Chapter 6
Amber and Juliet went up and grabbed a canoe and went to the edge of the lake where everyone else are. Nova was in charge and so was another guy Sam.
Nova smiles at them. ''Ok everyone now we are gonna have some fun we are gonna have a canoe race and it will start in 10 minutes so find a partner it can be whoever you want it to be.'' Nova said with a clip board.
''Say Amber come on let's go sign up.'' Juliet said.
''Ok are you sure you don't want to be with Gnomeo?'' She asked.
''No besides I want to spend time with you and Tybalt is over there unless you want to be with Tybalt.'' Juliet teased.
Amber looked and saw Tybalt and shook her head. ''No, I'm good with you.'' She said.
Juliet went up to Nova and sighed their name.
''Fancy running into you here?'' Said a voice behind and she smirks getting goosebumps.
''Believe it or not I do tend to get out and what about you I didn't see you as a type to canoe unless you're after a girl.'' She flirted.
''Well, me and Lucky thought we would have some fun. So, want to partner up with me?'' He asked flashing his charming smile.
''Sorry but I'm taken by my girl Amber.'' She said coming face to face with him.
He looked at her shirt. ''So can I then?''
''Can you what?'' Juliet asked.
''Kiss you I mean it says so on your top.'' He teased.
''Sorry but I don't kiss guys with only an 8 you have to be a 10.'' She said flirtingly.
He was about to reply when suddenly Clara came over to them. ''Hey Gnomeo ready to race I got us on a team.'' She said throwing herself in his arms. He looked annoyed.
''No, I actually want to be with--'' He was cut off.
''It's alright I get it see such a player besides she wants you more then I do.'' Juliet said walking away wanting to punch Clara in the face.
''Why did you do that Clara?'' Gnomeo asked letting go of her.
''I don't see why your trying just take her and get it over with so we can be together.'' She said leaning into him.
''Sorry Clara but even if I do sleep with her and not get together, I'm not getting back with you it's over.'' He said walking away and went over changing his name to join Lucky and they got their canoes and lined them up.
''We will take you down.'' Amber said to Gnomeo and Lucky.
''Yeah, right see you at the end.'' Lucky teased.
Nova smiles. ''On your mark get set GO!''
The teams took off Juliet and Amber were close they started off good and Gnomeo grins catching up and were grinning at each other taking off. At this point Lucky and Amber couldn't keep up with Gnomeo and Juliet's paddling.
''Come on Amber we are gonna make it.'' Juliet said.
As they were going, they saw Benny with another guy who pulled up on the other side of Juliet and Amber and they came in first followed by Juliet and Amber then in third Gnomeo and Lucky. They all went back to the land.
''Hey Benny, that was awesome I didn't know you were into this.'' Gnomeo said as him and Lucky and the girls went up to Benny.
''Well, I wasn't but my new friend here didn't have a partner, so I decided to join him.'' Benny said smiling.
''My name is Marcus Fuller.'' He said smiling and shaking Gnomeo and Lucky's hand and then kisses Amber's hand and when he got to Juliet he smiles widely and takes his time kissing her hand. ''Who are you my dear?''
''I'm Juliet Redbrick and this is Amber.'' She said smiling and flirting with him.
''Well looks like I hit the jackpot.'' He said smiling.
Some reason Gnomeo felt jealous seeing this he normally didn't care as long as he got to the girl first, he actually welcomed a challenge, but this was different he felt he wanted to rip Marcus apart he knew Juliet was a flirt and hated this. Lucky caught onto this.
''So, looks like come competition.'' Lucky teased.
''Not really, we have something besides she doesn't get into guys.'' Gnomeo said.
''Well, she seems to be laying it on thick.'' He said as Gnomeo walked away.
Juliet saw Gnomeo leave and decided to follow him. ''Excuse me Marcus I have something to do.'' She said as she took off in Gnomeo's direction she loved when guys fight over her and she loved that he was jealous and went to tease him, but she felt something else she felt horrible like she had hurt him in some way it scared her, and she went after him and saw him sitting by himself under a tree looking in the distant.
He was in deep thought he could always go charm another girl and get into her pants he was hard and horny but some reason he didn't like that idea, he wanted Juliet so badly that he had thought about just confessing his feelings and begging her to have sex with him but wasn't about to he was a guy with his pride but he also felt that warm missing thing he was scared to admit it he was falling in love with her.
''So here you are I thought you'd be with Clara to make me jealous.'' She said grinning.
''Me too but I decided against it besides she a cheater.'' He said as he looks at Juliet.
''So I take it you were jealous of Marcus.'' She said giggling she noticed his pants tight.
''Why would that be I mean we aren't dating and besides he is after one thing which is sex.'' Gnomeo pointed out.
''Really and your not?'' She grinned and took off her top only in her sports bra and she teasingly crawled on his lap and faces him she felt his dick press against her.
''Well with you on me teasing me how can I not be?'' He said.
She kisses his lips and her body pushes up against his and her tongue plays with his and his hands rest on her back holding her and he kisses her he felt himself push against her pants and his hand groped her breasts as she moans.
He leans back and kisses her more he felt fireworks all over and he wanted nothing more then to kiss her forever finally the pulled away. ''Gnomeo don't worry about Marcus besides you still have to convince me that not all guys are going for sex.'' She smiles as he pulls her into a kiss.
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