"Hey fuckers," Tyler greeted as he sat down at the table in the library which the group usually hung out in the morning. Their routine would include a lot of coffee, bickering and gossip, mostly about Brock and Brian on Marcel's behalf.
The library was buzzing with kids at the computers, typing loudly as they rushed essays and projects. Chatter, while quiet in most of the groups besides a few louder one's there, when put together was loud. John let out a sigh as he died in the game that he currently was playing on his phone. His eyes drifted up towards Tyler who was dropping his bag onto the ground as he began to pull out the chair, placing some of his items on the table as well.
"Fuck you too then." John said and Marcel laughed as Tyler flipped him off.
"Don't be mean just because you're having a gay crisis." Marcel's laughter increased and he buckled over, and John wondered how much sleep he got last night.
"Fucking piece of shit." John muttered, reaching over to steal Tyler's coffee and as he grabbed it, a squawk-like sound escaped from the tall boy's mouth.
"I need that you bitch." Tyler almost yelled as he leaned over the table, trying to take his caffeinated beverage back but John was quick to pull it away.
"Suck my small dick." John stuck out his tongue and as he glared at Tyler (with as much energy as he could), he could hear Marcel's laughter that had calmed seconds ago start up again.
"You wish I would." Tyler returned the glare as he finally loomed over the table enough that he was able to grab his coffee back from the brunette.
"Can the both of you shut up? It's way too early for this shit." A new, but familiar voice interrupted the two and the boys turned their head to see Craig standing there, arms crossed against his chest as he glared at the two with what he could muster from his tiredness. Why was everyone so tired today?
John and Tyler muttered a sorry before looking at each other, the taller one taking a sip of his coffee before sticking his tongue out in victory. John, while he loved Tyler to death, enjoyed their little arguments they would have almost every morning (which were always harmless and while they may insult each other, they had faith in the other that they'd never say anything that would actually hurt them.) Marcel would usually stay out of it seeing as though he got the least amount of sleep, but when he did join with any energy, John and Tyler were usually fucked since Marcel was the most cunning of the three. Craig sometimes joined them in the morning, though he usually would be hanging out with some of his other friends (who they were, John could not tell you) but when he did, he'd usually show up with a similar glare as he has now and always a new way of asking them, overall, to shut the fuck up. Once Craig left again to join the others , Tyler would always gush over how "fucking hot" he was when he was pissed off.
"Anyways, today's Friday and I was wondering if you guys wanted to do something after school with some actor friends of mine?" Craig asked as he looked around the three, noticing the three of them held similar expressions.
"You guys are hopeless." Craig's tone was similar to one of a disappointed mother and John shook his head, glancing towards Marcel when he thought of one of the guys that Marcel liked.
"I'd be up for it, as long as we aren't doing anything excruciating." Tyler's words pleased Craig and the blue-haired boy smiled, looking towards his boyfriend with soft eyes before letting the cold look return as he faced the other two.
"Who's going?" Was Marcel's question and John was thankful that he asked, especially since Craig didn't know about John's major crush and the question would seem way more confusing if John asked.
"Obviously me, your two favorites Brock and Brian, Ryan, and Lucas. I'm not sure if you remember the last two but they're chill don't worry." Craig's answer was responded by Tyler choking on his coffee as he looked towards John with a sly grin while Marcel's face became more hopeful.
"No." John mouthed but it was already too late.
"John's definitely going." Tyler answered for the brunette and John was tempted to hit him with one of his notebooks as his face began to turn red, causing Craig to look at the two with confusion.
"Wai- what?" Craig's confused voice made John hide his face by laying it down on the table.
"Our precious boy, Johnny, here," Tyler's teasing voice was accompanied by him wrapping an arm around John, which provoked a groan and a head-butt to the table. "Is having a, as you would say, gay crisis over Lucas." John swatted the tall boy away as he brought himself up, his face still red and he could hear Marcel quietly snicker as Craig let out a noise of confusion.
"Lu-Lucas? You like him?" Craig's tone made John feel even worse and the brunette nodded in embarrassment, bringing his hands up to his face.
