Third Person
Dipper hadn't come down for dinner since his power outburst. Mabel was angry at Ford for making such a scene and not being reasonable. Dipper did have some points about his journal, especially with how it was destroyed. Why would anyone put in the effort to make small holes everywhere?
She was also embarrassed since Pacifica was in the living and basically heard everything. Mabel was concerned about Dipper's powers since they always go off when he becomes emotional.
A few days ago they were watching a movie and a poor dog died at the end. They were both emotional since they both felt bad for the dog.
Dipper's eyes turned blue and his tears were glowing. Mabel noticed and looked around her room to see her stuffed animals floating. When the movie was over and they both claimed down his eyes went back to normal and the stuffed animals were on the floor. Everyone went to sleep awkward, mad, or upset that night.
In the morning tensions were still a bit high. Dipper didn't come down for breakfast since Ford was there. Ford had been setting up traps all night and early morning. That was his coping mechanism for stress.
Mabel was silent during breakfast while Stan was trying to make conversation. He was mainly trying to figure out how to resolve the issue.
He knew he couldn't do it without Dipper. When Ford finished breakfast he left the kitchen.
"Mabel, I know you two aren't in the best mood," Stan muttered, "But today is the day that we're supposed to clean the shack."
"That's today?" Mabel said.
"Yes," Stan said, "I somewhat grounded Ford not to leave his lab."
"Do you think we destroyed Ford's book on purpose?" Mabel mumbled.
"I know you two didn't and even if you did I feel like you two would trust me enough to tell me," Stan admitted, "Also, I know we have a small magical bug problem. A year ago, Ford brought in knowledge bugs that eat information. They all escaped and we couldn't find all of them. Also, I don't think you two would put in that much effort into making a little."
"Magical knowledge bugs?" Mabel questioned.
"Yes, it was annoying and it ate my cookbooks," Stan sighed, "One of them was a gift from your mother before she left."
"You owned cookbooks?" Mabel said.
"Yes, it's a hobby of mine and I got better at cooking," Stan said.
"I'll go talk to Dipper," Mabel said.
Mabel started to walk up the stairs until she saw Dipper sitting at the top of the stairs. Mabel sat down next to Dipper and smiled softly.
"Did you hear anything from the kitchen?" Mabel asked.
"I heard everything since you and Stan talk loud," Dipper muttered.
"Are you up for cleaning the mystery shack?" Mabel asked.
"I mean we did promise him a few days ago," Dipper said.
The twins went down the stairs to help Stan clean the house. Originally, Ford was supposed to help but with yesterday's events that wasn't going to happen.
They all had their task to do. Mabel, Dipper, and Stan were all bonding and enjoying each other's company. When Dipper was getting the cleaning supplies he was stuck in a trap.
Waddles walked in and sat down. He stared at Dipper and knew he couldn't help since wasn't tall enough. Dipper was inside a net and made sure that none of his skin touched the net.
"Waddles, go get help," Dipper asked, "Please."
Waddles quickly went to the living room and started to chew on Stan's slippers. Stan noticed and started to chase Waddles into the kitchen.
Dipper was trying to stay calm and not get angry. Since he touched the net with his fingers tips and they burned. Why are there traps in the house? That was all he could think of.
"Dipper!" Stan saw Dipper.
"Help, please," Dipper said, "I-I can't touch the net."
"Mabel, can you get the scissors!" Stan shouted.
Mabel walked in with scissors and realized what happened. She sighed and started to mutter how she hated the traps.
Dipper fell to the ground and groaned. After making sure that he was unharmed from the net Stan went to throw away the net. Mabel asked Dipper if he was okay and asked if he was upset about this. Deep down she knew that Dipper was probably upset about the net.
"Mabel, let's just get back to work," Dipper sighed.
"You sure, bro?" Mabel said.
"Yeah," Dipper said.
