moments....."He sighs contently
"So do I."I say, fiddling with the locket of his necklace with a grin
I feel his wings wrap around me. I threw the tv on but it only lasted so long before we dozed off together. I woke up and see the clock reading 3AM. I glance around to see the Reaperlings still curled around us. I glance up at Reaper, resting oh so peacefully. I raise my head, gently kissing him on the head.
"I love you, Reaper..."I say, happier than ever to have our lives back
Then I rest my head to doze back off again.
I hear loud screeches and chirping to wake us both up. I look around and hear Reaper groan as he sat up again, rubbing his eyes sleepily. I look outside to see the birds from before have returned. The parrot eyed Reaper carefully from the window while the cardinal chirps innocently. A fox even peeks in through the window, paws on the windowsill, eyeing me curiously.
"Puzzles? Puzzles you lazybones? *SquAwK!*"The parrot screeches
"For our Creator please."The fox says softly
I smile.
So their creator likes puzzles....Interesting...
I climb out of bed and go to find the newspaper.
"Geno? Why are these critters here?"Reaper asks
"I dunno. They want a puzzle this time for their creator."I say, walking back with the puzzle section from the newspaper magazines
"But Life doesn't like puzzles...."He says
The birds start chirping and shaking as if they're laughing.
"Life's not the only one who can make lives anymore."The fox says with a sly and playful tone
I hand the pages over and the parrot grabs it in its talons.
"Thanks, Sans! *SquAwK!*"It says, then soars off into the air
The cardinal stays behind, seeming content in watching from a bush growing outside the window.
I glance at Reaper, who looks confused and tired as heck.
"It's too early for this...."He says, reaching out to me
I smirk and climb right back into bed with him. He snuggles close with his arms around me.
"You'll find out soon enough, Reaper."The fox says before going off.
"That doesn't sound ominous whatsoever."He says jokingly
I nod.
"Now, let's go to sleep."He says, pulling me down
"Don't you have work?"I ask
"Empty lists.~"He says
I go back to sleep with him holding me close.
Over the next few weeks he would go to work and I'd go through a routine, basically just killing time. And possibly setting up some plans from ideas in my head. I'd often see the cardinals and foxes or parrots watching from a distance. They sometimes spoke to me but it was rare. I really wanted to surprise him.
One morning, I woke up with Reaper beside me. There was a loud knock at the door. Reaper was out cold snoring, so I went to answer the door. I find Gaster on the other side.
"Hello, Gaster. Do you need something?"I ask
"Hello, Geno. Is my son home?"He asks sternly
I could see how serious he is and got a heavy senes of tension hanging in the air around him. His patience seems thin.
"Uuuh, yeah. I'll go get him up. Come on in and take a seat."I say
He nods and I shut the door behind him. He sits on the couch, taking in the sight of our living room. I go back toward our room and nudge Reaper gently, to which he groans sleepily and opens an eye slightly to look at me.
"Something wrong, Gen?"He asks
"Your dad is here and doesn't look happy. At. All. And he is looking for you."I reply to him
He sits up quickly and takes my hand, going to the living room. Gaster looks at him as he rubs his eyes sleepily.
"We must go and handle an issue. Now."He says to Reaper
Reaper glances at me and kisses me on the head.
"I'll be back whenever this is settled."Reaper says, holding my cheek gently
"Okay, Reaper."I say, nuzzling into his touch
He puts his necklace on with a grin and follows Gaster out.
I smile at them, hoping for the best and let out a sigh of relief. Before I could even shut the door another group of gods show up. Mettaton was among them.
"Let's go hang out! We want to get to know you!"Some of them say
"And fix that fashion style of yours!"Mettaton says
I sigh, nodding with a tired smile. Today is going to be a long day.
I get dressed and follow them out, Mettaton pulling me close and the Reaperlings going out to have their own fun.
Meanwhile, Reaper's POV
We arrive at Gaster's room and it is dimly lit. The door shuts with a thundering boom behind us. I see Pearl and Life already seated, seeming really uneased. I restrain myself from smirking, ready to pull Pearl down if the need shows itself. I take my seat between them as Gaster shuffles through his records. Pearl leans close to me, a terrified look on her face.
"Do you think he is calling us here for...?"She begins
"Oh I know it is. You're going down regardless."I whisper back proudly
She looks even more unsettled now.
I glance to Gaster, who was angrily peering out a window and his face could be seen in a reflection.
"Does someone mind explaining to me why there is such an imbalance in my records?"He asks sternly
"I have been wor-"I begin
"Yes, yes, I know Son. I even plan to give you and your brother some breaks. But what I wanna know is why there is so much life."He says
"What?"Life says
"Specifically in certain Utopias a certain someone is making?"He says, glancing at them
"WHAT?"Life snaps, looking at Pearl
"You didn't know?"He asks
"No! I have been checking on some endangered species' rebound in populations! I had no clue what she was doing!"Life says
"Ah...So you may go. I wasn't sure if you had any involvement...Just keep the balance in mind or we may have another chat."He says
Life leaves, honestly looking relieved.
