Third Person
"I-I don't want to die."
Dipper's eyes glowed as the wind started out of nowhere. Sammy jumped off of Pacifca's shoulders and bit Ford while Waddles rammed into his legs causing him to fall out. Dipper got up, but Ford grabbed his ankle and pulled him down to the floor. Waddles started to bite Ford as well while Sammy wrapped himself around his neck. Waddles let out a loud cry when Ford kicked him.
"Waddles!" Mabel cried, "Let me go!"
"I hate that you're stronger than me," Pacifica groaned, "Grenda, please, let me go."
"I'm sorry, but no," Grenda said.
"I'm surprised that you betrayed us," Gideon spat.
Dipper kicked Ford in the face causing his nose to bleed, but he still wouldn't let go of him. Ford let go of the gun to take Sammy off of him. Waddles bit his hand so Sammy could escape and he was successful.
Dipper kicked the gun and Ford. He let go only for him to activate a net and trap Dipper inside slowly burning him.
"You're testing me Cipher," Ford stood up while wiping the blood off of him.
"I-I'm not Bill," Dipper muttered in pain.
Ford kicked Dipper in the stomach, "I'm going to enjoy killing you again."
"Stop it!" Mabel cried.
"Mabel," Pacifica whispered.
Mabel looked at Pacifica and she was staring at her necklace. She had forgotten about the stone that the lady gave to protect Dipper with. Mabel had no idea how to bring it out, but she had to try. She thought extremely hard about her sword and shield, but nothing was working and she wanted to scream. Mabel then remembered every man's weakness...
Mabel based the back of her head against Gideon's nose and kicked him in the dick before the necklace finally decided to summon her shield and a sword.
"Weapons down!" Mabel shouted.
"You're a bitch, did you know that," Gideon groaned in pain.
"Fuck you," Mabel spat.
"You're outnumbered," Gideon started to suck up the pain, "That really fucking hurt, shit."
"Don't move," Ford said while pointing the gun at Mabel.
"Don't hurt her!" Dipper shouted, "Don't shoot her, please."
"Ford, what are you doing!" Pacifica shouted, "She's your niece,"
The trigger was pulled and Mabel's necklace created a bubble around her and absorbed the bullet. Everything went quiet. Dipper had assumed that Mabel was shot and the trees started to violently shake as tears went down his face. They heard monster noises scream from inside the woods. Grenda loosened her grip and slowly backed away from the woods while Candy tried her best to pull Stan close to them.
Gideon wasn't afraid of some monsters as his knees wobbled. The monsters came and started to attack everyone except for Mabel, Pacifica, and Stan.
"I told you not to hurt her!" Dipper shouted.
"What's going on," Mabel said.
"He's pissed," Pacifica told her, "Or he's an angry sad which could be worse."
"Get them off of me," Candy was being attacked by the Mimu's, "Ow!"
Grenda punched the Jabber , which was a mistake, "Bad idea!"
The monsters realized that Candy and Grenda weren't the threat, it was Ford and Gideon. The Jabber and Mimu's worked together to attack Gideon and take the gun away, but it was a bit difficult since none of them were big or had thumbs. Mabel saw the ghost children come out of the woods and made a circle around Stan. They started to chant which did something for him since he was unconscious. He started to come back into consciousness.
A few pixie's grabbed leaves and used them as gloves to take off the net. The larger ghost flung its arms to hit Ford against the tree. The pixies quickly left as Ford started to shoot at them as he used the tree to help himself up. Fairies from the woods appeared to help the Jabber's and Mimu's with Gideon. The fairies used a large stick to hit Gideon on the back of the head to knock him out.
"That was something I never thought I would see," Pacifica muttered.
"Same," Mabel said.
Stan was finally conscious and was confused about what was happening, "What's going on."
"Dipper summoned monsters to attack us," Candy said.
"No!" Mabel shouted, "They're trying to protect him since Ford pulled a gun out!"
"Duck!" Grenda shouted.
"I told you got to hurt her!" Dipper shouted at Ford.
