Third Person
It's been three days since the twins had their adventures. Mabel still hasn't told her brother about what she saw. She was debating if she should even tell him about the legend in general. She needed more time to figure out what to do with the information.
Dipper wanted to spend time with Mabel. He wanted to spend time with and not have it turned into saving the whole time. Before Dipper went to Mabel's room he grabbed the fruit that Bill gave him.
Dipper knocked on the door, "Mabel?"
He heard something fall, "I'm okay, I just tripped."
"You sure?" Dipper asked.
"100%" Mabel responded.
She opened the door and smiled at her brother. Dipper noticed that she tripped over her basket filled with knitting supplies.
"Did you trip over your knitting supplies?" Dipper asked.
"Yes," Mabel said.
"I was wondering if you wanted to hang out?" Dipper asked her.
"Okay!" Mabel smiled, "Where do you think we should go?"
"Maybe, we could go into town and walk around and see," Dipper smiled, "I haven't seen the town fully."
"Alright-" Mabel noticed the fruit, "What the hell is that?"
"Bill gave me fruit from another world and it tastes great," Dipper whispered.
"Is it safe?" Mabel asked.
"He told me it was," Dipper handed it to her.
"I'll eat it later," Mabel said.
"I'm going to get my shoes," Dipper smiled.
The twins put on their shoes and went into the living room. They didn't see Ford or Stan in the living room or the kitchen. They assumed that they were in the lab or Ford's secret lab. Dipper wrote a quick note that they were going into town.
As they headed to town they started to talk about what they were going to do. Mabel told Dipper that she was in the mood to play mini-golf. He thought it was a good idea since they haven't played together in a while.
The last time they played Mabel got a little too competitive and they got banned from Mini-Golf Castle in California. Technical it was only Mabel, but Dipper never liked going by himself and made Mabel talk to the employees.
"Have you been to the mini-golf place before?" Dipper asked.
"Yes, I-I went with Pacifica," Mabel blushed softly, "She's really good."
"Was it a date?" Dipper poked Mabel's sides.
"Stop that," Mabel hissed, "It wasn't a date."
"When are you going to ask her out?" Dipper asked, "I can tell you really like her."
"I-I do, but every time I try I chicken out," Mabel sighed, "I get too nervous."
"You could always write her a note," Dipper said, "Like in a romantic way."
"You know I'm not poetic like that," Mabel said.
"I can always help you," Dipper said, "Like I did with that one poetry assignment you struggled with."
"Thank you for that," Mabel said.
As they walked toward the mini-golf place Mabel noticed that Dipper looked paler. Maybe it was the lighting that made him look paler. He hasn't been in the sun that and maybe that's why. She just kept an eye on him to see if he got worse as they played.
Dipper was pretty excited about playing since they haven't played with each other in a while. Mabel was happy that they were playing together.
"Why do some of these holes look considering?" Dipper mumbled."
"I asked Pacifica and she doesn't know why some of them are designed like that," Mabel told him, "Some of them looked creepy."
The two started to play against each other. Mabel was better at controlling her competitiveness.
"Mabel!" Candy shouted.
"Candy?" Mabel turned around.
Mabel saw Candy, Grenda, Pacifica, and Gideon. Mabel still had mixed feelings about him. He was cool until it came with monsters and demons.
"Hey, guys," Mabel smiled.
"I didn't know you two were here," Pacifica said.
"We just wanted to hang out today," Dipper said.
"Do you mind if we join you guys?" Grenda asked, "I'm getting tired of losing to Pacifica all the time."
"You'll start losing to Mabel," Dipper said.
"Sure," Mabel said.
They all started to play together and Dipper was a little awkward. Especially around Pacifica and Gideon. Gideon was obvious. Pacifica was because the last time she saw Dipper was when he almost set the shack on fire.
"Suck it!" Pacifica shouted.
"Why are you so good!" Candy shouted.
"My parents made me take golf lessons and I've been good at it ever since," Pacifica smiled.
"I'm fine with second," Mabel smiled.
Dipper hadn't noticed that Pacifica had arm and shoulder muscles. She always wore long sleeves every time he saw her or something hiding her arms. They arrived at hold 14 and when it was Dipper's turn he stopped.
"I don't wanna play anymore," Dipper started to cry.
"Oh my gosh, what happened?" Mabel asked.
"There are little golf people and- and one of them died from a gas leak. What if I cause another death?" Dipper started to sob, "A girl name Polly is sharing his story."
