Someone stirred next to me, and tried to get up, causing me to whine and make grabby hands at them.
"Don't leave~" I whined.
"(Y/n), come on. Get up. We have to get you enrolled in school, then I have to get to work," Yoongi sighed. Shame burned through my body and I froze, stopping all of my movements.
Swallowing my frustration and angst away, I sat up, "I am a kid."
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean-"
"I know. I'm going to go get ready," wobbling the first couple of steps, I walked to my room and closed the door gently.
My closet was the first place I went, picking out a quick outfit and then smelled my hair. It smelled like Yoongi's shampoo that I used before we left America.
I actually smelled slightly of his cologne because of how he was spooning me and cuddling me.
"You ready?" Jimin knocked, and I yelled a yes as I finished getting my socks on.
"Gosh. You smell like Yoongi," Jimin teased.
"Oh hush. Let's go and get this over with," I playfully hit him on the shoulder.
"Did you sleep in your own room, (Y/n)?" Jungkook smirked, and I held my breath and kept my straight face as I looked him up and down with a scoff. "Does it matter?"
"Kind of, because last time I checked, you are too much of a baby to sleep alone," Jungkook pin pointed my weakness and I swallowed, looking away.
"I'm not a baby."
"Huh? Stop mumbling," he scolded. Right now, I'd do anything to punch him or be next to Yoongi oppa.
"I said I'm not a baby!" I snapped, clenching my fists.
"Says who?" Jungkook smirked again. He was being such a jerk. Why is he being so rude all of a sudden?
"Yoongi Oppa. He said I'm not a baby," I huffed angrily, crossing my arms.
"Do you seriously believe him?"
"Of course I do. He's not a jerk like you," wow... I was really sounding more like a kid as I keep speaking.
"Who's not a jerk?" Taehyung walked by, wrapping an arm around Jungkook.
"Not you," I muttered under my breath, glaring them down as I waited for the others. I wanted to cry under Jungkook's smirk, but kept myself composed. Then I screeched in surprised when someone suddenly picked me up bridal style.
"Hyung, what is with you today?" Rap Monster chuckled and I was going to guess the person who picked me up was Yoongi.
"Is it wrong for me to be happy?" Yoongi scoffed playfully, and put me down.
"Of course not," Jimin smiled, patting the elder on the shoulder.
"We should go. I'm late for school and we need to get (Y/n) enrolled," Jungkook sighed.
"Oppa, can I ride your back," I whispered to Yoongi, hoping that Jungkook couldn't hear so he couldn't tease me anymore.
Yoongi nodded and paused, letting the others go before putting me on his back.
"Am I heavy?" I asked, lowering my head in embarrassment.
"Nah. The guys are heavier," he smiled, lifting me up a bit more before catching up with the others.
"I don't want to go to school," I admitted quietly to him. "Jungkook has been teasing me, and I'm scared."
"It's alright. You two will be friends again."
"Sooo.. hyung. Why are you carrying (Y/n)?" Jungkook slowed his pace, and I tried to get down, but Yoongi held me tight.
"I asked her if she wanted a piggyback ride," Yoongi shrugged, which was a total lie. I was the one to ask him for a ride.
"Oh. You sure it's not the other way around?" The normally nice boy teased. "(Y/n) is a lot like a kid."
"She's not a kid. Drop it Jeon Jungkook," Yoongi's tone was stern and scolding. "She's still young anyways. Let her be her and you be you."
"Taehyungie!" Jungkook cooed at the older male and went over to him.
"That was embarrassing," I whimpered out.
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