To Nurture and Cherish
"Hold onto me as tightly as you need. Don't worry. I can take it. You won't hurt me."
Roman let out a broken whimper in time with a harsh throb in his head. A persistent migraine caused a jab of pain to shoot through his temples. Trembling fingers took a strong grip around the steady arm held close to his chest. Blunt nails dug into Jensen's skin, leaving behind small, crescent-shaped indentations.
"I'm sorry-"
"You're fine. I've got you." He sat up from his lying position to settle against the headboard. "Where does it hurt, sweetheart?"
A vague gesture was made around the side of Roman's head.
Jensen slid his hands upward. Long fingers ghosted across too-hot skin until both thumbs stopped at the outer corners of Roman's shut eyes. His rapid pulse could be felt, further revealing the intensity of his crippling pain. Jensen pushed the pads of his fingers down to offer light pressure. Slow circles against certain areas helped alleviate Roman's migraine.
"Is it just here that's bothering you?"
"Mm-mm," he answered with a gentle shake of the head. "My sinuses. And ears. My ears hurt a lot."
"I'll ask Kay to make something hot. My grandma brought stuff over while you were sleeping. And I picked up some other things from the market. Think you'll be able to keep it down?"
Roman honestly wasn't sure. Uncertainty stemmed from the violent reaction he had with the medication earlier. It was nearing dinner time, though, and he hadn't eaten yet. Doing so would probably appease Jensen; which, in turn, would prevent Roman from seeing himself as a burden.
"It doesn't have to be a lot. Just what you can handle."
"I'll try." Roman shivered, another throb aggravating the pain in his right ear. "Just- not yet. Please-"
"Shh, shh, it's okay. I understand. I'll only let go when you're ready. I promise."
Despite being a giant puddle of aching limbs, Roman's body slackened in relief. His vice-like grip loosened by the slightest margin thanks to the wonderful head massage. Long fingers also traced down on either side of his nose to bring relief there as well. The gesture helped to lessen some additional pressure, making it easier for Roman to breathe.
He burrowed his face into the baggy sleeve of his hoodie to stifle a few harsh coughs. Jensen held a tissue in his palm for Roman to spit out excess mucus. A soft nudge to his cheek was a simple enough urge for him to comply. Then, Jensen tossed the tissue into a nearby empty bag without any indication of being disgusted. He just went right back to giving light rubs and grazes wherever they were needed.
The type of treatment Jensen offered wasn't a new occurrence. Still, Roman wasn't used to being treated so kindly. Growing up with an absent father and uncaring mother forced him to take care of himself in many different ways. One of those, of course, extended to his health.
He used to get sick often. If it wasn't because of seasonal changes, it was because of illnesses making the rounds at school. Roman knew better than to expect help from people, so he usually kept quiet whenever something was wrong. Rachel only ever offered some semblance of care if she noticed Roman was nearing the point of requiring serious medical attention or hospitalization. Aside from that, it was common for him to get through his illnesses alone.
No one had ever crawled into bed with him to make sure he was okay. No one had ever brushed his hair from his feverish, sweaty face if they realized he was uncomfortable. No one had ever whispered sweet reassurances into his ear, promising to weather the storm with him until he could bathe under the light of clear skies again.
A mere flash of Jensen’s caring smile gave Roman all of the comfort and reassurance he could ever need. And it made him think...
Jensen was more than a mere source of reprieve. He was Roman's anchor to keep him from drifting into murky waters; his blanket to shield him from the cold; his sunrise leading to a new day with fresh opportunities.
Jensen personified safety, warmth, and protection. Being in his arms gave a reminiscent feeling of finally coming home after a long, busy day. Listening to his heartbeat made the world fall into a hushed lull. Staring into his eyes made Roman feel like the sun itself was nestled in his chest. As if radiant light was shining on the long buried seeds of hope within him, offering the necessary sustenance to bloom into a beautiful garden.
Roman...had never felt so adored. Nor had he cherished someone so deeply in return.
None of his previous relationships - not even the one with his ex - had ever been so important.
He didn't have enough energy to try and pick apart what such a profound revelation would mean for the future.
He just wanted to enjoy their strengthening bond for what it was in the moment.
"...Thank you for being with me."
Jensen pressed a kiss against Roman's forehead. "Always."
Roman's hard grip loosened further. The throbbing in his head began to dull. A bone-deep fatigue in his body started to lessen. Opening his eyes fully revealed his vision to be a bit clearer than it was when he initially climbed into bed.
Maybe the fever medicine had finally kicked in, or a momentary decline in his stress was enough to lighten the physical burden he was experiencing. Either way, Roman was grateful, no matter how fleeting the temporary peace turned out to be.
"I think I'm ready to eat something now."
Jensen nodded in agreement. A quick text was sent to Mikayla, asking her to prepare Juniper's veggie broth and some tea. She answered with a thumbs up, as well as several hearts. Jensen sent a few back before tossing his phone to the side.
He leaned over the edge of the bed to grab a paper bag. An apple juice was pulled out, along with a fruit punch-flavored energy drink and steak rolls from the market's bakery. A waste basket lined with a plastic bag was brought up too, just in case.
Jensen then appointed himself with the task of feeding Roman by offering little pieces of bread and small sips from his beverage of choice.
"Thank you."
Jensen chuckled. "You do that a lot. There's no need to."
"I'm not just thanking you for taking care of me while I'm sick. I'm thanking you for caring in general. It...means a lot. Especially because it's you."
Jensen's teasing smile became more affectionate. He guided another piece of bread toward Roman, aiming for his mouth instead of his hand.