"What the fuck," Mabel said, "There are little golf people in here?"
"I forgot to tell you," Pacifica said.
"I feel bad," Dipper started to calm down.
"It's okay," Candy said, "I try not to think about it."
"Dipper's probably not gonna play after this," Grenda said.
"I would have never brought him here if I knew this," Mabel said, "Now I feel bad because if I cause a death."
"I heard, that they have better working conditions down there than before," Gideon said.
"That makes me feel a little better," Dipper mumbled.
"Do they actual?" Mabel asked.
"I have no idea," Gideon said, "I just feel bad for him."
"I still don't want to play anymore," Dipper said.
"You don't have to play," Mabel said.
"Thank you," Dipper said.
"Now, I can't stop thinking about it," Candy said.
"I leave them little gifts at night," Pacifica blushed slightly, "At night I sneak in here and leave little treats for them after I play."
"That's sweet," Dipper smiled.
"Yeah," Grenda said.
Dipper just tried making conversation while everyone else played. He started to enjoy their company more. After they finished playing they all started to walk around town.
Dipper is behind everyone listening to the conversation. Pacifica starts to walk next to him. She wanted to get to know Dipper since they never had a one-on-one conversation.
"Hey," Pacifica smiled.
"Hey..." Dipper smiled.
"Has gravity falls treated you well so far?" Pacifica asked.
"Um... I guess so. I've been learning more about myself here," Dipper mumbled.
"That's nice," Pacifica said, "I feel like this place has a lot to offer when trying to figure out yourself."
"This place feels like a dream," Dipper told her.
"When you've been living here for so long," Pacifica said, "It still feels like a dream."
"Everything here is so amazing," Dipper said, "I'm sorry that you had to put out one of my fires. I didn't even know that I did that."
"I don't blame you... Ford was being a dick," Pacifica said, "I would be mad too. Sometimes I still wonder how I've dealt with him through the years."
"I feel sorry for you," Dipper said.
"Haha, I do too," Pacifica smiled, "I'm glad that I got to talk to you. Since every time we see each other Ford is being an ass."
"I'm glad we got to talk too," Dipper smiled.
Dipper started to feel weird, but he ignored it.
"Hey," Dipper kept hearing a snake.
"Sammy gross!" Pacifica shouted.
When Pacifica shouted everyone stopped and looked at her then everyone stared at Dipper in shock. Pacifica tied up her hair and they saw a small snake on her shoulders.
"You could have warned me that you were going to throw up!" Pacifica said, "I told you not to eat that."
"Poor thing," Dipper mumbled.
"Sammy threw up on my back," Pacifica said.
"It's not too bad," Dipper said, "Do you mind if I just, you know."
"Please, go ahead," Pacifica said.
"I got it," Dipper said.
Everyone saw Sammy grow wings and fly on to Dipper's shoulders. Sammy stared at Dipper and then placed his head on Dipper's neck.
"What a cutie," Dipper smiled.
All of a sudden Pacifica took a photo of Dipper's face. He was confused and then Pacifica stared at the phone.
"This... when did it happen?" Pacifica said.
"I have no idea what you're taking about," Dipper said.
Pacifica showed Dipper the photo of himself, "This."
Dipper's eyes widen when he saw the photo. He had scales on his cheeks and running down his neck. He wasn't covered in them, but he had some.
"I don't know," Dipper said, "I-I didn't know I could do this."
Sammy started to gag.
"SAMMY NO!" Pacifica said.
By institic Dipper cupped his hand under Sammys mouth. Sammy threw up a whole mouse and then smiled at Dipper.
"It iss a gift,"
"Thank you," Dipper smiled softly, "It's for me? or for her?"
"Mother doesn't like gifts... she hates me,"
"I'm sorry that she didn't like your gift," Dipper said, "But she loves you."
"She doesn't...This gift is for you to eat."
"She does," Dipper mumbled, "Thank you for your gift... I'll eat it later."
Sammy smiled and stayed on Dipper's shoulder, "Thank you."
"Sammy, I do love you," Pacifica said.
"When did you get Sammy?" Dipper asked.
"He kind of came one week after we meant you two," Pacifica said.
"Is no one going to question why his face looks like his little face?" Grenda said.
"He has fangs," Candy said.
"I do?" Dipper questioned.
"Bro, you look pretty cool," Mabel said, "You just developed this skill?"
"I guess so..." Dipper mumbled, "That explains why I felt a little sick before we came..."
