Mabel's Adventure
Third Person
Mabel needed to figure out more about the legend. She needed to know more and none of the monsters were helping. Every time they asked the Monster would say the same thing, "We cannot tell you. You must figure it out on your own."
She took filled her bag with snacks, water, a first aid kit, and the book that was given to them. She was curious about her place in the legend since the witch told her she was important to this mess.
Her theory wasn't disproven. About how mythology was the original world, but something happened to make it all disappear. She knew that Bill had to remember that time, but he didn't which was odd since he's been alive for so long. Something with his memory must have been erased or blocked. She just knew it, but she wanted to take this adventure alone.
Dipper needed a break from the craziness and she wanted to be helpful. Mabel threw her bag out of the window so Stan wouldn't be suspicious of her mission. She told Stan that she was going into town since she was bored.
She raced outside and picked up her bag to go into the woods. She took out her book and went through her bookmarks. She also borrowed Dipper's monster journal.
She needed to find a certain monster. Mabel remembered Dipper telling her about a monster that had babies. She knew that it was a monster that spoke the human language. That was her only clue to finding the creature who knew everything.
"Here baby ghost," Mabel shouted, "I have chips!"
"Do they even eat human food? Should I even give them human food?" Mabel mumbled to herself, "I think I have an orange in here since they are monsters."
Mabel walked around the woods for two hours and still couldn't find the creature. She sat down and took a break.
"Maybe the magic book that lady gave to Dipper can help me," She said.
Mabel opened the book and started to look through different pages. Some of them were in a different language. She knew that it wasn't any human language.
As she looked closer at the drawings. There was a triangle and a daisy somewhere hidden in every drawing. They were always together...
She knew that those weren't recent. Why didn't she notice them before? On one of the pages, there was a drawing of a beautiful pond. There was information about the pond and how it healed people that were dying. But it only appeared when it was truly needed or if the person deserved it.
"This can't be Dipper's handwriting..." There was cursive writing on the bottom, "This doesn't look like pen ink but Dipper hasn't even read the book all the way through. I'm pretty deep inside the book. I also told him not to write in it."
"My love, my world, the brightest thing in my life. Remember this lake and think of all we've done together... We both promised to keep them safe and each other." Mabel read out loud, "I will love you for eternity since you promised our love will last as long."
"That's so cute," Mabel mumbled, "I wonder if there are more little notes."
Mabel started to read more and she saw more little notes. They were sweet and loving. Near the end of the pages, there was a note that wasn't written by the author.
The handwriting was shaky and she felt the emotion, "I love you, my love. I'm sorry that I could not save you."
Mabel noticed that her necklace was glowing. She brushed her finger over the writing and all of a sudden saw the world.
It was beautiful. Monsters and demons were roaming around, and half-human demons and half-human monsters lived together freely.
She saw someone around her age sitting on a rock. He had jet black hair, fair skin, grey eyes, and markings all over his arms. Mabel saw him talking to monsters and demons.
She noticed that he had the book in his hands. She noticed that he was using magic. They made eye contact and Mabel was back in her world.
"What the fuck happened?" Mabel started to aggressively tap the page, "I want to go back! I want to see the world."
Mabel looked at her necklace and started to shake it. She saw the person that created the book. She felt something touch her foot and looked up to see a ghost.
"HOLY SHIT!¨Mabel shouted.
She didn't kick the ghost since it could be the baby of the monster Dipper meant. He talked about that monster a lot and how it was one of his favorites. He never told her why though.
"Hello," Mabel smiled.
The ghost kept looking at Mabel and she took out the orange. She started to peel the orange and then gave it a piece.
"Would you care for a piece?" Mabel asked.
"I don't know what you're saying," Mabel mumbled.
The ghost ate the orange and then turned orange. Mabel didn't know that it could do that.
"I have to remember to write that down for Dipper," She mumbled.
Mabel was a little concerned until she saw multiple ghosts appear. She realized she should have brought more oranges since she needed to make peace with them.
"I don't have enough, but I do have chips," Mabel said.
"Beep, Beep, Beep, Beep," They all chanted.
Mabel gave out the rest of the orange and then opened a bag of chips. They were all grateful for the tasty treats.
