Found You
Third Person
Bill Cipher would roam around town wearing a hood over his head. At times he would turn invisible so he could take his hood off or when he felt irritated.
Bill had mind-controlled a few salesmen to give them a few things that he might need. He had borrowed a cell phone, clothes and shoes, and a few things to eat since he needs to take care of his mortal body.
Bill was becoming extremely impatient since it's been two weeks. He's been all around town and has found nothing. His eyes did glow but it was only faint. He was upset because he keeps getting so close and nothing is there.
Bill realized that his voice stayed the same which could be a huge problem. He managed to change his voice but not too much. He didn't want to sound weird, but he made sure that the monster who whispered knew his voice.
"Why can't I find the monster whisper," Bill groan as he drank coffee, "This tastes gross."
Bill looked at his phone and started to think about what the creature had said. That they were in gravity falls but Bill realized that people could enter and leave. Meaning that it's probably not someone from gravity falls.
"Oh shit I'm fucked if I don't find them soon," Bill hit his head on the table, "What if they already left."
The Bill realized the good part about if it was someone new. If they didn't know who he was that means they could easily be manipulated.
Bill opened his eyes and noticed his eyes started to glow. It was never this bright.
Bill covered his one eye and looked around to see how was close to him. Bill looked across the table saw Dipper. He saw Dipper's eyes glow and when Dipper noticed his eyes he quickly left.
Bill followed him and wanted to see where he lived. He started to notice which direction he was racing towards. There's no way, Bill thought.
Dipper stopped and looked at the mystery shack and saw Stan.
Dipper looked down and shouted, "I'm going to my room, uncle Stan."
"Alright kiddo!" Stan said.
Bill turned himself invisible and walked around Stan. There's no way there related, Bill thought, this might be a problem.
Dipper raced inside and Bill followed him. He need Dipper alone so he could talk to him. He knew that he couldn't do it in the mystery shack. That was an actual death sentence.
Dipper kept looking at his phone and his eyes were glowing brighter.
"Oh no, oh no, oh no!" Dipper muttered.
Bill teleport into Dipper's room since that was the direction he was going to. Bill sat on his bed and waited for Dipper to enter the room.
Dipper closed and locked his room. Before staring at his mirror and looking at his eyes.
"Why is this happening now," Dipper muttered, "I don't think mushrooms from little ghost can help me."
Bill was somewhat confused when Dipper muttered that last part. Dipper went over to his bed and Bill quickly moved to the corner before he sat down.
Bill sat across from him and stared at him. Dipper was hugging his pillow and unknowingly starting back at Bill.
"What's going on with me," Dipper frowned.
Bill started to get this emotion that he's never felt before. Why do I feel bad for him, Bill thought.
Dipper started to feel a little hot and he wanted to open the window. Bill was so close to being discovered by Dipper since he was almost on top of him. Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, Bill panicked to himself leaning as back as possible.
Dipper took off his hoodie and Dipper decided to change into something more comfortable. When Bill realized he was going to change he quickly teleported outside his room. Why didn't I think this through? What's my fucking plan? Bill thought.
When Bill heard the bed move he assumed that Dipper was done changing. Bill teleported back and stared at Dipper hugging his pillow. He sat down on the floor and listened to Dipper ramble about random things. Something caught his ears which made him feel a little worse.
"From out of millions of people I had to be the one," Dipper frowned, "To be the one with the weirdness."
Dipper took out the journal and started to look through it. Out of anger, he threw it and it hit Bill square in the nose. Bill fell back since he wasn't used to human pain and then he wasn't invisible anymore.
Bill looked at Dipper thinking he was going to scream for Stan or Ford. Dipper knew that people couldn't disappear and reappear, but he didn't say a word. He just sat there silent and a little confused.
"That hurt," Bill groaned.
Then all of a sudden he had realized that he hurt someone and started to feel bad. Dipper went on the ground and sat next to him. Dipper somewhat assumed that Bill was a shapeshifter even when he barely knew about shapeshifters.
"I'm so sorry," Dipper muttered, " I didn't mean to hurt you. I thought no one was here."
Bill felt Dipper's hand on his cheek as he looked at his nose. Bill was extremely confused with this feeling when he felt his soft hand.
"You're not bleeding which is good," Dipper muttered, "I feel awful."
"I'm not a shapeshifter," Bill blurted out.
"Then what are you?" Dipper placed his hand down.
Bill looked at him and didn't know that he'll get this far. He planned to spy on him and then confront him, but fate just had different plans.
"You know a lot about monsters right?" Bill asked.
"Yes," Dipper mumbled.
"That book you hurt me with," Bill pointed, "Isn't that Fords?"
Dipper blushed and started to stutter, "I-I just- This is my book. Ford's is in a hiding place."
Dipper went over to his hiding and pulled it out. Dipper handed it to Bill which would have made Ford furious. Bill started to look through it and saw the Cipher Wheel. On the back of the page, he saw do not trust.
"I haven't read it a lot," Dipper muttered, "I've only seen that page..."
So much emotion was going through Bill. Anger, sadness, and regret were running through him. He didn't know how to express it let alone tell someone.
"Why this page?" Dipper asked.
His eyes widen and they turned blue.
"It's okay," Dipper placed his hand on Bill's lap, "Is this your page."
