Chapter 21:Imperfect Paradise
Geno's POV
I slept peacefully in bed, dreaming something I can't quite remember. Everything felt peaceful. I was relaxed now. But then I hear a voice calling me.
"Sans! Sans! Wake up you lazybones!"I hear
Papyrus...? Oh right, I'm in a fantasyland where I get my life in my AU back with the pacifist ending of life. On the surface in a village between humans and monsters peacefully and the RESET button is destroyed. Instead of my save screen space and poor conditions being shaped there, my eye is broken from misusing a shortcut to go down Mt. Ebott, falling and getting wounded....It's all too good to be true...
I wake up and see Papyrus leaning over me.
"Heya, Paps. What's up?"I ask, sitting up
He crosses his arms and does his best to glare at me.
"Sans you lazybones! You didn't tell me you had a boyfriend! Why would you keep that from me?"He asks
What?! He knows about Reaper? How?
"What are you talking about?"I ask
"Nyeh? So you weren't hiding him from me? Someone is at the door claiming to be your boyfriend."He says, looking disappointed more than confused
"Umm...That's complicated to explain..."I say
His eyes spark with hope.
"So you do have a boyfriend? I was so excited when he said so! You could be happy with someone, Sans! Nyehehehe!"He says, picking me up and spinning happily
I smile at him.
"Even if I'm a lazybones?"I ask jokingly
"A terrific lazybones! You're my Sans-sational brother after all!"He says, setting me down
I chuckle at him using a pun to convince me. Then he gets a serious look.
"But if this boyfriend of yours tries anything to harm you, I, The Great Papyrus will capture him for some lessons."He says, clenching gloved fists to give me a hint
"Of course, Paps."I say
We go downstairs with him smiling and clapping eagerly. I open the door and see a very....different Reaper. At first I didn't recognize him.
He stood there with a pencil taped to the side of his head, wearing a hat and sunglasses as well. He wore a heavy coat, tuxedo and black boots with a briefcase slung over his shoulder like a messenger bag. He had a watch on his wrist and his eyes were grey. And no sign of his wings or the joyful, humorous or daringly affectionate guy that I love.
"Hello, Geno, I've missed you."He says
I shut the door on his face.
"What's wrong, Sans?"Paps asks
"That's not my boyfriend...It can't be Reaper...."I mutter
"Why not?"He asks
"My boyfriend had wings, a scythe and wore a cloak! He had a smile and his eyes were a bright white that glowed! And his voice was full of cheer or affection, not dull like that! He wasn't some business style, he was free and wild! And he doesn't even have the necklace we share on him!"I explain to him
I hold my necklace tightly by the chain.
"Well, he might've changed Sans. Maybe he wanted to be his best when coming here for the first time."He says
I tensed for a moment hearing that word. Best. That's all I've been hearing wherever I go here. This is the best! Isn't this perfect? Nothing could be better than this! Perfectly arranged in a world where everything is constantly at its best! Isn't this the best version of life that you wanted? Constant use of those phrases way too common to be coincedence...
Not a single bad thing happens here, at least nothing they speak about. Always beautiful clear skies, not a single cloud or storm. No crime or violence at all, which makes it so quiet that it's almost concerning. It just isn't realistic and it gives me the creeps. Everyone is constantly happy, like everything is sunshine and rainbows. Heck, Papyrus doesn't even argue with me about picking up my sock! The most I get is a lazybones comment! I get he's an optimist but still! Nobody shows any other emotion and it's so out of character!
I sigh, nodding to Papy before opening the door to see "Reaper" checking his watch. He looks at me and his eyes go blank, staring at me without any emotion. His body went stiff, like a soldier looking for orders.
"Hello...Reaper..." I say
He blinks, seeming to focus on me.
"Hey Sans, I'm here to take you on a date. We can still make it on time if we go now."He says
I was unsettled but I had no legit reason to deny him...So I stepped out and looked back at my brother and smile.
"Bye Paps, love you."I say
Reaper leads me away. I look at him and see he was already swiping on his phone. I cautiously reach for his hand but he tucks his hand away.
