This was a really great idea from Rose. I lay here underneath a white sheet. Cucumber slices over my eyes. A green paste face mask to open my pores. The green paste smells like flowery guacamole mud. It's smeared over my face. I can taste it. It tastes kinda good. The worst part is I am shivering. I am under a crisp white sheet in only my bra and panties. It seems this spa likes to save on their heating bills. They keep the place cold. My spa attendant left me two minutes ago. Rose is snoring in the bed next to me. I take a deep breath. I let it out slowly to clear my mind. I sigh. I begin to erase Gwen, the wardrobe room and Ben Solo from my mind. Ben Solo, especially. I won't think about finding them kissing all hot and heavy in the middle of the set. Or how Gwen smiled. Shit. She must know about my crush on Ben. Everyone probably knows. I sigh. Does Ben Solo know? God. I hope not. Scenes from the sex dream I had about Ben return to my mind. It was so hot. Stop it. You idiot! I shake my head and close my eyes. The memory of last nights dream will never become a reality. I raise my iPhone. I smuggled it by my too cheery attendant. I put it up to my face only to remember the cucumber slices over my eyes. I curse. I lift the slices from my eyes and take a bite out of one. I look down at my phone.
"Over here gentlemen," a voice announces."Is the room where you can rest after your massage.""
I turn my head to the spa's attendant 's voice. It isn't our Spa attendant.
"Your attendant will apply an apricot and honey goat milk exfoliating scrub to your face, " she continues." It will open your pores and brighten your complexion. She will also apply cucumber slices to your eyes to take away dark circles. "
"Sounds delicious." A voice replies dryly.
I freeze in the middle of typing one-handed on my cellphone. The voice sounds familiar. Is that Ben?"
"Solo!" a voice apologizes."Kindly ignore my friend here."
Shit. It's Poe. What the hell is he doing here? I got to get out of here before he sees me. This is all Rose's fault.
"Whatever, "Ben answered.
"Please go on, Jenny, " Poe replied.
I listened to Jenny recite her whole pitch to Poe and Ben. Quiet engulfs the room. I think Poe and Ben have left the room until Poe speaks in a loud whisper.
"So, this should be fun, " he says. His voice excited.
"Yeah, fun."
I wait for Ben to say more but he doesn't. Poe continues.
"It will take your mind off work and other things," Poe continues.
"Other things?" Ben replies."What other things are you talking about Poe?"
"You know what other things, "Poe answers."Like a certain pretty wardrobe assistant?"
"I haven't thought about Rey Nima for weeks."
My ears perk up at my name. I furrow my brows underneath my blanket. Ben Solo is thinking about me?
"Liar, " Poe answers.
A silence falls in the room.
"I have to lie Poe," Ben sighed."Rey wouldn't want me if she knew the truth."
What truth? I strain a little to hear. Ben's deep voice is barely above a whisper. Thank God the room is quiet.
"You don't know that, "Poe declared."She might want you just as much you want her."
"What was that noise?" I hear Ben ask. I freeze in place. I dropped my iPhone on my beds wooden bed frame. I leave it. I'm scared to death. It's quiet. Too quiet. I silently pray to God, Poe and Ben do not walk further into the room to investigate.
"Ah, its nothing, "Ben said."And no, I'm not going to approach Rey and ask if she wants to have sex with me. Not in this day and age. She'll slap my face and go to HR and sue me for all I'm worth for sexual harassment. It would be career suicide Poe."
"But, what if she doesn't go to Human Services ?"Poe challenges."What if she's says yes?"
A silence falls in the room.
"She wouldn't,"Ben replies. His voice sounds deep and very annoyed.
"But what if she does? "Poe exclaimed. "And maybe you'll find she's also into the other thing you're into."
Ben clears his throat loudly.
"First of all lower your voice, " Ben replies. "Second I highly doubt that, Poe. Rey isn't the type. She's different."
My eyebrows lift. Different? What did he mean I was different?
"Yes, she's too young, sweet to want to fall into a secret love affair with her boss as well as agree to the things i'd like to do to her, Poe," Ben answered. "That's why she's different. She would be probably repulsed by it and me."
"Does it have to be a secret affair, boss?" Poe asked. He narrowed his eyes at me.
"Yes, otherwise Rey will be hounded by the Paparazzi and the media," I reply. "They will follow her and harass her night and day asking her very personal questions about us. They will ruin her life. I won't let that happen to her."
"Whoa, Solo!" Poe whistled."You almost sound as if you're in love with Rey."
A quiet fills the room.