"I don't know if you can understand me, but I'm looking for this monster," Mabel took out Dipper's book, "My brother is the monster whisper."
"I don't even know if you can even understand me," Mabel said.
The ghost started to push Mabel up and then she realized that they were going to show them where the other monster was. She carried one of them inside her bag since it was falling behind. Mabel started to noticed that the trees weren't the trees around the mystery shack.
They looked more magically in a way. They softly glowed and the leaves were not a natural green. It was a cyan color with yellow dusk that made it shine.
"Beep!" They all stopped.
Mabel looked up and saw a tall monster. It looked like the drawing that Dipper drew. Mabel placed down the ghost and looked at the monster.
"Hello!" Mabel shouted, "I don't know if you can hear me, but my little brother told me that you can understand the human language.... I have chips."
Mabel offered the monster a bag of chips. He looked at Mabel and then took the chips.
"I know who you are," He said, "You are the sibling of the monster whisperer... or the protector."
"The protector?" Mabel questioned.
"Your amulet is magic and it is the symbolism of protection," He example, "You now possess the power to protect the whisperer of monsters and the king of demons when time comes. They did not have you before."
"Isn't he an all powerful demon? Why or even how do I protect him? He does it fine on his own from what I've seen," Mabel said.
"That is why you will know when time has come," He said.
"So, this amulet gives me powers? I don't know how to use it," Mabel told him, "I did something earlier and I saw the old world. Why did it change?"
"I was not alive when it all changed," He told her.
"The book and its creator... do you know anything about him or even his love?" Mabel asked.
"No, I do not," He said.
"Do you know the being that sees all?" Mabel asked him, "I need answers to the legend. I want to make sure my little brother is safe and if this legend comes true... I don't want him dead. I don't want my friend and my brother to die because I have a feeling that when this legend comes true someone will die."
"Child, you have a heart of gold and you care so much. That is why the amulet belongs to you. You are the piece of the puzzle that they did not have before." He said.
"Thank you," Mabel smiled softly.
"The creature that sees all does not belong in this realm," He told Mabel, "Your amulets together may create a portal to the realm he stays in."
"How do I do it?" Mabel asked.
"I will show you," He said, "Be careful with the creature."
The monster started to draw shapes on the ground. When the monster was done Mabel took a photo just incase.
"Combine the two stones and trace over my markings," He said, "When tracing the markings you will think of the being that knows all."
"Thank you so much," Mabel smiled.
"Thank you for not harming my children and feeding them," He said before leaving.
Mabel waved goodbye and then looked at the markings. She took off both of them and started to trace them. She thought about he magically being. Once it was done the portal glowed and it was a mixture of black and red. She put back on her necklace and looked at the portal.
"I can do this, I can do this," Mabel was jumping up and down, "I can't! It looks so scary."
Mabel needed to jump inside to find the creature. She jumped into the portal and closed her eyes until she felt ground. She landed on her butt and opened her eyes.
She was inside a cave which surprising wasn't dark. She stood up and looked around. She brought out more chips just incase she needed to give the creature an offering. She only had chips, water, and a first aid kit.
"Excuse me! Creature that knows everything!" Mabel shouted, "I promise I won't hurt you! I have chips and water... I just need answers!"
Mabel looked up and it was an empty cave with glowing bugs. She heard foot steps and was scared because she was expecting this large scary creature.
"Mabel Pines," She heard a voice echo in the cave.
"Yes," Mabel said.
"Please, open the treats and then place them on the floor," The creature said.
"Okay," Mabel opened the chips and place them on the ground.
Mabel saw the chips float away and she followed the bag of chips. She saw the creature and she was surprised. She saw a fluffy white cat, with soft blue eyes, its ears were point and long, and it's tail was fluffy and long with a sharp point.
"Your a cat," Mabel smiled.
"I will ignore that comment since you did bring me a treat," The creature said.
Mabel noticed it's sharp teeth and saw the thrid eye open for a second.
"I guess you know why I'm here," Mabel said.
"I do," They said, "I know everything. You are a clever girl."
"Thank you," Mabel said.
"You must know that I will not give you all the answers you are searching for," They told her.
"You're an all seeing creature you're suppose to know that answer," Mabel said and she thought about it, "Wait... If you tell me certain things will something bad happen? Like in human movies?"