"Reaper...?"I say
"Yeah?"He says
"Can I hold your hand?"I ask
"Why would you do that? I could hurt you easily."He says
"We'd always hold hands..."I say, growing even more unsettled by him
He pauses, seeming to consider this information.
"Well I'd rather not risk it."He says
"I don't understand why you've changed so much..."I say quietly
"I had to make sure I couldn't do anything...bring any you. I retired as a death god, giving up my powers too, cut off from my father and all those other troublemakers. Then I started life over to become a new version of myself and new life. I made myself into a new person that is much more reserved and successful, more capable to protect and take care of you. Not the wild idiot causing you trouble. And I'll do what I can to keep it that way..."He says
"But if you don't have powers, then why can't you hold my hand?"I ask
"I'm not going to even take that chance. I want things to be perfect. Now, we arrived, let's have fun."He says
The next few weeks were full of strange days and dates, Reaper acting weird on each one. His phone number changed from the one that I know it as, his speech changed completely and his attitude or actions were way off. He took me to these cliche date settings, the kinds you see in movies. Horseback riding, movies, walking on the beach, fancy dinners, etc. And he would flash his money, spending wildly to show his affections or to impress me. He often sent gifts to the house, yet never let me come close to touching him. At some point I tried to accept this reality, or fantasy world I should say, thinking he was just handling the guilt of the near-death accident. So I tried to open up and show affection to him. I'd try to hold his hand, hug him, even kiss him to show him that everything is okay. But he'd either use blue magic to hold me away, or he'd squirm and fight until he was away from me. He apparently coded a virtual tool to replicate a hologram of holding hands or high fives so he wouldn't have to touch me.
The one always looking to cuddle or show affection was now too scared or strict to do so...I'm meant to believe that he gave up everything and as someone who could hardly figure out how FaceTime worked, suddenly was able to CODE complex programs in his phone to avoid physical touch? I don't think so. It wasn't like him and I couldn't take it. This place took all the things I loved about him, what made him so great, and replaced it with a stranger.
This couldn't be real....No matter how much it wants to be perfect.
One morning I woke up to hearing Reaper laughing. I glance around but he was nowhere in sight and he wasn't on my phone. And as I listen, it turns into a much sadder laugh. I realize it's from the necklace. I grip it tightly, my only reminder of what's real...reality.
"Oooh Geno....Why do I even keep this anymore? You're probably living the dream in that fantasy world with Mr. Perfect. I shouldn't hold this or you back...I'm sorry for everything...."He says in a broken voice, laughing at himself
"Reaper....No..."I whisper, feeling my soul ache hearing his pain
He has no idea how wrong he is.
"I hope you're happier now."He says
Then the necklace shattered to pieces before my eye, the glow dimming as it fell apart onto the pillow I rested on.
"Noo! Reaper!"I snap, shocked and devastated
I couldn't hear him anymore. And that was the last thing I heard him say...But it confirmed that I wasn't in a real reality besides my own suspicions. It was too twisted into "good" to be true. But I won't leave him with that horrible thought. I take out my phone and call his actual phone number, not the one this faker has.
"G-Geno?"He squeaks, sounding surprised to have my call
"Hey Reaper....You're a big dummy, ya know that?"I say, unsure of what to even say in this situation
"You really remember me?"He asks
"My memory never got wiped, Reaper. It was just that anything connecting us was erased."I reply
"Then how'd you call me?"He asks
"I memorized it, obviously."I say
"Geno....I'm so sorry....I never wanted to hurt you...To scare you...I-I-I-"He begins, choking on his own words or tears
"Reaper, it's okay...I understand Reaper...It's not your fault. You didn't know and given what happened before, the shit you went through...You can't be thrown under the bus for that. I'm not upset with you, I was more...Upset that you were put through that. That they broke you down to a state that I've never seen you reach."I tell him
He was silent, but I heard his breath hitch as if he wasn't expecting to hear that from me.
"But....I nearly killed you."He says
"No, you nearly killed some owl that was causing you trouble. That god should've stayed out of it, cause he hurt you and it was just a domino effect. I don't hold anything against you, Reaper."I say honestly
I made peace with the events while I was stuck here, so I wasn't lying.
