i done got tagged!
First time tagged so this will be(wilby) strange! Joyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
1: Favorite Animal: ummmm, is all an answer? I like everything from snakes to horses, cats to fish. I like it all but i have no problem eating them, i like meat.
2: Favorite Person: COHAI. Were you expecting any less?
3: Least Favorite Food: i agree with fluttershyiskiller, chicken pot pie kinda sucks, also spicy foods, aLl Of ThEm.
4: Favorite YouTuber: uh, shit, Markiplier? I've watched him the longest, I'm srrrryyyyyyyyyy
5: Answer the riddle: How much wood would a wood chuck chuck if a a wood chuck could chuck wood?
Idk, SqUrAe? Tongue twisters infuriate me.
6: Also answer this one: How many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie pop?
Um, more than i have the patience to give before i start chewing on it. No patience for that shit...
7: Favorite Bug: woolly worms. I've loved these little buggers since i was a toddler. We used to have them all over the front of the house, they were fun to pick up and mess with.
8: Least Favorite Bug: millipedes and centipedes. Those fuckers can go burn in Hell, they're nearly identical and one species is poisonous. So fuck those bastards, they can go die in a hole.
9: Least Favorite Animal: uhhh, double shit. Maybe mexican wandering spiders? Those things are scary as fuck, i think.
10: Least Favourite Color: yellow? It's good in a sunrise or sunset, but otherwise, just nahhhh man. Not my thing.
11: Can you fly?
Yes, at speeds of up to 280 mph.
No, I'm not Maximum Ride, but some of my OCs can teleport. But irl, i really love flying. Planes are awesome, i haven't been on one since 2011 tho, so I'm excited for that this Summer.
12: How i found Mark/Jack:
I watched a lot of minecraft vids on good ol YT, and i find Marks Dunk Minecraft series. Sounded interesting, followed it to the rest of his channel, found out he was famous for playing fnaf. But i only recently started into the deep fandom side of the fan base, in any case i found Mark first, then heard about JSE from Holy Trinity fanart. And that's the boring ass story of how i found Merk and Jecky Jeck (idk, i make up weird nicknames, i know it's stupid)
Yeah, all you beautiful people go do the 12 Q's.
I hope you people didn't get too bored, and that you have a FANTASTIC DAY/NIGHT/ETC.
~~Yuki, the shadow who wants to go read Cohai's new chap. Shameless advertising for Cohai. I'm also in your bathroom, making no noise and pretending that i don't exist.(Harry Potter for the win!)
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