Chapter 17:Another Land
Geno's POV
I finally reach a village and saw a sign for a clinic. I enter the clinic and got set up in a room with bandages wrapped around my arm. I saw dozens of people pass by. They were all friendly until my glitches faded away like the rest of my abilities. Soon as that got spotted people erupted with disgust instead, calling me a freak and chasing me out of town. I ran until I didn't hear them anymore. They were throwing numerous objects that hit or scratched me, then I tripped on a tree root. I slid behind a tree and try to catch my breath.
"Where the hell do I go now? What is this world?"I wonder
I hear quick running footsteps coming closer and look up to see a tall skeleton with purple eyes flashing his fangs as he stretched a hand to me.
"Come on. I can take you somewhere safe."He says
"W-Who are you?"I ask
"Part of the royal vampire council. Listen, I understand you're lost and scared but there isn't much time. There are angry mobs coming. We protect folks deemed to be freaks like you. Now come on."He says
I nod and he scoops me up, soaring away. He lands at a cabin and I look around and see a bunch of log cabins. I see one nearby with a light shining through the window. I see the curtain get brushed aside and a stranger peek out, watching us closely.
"This will be your new home. Settle in."My guide says, giving me the keys
I nod and settle in, locking the door behind me. I check my phone and see that it had a signal. I dial Reaper's number, calling while I have the chance.
"Geno?"I hear him say
"Reaper..I don't know where I am. Someone took me at random from what they said and took my powers. All I know is that there's this huge forest with villages, I was brought to one by a nice vampire who said I'd be safe here instead...This is the first time that my phone worked."I tell him
"Geno, this doesn't change a single thing. I'm going to find you and show you that surprise.~"He says
"Are you okay?"I ask
"Awww, worried?"He coos
"I didn't have a clue what happened and wanted to make sure you're okay."I say
"I can see your pouty face already. Adorable.~"He chuckles
"Shut up!"I say, feeling my face burn
He chuckles, hanging up. I go to sleep, then a few weeks later there was banging on the door. I open the door to find the stranger that was staring out their window now standing at my door with a boquet of flowers. They looked so much like Reaper. He extends the boquet to me.
"I've been watching you for a while and wanted to welcome you to the village. You are very handsome and adorable. I want you..."He says, shoving the boquet into my hands
"Um, thank you? And you want me to what exactly? Who are you?"I ask
"I am Reapandro, second in command of my tribe and I want to get to know you better."He says, stepping closer to me
He keeps coming closer and I keep backing up until I am against a wall, not having a clue what to do. I also realize the flowers were roses. I don't know anything about him or this world, have no powers or friends to back me up so fighting would not be an option, and have no clue what is going through his head. What kind of mess is this? He grins wider.
"Ummm, I dunno why you have such an interest in me and I am very flattered but I have a boyfriend-"I begin
"So do I. He helps me hunt fish. My tribe couldn't survive without him. Wait! What tribe are you from?"He asks
Guess boyfriend means something different here.
"Will you be my ini nawi?"He asks
"Huh?"I ask, tilting my head
".......And what was your name again?"He asks
"...Geno."I say
He smiles.
"You'll fit perfectly."He says, then leaves and shuts the door behind him
The next few days were full of him visiting and opening up to me. I wasn't sure if I had much of a choice and wasn't sure how to explain my situation to him. Stars where is Reaper dropping in when I need him?
One day I went to the market and was buying some everyday groceries to keep food in my home before a harsh winter storm hits. People were chatting, whispering and children were giggling as I passed. I heard rumors and gossip gettings spread faster than the kids could throw frisbees.
"Soo, you had a love in the past I hear? Have you ever dreamt or spoken of having of having a family?"The clerk asks me
"I don't know who your sources are but I don't have any past lovers."I say
"Is there a current one?"He asks, leaning on the counter
I shrug.
"Yeah, but he isn't around...It's complicated..."I say
He puts a hand on mine.
"Buddy, you can trust me. I'm your neighbor. This entire village loves you too! They voted you Mother of the Village with the favors and things you've done for the children."He says, showing me some surveys filled out
Then he leans in.
"If Reapandro is....misusing his authority, I have a few ways of fixing that if you get what I'm saying."He says
I shake my head.
"No, he is fine. Sweet even."I say
"So I return to my question, do you want to have kids?"He asks
"I...........Never spoke of it with my partner exactly..."I say
"Understood. But what do you want?"He asks
My face burns as I actually consider it. The hell is wrong with me?