"John! Don't feel bad about it. I just didn't expect it I mean, are you two friends?" Craig asked curiously and John checked the time, seeing that they still had 15 minutes until their first class.
"No..." John trailed off which Craig shot up in an instant, not just scaring John but also the other two.
"This is perfect! We were planning on bowling and doing pairs so you two can be a team!" Craig's plan was almost perfect except-
"Craig, you realize he's a nervous wreck in front of Lucas, right?" Marcel's tone was one of concern as he shot Craig a look with a raised eyebrow.
Craig nodded and Marcel sighed as he leaned back in his chair, looking at John and John thought of the night before when he had explained in the group chat everything that has happened .
"How about we do teams of three and one duo or something?" Craig suggested and John looked at him with a confused expression which prompted Craig to lean forward, his elbows resting on the table.
"I mean you, Tyler, and Lucas can be a team. I'll be with Ryan, and Marcel can hang out with his soon-to-be boyfriends." Craig's idea wasn't half bad and the other two even seemed fine with it, even Tyler, which was a shock. (though, John could tell that he would want private time with his boyfriend later. He just hoped it'd be after Craig dropped him at home.)
"Is that okay with everyone?" Craig's question was mainly directed at Tyler, but the others were also included. John just nodded, blushing at the thought of spending time with Lucas (and having his best friend there to help), Marcel was obviously on board, and Tyler took the same course as John and nodded but he slipped his hand onto Craig's.
"Anyways, John, let me tell you about Lucas." Craig's voice seemed innocent but that look on his face made John sigh and regret ever telling anyone about his dumb crush on the cute boy.
The day passed at a rate faster than what John would've wanted. While he wasn't the biggest fan of school (just about every aspect of it he almost despised), the fact that he was going to be hanging out with his crush, along with friends and others he didn't know too well, made him want this day to pass even slower. He should be fine, he kept telling himself, since he had his whole support system there and would be there in case of anything (John predicted that he'd probably have a panic attack in the bathroom if Lucas even tried to talk to him.)
Lunch was slow, but John was happy at the fact that, while still not the most comfortable in a one on one (or two) setting with David and Lui, he was becoming more comfortable with them. The two were good people, and John had found out from Marcel (who was close with the two) that they weren't a couple, which was disappointing to John since it was obvious that there was something between the two. David, while clumsy and even a bit annoying at times, always had good intentions and never meant to harm anyone. He had no filter and was definitely one of the funniest people he had met. Lui on the other hand was mischievous but he was always talking, truly enjoying being the one to speak, so that helped John a lot. He would always give John kind looks, already finding himself caring about the shy figure.
For the rest of the day, John found it hard to focus on anything but the thoughts crossing his mind, endless questions and scenarios playing through and he pulled out his phone a considerable amount, almost texting Craig planning on canceling but something held him back. Sure his right leg was shaking, his foot lightly tapping against the tiled floor, and his whole was screaming at him that he was not going to be okay but something still held him dedicated to the plans. He didn't want to let anyone down, Tyler and Craig gave up time with each other to help him out and he couldn't just back out, could he? Hell, he knew Craig, Marcel, and Tyler would all be fine with it, hell they could make up an excuse for him towards the others and he bet they'd have more fun without his anxious ass being there (Tyler and Craig could team up while Ryan and Lucas joined teams too, it'd be so much better without him) but he wanted to try at least. Even if Lucas found his quiet and anxiety-ridden ass dumb and thought he wasn't the most attractive then hell, John at least wanted to try.
When the final bell rang during his last class of the day, he was slow to pack up his things and head towards the auditorium where Craig texted them to go to at the end of the day in the group chat that included him, Tyler, and Marcel. His footsteps were slow as he headed down the stairs, letting his own thoughts start to block out the loud conversations that surrounded him. While John loved listening to them any other day, his mind was too occupied of different situations that he let himself fall into an autopilot state while his thoughts wandered (for a short amount of time since when he looked up after exiting the staircase he realized that at the end of the hallway was the auditorium.)
