Not the Future Told
Third Person
"Triangulum, Entangulum, Meteforis Dominus Ventium."
Mabel quickly crawled away from the circle and saw Bill magically appear. His eyes widen as he saw Stan standing in front of him. As his body started to shake a strip of his hair turned purple. His legs felt weak and quickly fell to the floor.
"H-How did..." Bill was in complete shock.
Bill realized Mabel was on the ground and strip hair was red and blue.
"How could you!" Bill shouted at Mabel.
Stan and Mabel noticed that more of his hair turned blue.
"You promised that you wouldn't tell them I was here," Bill told me, "I-I never got to say goodbye to him."
Mabel quickly crawled to him and held his face so he wouldn't avoid eye contact with her.
"Bill, I didn't betray you," Mabel told him, "You know that I would never do this... You know-"
"No!" Bill pushed her away, "You broke a promise! You know about the awful things I did and you know that the moment they know that I'm alive, I'm dead. That's it for me! I'll never be able to see anything or anyone again."
"Bill, listen to me, he isn't going to hurt you," Mabel tried explaining.
"Everyone in the fucking town wants me dead! Who wouldn't want me to suffer a painful death after what I did to everyone?" Bill said, "After everything I did... he still wants to be around me."
Mabel didn't know how much that sentence meant. She only assumed that he meant what he did to the town. She didn't know the real reason why Bill wanted to be friends with Dipper at first.
Mabel cut straight to the point, "You won't be able to say goodbye to him if he dies."
"W-What?" Bill stuttered.
"Something is happening and I don't know what is happening to him. That's why I called you and- and that's why Stan is here because he carried Dipper here." Mabel quickly explained, "He also knew the words and- and I don't want to lose my baby brother."
Stan stepped away showing Dipper against the tree. Bill quickly went over to Dipper and started to hold him. His hair went back to yellow before turning purple again.
"Sapling, it's going to be okay," Bill mumbled, "I'm right here. What happened?"
"Ever since he was little he's always had nightmares and- and he hadn't had any since we got here until last night," Mabel explained, "He draws his nightmares and then goes to sleep right after. He was in the living room while I was in the kitchen. He just fell over and started to cough blood and-"
"Bill..." Dipper mumbled softly.
"Sapling, I'm right here," Bill told him.
"I'm...," Dipper smiled softly.
Bill was about to say something until Dipper started to cough. They all saw flowers escape his lips and then blood running down his lips right after.
"Sorry," Dipper mumbled.
Dipper wrapped his arms around Bill and smiled softly. Dipper mumbled something that Mabel and Stan couldn't hear.
Dipper's eyes rolled back and his arms became lifeless again.
"Pinetree, d-don't worry," Bill said.
Bill picked up Dipper and laid him on the ground where there was more room.
"What are you doing?" Mabel asked.
"I'm going in his mind," Bill told her, "Sapling's physical body isn't harmed but his body in his subconscious is being harmed by a creature."
Bill held his hand and lay next to him. Bill's eyes glowed a bright blue before the Cipher Wheel on his arm glowed. Stan helped Mabel up and made her stand back.
Bill was officially inside Dipper's mind. All Mabel and Stan could do were wait for Bill to return with good or bad news. Stan didn't know what to do with the information that he now knew.
How long did the twins know Bill? That wasn't really the first question that came to his mind. When he looked at Bill he just saw a kid...He saw a frightened teenager which was something he's never seen in Bill. He's never even seen Bill scared before.
Why is he so young? That was the first question that came into his mind. A part of him felt bad for him, but another part didn't. He did almost enslave humanity.
"Why is he so...young?" Stan said, "I thought he would be older."
"Dipper summoned and he didn't know how he did it, but he did," Mabel mumbled, "Apparently because Dipper summoned him he turned the same age as us. His birthday was a bit ago so he's eighteen now. He has the mindset and emotions of a teenager."
"Did you two meet him at the same time?" Stan asked her.
"Dipper meant him first and I meant him after... He was in Dipper's room and they were having fun together. I hadn't seen him smile that big in a while," Mabel told him, "I know about what he did... He's making our summer unforgettable and so much fun. We went mushroom riding..."
"Mushroom riding?" Stan questioned.
"Are you going to tell Ford?" Mabel asked him, "Are you going to tell everyone?"
"He's different and that moment of fear in his eyes and betrayal in his eyes for a slipt second," Stan mumbled, "You two did something that I thought wasn't possible."
"I don't understand," Mabel mumbled.
"You managed to change a demon," Stan placed his arm around Mabel's shoulder and smiled, "I'm still worried about him being here but not as much."
Mabel didn't realize what she said, "We changed him back to the person he was before he got hurt."