A small gasp escapes my mouth. I cover it with my hand quickly. Did Ben Solo love me? I anxiously wait for him to answer. There is no answer. Only dead silence. Had they left? I didn't dare sit up to see in case they were still there.
"Are you in love with Rey, Ben?" Poe teased.
"I'm not going to dignify that with an answer, Poe, " Ben declared. His voice cold.
"Well, " Poe chuckled. "At least you can still write Rey into your sexy fan fiction and act them out with Gwen Phasma. Gwen wants your body."
"Laugh it up, " Ben warned. "You know my relationship with Gwen is only a publicity stunt for the film. Nothing is really going on with us. So, keep it up and I'll be looking for another assistant director real soon."
"Tell that to Gwen, " Poe answered."She wants you back in her bed, man."
"Oh, Fuck off, " Ben mumbled. "Come on let's go find that spa attendant and grab a burger. The cucumber, avocado, honey smell is making me hungry."
Poe laughs at Ben's joke. I hear their footsteps walk away and quiet.
I release my breath. I sit up quickly, paralyzed. I grip the blanket over my half-naked body. My breath is coming out in gasps. What I just heard still ringing in my ears. Ben's relationship with Gwen is only a publicity stunt. Gwen wants Ben back in her bed. But Ben wants me. He may be in love with me? Well, she highly doubted that. Ben wants to have sex with me? But what is the other thing Ben is into that he writes in his fanfiction? I quickly lift my iPhone to my eyes. I tap my GOOGLE app. I bite down into and swallow the second cucumber slice. I quickly type out Ben
Solo (author) and wait. Seconds later, film director comes up as well as Ben Solo's complete biography. He wrote two books. However, they were about filmmaking and film analysis. I bite my
bottom lip and go to two of my favorite fanfiction websites. I type out Ben Solo fanfiction in the search box with no results. I frown down at my phone. He's probably under another name. Maybe he's in another fanfic website.
I wonder what it is. Momentarily defeated. I put my hands on my lap. My legs feel weak. I slide them off and over my bed. I am shaking. I don't know what to think or what to do about what I just heard. I look over to the bed beside me. Soft, light snores come out from Rose. She is oblivious to what's happening. I wish she was awake so I could discuss this with her. I'll have to wait until we get home.
I sigh and close my eyes. God, today's revelations have worn me out. I am emotionally and
physically tired. I have to go find Ben and tell him. Yes, I am all his. Take me. First, I have to go back to my locker to get dressed. I look at Rose. I'll wake her after I've talked to Ben. I have to get him alone. Or maybe I should wait until Monday. Talk to him privately in his office. I can tell Rose my plans for Monday tonight. She can help me get ready. I can finally wear my leather short skirt and low cut silk blouse. My mind is racing. I spring up covering myself with the cool crisp, white blanket. I jump off the spa bed and I dash out of the room. I run down the hallway, excited and nervous. My hands clutch the blanket to my chest. I run out of the room directly into a solid flat stomach.
"Hey, watch where you're going,"Ben scolds." Nima, what are you doing here?"
I close my eyes. Damn it. Ben Solo and he is all muscle, hard and lean. Shit. He pushes me away with his two huge strong hands. I didn't want him to see me now.
Half naked covered by a blanket. No makeup and my hair messed up like I just got out of bed after a night of hot sex. Well, Maybe I should confess to him? Wait, what. Rey, you can not seduce Ben Solo in the middle of a spa. I lift my eyes slowly to meet his. He is staring down at me. His full lips pressed together. Is he angry? bemused? I can't tell. I try to lighten the mood. I flash Ben a bright toothy smile.
"Ha, fancy seeing you here boss, "I chuckle.
I swallow hard.
His gaze is intense. It runs down my makeshift cover-up. He licks his lips. His deep brown eyes get dark. My nostrils flare. I lick my lips. God, he smells and looks delicious. I can still smell the apricot honey, cucumber paste, on his face. The smell triggers the sex dream I had last night. I catch my breath.
"Where you running from Nima?" he asks. His gaze snap back to mine.
"Oh, I'm here with Rose. I'm her guest," I answered. "We were lying in the meditation room."
I stopped myself from turning and pointing to the room behind my back then thought better of it.
"We were in that room, there, " I answer. I point to the room. I stare at his face to see his expression only to find his dark eyebrow shoot up over his hairline and his dark eyes grow huge.
"That room,"Ben gasped."The room behind you?"
"Yes," I nod.
I lift my eyes to follow his arm. It points to the room behind me. His full red lips press together. He gazes down at me. I feel his steady gaze run over my face. I keep my face neutral. I don't want him to know I know about his secret Not yet anyway. However, the devil on my shoulder has a better idea. I let my lips lift at the corner of my mouth in a smirk.