"Now Pearl, what have you been doing with those fantasies of yours? Bringing life there? It's only supposed to be illusions, not real people or worlds. You know that. And please explain what you thought was so right to cause me to think for an hour with the sense that my son got killed somehow?"He growls, coming closer to Pearl
"I don't know what you're talking about!"Pearl snaps, seeming completely unsettled
I grin, watching her squirm in her seat as my father continues to interrogate her, not believing her denials for a second. When I thought she suffered enough, I decided to speak up.
"I know why you got that sense, Dad. Pearl abducted my boyfriend to force him into a Utopia. But it turned against him so I went to help him but that meant killing Utopia's version of me. I guess you sensed that since it was technically a life lost but it was just her corrupt fantasy world that she trapped Geno in. Sorry for intruding, Pearl, but I wasn't letting my Geno get hurt."I explain
"Oh...Huh....Then why do I sense a dead soul brought back in that fantasy, with your powers no less?"He asks, glaring at Pearl as he processes the info
I froze in the seat.
"What...?"I ask
Don't tell me that freak came back from the dead? And with my power?! What if it goes after Geno?
"I sensed a broken soul coming back to life, breaking the balance between life and death. And they had your power somehow. So now that I had that info.......I'll give you the location of them to handle it and I'll deal with Pearl. Okay? Just be careful."He says
I nod, summoning my scythe and teleport away. Once I was away, I took out my phone and called Geno.
"Geno, are you there? Are you ok? Please tell me that you are!"I say
"Hey...Yes, I am okay! I'm here! Is everything ok, Reaper? You sound panicked!"He says, unaware to what I know
I sigh with relief.
"Okay...Good. Good...."I say
"Reaper, are you okay?"He asks worriedly
"Yes...Everything is ok...I'm just checking."I say
"Oh....Okay...."He says, seeming hesitant about believing me with that
"Gaster, er, Dad sent me on a special task but I'll see you when I get home. Apologies for bothering you, just wanted to check on you. Love you, Gen.~"I say
"Love you too, Reaper."He says
I hang up. Dad sent me the location and I went towards it. I have to handle this. I'm not risking Geno with that freak. How the heck did anything get my power? Even a piece of it is dangerous! I see that it leads into a cave and grip my scythe tighter. I go inside, looking around cautiously.
"I was wondering how long it would take for Gaster or someone to notice."A voice says
Then I hear a laugh echo throughout the cave, full of Nyehehehe's.
"I advise you to make this easy and get it overwith!"I say
"Awww, but I've waited a long while to meet you! I want to enjoy this after everything I heard about you! Nyehehe! And from what I've seen!"The voice says
I went deeper into the cave with a frown. Stalking? This just GREAT.
"Be careful what you say, cause stalking doesn't help your chances."I say
"Oh, as if I have to worry about my chances with you? You're the one testing your chances with me."He says
I hear footsteps coming closer to me.
"What are you talking about?"I ask
"Cause if you become anything close to that fantasy snob or hurt my brother, you'll be the one in trouble."He says
I realize who this is....Geno's brother. I lower my scythe.
I see a Papyrus with a glitched eye covered like Geno and by his arm, then see his genocidal eye glowing red&orange. He smiles, still wearing his red gloves but had long black sleeves with yellow ends. He wore a red jacket with a yellow belt, a pocket and black marks similar to his original battle body and he had a blue scarf underneath.
"Nice to finally meet you. It's great to meet the real boyfriend of my brother."He says
"How the heck were you watching-? Or even here ri-?"I begin to ask, lost in shocked confusion
"Well, Pearl doesn't exactly secure the fantasy worlds. I saw the garbage script or coding meant to be me with my brother and well...The Great Papyrus wasn't going to allow it. So instead I took the chance to have more time with my brother...And well..."He says, showing his soul
It was broken still but was glowing with a black aura behind it.
"The place became a wasteland after that fraud took my brother away. Everything started fading back to reality but then I saw a black wave of energy, killing anything that remained. It hit me but I didn't die, well die again. It made my soul start to beat again instead and I was put into a random village. I quickly adjusted to a new chance at life and came here where I found new abilities like making parrots, cardinals, and foxes that help me with my mission. I am keeping my promise to protect to my brother. They watched over you both and reported back to me, even letting me see through their eyes as well."He explains with a proud grin on his face
I send my scythe away, not going to kill my boyfriend's brother. But I honestly don't know where to go from here.
" I in trouble? Do you want to see him...? He's probably still home."I say
He shakes his head.
"No, no you are not."He says, then chuckles
"What's so funny?"I ask
"For a god of death, you are quite naive about some things."He says
"What do you mean?"I ask
"What do you really think Geno does while you are gone?"He asks smugly
"He tries to clean the place to his liking, read or do quizzes in the newspaper and stuff. He mostly chills out with the Reaperlings. When I come home he may interact with your....Papylings I guess?"I reply
He chuckles.