Everyone looked at Dipper and they saw his marks glowed along with his tears that rolled down his face. Ford was fighting the vines that were trapping him from the fairies before they left. He dropped his gun as he tried to break free from them. They were strong.
"All I wanted was her to be safe," Dipper cried, "And you hurt her!"
"Dipper!" Mabel shouted from the top of her lungs, "I'm okay!"
"She's okay!" Pacifica shouted, "She's not hurt."
Dipper's eyes widened in joy since Mabel wasn't hurt. The wind stopped and his eyes and marks stopped glowing that vibrant blue.
"Mabel!" Dipper smiled.
"I'm okay," Mabel smiled back, "We're all okay."
Bang Bang
Everyone froze in fear when they heard the gunshot. Dipper turned around and saw the father of the baby ghost fall to the floor bleeding.
"No!" Dipper cried.
He went to the monster and they saw him transform into a fairy. He muttered that he was going to be okay.
"K-Keep my children safe,"
"Don't say that," Dipper cried, "You'll be okay."
Dipper felt the creature's bloody hand on his cheek, "Whisperer of monsters... it has been an honor to see you rise again."
"N-No, no, no, no, no," Dipper shouted, "You can't leave them alone, please."
He couldn't feel the hand of the monster anymore. Dipper screamed as a burst of energy escaped him and threw Ford against a tree making him go unconscious. The world turned gray as Dipper sobbed. His tears were a different shade of blue and his marks turned a bright red out of pure anger. The wind turned violent and they were pushed back.
"Dipper!" Mabel shouted.
"Dipper!" Pacifica shouted.
Dipper couldn't hear them at all. Stan tried throwing a small rock but it only hit him back. They tried to walk forward but nothing was working.
"What are we going to do?" Stan said while recovering from the small rock.
"What if we all yell at the same time?" Mabel said.
Nothing happened. Dipper was now flying in the air unaware that he was causing damage to the woods. They all ducked when a tree flew near them. Candy and Grenda had no clue that Dipper had this kind of power inside him. They stopped believing it was Bill when he didn't kill Ford since he would never let that happen to him.
"Sammy, hang on!" Pacifica felt Sammy holding on for dear life, "Waddles is surprisingly not struggling."
"His tail is in the ground with his front legs," Mabel explained.
"Mabel, can't your stone make something to snap him out of it?" Stan asked.
"I don't think it can do that," Mabel said, "Even if it did I don't know how."
"Damn," Stan said.
Pacifica went on her phone and Face timed Bill, "This god damn demon better answer his stolen phone."
"Good idea," Stan said.
"Both threats are unconscious so he won't be mad," Mabel said.
"Why isn't he picking up!" Pacifica groaned.
"Woah, what's going on?" Bill answered the phone, "I didn't know the phone could do this."
"BILL!" They all shouted.
Candy and Grenda's eyes widened when they heard the three shout his name. Pacifica flipped her screen so he could see what's going on. Before they could even explain what was going on he quickly came and was not prepared to be knocked off his feet by the wind.
"Bill!" Pacifica cheered, "Help."
"What happened?" Bill tried getting up.
"Ford thought that Dipper was you and tried to kill him, but tried to shoot me and Dipper got mad," Mabel explained.
"Is that what caused this?" Bill asked.
"No, it caused a mini one, but this one was worse since he shot and killed a monster," Mabel finished explaining.
"He's here?" Bill looked around.
"He's unconscious along with Gideon," Stan pointed at them.
"These two are just confused and probably won't do anything," Pacifica said and she was right.
"He won't listen to any of us," Mabel said.
"Take over his mind," Stan told him, "I know you can do that."
"That's not going to work," Bill said, "Even if I did manage to control him we would just switch places and he'll still be making damage just through my body. His soul will be trapped in mine because of the wind."
"You can put him to sleep right?" Mabel asked.
"That's even worse," Bill told her, "This is controlled damage. Him being unconscious will make it uncontrolled damage which could possibly kill everyone here including himself."
