Close to Death
Seto's pov
The doctor walked in and bowed to me for a quick few seconds. "Is he going to be alright?" I asked.
"His condition is critical, there was internal bleeding from when the rib broke. He might not make it." The doctor said.
"Can I see him?" I asked.
"Well sire the visiting hours have no yet stared." The doctor said.
"Then I demand to see him." I said.
"Yes sire, his room is the first on the left in that hallway." The doctor said. I walked into the room motioning for the guards to stay outside the room. I walked in closing the door behind me. I sat in the chair next to the bed and looked at Ty, who was paler then usual and had oxyen and who knows how many wires hooked up to him. I stared at him for a bit, he just looked so frail for a boy who was often courageous and strong. But I guess school is a different story. (yep, very different) I glanced at the TV which was on one of those channels that only played music, it was playing country music.(don't judge. I live in a place where country is one of the main radio stations) Tears began to stream down my face when the next song started playing. The song was called If I Die Young. Why do people do this? I mean, it's just cruel. (very true) I'll put an end to this. But right now, I'm not gonna move till he wakes up. I held his hand staring at him, expecting him to wake up any minute. But nothing happened. I just waited.
Time Skip To Next Day
I sat in the same place in the same hospital room. But one thing was different. I was sobbing, the heart monitor was going at a much slower pace then the day before. The doctor said there was nothing left to do. We had no way of saving him if that heart monitor stopped. "T-ty. Please wake up. You were going to be a king..." I whispered in between sobs. That song just rang through my head. Then the heart monitor got even slower. I looked up, my eyes widened when I saw how slow it was going. I buried my head into the blanket, clutching his hand which lay on his barely moving chest. "Please... Ty. Don't leave... I love you. Don't go..." I said, my breath hitching every time I inhaled. Then I felt a hand on my head. I looked up and saw Ty's eyes barely open but he was smiling. He squeezed my hand lightly. I smiled and hugged him. He winced a bit and I got off of him. The heart monitor was back to normal. "You're ok." I said tears streaming down my cheeks. His smile slowly disappeared as he looked away. "You really don't like it, do you?" I asked. He shook his head and he turned around so he was facing me, seeming to be really interested in the door, as if expecting something to happen. But his shoulders began to heave up and down. "Hey it'll be ok. You don't have to go back.(wish I didn't have to go to school everyday...) You're a king now." I said. He turned around to face me, wincing when his elbow poked his ribcage. But he looked at me with wide, tear filled eyes. He smiled at me and I held his hand once more. "It'll be ok." I said and sat down next to him. If only I could hear his voice, but the oxygen prevented that. He sat up and leaned against my shoulder. I smiled even wider. I thought he would be gone forever. But he's going to be fine. I looked down at him and laughed quietly. He had fallen asleep with a big smile on his face. I laid (NOTHAT KIND OF LAID) him down and got up. I have some things to do before he comes home.
Yay another update! I have a 3 day weekend so I'm trying here. Well, hope you guys enjoyed this one. See you all in the next update!
~ Skyloxmu
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