Outside of the large doors stood Craig, Marcel, Ryan, and Brock already. The others were probably on their way, seeing as though anyone with an even 13% functioning brain would want to enjoy their weekend, even if it consisted of no plans. As John arrived at the group, he realized that someone else had been close behind him and it was Brian. He mentally chuckled, finally realizing what Marcel saw in him; the obvious confidence and ( he wouldn't say anything to Marcel ) but dashing good looks. The man was quick to join Marcel and Brock's conversation, while ignoring the one Craig and Ryan were having currently. When John joined though, Craig was quick to invite him in and Ryan's expression in mere seconds went from confusion to one with a welcoming smile.
"I don't know your name but I do remember you from backstage the one day!" Ryan's statement made John start to blush at the intimate interaction he saw between Ryan and his boyfriend, which caused the older male to look at him curiously before he shared a familiar shade on his face.
"S-Sorry about Lukey- I mean Luke that day, he's very affectionate in the wrong moments! I should properly introduce myself I guess, um, I'm Ryan but you probably knew that." Ryan's voice was sheepish and yet everything about him was charming. He was obviously love-struck and John's mind immediately went to Lucas .
"I-I'm John, and it's okay." His voice was low and he felt embarrassment rise at how stupid he probably sounded.
"Weren't you two caught making out in the loft before?" Craig knew the answer to his question, but his innocent tone made Ryan's red face turn an even deeper shade as he began to stumble over his words.
Thankfully, he was saved (though in John's opinion cursed for himself) because Lucas had arrived at the perfect time.
"Are we embarrassing Ryan? That's one of my favorite things!" Lucas' teasing tone made John freeze and he knew Craig had The Look™ on his face right then. John mouthed a simple " No " to him as he turned to the new addition.
"Yep, got any fun stories to tell about our favorite senior here?" Craig's question made Lucas' smile widen even more but before he started his tale, he noticed John and the brunette did not miss how the cute boy's eyes widened with a slight glimmer.
"John, right?" Lucas' question made him want to dig a hole towards the center of the earth and scream out of happiness.
"Y-Yep," John's laughter sounded horrendous to him but he stopped himself and continued. "You're Lucas?" And when he said the cute boy's name, he moved to take off his hat (which today had a small rainbow on it) and was quick to bring it across his chest, a smirk on his lips as he bent slightly.
"The one and only at your service." Lucas' teasing tone made John's knees weak and he turned towards Craig who now was now interested in, of course, a new conversation with his boyfriend and Ryan.
He needed to put in the effort if he wanted to get somewhere.
"Your hat's different today." Was John's effort and he wanted to slam his head into the wall, feeling like the biggest idiot as Lucas stood straight up, looking at his hat for a few seconds before looking back up at John.
"What other hats have you seen of mine?" Curiosity filled Lucas' voice and John was slightly panicking because he had not thought of this scenario at all in his mind, nor did any possible scenario of talking to his dumb crush about hats even cross his mind.
"The daddy one." John cringed at himself momentarily, he knew he wasn't helping the conversation continue but when seeing the precious smile on Lucas' face (with wrinkles next to his eyes too, wow was Lucas a good smiler) made him feel more confident.
"That one's such a good one, I also have a few other ones if you want to see." Lucas offered as he pulled out his phone and John's nod was quick and he definitely looked like an idiot.
Lucas' lock screen was of him and a couple of other guys that John had seen around the school (he identified one of them, John was pretty sure they shared the same name, as a friend of his mentor, Cam.) His home screen though was a picture of Lucas and some Drama Club people, Ryan, Craig, Brian, and Jonathan. The wholesomeness of Lucas' pictures made John fall even more (if that was possible) and he only watched as Lucas pulled his phone close to scroll through his photos before sharing his phone again.
Lucas' excitement made John smile as he went through each hat, explaining the story behind them and in total, the latter counted nine hats. John almost pointed it out but he realized it'd sound too weird and he couldn't ruin this chance.
"So which one was your favorite?" Lucas asked, inching closer to the other.
"Daddy definitely." John's reasoning was so dumb and Lucas' eyes squinted slightly (in which John assumed curiosity) but in a second were open again.