"R-Really?"He asks
"How could I hold that against you when you gave up everything to save my life from that bigger nutcase? I love you, you dummy."I say
He starts laughing, this one being mixed between joy and sadness.
"I was going to come to you at that old shack after giving you space to fix things. I had this whole thing planned and was ready for the worst and yet....Here we are....How's Mr. Perfect?"He asks with a sigh
"Stop talking in third person, Reaper."I say
"Not me, the perfect one."He says, not getting it
"There you go again...*sigh*....I dunno, how are you Reaper?"I ask with a smile
Silence and then a gasp told me that it clicked.
"B-b-but you were sent to paradise! Every dream you've ever had is perfect there! I don't understand!"He says
"Oh so you sent me to LaLa Land?"I ask
"N-No! Another god got to you before me and sent you there...To free you from me."He says
"Well it's far from Paradise, I can say that much."I say
"What?"He says in surprise
"It's all so...rigid...robotic. Unnatural...Everyone is so out of character....Papyrus doesn't even snap at me for puns for example like he usually would to give an example. Plastered smiles and constant praise of this perfect world is constant. And they completely screwed you up, if I could even call him you, that is. Frauds and fake settings just doesn't feel real....Is there a way out of here?"I explain to him
"Hmmm...Nobody has tried to get out of her paradises before...I'll go ask. I'm sure she'll be willing to cooperate with me after how our last conversation went."He says
"Do I even want to know?"I ask
"Let's just say that I reached new heights that I didn't even know I could reach and she wasn't that keen on going against me."He says
"Okay then."I say
I hear a knock at the door.
"Sans! Breakfast spaghetti with ketchup!"Papyrus calls
"Welp, I think I may have to go. But I have two questions left. Is it possible to fix the necklace? Mine broke when it echoed your apologetic goodbye, I guess.."I say
"I'm sure it's fixable. And your other question?"He says
"You didn't answer the question, Mr. Perfect."I say teasingly
He pauses with a gasp. Then I hear a whimper from him.
"Geno....I love my life...You make my soul soar...."He says softly, sounding mystified and dazed
I could picture his blushing face and possibly his eye making a heart. I smile, feeling my cheeks burn a bit too.
"Good to hear. Love you.~"I say, hanging up
I tuck the pieces of the necklace into a pocket and continue walking. I have breakfast with Papy and then there was a knock at the door.
"Oh...He's here to have the big day...Great."Papy says with fake enthusiasm
"What do you mean?"I ask
"You'll see. Just...Be honest with him, Sans. Don't let anyone push you around. After all, money can buy love just as much as it buys happiness."He says
"Okay..."I say, getting up to go to the door.
Before I grabbed the knob, my mind started to let the info sink in and the possibilities of what's on the other side. I glance back at Papy, still eating his spaghetti like it was any other day.
"I love you, Paps."I tell him
"I love you too, Sans. I love your boyfriend and his family too outside of this bubble. Such a sweet group you have. Nyehehehe."He says with a knowing wink
I look at him in surprise. Then I check for his soul for the first time. I had assumed he didn't have one like I found with others here, but I was even more surprised to find that he had one. It was broken but it was beating. And his stats told me his timeline. It was mine.
"Nyeheheh! I'm guessing you caught on now. Yes, I am here, Brother. I saw the chance to spend time with you again and took it. Hearing your stories have been wonderful! Nyehehe! I wanted you to at least have someone real here as you worked through such difficult times. You should've seen what horrible script they had for this fake me! Nyeheheheheh! But truly, I'm glad to see you've gathered such a wonderful group around you and I approve of your actual boyfriend. I love you and if this is the last time we talk, it's lovely but we will see how things go. I've seen from you how unpredictable your new life is."He explains
I smile, shocked and overjoyed to have spent such wonderful time with my brother. Without even knowing it too! He's been watching over me or listened to my stories! Despite how weird this world is or how awful this fraud of Reaper is, Papy was always the center of positivity in this place where he felt real and we'd bond like brothers. He made me happier than anything else here. I couldn't just leave at this though. I ran to him, hugging him. He hugs me back, smiling at me.