"Yes," They told her, "I will tell you all I am able."
"Is there a possibility that I'll lose my brother and my friend?" Mabel asked.
"There are four futures that may happen that are most likely, but remember these are all depending on the actions that you make," They showed Mabel four pictures, "In one your brother will perish before the legend begins, one where both of them will be killed, the thrid is where the demon king will die, and the final one where all of you will meet death."
"You know the past, right?" Mabel asked.
"Yes," They smiled, "You want to know if your theory is correct?"
"I do, but if it is then there's another question that I hope you can answer," Mabel said.
"You are correct," They told her showing her the old world.
"I can't believe I was right," Mabel smiled.
"I miss this land," They told Mabel, "Everything was perfect."
"What is the legend? I know you can tell me it because it's not the future," Mabel said.
The creature used his magic to tell Mabel the legend.
"The legend is told that one day the king of demons and the monster whisperer will join together. They will perform a special ritual that will begin everything. They will open the bubble keeping the magic of the old land to spread around the world," The creature explained, "Then all the creatures will be free... mortals and animals that have the blood of monsters or demons will transform to how they were suppose to appear. The world will become new by becoming the old."
"Wait a minute," Mabel said, "Bill tried to open the portal when he tried to take over the world, why didn't it work then?"
"He was not strong enough," They answered, "Even with great power like his, it was not enough to open the bubble."
"Okay," Mabel said, "Why was the bubble placed up in the first place? Because I know that the bubble wasn't created for no reason."
"Take a seat on this moss ball," They said.
Mabel sat down and the creature started to string. In Mabel's eye it was cat sized now. The creature sat on Mabel's lap and she started to pet them.
"Your so soft," Mabel muttered.
"Watch my magic and listen to my voice," They said.
Mabel looked at their magic and listen to the creature carefully.
"Mortals, hybrids, monsters, and demons once roamed this earth peaceful but it did not last. Mortals started to hunt and kill anything that wasn't normal in their eyes. There was war and blood was spilled. One side did not want war and bloodshed, so the creatures that all came to gravity falls. The ones that were able to live along side humans without death stayed. Some went to other worlds to have safe life, but some were not able to come to gravity falls," The creature explained.
Mabel saw images of war and innocent creatures dying. She slowly started to hate human kind. Why would they do this?
"There was a creature... he was a mixture of monster, demon, and a mortal. He was beloved by every creature and aided in the war," Mabel saw the picture of the human.
It looked like the creator of the book that was given to her. The same grey eyes and black hair. She couldn't believe that he was a mixture of all them even when he mainly looked human.
"He and his love aided in the war. His love was a powerful demon that cared for the world. He grew to admire everything that the human world was able to offer," Mabel's eyes widen when she saw the lover.
It was Bill. She saw Bill fight in battle, heal and recuse monsters and demons. The creature showed Mabel how much they loved each other. She slowly realized that the way he looked at his first love was the same way her looked at her brother.
The way he held his first love was a lot like the way he would hold Dipper. The way there foreheads would touch one another and how he cared for Dipper quickly. Mabel then thought about Dipper and how he looked at Bill too.
They were falling in love with each other...
"Him and his lover made a plan to make a place where they were able to live in peace. Where they were still able to leave and enter, but no fully humans would be able to enter. It would be paradise. They made a plan where they would make a bubble to keep them safe. Creating a strong enough spell using both of their powers. The ceremony began and everyone was exticed to finally live in peace," The creature said.
Mabel saw the ritual and it looked amazing. The way they looked at each other and chanted certain words together.
"As they chanted the words a large X appeared in the sky so his love would become his most powerful. Everything was going as plan and everyone had hope..." The creature went quiet and let their magic finish this part of the story.
Mabel saw the ritual going as plan and everyone was happy. Her eyes widen in shock and tears formed down her eyes. Bill's first love was murdered in front of him with an arrow through his heart and stomach.
She saw the look on Bill's face when he realized that he had passed. It was a human and the mortal was captured by one of the demons. Bill held his loves lifeless body and she even heard his scream of pain.