Mabel and Stan noticed an eye patch appear over Bill's scared eye. They were a little confused about it. Stan wanted to question Mabel about what she meant by that. They heard footsteps and they thought it was Ford. They suddenly saw a small cat pop out of the bush.
"A cat?" Stan questioned.
"Did the creature hat knew all send you here?" Mabel asked, "Or are you a regular cat?"
"I was sent by my master to rely on an important message for the moral known as Mabel Pines, the protector of the King of Demons and the Whisperer of Monsters," The cat told them.
The cat in front of them looked more cat-like than the creature who knew all. It was smaller and didn't have an extra eye or a weird tail.
"I am her," Mabel answered.
"Protector?" Stan questioned.
"I'll explain later," Mabel told him.
"This not that future," The cat said.
"What?" Mabel's face turned a bright red, "What do you mean this isn't that future! The creature said that there was a future where he dies even before the whole ritual."
"Do not yell at me," The cat told her, "I am only the messenger."
"I'm sorry for yelling," Mabel said, "I'm just confused."
"No matter what timeline we see," The cat told Mabel and Stan, "He will always be in this situation."
"So, he's going to survive?" Stan asked.
"Yes," The cat told them, "He will survive... with some damage."
"Damage!" Stan shouted, "Maria is going to murder me... I'm a goner."
"What type of damage?" Mabel asked.
"I am not allowed to say," The cat said.
"What can you tell us?" Mabel asked.
"Nothing," The cat said.
"Ugh!" Mabel groaned.
"Goodbye," The cat started to walk away.
In the mindscape, Bill was roaming around inside Dipper's mind trying to figure out what was happening to him. It was completely white until the walls started to turn into trees.
Bill followed the trees and raced as fast as he could as he shouted.
"Pinetree!" Bill shouted at the top of his lungs.
Bill entered a clearing and looked around. He noticed Dipper on the floor bleeding out slowly.
"Sapling," Bill went over to him and started to hold, "Y-You'll be okay. I'm right here, Pinetree."
Dipper opened his eyes but couldn't say a word. He only smiled soft and nuzzled his head into Bill's chest.
"Sapling, I'll- I'll save you," Bill mumbled.
Bill felt someone touch his shoulder and his eyes widen. The creature stared at Bill as he looked up at him.
He didn't say a word to the creature. He was in shock. Bill could feel his power coming off of the creature. It was the same creature from the drawing Dipper drew.
"You do not belong here," It said.
"What happened to Sapling?" Bill asked.
"You do not belong here," It repeated.
"What are you?" Bill asked.
The creature stared at Bill. He didn't say anything as he tried to touch Dipper. Bill slapped the monster's hand away from him.
"Don't you dare touch him," Bill hissed.
"Why are you here?" It asked.
"I just want my sapling to be safe and be with me in the human world," Bill told it, "I want to save him since I think he doesn't have that much time. Something in here is killing him and I need to save him."
The creature didn't say anything to Bill. It just stared and Bill was becoming impatient.
"What's happening to him!" Bill shouted.
Dipper coughed and blood escaped his mouth, "..."
"Sapling!" Bill held him closer.
"He has created his own death," It told Bill.
"How?" Bill questioned.
"I am the representation of his power. He has created me as a figure to place the image in his human brain that he has this power," It started to explain, "I am the voice that echos in his dreams. I yearn for him to use the powers that were given to him to complete the damage that has been done to this world. Power as strong as yours."
"We're trying," Bill said, "We just need more time and he can't leave me... I-I can't lose him. I will give up everything so he'll live."
The creature looked at Bill and took off the bird skull showing a piece of paper and a feather, "This is for you."
"What is it?" Bill asked.
It placed a tree stump in front of him and the piece of paper floated onto the stump with the feather. Suddenly words appeared on the piece of paper and Bill just stared at it.
"You will give up your eye," It pointed at his left eye, "If you care that much for him you will give me your eye."
"Okay," Bill quickly said, "I'll give you my eye."
Bill grabbed the feather and wrote on the piece of paper. The creature placed the bird skull back on his head and then without warning it dug its claw into Bill's left eye. He felt tremendous pain and screamed. After taking his eye it placed an eye patch on Bill.
"You could have warned me!" Bill hissed, "That was painful."
Bill looked up and the creature was gone. Dipper started to cough and Bill looked at him. Dipper sat up and covered his mouth.
"What happened?" Dipper mumbled.
"Sapling!" Bill hugged him, "You're alive."
Dipper felt Bill's embrace and hugged him back.
"Of course I am," Dipper smiled, "Why wouldn't I be?"
Bill placed his forehead against his and smiled softly back at him.
"What happened to your eye?" Dipper asked.