He coughs into his fist.
"Oh, ah that's great, "he mumbles."Did you get enough rest?"
My smirk widens into a smile.
"Not really, the walls are so thin here, "I whine. "i can still hear people talking. Well, I better go change. See ya Monday, boss."
"Yeah, see you Monday, " Ben answers.
His voice cracks.
I step back a little from Ben Solo's tall and broad body. I wave my fingers at Ben and go straight to the locker room. A huge smile now on my lips. I steal a look over my shoulder. Ben is shakes his head. He doesn't believe he'd heard right. I can tell Ben I know how he feels about me on Monday. In meantime, I need to prepare. I want to make myself desirable. My mind reels at a thought. Maybe he will change his mind on Monday? Maybe, what he confessed to Poe was just a passing thought, a fantasy? He really didn't mean it. Oh, God! I really have to talk to Rose.
Two hours later. Rose and I are in our living room. We drink from a bottle of white wine as we eat from a bowl of popcorn between us.
"You should have told him you heard him right there at the spa!" Rose says before stuffing a handful of popcorn in her mouth.
"How, Rose, " I answer."Oh Ben, I overheard you wanted to shag me, boss? when and where?"
"Yes, just like that." Rose nods. She smiles as she continues to chew.
"Rose, no," I cried out. "Anyway, Poe was standing there with him."
"You could have asked to talk to him alone, " Rose said."Then you push him into the ladies room and have your way with him."
Rose and I laugh at the thought as we sipped at our wine. This was the third bottle this evening and I was beginning to feel more than a buzz.
"Believe me I wanted to at first," I confess."I wanted to tell him right there. I even pointed to the room behind him. And, I think he got it. His voice was cracking when we said goodbye. Ben is so damn sexy. He's so damn sexy, Rose. I just want to suck and lick the birthmarks on his neck like tootsie rolls. Um,.... Sorry, what were we talking about?"
Rose glares at me.
"Ok, I'm cutting you off, " Rose chuckles. "You've had enough."
"What?"I whine. Rose plucks my wine glass from my hand and places it beside her own upon our large black footrest.
"Why I sob. I pout at Rose.
Rose glares at me. She lifts her one eyebrow.
"You want to suck on men's birthmarks like tootsie rolls, Rey, "Rose explains."You are cut off."
"Not every man's birthmarks, " I whine." Only Ben Solo's. Give him a huge hickey. Show Fucking Gwen Phasma Ben Solo's mine and only mine and was never hers!"
"So, what do you plan to wear for Monday when you tell him?"
"I was going to wear my dark blue skinny jeans, black ballerina slippers and a white dress shirt opened at the top," I answered. "What do you think?"
Roses face lit up.
"That sounds great," Rose said. "A dress shirt on a woman is so sexy. Only unbutton maybe two buttons. It will drive him crazy. We can work on your hair and makeup on Sunday. Do the smoky eye thing with your eyes. Very sexy."
"No, no that's too obvious," I said. "I'm at work remember?"
I snatch my wine glass from the large footrest and quickly swallow what's left of my wine before Rose could stop me. It went down my throat smoothly. The warmth spreads through me.
"Rose?" I slur.
"Yeah?" Rose hums beside me.
"How do I tell him I want him too?" I ask. "I mean do I just go to his office lock the door behind me and start taking off my clothes? Or maybe just tell him and wait for his answer?"
"You already know what his answer is going to be," Rose giggled," Ben said he wanted you. So, you should go with your first thought."
"I know, "I answer. "Maybe, I should be more of a tease. Like I didn't want him?"
Rose shakes her head. She shoves more popcorn into her mouth.
Rose shakes her head. She chews another a mouthful of popcorn
"Too much time is wasted, already," Rose answered."I say just grab him by the collar and say "Come on , big boy. Ravish me. I'm yours! Then kiss him hard in the mouth. So, there is no question how you feel.
We both laugh at the thought.
"Maybe you're right," I giggle. "I don't know. I'm excited and nervous about Monday. I'm nervous. I think, on Monday he will decide I'm not worth it after all and get someone more experienced?"
Rose shook her head.
"Stop overthinking it, Rey," Rose scoffed."Just go with what feels right."
"You're right," I answer. " But, still I wander how Ben is going to be during sex? I mean he is an asshole boss. What is he going to be like when we have sex?"
Rose spit out her wine and laughs out loud at my last statement.
"Let's hope he's less of an asshole during sex," she quipped.
It was my turn now to spit out my wine and laugh out loud. I wipe the spit off the pillow I was holding against me.
"I guess we will see on Monday," I said.
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