Then, I opened the door to see the fraudulent boyfriend. Without a word he signals for me to follow him. He helps me into a horse carriage and I sit down, leaning against the edges. He sat across from me but I focus on the streets going by. My mind was filled with questions but also spinning with memories and ideas, planning a future....I look down at my lap, taking out the necklace and trying to piece it back together.
Then the carriage stopped. I realize we had rode away from the town on the surface and see that we stopped at a huge temple-like mansion in the middle of nowhere. Huge, complex, intricately designed or decorated, yet so grandly isolated. Nothing close to the simple, cozy, humble home we had that was distant but not isolated from everyone...I see a sign on the front yard saying SOLD.
"Isn't it grand? Doesn't it look perfect?"He asks
Flashing wealth again....Escalating even. This is what Paps was referring to with honesty and money...
"What is this about?"I ask
"Ooh, just a plan of mine."He says
I glance to see him extending a ring in a box to me. I frown, knowing where this is going.
"Will you marry me, Sans? Or do you want to see the inside first?"He proposes
Yes! Stall! I'm getting some distance from him before I answer that crazy question!
"Sure, let's check it out."I say, climbing off
We walk inside and it was just as extravagant as the outside. It screamed "LOOK AT ME! I AM RICH!" way too much and it was more intimidating than cozy. There was an empty room for pets that made me miss the Reaperlings cuddling up with Reaper and I after a long day. It just reminded me more that this isn't the reality and of the losses we were dealt. I didn't say a word until....
"Could anything make this more perfect?"He asks
"Hmmm...I could be living a real life..."I say
He looks at me in shock.
"How did you catch on? You weren't supposed to catch on..."He says
I see everything darkening in the skies and the once bright environment looking friendly turned twisted and hostile. I back away from him as he too shifted into something darker. It was like this fantasy was revealing its dark side.
"I'm not an idiot...It was too good to be true as my actual life....I thought I was dreaming so that was a clear clue."I say
"Did I give it away?"He asks
I back away further. He lost what little resemblance of Reaper he had and turned into a dark black figure with glowing red eyes.
"You were a big red flag. You were nothing like him."I say
"But isn't that what you would want? After all that he's done? We perfected him!"He says
"No, you ruined the image of the guy I love."I say
"Well if we could perfect him and this world, will you stay and act like this never happened?"He asks
"I'd rather the real him than to live a lie..."I tell him, then teleport to the most secure room I saw in this place
It's on the third floor with thick stone walls and an iron door. The windows were reinforced glass with steel window frames. Still to be sure, I got inside and locked the door or windows, barricading the door to keep him out. Or it, I should say. A storm starts brewing outside and I hear an animalistic growl roar from downstairs. Then I heard loud footsteps stomping up the stairs and something screeching as it is dragged along the walls or something.
"You just couldn't let it be, could you? You couldn't just let things be perfect or pretend it was! You just had to focus on reality! You just had to ruin it all and call it out! And for what? A reality where you're just a mortal among millions without an AU and a boyfriend that nearly killed you! We could've had something if it weren't for your love for him!"It yells, knocking doors open and tearing through walls
I could hear the violent storm coming closer from down the hallway. I didn't say a word, but I was ready to go out the window if it comes to that. I see the knob start to jiggle and it seemed to realize it was locked. Then the door starts wiggling like a piece of jell-o as it tries to keep out that thing that was ripping into it.
"We'll if you would rather no life than the perfect life, let me do the honors!"It snaps
I quietly unlock the window and start opening it, seeing the hinges burst off of the door. I grip the broken pieces of the necklace tightly. But I felt a warmth from it and lift it up.
"Geno's back on my list.....No...I'm coming, Geno!"The locket echoes with growing fury
I smile a bit but then hear another crashing sound that reminded me of the tense situation. It tore a hole through the door and pieces of the door were flung across the room. I quickly shove a stool and a few boxes in addition to the barricade to block the hole. I back away to the window, seeing that the barricade was getting bust through more. It was still screaming and growling on the other side, viciously trying to tear through.