"Just traded my eye for something," Bill told him, "I'm just happy that I get to see you one last time."
Bill gently kissed Dipper. He kissed back the demon and his mindscape turned into the woods.
"Sapling, I-I..." Bill couldn't finish his sentence.
"It's okay," Dipper nuzzled his head into his chest.
Bill placed his hand on Dipper's head, "I'm sorry."
Dipper placed his hand on Bill's chest and looked at him in confusion, "Why are you sorry?"
Bill placed his hand on Dipper's cheek and told him, "When you wake up... I won't be with you."
"What do you mean?" Dipper started to become anxious.
"Listen, Pinetree," Bill told him, "You'll do so much for everything here in the mortal world-"
"Bill, stop," Dipper started to tear up, "This is feeling like a goodbye."
"I will always care for you and there is nothing in this world that would make me forget you," Bill told him.
"Bill, what are you saying?" Dipper asked.
"Don't be mad at Shooting Star," Bill said, "She just wanted you safe, and if it means that I won't be there anymore..."
"Bill!" Dipper started to cry.
"Then I will sacrifice myself over and over again so you'll be safe," Bill said, "I will love you for eternity as long as I live."
"No, no, no, no, no," Dipper whimpered, "Y-You're not leaving me. We can figure out a way just- just don't say that."
"Stan knows that I'm alive," Bill told him, "You know that he'll kill me the moment I'm out of here."
Dipper hugged Bill and started to sob. He didn't want his only love to leave just like that.
"Bill, please," Dipper cried.
"Thank you for everything you've given me," Bill told him.
"We can do something just don't leave," Dipper said, "You can stay with me in here and- and."
"Look at me," Bill told him.
Dipper looked at him and nodded softly. Tears still rolling down his eyes. Bill wiped his tears away and smiled at him.
"I can't stay in here forever and I need you to live on even if I'm not here... when you wake up you'll be home. Stan and Shooting Star will make sure that you are safe," Bill started to tear up, "I'm sorry that I'll miss everything. Promise me that you'll live on in this world and do amazing things..."
"I promise," Dipper told him.
Bill kissed Dipper softly one last time before leaving.
"I will always love you for as long as I live and even after," Bill smiled before disappearing.
Dipper couldn't feel his embrace anymore. He covered his mouth and started to cry. He screamed at the top of his lungs thinking about Bill's death.
Bill had returned to the human world and sat up. He saw Stan and Mabel staring at him. Bill assumed his fate was death and accepted his death.
Before Mabel could tell Bill the good news that he wasn't going to die he started to talk, "I'm not going to fight you. When you kill me just make sure Pinetree doesn't see my body. Make sure you watch him... I think he'll burn down everything, but not on purpose. It'll take him a bit to wake up since it's new to him... I don't regret anything. I just hope you kill me quickly."
"Slow down," Stan said, "I'm not going to kill you."
Bill's eyes widen in complete joy. He got up and hugged Stan.
"Thank you!" Bill smiled.
"No problem kid," Stan didn't know what to do, "You can stop now."
"Sorry," Bill awkwardly smiled and back away.
"I'm still keeping an eye on you," Stan told him.
"That is completely fine," Bill said, "That is understandable since... you know."
"Glad you can agree," Stan said.
"Did you really think you were going to die?" Mabel asked him.
"After everything, I did to him and the town," Bill said, "I'm surprised that he's letting me live."
"Is Dipper okay?" Mabel asked.
"Oh no..."
Bill realized something important.
"I wish I would have known I wasn't going to die earlier," Bill mumbled.
"Why?" They both asked.
"I told him that I was going to die," Bill looked at Mabel.
Mabel grabbed Bill's shoulder and looked at him, "Please, tell me your joking."
"Ah yes, I'm joking about my death," Bill said, "Of course, I'm not joking."
"I think he's going to be upset when he wakes up," Mabel mumbled.
"He is going to be upset," Bill said.
"Is that going to be a problem?" Stan asked, "I know that you may have upset him but what is the worst he could do?"
"Burn down the forest," Mabel said.
"End the mortal world since he's as strong as me," Bill added.
"We should get Dipper back home," Stan picked him up.
"We better go before Ford wakes up," Mabel said, "We'll talk tomorrow Bill."
"Okay," Bill said.
Bill snapped his fingers and teleported the three back to the shack. He knew that he needed to be there when Dipper woke up. After everything that happened in his mind, he just had to tell him that he was alive.
That he wasn't in danger, but just being watched just in case he did something bad. Which he didn't mind since he thought that he was going to die.
Bill decided to teleport to Dipper's room.
The cat slowly walked closer to the mystery shack and let out a soft chuckle.
"The demon king and the monster whisperer have such little time..."
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