Dipper's dream (third person)
Dipper was in the woods by himself and everything was in black and white. The only thing that had color was himself and the red X in the sky.
He heard eerie sounds in the background as he walked closer to an opened space near a cave. He was in the middle of a large circle with the Cipher Wheel, but it was different in a way. All of the signs were different in a way. The shapes were rearranged because the shooting start didn't look like a shooting star anymore. All of them were rearranged but Bill's demon form was in the middle.
He heard voices chanting. He could clearly hear them. All of a sudden he heard horrific screams and he turned around to see something familiar.
There was a tall and lanky creature with completely pitch-black skin. Dipper could see its ribs and spine clearly. It was like his skin wrapped every bone perfectly with no wrinkles. It wore a skull of a bird on top of its head. Its arms were long and so were its fingers and nails.
He felt the creature's nails touch his stomach and slowly started to put pressure on it. He looked up at the creature and froze in place.
"You must for fill your destiny," It spoke, "Before your time expires..."
He didn't scream... he felt the creature's sharp nail go through his body. Dipper coughed blood and stared at the creature.
"Your power grows with each passing moon... soon you will be at your strongest and as strong at him," The creature said.
He heard the chanting become louder as the creature stared at him. Dipper started to cough blood, but slowly the blood turned into blue petals.
"Remember the marks..." The creature said, "Remember what you hear... remember the pain of-"
Dipper felt something stab his heart, but he wasn't dead. The blue petals turned back into the blood as they saw Bill in the corner of his eye.
He was dead... his corpse laying there with a clear wound on his forehead.
Dream over
Dipper jolted up and felt his stomach and chest. He looked out the window and it was still nighttime. He hugged his knees as he looked at the wall. He was sweaty and comfortable since this nightmare was similar.
Then he realized that before the face wasn't blurry anymore. Before Bill was a stranger and now he wasn't. The crave wasn't a random location anymore, but it was somewhere in gravity falls. The Cipher Wheel wasn't some crazy symbol, but a way to summon Bill.
Before he came here everything he saw was nonsense, but now everything was so clear. Then he remembered his other nightmare that was as frequent as the one he just had.
It was in the woods with the large red X in the middle of the sky. The sky wasn't blue but random oranges, reds, yellows, and hints of greens, pinks, and purples. That same weird Cipher Wheel was on the ground near a cave. It was just him alone crying in the middle and blood was everywhere. It wasn't the current gravity falls but another version of it. The town wasn't there and it was just nature.
Dipper laid back down and tried to fall back asleep, but couldn't. After twisting and turning he decides to head downstairs with several pieces of paper, a pencil, an eraser, a pen, and a few colored pencils.
He always drew what he dreamed when it bothered him. He spend all night drawing and coloring what he dreamed.
Dipper ended up falling asleep on the living room table with the finished pieces. Stan walked downstairs to the kitchen to start breakfast. He noticed Dipper on the living room table and was about to wake him up until he saw the drawings.
"What the..." Stan mumbled.
He grabbed the pieces of paper and took them to the kitchen. He sat down at the kitchen table and started to look at them. He knew that he should have asked, but the moment he saw the red X he just had to.
The first page he looked at was the one with an X in the sky. Everything was drawn in black and white, but the red X and Dipper. He saw a dead body a few inches away from a large black blob. The eyes and face were crossed out and then scribbled over with a red color pencil.
"Why does blob have a bird skull?" Stan mumbled.
Stan looked at the back and saw a small note.
"Everything makes more sense now," Stan read, "Gravity Falls."
He looked at the other piece of paper and it was the black block more in detail. Stan felt a little creeped out since this was drawn by his nephew. He was getting cornered.
"We need to have a talk," Stan sighed to himself, "Maybe Mabel knows something about this."
He looked at the back of the page thinking there might be something written on the back, "I still don't know what you are... Why have you been showing up in my nightmares for years in this same place?"
Stan's eyes widen when he read nightmares. Every time he thought of that word he would be reminded of Bill. Then he realized that Dipper had been having nightmares for years.
The final piece of the paper was confusing.
"What type of Cipher Wheel is this?" It was concerning him even more, "What type of language is written around it."
Dipper had remembered the chanting and wrote down what he heard. He looked on the back to see if there was more and there was another small note.
There were blue petals and they slowly faded into the blood. In the bottom right corner, there was something written in cursive.
Unfortunately, Stan didn't know how to read cursive well. He took a crack at it.
"We're running out of time..."
"Grunkle Stan?" Mabel walked into the kitchen.
Stan covered the papers and smiled at Mabel, "Mornin' sweetie."
"I know that you took Dipper's drawings," Mabel crossed her arms, "This isn't the first time he's slept like that."
"This happens often?" Stan sat up.
"Yeah, but ever since he was a baby he's had nightmares, but we didn't know why or what they really meant," Mabel sat down next to him as she looked at the drawings, "Bird skull again."
"Since he was little?" Stan questioned.
"Yeah, his art skills have improved over the years so now they're more clear," Mabel told him, "We can be as loud as we can since he doesn't wake up until mid-afternoon."
"Really?" Stan said.
"Yup," Mabel answered.