They went back to doing their chores. Stan was going to confront Ford about the traps inside the house since there was a rule about it. Dipper and Mabel were picking up the trash around the house. They were also trying to find the lost remote that Stan couldn't remember where he placed it.
Dipper saw Waddles sniff the air and started to oink aggressively. Then all of the sudden another trap set off. Dipper grabbed Waddles before he was trapped.
"Waddles, you okay?" Dipper asked.
"Oink," Waddles said.
"I can't believe he did that." Dipper groaned, "He knows that you live here. I still can't believe he even place traps around the house. I'm so mad."
Waddles started to lick Dipper's face to calm him down. Dipper looked at Waddles and smiled softly.
"Thanks, Waddles," Dipper smiled.
Dipper started to be extra careful while walking around. Waddles went inside Mabel's room to take a nap after that eventful moment. Mabel cheered as she went to the living room.
"I found the remote!" Mabel shouted.
"Yes!" Stan cheered with a trash bag.
"Where was it?" Dipper asked.
"In the plant next to the fish tank," Mabel smiled.
"Since everyone finished inside," Stan said, "We have to clean the outside of the shack."
"What do you mean outside?" Mabel asked.
"We're just picking up trash and Waddles went into the trash again," Stan said, "We're also raking the leaves since there is a bunch in the front yard."
"Alright," Dipper said.
They all went outside to finish the rest of their chores. Everyone picked trash off from the ground and placed it in trash cans. Stan had asked Dipper to hold the ladder while he cleaned the gutters.
Mabel went to rake the leaves and see if there was trash that they missed. A few minutes passed as Mabel picked up the leaves to place them in a bag she felt someone touch her shoulder.
"Um?" She looked up and saw Gideon, "What are you doing here?"
"I came... I came to see Ford," Gideon answered.
"Okay," Mabel said, "You probably know where he is."
"I'll just let myself in then," Gideon sounded a bit nervous.
"What's the matter?" Mabel asked.
"Nothing," Gideon muttered.
"Do you want me to let you in?" Mabel asked.
"Yes, because it doesn't feel right..." Gideon told Mabel.
"Aren't you well mannered?" Mabel said.
"It just feels wrong," Gideon said.
"AHH!" Dipper screamed in pain.
Mabel dropped the trashcan and quickly raced towards her brother's screams. Gideon followed Mabel towards the painful screams. It suddenly stopped and Mabel assumed the worst.
"Dipper!" Mabel shouted.
"Mason," Stan was comforting Dipper, "You'll be okay."
Mabel went over to her brother and looked at him. Half of his face was net marks and his right eye took some damage.
"What happened?" Gideon asked.
Dipper pushed Stan away and went on his knees as he covered his eye.
"Stupid net, stupid weak meatsack body," Dipper groaned.
Gideon's eyes widen when Dipper said "meatsack" since the way he said it gave him a flashback.
"Dipper, take a deep breath," Stan told him, "Take a deep breath."
Stan remembered the fire and was afraid that he might burn down the forest.
"Why the hell did Ford put a fucking net in the trashcan!" Dipper shouted.
"Dipper let me see your eye," Mabel said.
"Can someone just answer my question?" Dipper hissed, "This net hurts more than the last one."
"It's odd that these nets are hurting you," Gideon said, "These should only affect magical beings."
"I don't know why Ford placed nets all over-" Stan's and Gideon's eyes widen.
A circle started to appear around Dipper and it slowly formed the Cipher Wheel.
"Dipper, let's go inside and fix you up," Mabel said, "Let's talk about this."
"Why is he so stupid..." Dipper said, "He's supposed to be smart."
Dipper was still upset about yesterday. Stan and Mabel knew the context behind his word.
The Cipher Wheel was slowly changing and the triangle and Pinetree started to switch.
"He knows Waddles can get hurt," Dipper said, "These nets are dangerous."
"Those nets are to protect all of you from the monsters and demons," Gideon said, "they're dangerous."