"A true classic, I'd have to say that that's also probably my favorite." As Lucas said the name, John couldn't help the laugh escape his lips and Lucas joined in laughter. John was starting to feel increasingly comfortable with his companion, he felt as though his problems were being thrown out of the window, happiness engulfing him.
The conversation was cut short though when Craig and Ryan said they're going to head out and so the group started to head out towards the back parking lot. John expected Lucas to join Ryan or someone else on the walk out but he was surprised when the cute boy found himself at his new found friend's side, continuing their conversation as if they hadn't been interrupted. John's face was lightly brushed in a pink shade and he found himself growing more quiet and tired, so when Lucas had to continue on most of the conversation, dealing with just nods or shrugs from the other, John couldn't help the guilt rise in him at the fact he was making Lucas put so much in.
As they separated ways, John felt his hairs stick up when Lucas placed an arm on his shoulder while smiling with his whole face.
"See you there John." His voice was smooth and John's poor heart could not take anymore of this.
When Lucas turned to walk to Ryan's car, Brock and Brian with them, he could hear his own friends snickering behind him and he turned, causing Marcel and Craig to laugh while Tyler walked up and wrapped his arm around the smaller boy, leading him towards his friends.
"Guys I'm so fucking gay holy shit." John's comment made Marcel and Craig start to laugh even harder while Tyler joined in on the laughter now, loosely letting his arm around John go. John continued to go off as they arrived at Craig's car, mainly talking about how Lucas is so cute and by the time they were on the road towards the bowling alley, he had mentioned how fucking precious it is that he has a hat collection about three times and wow his smile is so cute what the actual fuck i think i might die of a heart attack. His friends were definitely enjoying that a bit too much, in fits of laughter over the sudden change in John.
The time at the bowling alley was even worse, seeing as though John found himself at a loss of words almost immediately when Lucas joined his side in a flash. The boy in the rainbow hat started to mention fashion and John had almost brought up that he too was interested in fashion but seeing Lucas talk passionately about something that was obviously knowledgeable in that he was so invested in made John watch him even closer. The group paid for their lanes and got their shoes before heading towards the two lanes they had rented. Tyler and Ryan had begun to enter names while the rest looked for bowling balls, John following Lucas and holding different balls, pretending like he knew what he was doing.
"Find one yet?" Lucas asked and John, in a panic, reached for a random ball and upon trying to pick it up, realized it was too heavy and almost dropped it on his foot.
"Here, let me help you," Lucas' tone had changed from joking to something much softer within a second and John felt himself heat up and he quietly cursed himself for looking and being such an idiot.
"N-No, it's fine, you should go back before they make your name something really stupid." John's comment was quick and while he didn't mean it with any intention of harming, but an expression of offense flashed for a second before returning to a normal smile, one that John knew too well.
"Yeah, would rather it not be something dumb like milk boy." Lucas' weak attempt at the joke and small laughter made John feel worse for his comment.
As Lucas walked away, John hated that he freaked out over something so dumb. God he felt like an idiot. All this cute boy wanted to do was help and John just had to freak out over worrying looking more like an idiot. How dumb could he be? Should he just leave now before they start the game and they can all laugh at his over-the-top reactions and drop him as a friend and be happier? Was he more of a burden after all? Wait, his normal shoes were within the vicinity of the group and he didn't want to leave that pair, they were his favorite boots. But-
"Kinda long picking a ball, eh? Here, let me help." The kind voice belonged to Brock and he was surprised that it was him who stood there. Brock held a warmth about him that could be felt by just looking at him; he was always known for being somewhat maternal and"irresistible" as Marcel would put it. It was hard not to feel comfortable around the man full of smiles and laughter; you could feel like his best friend after just one conversation.
"I, uh, it's fine, just, I don't bowl." John's stutters in the comment made it sound way dumber than he intended but Brock held up a hand, placing his ball next to him as he leaned down to John's height.
"Then I'll help. Plus, they're being fools over there and are still choosing names." Brock's motherly comment caused John to laugh quietly and Brock even let out a laugh himself.
"How does this one feel?" Brock asked as he handed John a ball.
"Light." Was all John said as Brock reached over and took it back, nodding slightly as he bit his lip, eyes roaming the rest of the balls on the rack.