"This was a mistake," Bill was about to get up until Dipper stopped him.
"I don't know what you did exactly but something I do know is that you were supposed to be dead," Dipper muttered, "There's a guide into how to kill you again..."
Bill took out the charm and didn't know that it belonged to Dipper.
"This was near my grave and I think they're the person who brought me back," Bill said, "I just want to ask why. I know this isn't Sixer since he's a wackjob that doesn't own jewelry."
"Haha," Dipper chuckled at the Ford part, "I didn't realize I lost it until today. I was changing and saw that my charm was missing."
"Did you bring me back," Bill asked
Something in Bill wanted to know who brought him back. It was this question that wanted to be answered even when he didn't think about it until right now.
Dipper didn't know, but it might have been a part of it somehow. Mabel doesn't touch the book, why would Ford want this person back?
"I think so," Dipper muttered, "I was curious... But also Ford didn't tell me anything. I was so curious about this land and the magic. The only people I talk to are my sister and monsters. Sometimes I get lonely."
"So, you don't know anything about me or this place?" Bill questioned.
"Not at all, but I want to know more," Dipper muttered, "About this place, about these monsters, and maybe about you."
Dipper slightly smiled and Bill looked at him. He finally understood what the creature had told him. Dipper was much different than Bill... he felt sweet, kind, and caring.
He still had plans to rule the world but something told him to put it off. Just a little. He does need to get Dipper to trust him.
"Ford cannot know that I am alive," Bill told him, "I'm dead if he knows."
"I know he has a whole list into how to kill you," Dipper said.
"Oh shit," Bill laid on the ground and looked at the ceiling.
Dipper laid next to him and turned over to face him even when Bill wasn't facing him.
"If it makes you feel better," Dipper muttered and Bill looked at him, "Those bugs ate that page."
Bill laughed, "A little."
Dipper smiled and Bill went back to his plain face.
"Come here," Dipper went over to his bed.
He closed the window and patted the bed. Bill crawled on and sat down.
"I haven't been in this shack for so long," Bill confessed, "This place has always called out to me and I've been roaming this place for centuries."
"How old are you?" Dipper was a little curious.
"I've been here since the earth has been and seeing this place evolve was so interesting," Bill answered, "Hell I caused the plague serval times."
"That was a horrible event," Dipper told him.
"They had it coming because they didn't believe in proper hygiene. Plus, someone wanted their business to go up and I made it happen."
"By causing a terrible illness that killed hundreds of people?" Dipper wanted some clarification.
"They made the deal and I followed it. The mortal asked for more death since their casket business was going downhill," Bill told Dipper.
"I don't know what to say about that last part," Dipper let out a soft chuckle.
"When I made it I left and now it's history," Bill said.
"So, your thousands of years old?" Dipper said.
"Not exactly," Bill didn't know how to explain it.
"What do you mean not exactly?" Dipper asked.
"I talked to this creature and they told me that I'm going to be around the same age as the person who brought me back," Bill answered.
"I'm seventeen," Dipper told him.
"So, I'm seventeen in meatsack years," Bill said, "You should have seen the dancing plague."
"The France thing where they danced until they died," Dipper muttered, "That was you?"
"I was bored," Bill muttered.
"What was that thought process?" Dipper asked.
Bill inhaled and looked at Dipper, "I have no idea."
Dipper started to hear footsteps and told Bill to be quiet.
"Dipper," Ford knocked.
"Yes?" Dipper answered.
"Is there someone with you?" Ford asked, "Because I thought that I heard someone."
Dipper thought about what he should say next. Bill felt a little fear since Ford could murder him again.
"I was watching a video," Dipper told him, "I'll be quieter."
"Oh, alright," Ford said, "I'll be in my lab if you need anything."
Bill's heart raced as the two talked. His human emotions were something that he hated with a passion. He wanted to shut them all down but he couldn't. When Dipper heard the footsteps go away he started to talk again.
"That was close," Dipper whispered.
"I hate these meatsack emotions," Bill groaned softly.
"Um?" Dipper looked at Bill.
"I don't like feeling meatsack emotions," Bill muttered, "I don't know what most of them are."
"For someone that's been on earth since dinosaurs," Dipper said, "You don't know how emotions work?"
"I've never been in this meatsack," Bill told Dipper, "This is my first time."
"What are these," Dipper pointed at Bill's knee.
"I know what a knee is," Bill sighed, "I know the physical part of a human but emotions are an odd subject for me. It's confusing and I don't see the point in them, also since I've been dead I'm not caught up with what humans do."
"What about this," Dipper looked at Bill.
"I'm listening," Bill muttered.
"You answer the questions that I have about this town, the creatures, and you," Dipper said.
"I like this so far," Bill said.
"And I'll help you with the human world and anything you want!" Dipper told him.
"Deal," Bill made sure that he didn't sound too excited.
"Yes," Dipper hugged him.
Bill froze and looked at Dipper since he didn't know what to do.
"Is this some type of ineffective human attack," Bill questions.
"No, silly it's a hug," Dipper told him, "You don't know what a hug is?"
"Never been hugged before," Bill mumbled.
"Get used to this," Dipper smiled softly.
Bill placed his arms around Dipper and hugged him softly. It was odd but comforting.
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