part 2
Frisk's P.O.V
I kept on falling until I fell onto soft ground.. the flowers broke my fall..
Then I tried standing up.. I felt wobbly, then I got used to it.. and started walking again.. I saw a dark alley.. I walked into it then I saw a talking flower... I was frightened a little.. "Howdy! I'm flowey, flowey the flower!" I took a little step back..
"You must be new here arent'cha? Well someone's gotta teach you how to work things down here... golly! I guess Lil ol me has to teach ya!!" Then every thing turned dark.. it frightened me.. "that red heart there... that's your Soul! And you want to know what L.V. stands for?" I shook my head "why! Love of course!! Here.. try grabbing some of these Friendliness pellets!" I was unsure of doing what he said so... I dodged some.. "GET HIT BY THE BULLETS!!!!" His face turned evil then back to normal.. "I-i mean pellets!UGH!!!!!! YOU IDIOT!!! IN THIS WORLD IS KILL OR BE KILLED!!! NOW DIE!!!!!!!!" The bullets surrounded me... until.. a fireball came dashing through and hit flowey.. then out came another monster.. "hello little one... I am toriel! Caretaker of the ruins! Did that mean little flower hurt you?" I shook my head no... she sighed in relief... "
She held my hand.. "I will teach you some monsters are very interested in puzzles.. that way you got three options... Act.. Fight.. or Mercy.." Then I saw a dummy "now practice at taking with this stick " I grabbed the stick... then I dropped it and shown the the dummy mercy "*sigh* that will do!"
~time skip~♡
Frisk's P.O.V.
I was taken to a small, cute house..
"This my child is my home... you may stay here if you would like! You would call this your home too!" I thanked toriel... she nodded, we headed inside.. I was never expecting visitors... but I have a spare room you may stay in.. you may go in and check it out while I'm busy making butter scotch cinnamon pie" that sounded delicious! So I went up stairs and went into a bedroom... I was surprised by how clean it was.. she must have children of her own.. I sat on the very comfy bed.. I felt tired and yawned.. I felt sleepy.. and slept
-Soon early in the morning-
Frisk's P.O.V
I was tucked in inside my bed.. I woke up and saw a piece of pie with a note on it:
Greetings my child...
I made the pie ready for you but you were asleep... so I tucked you in..
I smiled... knowing that someone cares about me... she reminded me of my mom... she would always tuck me in before sleeping.. I ate a bit.. the pie she made was undesicribable!! It tasted amazing.. soon after eating the delicious pie I went downstairs... I heard someone knocking and someone's voice... it sounded like a he..
Sans's P.O.V
It was just another day.. practicing my jokes... I knocked on the door then I heard I small, sweet, soft voice.. "who's there?" The voice called.. I smiled and went on with it.. "cook.."
Then the voice started giggling and went on with it.. "cook who?" "Cuckoo you! I didn't come here to be insulted!" Then the small voice started laughing... I never heard anyone laugh at my jokes so... I kept on telling the girl jokes.. she seemed amused.. then I asked her a question.. "Hey.. kid what's your name?" "I'm frisk!" Heh.. so that's your name... cute.. well not bad for a name but... it sounded so familiar..."how about you?" She asked with curiosity "I'm sans!" "Well... nice to meet you sans! I think you have a really great SANS of humer!" I laughed at her little pun.. "heh... nice one kid" she was filled with happiness.. "welp.. I gotta go and do some work kid.." her laughter stopped "Then... can we talk tomorrow?" I smiled and turned back to the door "sure!" I heard giggling through the doors then I walked away smiling .... we will meet again frisk..
Frisk's P.O.V
After I was talking to sans... I smiled and couldn't wait to see him tomorrow it fills me with Determination!! I felt a warm smile appear on my face.. he seems nice..
Then I went to the kitchen and saw toriel cooking.. " Goodmorning Mom! " Then I covered my mouth "I-I'm sorry Ms. Toriel... I didn-" she cutted
me off "awww... it's fine my child.. you may call me whatever you like!" I blushed and thanked her.. I saw a warm smile appear on her face.. "" She turned around and faced me "yes my child?" "Is it okay for me explore more?" She smiled "of course!" "N-no! I meant the underground .. just wanna make new friends mother!" She stopped and frowned.. "follow me.." So I followed her and kept following her.. then she stopped and had tears in her eyes.. "these are the doors to the underground.... i will destroy it!!! And if you want to leave...prove to me you are strong enough!! " She had tears dripping... I was entering a battle.. Toriel had fire balls shooting at me... I dodged some... and I got hit a few times... I've shown my mother mercy a couple of times then she spared me.. "I-I'm sorry my child... I should've not kept you here.. I don't want to keep you from your journey...." I was crying then hugged Mom... "Mom... I never wanted to leave... I want to stay with you.. but I can't.. something is telling me to go.." she cried and hugged me back... "stay safe my child.. please... stay safe.." Then she let go of me. She walked away and turned back.. and smiled.. then kept on walking... I wiped the tears on my eyes.. then opened the doors that lead to the underground..
I opened the door and.. it was very cold.. Then flowey appeared once again... "slick very... very slick..." i just glared at him then turned to face the path then.. I took a step forward..
Then I started walking...
Sans's P.O.V
Today was my luckiest day of my entire life.. I found a human! I thought of capturing it for papyrus... then I noticed that the human was a female.. she looked near my age... I was hiding behind some trees..
.. the girl looked cuter than I expected... asgore told me stories about the humans who attacked him..
He told us that humans were evil, and bad news... but this did not described anything about this human.. This human looked innocent.. she was adorable... she had soft brown hair... Hazel eyes.. blue and a pink striped sweater... she was wearing shorts and brown boots... but.. she looks pretty freezing... heh... I wonder what happened to the kid frisk... then the girl saw a twig... she tried picking
Up a twig.. but she failed.. damn... that kid was determined...she kept on trying but she got worn out and fell on the floor.. then she started moving her arms and legs back and forth.. forming a snow angel.. then she stood up looking at her masterpiece ... she was adorable.. huh.. I want to see that kid's reaction if I scared her.. so I broke the twig.. then she turned her back...and saw no one there.... haha.. humans.. so dumb that you can play around with them.. then I dashed to the other tree on the other side... she seemed startled.. then she was increasing her speed since I was tensing her up a bit.. then I decided to creep up on her... then she had a super scared look on her face.. I toned my voice into a dark, scary, lower voice.. "Human...don't you know how to greet a new pal?.." I startled her a bit more "turn around... and shake my hand..." I put my hand out ready for her to shake it... so then she little by little got closer to shake hands with me.. then she did.. 'Pffft' she started blushing "Hahaha the old whoopee cushion on the hand trick" she laughed nervously then she looked at me.. "w-wait... Sans!?!?" I was startled... "Wait... your the girl who I was talking to... through the door!?!?" She nodded, she punched my arm "OW!! What was that For!??!? " She grew angry at me.. "FOR SCARING ME LIKE THAT!!! " I blushed.. I had emotions flying around me... do I like her!??! "Well... uh..sorry kid..." Then she hugged me "it's okay sans.. I know you didn't mean to.. right?" I blushed deeply "err... right! And stop hugging me.." Then she stopped and then I saw her near the edge.. she was about to fall... then I caught her .. "WOAH... Okay kid be careful!" She blushed with embarrassment... "sorry sans.." she was adorable when she apologises
Hanger cliff:) sorry guys!! Can't wait for the next one??
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