"Try this one." Brock suggested as he handed John a ball and before he could tell Brock how it felt (which is thankfully a perfect fit), the boy continued.
"I'm surprised Lucas wasn't here helping you though, he was talking about you the ride here." Brock's comment caused John to almost drop the ball on his foot (a second time) as his face heated up, and he could only wonder what words were said about him.
"He was," John started before looking at Lucas who was leaning on top of Ryan, looking at the board which held three of the four names that should be listed. "But I accidentally said something rude." Though John wasn't one to easily spill things like this, Brock's motherly-aura was transparent and he felt like he could just trust Brock.
"Just explain it to him then, he'll understand. Lucas is one of the most chill people I know and as long as you aren't lying about the reason he'll forgive you." Brock's suggestion made John relax and he nodded, looking towards Brock who gave him a smile.
"Thanks." His comment was quiet and Brock lightly patted his back before grabbing his ball and standing up.
"I'm happy that you talked to me and I hope we get to talk more. You're a pretty nice guy, John." Brock's compliment made John almost tear up and the two headed back towards their group of loud friends and upon arrival, John spotted Lucas looking at him but as soon as John attempted to meet his eyes, the cute boy looked away. He sighed, trying all he could to keep himself from running a million miles from this situation.
Bowling went by slow but John was surprised to see that the best player was Ryan. Lucas and Craig were tied in a close second (making the brunette wonder how often these guys came here and played), followed by Brian then Tyler, and a competition for the last three places between Brock, Marcel, and John. John had given up near the beginning and started doing random moves each time, earning laughter sometimes and when he saw Lucas grinning at him, he felt the weight of having to talk to the cute boy get lighter and lighter off of his chest. At some point, since Ryan was far ahead, he decided to join John on the random moves (earning some intrigued looks from the family who was playing next to them), and even when John felt anxiety rise in his chest each time he walked up, looking back and seeing his friends who supported him and those he didn't know well but still he could feel support, it helped him feel better each turn.
The end of the round arrived quick and the group had begun to put their balls back and when John saw Lucas placing his back in the original spot, he turned to look at Brock who was happily conversing with Brian, Marcel, and Tyler, he remembered what the boy had said earlier and turned where Lucas was, slightly speed walking so they could have "alone time."
With a surge of confidence, he took a deep breath as he said a name he had become too familiar with.
When the cute boy looked up at him, he grinned and took off his hat to tip it towards him, again, causing John to bite his lip and a small blush to coat his cheeks.
"Hey John, good game. You can only get better from the bottom." Lucas' comment made John smile then the latter remembered why he had come here.
"I, uh, want to apologize for earlier," John began and Lucas' silence made the former shiver under his look. "I didn't, no I did me- I mean, Idid mean what- not in a bad way." John was a fucking mess and seeing Lucas' confused expression made him feel even worse.
"I didn't want to look dumb." John's apology was terrible but Lucas started to nod then shrugged.
"It's fine John, I was just worried I said something bad. Anyways, no need to worry about making yourself look like a fool because the show you put on earlier was enough proof." Lucas' second statement made John start to regret what he did earlier but seeing as though he was losing, he might as well just say fuck it and do whatever the hell he wants.
"Also, do you mind if I get your number?" Lucas final question made John almost faint or start panicking, maybe something in the middle.
Yep, this was how he was going to die.
as ive said pls send appreciation towards the best beta reader out there @Basically on ao3,, what a GAL!!! now back to this good shit um, wow, lucas being adorable and obviously interested is great? hes also such a charmer wow luve his actual soul,,, brock is also such a nice boy um wow brock deserves an award hes absolutely precious and im love him. anyways back to this i absolutely adore the friendship between john nd tyler nd marcel and i cant wait to show more interaction since theyre all loud mouth boys who are lowkey softies and deeply care abt one another <3333 hope you had fun reading this chapter and i cant wait for next week of how much will john die today?
ps i did drop a hint of another group that lucas nd john play with sometimes besides bbs (cough cough fitz, johnontheradio, swagger, etc cough cough) bc i absolutely adore those boys too,,,
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