"Why are you keeping a monster?" Gideon questioned.
"Oh no, he's throwing up," Dipper said.
"Sammy let's put you on the ground until you finish," Pacifica offered her hand and Sammy climbed on, "I'll sit you."
"Is he okay?" Mabel asked.
"I'm not sure," Pacifica said.
"I'll be... right back," Dipper felt like throwing up, "Sammy, I'm placing your gift just for second.
They watch Dipper go behind a bush and throw up. Mabel went to comfort her brother.
"It's okay," Mabel patted his back.
"What is happening?" Grenda said.
"I feel weak and sick," Dipper mumbled.
"Do you think that Sammy made him sick?" Pacifica asked, "Because then I'll feel bad and so would he."
"I felt sick in the morning," Dipper said, "But I felt fine when we went to play mini-golf. Then 14th hole I started to feel sick again and then it stopped and started again when I went near Pacifica."
"Why can't we have a normal day when we all hang out," Candy sighed.
"I think I know what's going on," Mabel said.
The creature told Mabel that Bill and his lover had the same amount of power. Since Bill is a powerful demon that must be a lot in her eyes. Since Dipper mainly lived as a human with no powers his body is still getting used to his new abilities. All Mabel needed to figure out was why he felt sick in those in moments.
"We should probably take you home," Mabel said.
"I feel like death," Dipper muttered.
"Sammy feels better," Pacifica mumbled.
"Let's go," Mabel said.
"My gift?"
"Sammy, I'll get your gift," Dipper said.
"Dipper no," Mabel whispered, "That gross."
"I am not hurting a little snakes feelings," Dipper whispered back, "Look at that face."
"I'll call you later," Candy and Grenda told Mabel.
"I'll text you tonight Mabel," Pacifica smiled.
"Bye," Mabel smiled.
"Bye," Dipper said while picking up the dead mouse, "Thank you Sammy."
They all parted ways. Mabel started to explain to Dipper what was probably happening to him. When they were far enough Dipper threw the mouse in a bush.
When they got him Dipper really started to throw up. It reminded Mabel of that one time he got bad food poisoning.
"Dipper?" Mabel knocked on the door, "You alive in there."
"Kill me now," Dipper said in the bathroom.
"I'm so sorry," Mabel said.
"Honey, did he get food poisoning?" Stan asked.
"Yes," Dipper said.
"I'll get you stuff," Stan said.
"Thank you," Mabel said, "I'm making sure he doesn't die."
Dipper spent a good hour inside the bathroom wanting to die. Mabel and Stan were there for emotional support. Mabel was glad that Dipper didn't faint.
Meanwhile, Gideon was walking Pacifica home.
"You know that I have to tell Ford about the snake," Gideon said.
"Don't you fucking dare," Pacifica said, "I will beat the complete shit out of you. Sammy, is not going to be a experiment."
"He's not going to experiment on him," Gideon said.
"You and me both have seen what's in his lab," Pacifica said, "Why are you still following him? You know what he's doing is wrong with the monsters."
"Dipper's really getting in your head," Gideon told her.
"He has a point, you know? They're not doing anything to hurt us so leave them be. I know what to do when Bill comes and that's all I'm agreeing with," Pacifica said, "If you tell Ford... I'll tell him everything about how you got your amulet and what you did when he was gone."
"You don't even know how I got the amulet," Gideon said, "I told him all he needed to know about me."
"I fucking will and I do," Pacifica said, "You double crossed everyone to get those journals. You even figured out a way to travel through different relams to get that amulet. You had the ability to save Ford."
"Pacifica," Gideon said.
"I know for a fact that Stan didn't tell Ford anything about you during those times," Pacifica said.
"Why are you caring so much about the monster now? We all know you like Mabel and that's why your caring about the monster more," Gideon said.
"You don't think I don't know that I have a massive crush on Mabel? Pfff, fucking please, she's hot. You're so stupid... You really haven't been paying attention to my involvement with Ford over the past years. I haven't helped create any of the shit he makes, I've always said it was a bad idea to fuck with the wildlife, and the only reason I deal with him is because I'm afraid that Bill will kill us all. Honestly, he's been so irritating since Dipper came along because he's jealous of a fucking 17-year-old," Pacifica said, "His fuckings nets give me rashes and they burn sometimes. You tell Ford and I'll spill everything."
"Fine," Gideon said.
"Let's go Sammy," Pacifica said.
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