An endearing expression, coupled with Jensen's desire to spoil his bedmate, wasn't good for Roman's poor, fragile heart.
"I don't know how you can look at me like I'm something special when I'm a complete mess."
"I've told you before. You're pretty in my eyes no matter what. Doesn't matter if you're sick or feel a little icky."
Roman fiddled with the adjustable string of his hoodie. He wasn't sure what to say, so he busied himself by accepting more food.
Jensen perked up, seemingly ready to give more, playful words of endearment, when Roman's phone went off again. Instead of a series of fast vibrations to signal a rampant stream of texts, a slow, steady pace pointed to a certain contact trying to call him.
He clenched his jaw, mouth going dry. A cold sensation rushed through his entire body, stealing the color from his face.
The ringing stopped. All was silent.
Until the vibrations started up again. And again. And again.
It wasn't until after the fourth time that Jensen reached for the phone to either pass it over or turn it off.
The device's screen lit up, showing several missed calls and dozens of unread texts from Rachel. All at once, he was bombarded by statements of ridicule, distaste, and even threats.
One message stood out from the rest:
I know where you are.
Roman's stomach dropped.
"...Sweetheart? Are these from-"
Jensen's worried question was interrupted by Roman scrambling for the waste basket. As soon as he had it in his lap, he heaved violently. The gag which tore through him was hard enough to make his chest and upper spine crack. The light snack he'd had came right back up. Strings of bile did as well, burning Roman's throat.
A hand settled on his back to help keep him up. Another joined his on the waste basket to keep it steady. Roman was guided into a standing position and carefully led to the bathroom.
Mikayla’s name being called was followed by frantic steps racing up the stairs. She helped get Roman into a kneeling position in front of the toilet. Her colder touch left as soon as it came. The unexpected sound of the bathtub filling with water overpowered Roman's vomiting.
He tried to apologize: for panicking to the point of throwing up; for causing Jensen and Mikayla concern; for having them care for him because he was in no condition to do so himself.
But Roman couldn't speak. His heaving wouldn't stop, and he could barely breathe. His chest stung to the point of making tears stream down his face. He couldn't hold back frightened sobs, making him choke up harder when his body forcefully expelled the contents of his stomach.
Jensen’s large hand settled over Roman's racing heart. "Sweetheart, I know it's not easy, but I need you to try and ground yourself. If you stay worked up like this, your temp is going to spike again."
How was he supposed to relax when Rachel knew where he was? How was he supposed to relax when she could show up at any time? How was he supposed to relax when Roman's only logical choice was to run away in the name of escaping his mother's wrath?
More vibrations could be heard from his phone, lying on the floor because of the scuffle.
Roman covered his ears, his haste causing him to accidentally tear out a few strands of hair. "No more. No more- please-"
"Kay, I need you to go block the number trying to call Roman's phone."
Mikayla tried to exit the bathroom to do as requested.
Roman scurried away from the toilet to grab her wrist. "No! No, no- please- you can't!"
"Please- I don't- Kay, I don't know what Rachel will do if- please, I don't want her to come here! I don't want to see her- I don't want her to find me! Kay, please-"
Mikayla dropped to her knees to pull Roman in for a hug. As she cradled the back of his head, he could feel her shaking. He could also feel Jensen doing so too while he gave delicate grazes against Roman's back.
They couldn't handle seeing Roman so distraught. And it only made him feel more guilty.
"I'm sorry," he cried into Mikayla’s shoulder. "I'm sorry..."
"We will do whatever it takes to keep you safe, honey. I promise you that. But Jay is right. If Rachel is making you react this way, you need to block her."
Roman attempted to protest. His words got caught in his throat, though, when Jensen interjected, "If she uses being blocked as a reason to come here- if she shows up, we'll do whatever we can to help you. Just- Ro, you can't live like this. I know you're afraid. I can understand why. We'll be with you every step of the way. But you need to give yourself the peace you deserve. And a step in doing so is cutting her ability to contact you."
Roman knew they were right. He knew. Just- what would he do if Rachel appeared?
What if she never did, and he spent the rest of his life worrying over possibilities?
Roman couldn't decide if he should listen to his brain, which told him to flee, or his heart, which told him to believe in those around him.
He just didn't want to get hurt again.
"You said you trust me, Ro."
A glance over his shoulder allowed him to look Jensen in the eye. "I do."
"So, trust me with this. Please, sweetheart. For yourself. Block her."
Biting his lower lip in uncertainty, Roman nodded.
He was guided into Jensen’s awaiting embrace so Mikayla could shut the tub's water off. Then, she went into Roman's bedroom. Her could hear her fiddling with a few device settings until, finally, all was blissfully silent again. The phone was placed back onto his bed, inactive.
Roman turned fully so he could burrow into Jensen’s chest again.
They stayed that way, wrapped in each other's arms, until Roman's cries died down into quiet sniffles.
"...I'd like to get you into the bath now, sweetheart. Is that okay?"
His fingers dug into Jensen’s shirt to prevent them from separating.
Roman didn't believe himself to be in a state where he could be alone.
"Mm. That's fine. One sec- Kay, can you take my stuff out of my pocket? Thank you. Okay, up we go."
Roman was picked up in a bridal carry. Strong arms carried his weight with ease. Firm hands held him close with purpose.
Still fully dressed, Jensen climbed into the tub. He lowered himself and Roman into the lukewarm water, offering soft words of apology as Roman sucked in a sharp breath at the cool temperature. They settled against the back of the tub, limbs tangled together.
Jensen rested his cheek atop Roman's head.
With a nod, he gave Mikayla permission to start bringing down Roman's temperature by spilling cupfuls of water over his heated skin.
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