"Why are there so many fucking rule!" Pacifica shouted in frustration.
"I'm sorry that I care for your life," Bill said.
Bill tried to walk closer but the wind kept pushing him back every time he made some progress. Mabel went behind Bill and pushed him forward and Pacifica joined in since that was helping more. It was working for a bit until it didn't.
"Dipper, stop it!" Stan shouted, "You have to be in there still."
"Mason!" Bill shouted.
Dipper suddenly looked in their direction and the wind started to calm down.
"Why didn't I think of that," Mabel groaned.
"I didn't even know his first name," Pacifica said.
"Sapling, it'll be okay," Bill shouted, "I know that everything seems scary but it'll be oka-"
The wind quickly stopped and they all turned around to see Gideon back up with the gun in his hands. Bill looked at himself and he was fine until he looked back at Dipper... he was shot in the stomach.
"Sapling!" Bill raced towards him.
"Oh no," Pacifica said.
Mabel raced towards her brother and before she could even start crying she looked at Bill. He held her brother tightly and his hair was a bright red.
"We're so fucked," Candy said.
"You fucking idiot," Pacifica trackled Gideon and started to beat the shit out of him with her shoe, "You've killed us all."
"I got this," Stan said, "I'm not afraid to get another jail sentence."
Mabel noticed that he was still breathing and that the bullet didn't kill him.
"He'll pay for what he did," Bill finally spoke.
"H-He's still alive," Mabel told him, "He's breathing, we can save him."
"I can't heal him," Bill snapped, "I don't understand why."
"It's one of Ford's special guns," Gideon said, "He'll die and there is nothing anyone can do about it."
"Bill, wait!" Mabel shouted.
She knew that Bill was going to kill Gideon right there, but she couldn't let that happen. Not for the reason of saving Gideon, but for her brother. She couldn't let history repeat itself and that meant snapping Bill out of it.
Mabel ripped her necklace off and drew the symbol that the cat creature gave her when she went on her adventure. She pulled Dipper on to the symbol and it glowed.
"Bill, you have to remember where the pond is," Mabel shouted, "Think really hard, please."
"..." There was only murderous anger in his eyes.
"I-I know what happened in your past and maybe telling you might bring it back. You made this very bubble with someone just like Dipper! He was everything to you and you were everything to him. He was the monster whisperer and the love of your life just like Dipper. You did it to protect everything that wasn't human from being hurt and you even fought in a war with him. You fell in love with him and you made a vow to protect the monsters and the demons with your life. You've seen the magic pond with him and the little love notes written in that book. When making the bubble a human killed him right in front of you and in anger you killed the human, but lost the love of your life," Mabel told him, "I'm sorry that I didn't tell you sooner. If you kill him then we'll lose Dipper and I won't let you make that mistake again! Just cry and be upset that he's hurt, please."
Bill looked at Mabel in shock. He didn't know if she was telling him the truth or not. There wasn't any reason why he shouldn't trust her about everything that he was just told. He couldn't remember anything, but he didn't want Dipper to die.
Bill's hair turned a blue color and he started to sob as he looked at Dipper. Pacifica was still beating the shit out of Gideon and Stan was just watching since she has been waiting for this day for so long.
"Do you remember where the pond is," Mabel asked.
"I don't know," Bill sobbed, "I don't know anything and I don't remember anything and now he might die."
"Little bitch!" Pacifica kicked Gideon in the stomach.
"Alright," Stan said, "We have to focus on the real issues now."
"Don't move," Pacifica glared at him.
"I don't think this will keep him alive for long," Mabel started to cry.
Pacifica and Stan went over to them. One of the ghost babies headbudded Mabel's side and she looked at it.
"I'm sorry," Mabel whimpered.
"I think it's trying to tell us something," Pacifica said.
The book started to trace the ground and drew a box.
"The book!" Stan said, "What about it?"
The ghost kept headbudding Mabel, "Beep!"
"Mabel, the book," Bill wiped his tears away.
Mabel remembered, "Bill get a paper and pencil."