"Ooooo, I see.~"He says
A few days later Reapandro took me to a doctor for a check-up and was extremely happy to hear my healthy conditions.
A few weeks after that the door to my home was busted down and I was snatched from it. Some strangers tore my gown off of me and started measuring my bones, muttering to each other. Next thing I know I am wearing robes that drooped past my hands and was more like a dress than anything. It had some writing inscribed that I couldn't translate.
"Umm, what does this say on my clothes?"I ask
"It's a phrase meaning Mother of Death's Love. A tease made with Reapandro's nickname and today's big ceremony and all."One of them say
"Ceremony? What ceremony?"I ask
"The chief of our tribe died so Reapandro is becoming the new chief! As part of the ceremony, he chooses someone to be his partner, kinda wedding them in the process, and he chose you! You'll live happily ever after!"They say
"But I already have a partner!"I snap
One ties a ribbon around my mouth to shut me up.
A bell rings and they start pulling me through a hallway with a sunroof or light shining down from the ceiling and holy-sounding music was playing. They had my wrists tied with ribbon so I couldn't try to move that much or grab anything. I look around to see everyone around moving in a routine or ritualistic fashion, as if this is normal, but smiles as if this is the best day ever. I see Reapandro up ahead but instead of feeling bliss or joy, I felt dread. This isn't my Reaper. And as much as I want Reaper to get me out of here, what if he comes in to find this?
I had completely spaced out, lost in my thoughts. I was snapped out of it when I heard a familiar yell.
"There you are, Geno!"Reaper yells
I look over, seeing him come through the doors and his gaze zone in on me.
"Reaper!"I yell, trying to run to him
I feel myself get yanked back as two arms wrap around me. Reapandro was holding me against him. I still reach out to him, my hands tied together.
"The ceremony isn't over yet. Who is Reaper?"He whispers, taking the ribbon off of my mouth.
"I told you, I had a boyfriend. For me, boyfriend means lover. And he's my lover. This is a mess...."I sigh
"Break up with him."He says
"What?"I ask
"I love you more than he ever will and he won't ruin the ceremony. Get rid of him."He says
"Geno, are you okay? Who are all these people here? Is this the safe place they took you from the jerk that ruined my surprise? Perfect! You look adorable!"Reaper says, pushing his hood down
"Reaper...."I whine, feeling my face burn and soul skip beats
This isn't helping anything. He is oblivious and his affectionate tone only makes my head spin more.
Reapandro tightens his grip on me. I lean toward Reaper anyway.
"I-It isn't what I thought....Twisted area..."I say
Reaper looks at Reapandro.
"Who might you be?"He asks
"Reapandro, new leader of a tribe. He is helping me lead it and get twelve babies. Then I'll have a happy lil family."Reapandro replies
"Ya sure ya can adopt around here? It's a big forest and villages don't seem friendly or nearby. Let alone so many babies up for adoption."Reaper says
"Geno is helping me find that bliss another way."He says
"Well he is a genius. When you're done, I have to take him home."Reaper says, not picking up on anything
Twelve? Reaper help me! How is he not catching onto this!?
"Help me...."I whisper
"I could look for some kids too for ya! I-"Reaper begins
"Excuse me, sir, I think you've interrupted long enough. Shall we continue the ceremony? Unless this guy challenges your position."One of the guards say
"Huh? Ceremony?"Reaper asks
They explain the whole tradition and ceremony in the longer version then the person did to me and he takes a moment, blinking, then looks at me.
"Why are his wrists tied up as if he's not supposed to be a free and loving being?"He asks
"He is the gift to the chief as the new partner!"They say
It all seemed to connect in Reaper's head.
"Did he have any choice or voice in this? Did you even ask?"He snaps
"Reapandro said he would be fine since they knew each other."They say
He glares at Reapandro.
"I have watched him and he is too sweet not to miss.~"Reapandro says
"THAT IS IT!"A voice snaps
A stranger in a light red kimono ran up to him. This stranger could've passed as my twin but looked heartbroken.
"I have tried everything to get your attention or approval! I have cooked, donated, worked, talked, joked, laughed, played, fought, hunted, did everything for you! Anything for this town to keep it safe and for you to be happy but I don't even get a blink in my direction! It's like I don't exist. But then when this guy shows up you act like everything I was or did was unnoticed or didn't matter! It hurts! You only showed up to talk about him and I'm done being ignored for someone you don't know!"He snaps, in tears
Reapandro looks at him wide-eyed, then shoves me aside and kisses him instead.