"He wrote things in the back of them," Stan pointed out, "This one says, Everything makes more sense now... Gravity Falls. The bird skull says, I still don't know what you are... Why have you been showing up in my nightmares for years in this same place? This one is written in some odd language with a different version of the Cipher Wheel. On the back of this one, it says We're running out of time."
Mabel looked at them and finally realized what Dipper meant by most of them.
"This whole image used to be a mystery," Mabel said, "We didn't know this place was Gravity falls until now."
"Your brother has been having dreams about gravity falls for years without even knowing it," Stan said.
"The funny thing is that his age never changed and he kept seeing himself as a teenager," Mabel told Stan, "Everything here has been the same since he was able to express what he saw in his nightmares."
"Don't you find this concerning?" Stan asked her.
"Not that much anymore," Mabel told him, "Because now these dreams make more sense."
"You aren't worried about this Mabel? The notes and everything he's drawing," Stan asked, "You have to feel concerned."
"Can I be honest with you?" Mabel asked.
"Sure," Stan mumbled.
"I realized that Dipper knew about the legend the whole and doesn't know it... well, how the ceremony works at least," Mabel said.
Mabel remembered the weird Cipher wheel from somewhere. The cat creature that could see the future showed Mabel bits of the cemetery before the tragedy happened. Mabel traced her fingers over the symbols as her necklace glowed.
"I know you told me not to look into the legend, but I had to," Mabel told him, "As what Dipper wrote on the page... we're running out of time and it needs to happen this summer."
"..." Stan was silent.
"Are you mad?" Mabel mumbled, "That I disobeyed you and that I don't feel bad about it."
Mabel was expecting anger from Stan since she knew that he was being serious when he told them to stop. Stan started to laugh and placed his hand on Mabel's hand.
"You remind me of myself when I was your age," Stan said, "I'm not mad and deep down I knew you two were still going to figure out this mystery."
Mabel let out a large sigh, "I was so scared that you were going to ground me."
"What have you two figured out so far," Stan said, "Maybe it's about time I've helped you two. I would rather be with you two than against you two. I don't want you two to get hurt and your mother and father would kill me if you two died on my watch."
Mabel's eyes widen when Grunkle Stan laughed and said, "It's not like you two are going to die."
Mabel remembered what the cat creature told her. That her actions determine the future and who she told will especially be a factor.
"Grunkle Stan," Mabel started to cry, "I'm so scared."
"Honey," Stan hugged Mabel.
She started to sob since the summer was going to end soon. She knew what that could mean. Mabel was the only one that knew the possibilities of the future.
"It's going to be okay honey," Stan stroked her hair.
"It-It's not. I went somewhere to see the future and-and I'm so scared. I didn't take Dipper with me because I wanted to be useful," Mabel whimpered, "The cat kind of reminded me of the Cheshire cat even then they barely look alike. He can see possibilities of the future and he told me the main ones that are most likely to happen."
Stan didn't know how long she knew about these possibilities. He knew that she had been holding it in for so long that he caused her distress. She was always so happy and seeing her scared broke him.
"I haven't even told Dipper yet. The cat told me that there is a high possibility that Dipper might die this summer before the whole ritual begins," Mabel muttered at the end that she didn't want to lose him.
"It'll be okay," Stan knew that feeling of not wanting to lose a sibling, "Trust me."
"There are four main possibilities and one of them keeps him alive," Mabel kept sobbing.
"What are the other three?" Stan asked.
Mabel started to calm down, "Then there's one where we both die-"
They suddenly heard someone fall to the ground. They both raced to the living room and saw Dipper on the floor.
Mabel rushed to her brother's side and saw blue petals on the ground next to his lips.
"Dipper!" Mabel started to tear up, "W-Wake up."
Dipper coughed and suddenly the petals turned into blood. He was still asleep and Stan felt his pulse.
"Dipper, please!" Mabel said, "Wake up!"
"I need to call an ambulance," Stan said, "But no one can deal with this..."
"Grunkle Stan," Mabel looked at him, "Promise that you won't get mad at us. That-That you won't get mad at us no matter what."
"I won't and I promise," Stan said.
"We can't do it here," Mabel said, "You have to carry him because we're going into the woods."
They both ran into the woods. Mabel didn't know what she was going to do. She thought she was doing an awful job as a protector since her brother wasn't doing well.
When they ran far enough from the shack Mabel found a nice area with dirt. Stan looked at Mabel in confusion as she started to draw something in the dirt.
He placed Dipper against the tree on the ground as he realized what Mabel was drawing.
"Come on, you stupid thing!" Mabel started to slam the ground, "Come on, Bill. I-I need you, please."
Tears started to form around Mabel eyes as she mumbled him to appear.
"Come on! Bill, buddy, please answer," Mabel shouted, "Damn it! What were the words."
Stan looked at Dipper and realized that he looked paler and his nose started to bleed. He watched Mabel slowly break down as she shouted at the Cipher Wheel to work. He started to feel conflicted and thought about everything. He had to make a choice... Help his nephew and niece or help his brother.
"Triangulum, Entangulum. Meteforis Dominus Ventium."
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