Bill teleported away and grabbed what she needed. When he came back Mabel drew the symbol on the paper and placed it on top of her brother.
"We need to go in the woods and hope that the pond thinks that Dipper is worthy," Mabel told them.
"What do you mean worthy?" Stan asked.
"The pond only reveals itself if the person that is injured is worthy of being healed," Pacifica said.
"I'll stay here in case Ford wakes up and Gideon decides to follow," Stan told them, "Go kids."
Bill picked up Dipper and the three raced inside the woods. Mabel and Pacifica started to call out to the pond like a dog since that's all they could think of.
"Come on, Pond," Mabel said, "Here little pond."
"Come out little pond," Pacifica shouted, "We won't hurt you."
"The paper isn't glowing as bright anymore," Bill said.
"Oh no," Mabel said.
They started to look for a larger area so the pond could be summoned just in case the problem was that the area wasn't big enough. The symbol stopped glowing and Bill's heart dropped.
"I-I don't understand," Mabel said, "Dipper should be enough. He hasn't done anything wrong."
"Do you think it was because of what he said to the creature?" Pacifica said.
"I don't care about what he said to who," Bill said, "Pinetree is the sweetest person that I've ever met. He protects everyone as much as he can and-and if the pond doesn't think that's worthy then it's wrong. I just want him to be okay and live and I don't care if I can't leave Gravity Falls as long as he's alive, that's all I want."
Suddenly a thick fog started to appear and they all huddled together. They heard an angelic voice chuckle softly and the pond appeared right in front of them. It was the most aesthetically pleasing pond they've all ever seen.
"Go inside the pond with him Bill he cannot go in alone in that state. Only you two, no matter what."
They saw a small entrance so that Bill could enter the pond without falling. The pond was surprisingly warm and deeper than he expected. Bill lowered Dipper until his stomach was fully under the water.
"I'll always love you, Sapling. I promise that I'll love you till the world ends," Bill whispered, "Please, don't leave me."
Bill felt something grab onto his feet that pulled him deep inside the pond. Mabel was about to go after him, but Pacifca stopped her since the pond told them they only the two were allowed in no matter what. Everything went quiet and the two started to worry since they weren't coming up.
They heard two sets of coughing after waiting in silence for a couple of minutes. The scars on Dipper's face were completely gone and so was Bill's scar. His stomach was healed and Bill's eye was back where it should be. The two cheered that everyone was alive and fully healed.
Bill helped Dipper out of the pond. Mabel and Pacifica both hugged Dipper tight.
"You're alive!" Mabel sobbed.
"Thank goodness you fucking lived," Pacifica shouted, "I was so scared."
"Almost dying is scary," Dipper hugged them back, "I'm sorry if I hurt any of you."
"You didn't," Mabel looked at her, "I'm just glad that you're safe now."
Bill stood there since he just saw his whole life flash before his eyes. Everything that Mabel said came flashing back when he was pulled deep into the water. When he thought about the love of his life he didn't see the boy from his past, but saw Dipper.
He knew that the boy in his past was a love, but it wasn't his love anymore. That love was Dipper and he had almost lost him.
"Bill?" Dipper turned around.
Mabel and Pacifica moved out of the way so Bill could hug Dipper. He held him tight and began the cry about how worried he was about him and how afraid he was.
"I-I thought that I would never get to tell you how much I love you," Bill told him, "I love you so much."
"I love you too," Dipper smiled softly at him, "Forever."
Bill kissed his cheek over and over again telling him how much he loved him. Dipper chuckled softly and stopped the kisses when he kissed him on the lips.
"I already know that you love me," Dipper muttered after, "Let's go home."
"Sorry for interrupting this super gay moment, but we need to figure out the whole Ford and the rest of them," Pacifica said.
"We also need to make room for a dozen baby ghosts," Mabel added.
"Oh yeah," Dipper mumbled, "Let's go."
Dipper didn't want to go back especially after he remembered what made him lose control of his powers.
Bill held his hand and looked at him lovingly, "We're doing this together."
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