I had two feet out the window and ready to jump when all the noise reached its peak. But now there seemed to be another distraction for it. Instead of noises of a break-in, it sounded more like a fight. It was too loud for me to hear any voices. Then a hand flew in through the hole of the barricade it tore through. I froze, seeing that it was partially black goop but resembling Reaper's hand. Then I see a black wave of magic sweep out across the horizon from who knows where. I had never seen it before but it wiped out all the nature around this house and was summoning who knows what. And it had gone quiet. I didn't like the quiet. Then there was a knock at the door. I didn't know what was on the other side or their plans, but not risking it either. I leap out the window and land on the floor down below. Summoning a bone attack, I look around for any threats this fantasy turned nightmare had coming. I was ready to run when I heard a voice call my name.
"Geno?"I hear Reaper's voice shout from the window
I look up, uncertain if that's him or not. He pops his head out the window, his hood covering his head. His concern was clear in his eyes. He called me by my name....
"My hibiscus flower! Are you okay?"He asks, flying down with scythe in hand
I smile, seeing the skies brighten up again. I could see the bits of his necklace shining in his pocket as he landed, the pieces clinking in his pocket.
"Reaper....It's really you!"I say, coming to him as his wings fold under his cloak and he teleports his scythe away
"Geno, how the heck did you break one of these paradises? Are you okay? Did it hurt you? I-"He questions rapidly
I was so happy to be back with him, the real him, that I couldn't help myself. I did what I wished I could do when I saw him cry at the ruins of our house....Love him and be by his side to make it all better.
"Mph!"He muffledly says when I cut him off
He seemed shocked at the kiss though. As I look at him with joy, pulling him closer with my cheeks burning, his cloak jolted like a cat's fur on edge at my touch with his eye shrinking shakily. His face was burning and he was hesitant to touch me, but after a few moments pushed me away to be away from the kiss.
"You don't know how long I've been waiting to do that to you again.~"I say before he could get a word out
His face burns up even more as he struggles to speak.
"B-B-but-! I h-hur-!"He stutters
"I believe we already had that conversation, Reaper. That's nothing and I love you.~ I'm okay, that thing didn't touch me."I tell him
He smiles now.
"I meant it when I said I won't lay a hand on you.~"He says
I recall what he had kept telling me when denying that he hurt me, or just reassurances of my safety. "I will cut off my own hand before I come close to hurting you!" And I saw a hand resembling his fly into the room...I look to check for his hands, both being there. I smile, guessing that he means the fraud. He feels my cheek gently.
"I guess I said the forbidden word here and it broke."I chuckle
"Forbidden?"He asks
"Reality. It really set them off. As if I was an idiot that was going to wake up one day with everything completely different and clearly a fantasy and say that it's normal."I say with a shake of my head
I look around, seeing a wasteland around us now that the buildings are crumbling down. I glance in the direction of what was my home with Paps, remembering what he said to me.
It wasn't all that bad....
Reaper seems to catch onto my gaze and pulls me close to him, hugging me for comfort.
"I'm sorry that it had to be a fantasy..."He says
"Nah, it's alright. I came to terms with that long before I was even put here...It was just nice in some of its parts...Paps even approved of you."I say
"Too bad that me is gone."He says
"No no, he approved of you. If anything he was disappointed with what this place made of you. He listened to my stories and liked you. He was more mad at me for not telling him sooner."I say with a laugh, seeing Paps' angry face
"Huh...Interesting. How bad was he?"He asks
"Okay, picture every cliche male in a romance movie mixed with a snobby rich germaphobe guy and that's what they made of you here. That was their idea of a perfected version of you. But I gotta admit, he was more annoying than you and not in a good way!"I tell him
He smiles wider.
"So you're okay with me?"He asks
"Always have been, Reaper. I love you the way you are."I say
"Then what do you say we get out of here? We have a home to rebuild, I believe. And the Reaperlings have missed you."He says, scooping me up
I smile at him.
"I love the sound of that."I say
He chuckles, looking happier than ever as he unfolds his wings and soars away. We land softly at the ground and I see all the Reaperlings gather around. I got jumped on as soon as he put me down, stuck under a pile of them as they chirp or wag their tails.
"Reaper....I think I'm stuck."I say
He chuckles. Then I feel something glow from my hand. I see that the necklace was glowing again, fixed perfectly now. I glance at Reaper the best I could and smile.
It's good to be back with him.
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