I look up at Reaper and smile.
"Can we get out of here?"He asks
"Good luck with the kids, Geno!"Reapandro says
"You better not have-"Reaper snaps, summoning his scythe
"Relax, heard from a friend that he's been having his mind on things."He says
Reaper scoops me up and carries me through a portal. He feels my body down carefully and checks my body and stats, breaking the binding on my wrists.
"Are you okay, Gen?"He asks
I wrap my arms around him and pull him close, kissing him. I feel so relieved to be with him instead of...back there. He looks at me confused, pulling away from the kiss.
"I'm okay, Reaper. I just was....scared of.....what may happen there and was thinking of what they mentioned..."I say
"So....No kids?"He asks with a frown
"Why do you sound disappointed? Do you WANT me to have twelve kids from some random version of you?"I ask
"I-I'm not! I just wanted to clear that up. Don't want any jerks having kids with my hibiscus flower."He says, holding my cheek gently
I bow my head, knowing how close that was to coming true. How do I even feel about it? I don't even know...they're so mixed.
"Hey hey hey hey hey hey, look at me!"He says
I look up at him and he leans in, kissing me.
"When the time feels right in our relationship, we will talk or plan that out. You don't have to worry about that my dear. Ignore anything he said. Now, what would you like?"He says
"Cuddles!"I say
He smiles and carries me upstairs, placing me in the bed. He pulls me closer and kisses my head.
"I'm still showing you my surprise, dear.~"He says
I smile at him.
"I don't doubt that for a moment. Do I still have to wear the blindfold?"I ask
He chuckles.
"Maybe not if you keep your eyes closed.~"He says
I chuckle as he pulls the blankets over us and we go to sleep.
The next morning I woke up to an empty bed and I sat up, looking around. I found a note on the nightstand telling me that he's simply getting ready. I smile and get up to get dressed. I get in a nice green sweater with long pants and smile. Knowing Reaper, he's getting that surprise set up for today and I want to wear something nice for him instead of everyday clothes. I walk downstairs, finding him at the bottom about to come up. He glances up and spots me, getting off of the stairs. He wasn't wearing his usual cloak. He winks at me as he stood there.
He never dressed so formal....Tch, he's a dork but a handsome, sweet one.
"Hey, Gen.~"He coos
I smile at him and he quickly pulls me closer to him, one hand holding mine and the other around my waist.
"Hey, Reaper.~"I say, pressing my head against his
He chuckles, pulling me into a short kiss.
"You'll love it.~"He says
He takes my hand and leads me outside. He scoops me up in his arms.
"Close your eyes.~"He says happily
I close my eyes and he grips me tighter. I could hear his wings flapping as he seemed to take off. He was flying and I could hear birds chirping or geese squawking, probably freaked out by the sight of Reaper flying with them. After a little bit I hear music start playing just as he lands. He sets me down, walking me closer to the music. I hear gasps within moments.
"He took a mortal here?"Some voices say
"Are they on a date?"Others ask
"Shush! They may hear!"One loud voice says
"Stay close to me, Gen."Reaper says
I nod.
"You can open your eyes now."He says
I open my eyes and look up at him first, hearing all the whispering of the strangers nearby. I hug his arm firmly. I look around to see we are. It looks like we were on clouds and there were tables set up on the clouds. People were walking around and it seemed like some sort of resturaunt business in the sky. I could tell by their appearances or tones as they eyed us and whispered that they were deities or some sort of immortal beings. They seemed shocked or appalled at the sight of us. I could hear them whispering to each other. They were more upset from what they were saying about my presence or my relations with him than Reaper being the aim of their surprise.
Will they ever get used to us or our relationship? Why do they even have an issue with it at all? Doesn't matter, I'll just enjoy my time with Reaper.
My frown turns to a small smile. I glance up at Reaper and see him smiling at me. I feel my face burn. I glance away, leaning against his shoulder.
"Just stick with me and I assure you that you'll love what's to come."He says
"Alright, Reaps.~"I say, walking with him
A welcomer approaches us at the gates and his smile fades away seeing us. He looks at me, then at Reaper and summons a menu into his hand.
"Table for one, Sir?"He asks Reaper
I felt him stiffen up, his mood shifting completely to something darker without even having to look. I could see the terror on the greeter's face which said enough.