"He was killed by a human. The ritual went unfinished and that caused the bubble to change. The magic that belonged to the world was now inside the bubble. All creatures that had human blood inside them transformed into mortals, but they still had their demon or monster blood. Only their appearance change and abitlies to produce magic changed. Without magic they were not able to use it," The creature explained, "His hair and eyes turned a bright red. Anger filled his body and he killed the human that murdered his love. He wanted more revenage for all of his friends that had died in the war, revenge for making them feel ashamed for being themselves, and most of all revenage for killing is love. Only rage filled his soul and he never mourned his loves death expect for that moment when it happened."
"Why doesn't Bill remember any of it?" Mabel asked.
"I was getting to that part," The creature said.
"I'm sorry, continue," Mabel said.
"He was filled with too much anger and sadness to the point where it became dangerous. Someone more powerful than him erased his memory... His pain was too strong and wanting to kill every mortal would be dangerous." The creature said, "They erased everything about his love, the war he had fought in, and the creation of the bubble. He still does not know that he created the bubble that traps him in gravity falls."
"Why could he leave before?" Mabel asked.
The creature went back into their original form and looked at Mabel.
"That is a good question... I do not know," The creature answered.
"Aren't you suppose to know everything?" Mabel pouted, "The monsters and demons inside the bubble can't leave the bubble but he can."
"The creature that erased his memory teleported outside of the bubble. He was able to roam the world for years, but he was still filled with anger," The creature said, "He was called once again to gravity falls and entering again was a mistake that he made without knowing. He is able to leave this realm but he can only come back to gravity falls if returning to the human world."
"Oh... okay," Mabel muttered.
"He created his own legend," The creature said, "What you do with this information will have a significant impact on the future. Mainly on who lives and dies..."
"Can I ask who erased Bill's memory?" Mabel asked.
"Okay, but wouldn't it have been better if Bill expressed his feelings inside of erasing them? Thinking about everything he had done and told me makes more sense. He told me that he was always angry and didn't know why."Mabel explained.
"I am not allowed to answer that," They told her, "Are all your questions satifsed?"
"What the monster that said in the mortal world," Mabel said, "Is that the reason why I'm needed now is so the same thing that happened before doesn't happen again?"
"A protector was needed before," The creature said, "Why wouldn't you be needed now?"
"Good point," Mabel said, "Those are all my questions."
Mabel opened her bag and opened a bag of chips. She left them on the ground and then started to walk away.
"Thank you for everything," Mabel said.
The creature looked at the bag of chips and smiled. They were never given an offering before and she was the first.
"Mabel, take this," The creature gave her a piece of paper, "You will need this when the time is right."
Mabel held the paper and smiled, "Thank you."
Mabel walked away from the creature and realized that she didn't know how to get home. She thought that redoing the markings and thinking about going home will get her home.
She looked at her phone and started to make the markings and thought about home. It worked and she was in a familiar part of the woods.
She looked around and saw the shack close by. She opened the piece of paper and saw markings. It wasn't label but she took a picture and made it a mission to remember the markings.
Mabel started to think about thing she heard and saw. She didn't know if she should even tell Bill about his past. She knew that she had to tell them about the legend and the basics.
How is she going to explain to Bill that the reason he was mad for so long and hated humans was because they killed his first love. She also thought about what the creature told her about her actions and how they effected their future.
She needed to keep his past to herself until she knew for certain its a good idea. She couldn't risk the future where her family died. She would be without a brother and a best friend that was basically family.
She didn't care if Bill was falling in love with Dipper or the other way around. All she wanted was no one to die and to fix what the humans did. She wanted everyone to be safe. She wasn't going to stop the feelings that they had for each other even when they both don't have a clue that they are.
Mabel stuffed the paper in her bag and before she raced home she heard something. She looked around to see if anyone saw her. She was in the clear and then raced home. She left her window open and threw her backpack into her room. She walked through the front door and no one was in the living room.
Mabel quickly raced to Dipper's room to see him. She knocked on his door. Dipper opened the door and smiled at her.
"Hey Mabel," Dipper smiled.
Mabel didn't want to tell Dipper the ritual now since she was still processing everything, "Do you want to watch a movie?"
"Sure," Dipper smiled, "In your room or in mine?"
"Yours," Mabel smiled.
Mabel entered his room and they started to watch the movie. Mabel hugged her brother during the movie.
"I love you Dipper."
"I love you too, Mabel."
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