"They're not dangerous," Dipper told him, "You just think they are but the only reason they fight is that people start it first."
"Gideon shut up," Mabel said.
"We don't want another argument," Stan said.
"I'm being truthful," Gideon said, "These monsters are nothing but dangerous. The demons that got left behind are especially dangerous."
"Humans are dangerous! They're mean, cruel, and are the main reason why everything is so shitty. All they ever do is make life worse." Dipper looked at Gideon and covered his eye.
"Dipper, let's go," Mabel said.
"I'm going in the woods and see if I can find that fairy," Dipper said, "She'll heal me."
"Dipper, it's best if we just fix you up here," Stan said.
"I don't want to be around the shack," Dipper told him.
"I'll come too," Mabel said.
Stan wasn't going to fight them about going into the woods. He knew that Dipper needed space and time away from the shack. He was going to make Mabel go with him because of his eye anyway.
Gideon overheard what Mabel asked Dipper. She asked which fairy were they going to see. Dipper explained the one that looked more gothic. Gideon knew which one that was and to his knowledge, it was categorized as a demon.
Stan raced inside to have a conversation with Ford about the traps. Gideon followed right behind him because he didn't know where Ford was.
"FORD!" Stan shouted as he went down to his regular lab.
"Yes?" Ford answered.
"Why are there traps around and inside the house? One of them harmed our nephew," Stan said.
"Which one was it?" Ford asked.
"The one in our trashcan! Why are you putting traps around the house anyway? You know that we have Waddles and he can get hurt. You know Mabel will be upset if that pig gets hurt by one of your nets," Stan said, "Why are those nets harming Dipper! Are you trying to get Maria to kill us!?"
"How bad was it?" Ford asked ignoring the first few questions.
"His whole right side! His eyesight is now at risk," Stan shouted.
"Stanley, we could be in danger," Ford said, "Humans shouldn't be hurt by that net."
"Dipper is special! I know he isn't fully human Ford and so should you. You saw the fire and you know that he can talk to monsters," Stan said, "He's a boy and now even more confused and lost than ever."
"I'm only trying to protect us," Ford said, "He is dangerous! We should send him back Maria and make sure he doesn't come back here."
"What the hell Ford! He is our Nephew and you are purposefully putting him in danger," Stan shouted, "I need you to updo all the traps from the house. If you don't before he comes back I am locking everything up."
Stan stormed up back to the main level. Ford saw Gideon standing there awkwardly.
"You're finally here," Ford said.
"There's something not right about Dipper," Gideon said.
"He acts like Cipher sometimes and he only uses my last name when he's upset," Gideon shared, " Just like him."
"Bill Cipher has returned and I have proof he has," Ford said.
"Do you know when he came back?" Gideon asked.
"I don't know when he came back, but I know he is," Ford said, "Remember what I told you a few years ago? When I asked you to study under me."
"Yes," Gideon said, "That I would take over everything in case Cipher ever came back and you were gone."
"I am going to need you more than ever now," Ford said, "You've worked with Cipher and I've looked past that since I made that same mistake. We both know how he thinks and acts... he's planning to attack us. I can just feel it."
"What are we going to do?" Gideon asked.
"Stan won't believe me, but I know you will since you've seen it for yourself," Ford said.
"Seen what?" Gideon asked.
"Bill Cipher is going to use Dipper as a vessel to attack and destroy everyone," Ford said, "He's harvesting his power inside him and I can tell. No human should be able to talk to monsters and create the Cipher wheel."
"What should we do?" Gideon asked.
"I don't know yet. We just need to figure out how to make Cipher appear and come out of my nephew. I think he's controlling him or tricking him into working with him," Ford said.
"Should I tell everyone?" Gideon asked.
"No, I only trust you with this information. It's for the safety of everyone that we keep this between us," Ford said, "If I new disappear or die, you know how to defeat Bill Cipher."
"Alright Ford," Gideon said.
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