"Don't even start with that shit. Table for two, please."He says with a hostile tone
"R-Right this way, Sirs...."The greeter says shakily
And just like that, Reaper relaxed again. He looks at me with his dorky grin again and shifts to take me by the hand, leading me away eagerly. Seeing that joy, that smile on him, all the noise around us just...faded away. It didn't matter to me. We get seated at a table with Reaper still glaring at the greeter. Possibly for this reason, they swapped out with another waiter and ran as far as they could from our table. It was neatly set up, having a light blue tablecloth with a rose in a vase at the center. Reaper rests his head on a hand and gazes at me with hearts in his eyes.
"Are you ready?"He asks
"Hmm?"I say
He counts down on his fingers and then the sky turns dark, the candles on the table getting set ablaze. He smiles even wider.
"You mentioned that you forgot what stars look like after being in your AU for so long so...."He says, glancing up
I look up, seeing a beautiful starry night sky. There were various colors swirling around and there was plenty to see.
(I tried to find a pic similar to what he may see and the closest I got was this)
It looks truly amazing. I was speechless at the sight. Then I feel a hand slowly slip onto mine and look to see Reaper's hand on mine. I glance at him, smiling at him. His face burns up when I did so. He rubs his thumb across my knuckles.
Asteroids and stars started to fall from the sky. The waiter brings some spaghetti over to us. Reaper nods the waiter away and we start eating. He had a sneaky look in his eye as we casually talked, his hand still holding mine on the table. A star came spinning right into our table, getting stuck in it like a ninja star was just thrown. I glance at Reaper, who wasn't surprised by this at all. Instead, he ate away at a noodle, pulling me in until we kissed. My soul skips a beat and set a hand on his cheek, enjoying the kiss. I could hear gasps and cries of shocks or snide remarks around us but couldn't care less. I feel him shift and I open my eyes to see he came around the table to get closer to me. He wraps his arms around my neck, staying in the kiss happily. I wrap my free arm around him, which alerted him to how close he got by doing so. He pauses, opening his eyes and seeming to blush even more as he ends the kiss.
"Wow...."He says softly
I chuckle.
"Not what you expected?"I ask
"I never thought I'd get that far...We've never gotten that close..."He says, shyly going back to his seat
"Aww, Reaper.~ Never thought you would ever get shy with affection.~"I say with a slight tease
"I just...don't want to cross your boundaries."He says
I smile at him, rubbing my thumb over his knuckles now.
"I love you, Reaper. You don't have to worry about that. I want you happy too."I tell him
He smiles at me.
"Still just feels like a dream that I'll wake up from....Being in love with you...I don't want to wake up though...I've never been so happy..."He says, smiling wider
His eyes twinkle.
"I'm not going anywhere."I say, squeezing his hand gently
He guides our hands over to the star that landed in our table. Just by touching it, the star glows brighter before before fading away with little twinkling sparks going to us. Necklaces appeared around our necks, a locket resting on my scarf softly. I see it was black, blue, and red with the marks of G+R on it. I look to see his was the same. He smiles and holds my hand tighter.
I smile back but then hear a shout and glance over, then quickly duck when some lasagna was thrown my way. It was like a brick was thrown through a window and all the noises seeped back in, reminding us that we're not alone.
Reaper's grip got dangerously tight.
"What the hell?!"He yells, glaring around as he leaps from his seat
Utter silence swept across the tables and staff, nobody daring to say a word.
"What's wrong, huh? Don't like getting caught? Speak up! You were all so chatty! I dare you! You already ruined the moment throwing food at my boyfriend! So go on, speak up! I dare you! See what happens, you cowards!"He growls at them
More hushed gasps could be heard when he called me his boyfriend. Nobody moved a muscle.
"So if nobody is going to continue their complaining or insulting, who is going to fess up to being to idiot to throw that? Or rat them out? Cause he and I will be on our way now."He says, taking me in his arms
Complete silence. He slips some G from a pouch, leaving it on a table.
"Got a problem? Say it to my face."He says, unfolding his wings
He marches right out and soars off. We land at our home. He carries me inside and right upstairs to bed. He drops me in the bed and throws blankets up. He quickly climbs beside me as the blankets land on us.
"Now let's have some alone time.~"He says, seeming to calm down from his anger moments before
I nod.
"Thank you...Reaper. The surprise was lovely."I say, snuggling up to him
He smiles, his eyes slowly closing as he is surrounded by the warmth of the blankets and the now peaceful quiet. This beloved God of Death that looks so adorable and innocent when dozing off....I couldn't help but follow along, dozing off a few minutes later.
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