"That's what he and your Reaperlings are willing to share I guess. Nyehehe..."He says
"What do you mean?"I ask
He smirks.
"They go out quite often while you were busy. He often goes out for walks, gardens, goes to villages to meet friends or find work. He's been saving up a lot."He says
I look at him confusedly.
"Why would he need to save up? I'm taking care of him."I say
I don't understand....What could he save up for? He is often cautious and tries to prepare for that but what would he need to prepare for that I can't help or take care of for him?
"Your god buddies even took him to hang out today. I could show you."He says, summoning a red orb
He makes it bigger, stretching it until it's a flat oval like a mirror. We look in and I see Geno walking with a group of gods including Mettaton along a trail talking. They were going through a familiar forest when Geno paused.
"Hey guys I need to grab something really quick before we go anywhere."Geno says
The others nod and he goes off of the trails. He goes to a tree and whatever Paps is seeing from, critter or something, follows him and he climbs it carefully to a higher branch. I see the tree carved with a heart that had our names in it. My soul skips a beat at the sight. Awwww, Geno!
He reaches into a hole in the tree and takes out a rather large pouch that kept clinking as it moved like coins inside hitting each other. He tucks it into his pocket and peeks in the hole as if to double-check it. He nods and hops back down. He quickly rejoins the group.
"What do you think I should get for Reaper? It's getting close to that time where gods like him need more love so I want to treat him to something, especially after all that he did for me."Geno says, raising his scarf to hide his blushing face
Awww, Geno! You are too precious!
I smile at him as he grips his necklace, newly repaired again.
"Darling, knowing him, just being with you would be good enough for him. You mean the world to him."One says
"His doodles in meetings certainly show that and more."Another says
"More? What more does he picture?"Geno asks curiously
"Oooh, he hasn't had the chance to discuss it with you yet?"The second asks
"I do see him get nervous, shy or lovestruck around Geno. Who knows, maybe he tries but he forgets when he goes to cloud nine around you."A third chuckles with a teasing tone
Geno looks at them, confused and lost to what they might mean. I know what they're referring to and my face burns up. Papyrus looks at me with a curious, stern glance but cracks a bright smile as well. His warmly glowing eye seemed to burn into me like a fire.
Shut up! All of them shut up!
"Well, let's just say that Reaper imagines a planet turning into Saturn and gaining a few more planets into his world.~"A fourth says with a giggle
"What's that supposed to mean?"Geno asks, his skull burning a bright red as the others laugh
"Oh trust me, Geno, all will become very clear at my stop on our little hangout.~"Mettaton says, wrapping an arm around Geno
They continue to walk along, teasing and hinting things to a very confused boyfriend of mine.
Papyrus shut the view and turns to me.
"My brother wasn't kidding when he said your mind ran wild then, huh? Well let's make something clear. Don't ever hurt him or let me catch you taking advantage of him like playing dress-up while he is chained up. Okay? Now I'll go clear this up with Gaster. You go greet my brother when he gets home."He tells me, taking his exit
I nod. I let out a breath that I didn't even realize I was keeping in. Jeez that was scary and nothing near to what I was expecting.
I was heading home and had just reached the front door when my Reaperlings returned, looking lost.
"Geno? Where did Geno go?"They ask, peeking inside through the entrances made specifically for them
"He is out with friends."I say
Then right after I say that, my phone starts ringing. I answer without even checking.
"Yes?"I say
"Okay, darling, don't get mad....But I might've lost track of Geno."Mettaton says
My eyes dull.
"You just had to time it for me to be wrong, didn't you? How the heck did you lose him?"I ask
"Well...I took him on a fun little trip on the town, ya know? Took him to my special temples, just to have some fun. Our friends were teasing and giving suggestions. It was all fun and nice, I even gave him some clothes to try....But...."He attempts to explain
I groan. His "temples" are huge designer fashion places or stores that are almost always crowded or overdone with the details of both the products or the building itself. It becomes a red-carpet maze that's near impossible to get out of. I can only imagine what he was put through.
"But now you can't locate him, am I right? Just disappeared?"I say
"Well he'll certainly be looking fabulous wherever he is!"He replies
I facepalm, shaking my head.
"You couldn't have just gone to a park or something? Just had to make it complicated?"I ask
"Hey! I know what goes through your head about him in meetings! If you saw what I set him up with, you wouldn't be complaining!"He says in his defense
I groan.
"W-what if the style attracted the wrong kind of attention and he got taken? What if we just set him up for some creep's own intentions?"Another hesitant voice asks
"Do not blame my fashion for this mishap!"Mettaton snaps
"Mettaton, I'm coming so keep searching. Cause if they're right and he is hurt under your watch, I am not going to be happy."I growl, hanging up
Geno, you better be okay.
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