Chapter 4- Hisoka's Fruit
"Go away, Gon is off limits." Killua said, stepping in front of Gon protectively.
"Aw, caring for Gon like he's your damsel in distress and you're his prince charming? How sweet~" Hisoka said, shoving Killua to the side.
Killua went to get in front of Gon again, but Gon stopped him.
"Don't worry Killu, I can take him, only intervene if I get knocked out, please."
Killua sighed, "Fine Gon, but only because you said so." Killu crossed his arms and sat down at the side of the meadow.
"Good boy~" Hisoka groaned, firing his ten up.
Gon and Hisoka stood facing each other, counting down from five.
Five. . . Four. . . Three. . . Two. . . One. . . Start!
Gon charged at Hisoka and aimed a kick at his gut, but Hisoka easily blocked it and landed a punch on Gon's jawbone that sent Gon flying.
"Gon are you ok?!" Killua shouted, standing up.
"Y-yep! I'm fine!" Gon groaned out, standing back up.
"Hmmm~" Hisoka moaned thoughtfully.
Gon decided that deceiving Hisoka might be a better tactic, so he decided to act like he was aiming for Hisoka's face but switched to his legs at the last second.
"What are you waiting for?" Hisoka taunted, "I don't have all day. Tick tock, tick tock."
Gon charged at Hisoka and pretended to focus his aura into his fist, but switched it to his leg last second, and landed a painful kick to Hisoka that made him lift his leg and hop around in pain.
Gon flew back and watched Hisoka with sharp eyes, hardly daring to blink.
"Wow, that actually hurt, my little fruit." Hisoka said, glaring at Gon. 'Oh it's turning me on!' Hisoka thought.
Killua could practically read Hisoka's mind by his face, and it disgusted him. "Gon, try to hurry this up, please."
"Fine, but I was just getting started." Gon whined.
Now Hisoka was both angry and intrigued. He wanted to see just how much Gon could take, so he decided to use full power.
Gon once again charged at Hisoka, planning to use the same tactic as before; but Hisoka was expecting it this time. Hisoka focused all of his aura into his fist and landed an excruciatingly painful punch on Gon's chest, knocking him out instantly, and momentarily stopping his heart.
Killua charged over to Gon's limp body, pulling it out of the way and easily blocking each of Hisoka's attacks.
"Go away Hisoka, you've already won!" Killua shouted at him.
"Fine," said Hisoka. "Me and Illu have more 'pressing matters' to attend to, anyway," obviously implying unholy actions.
"Disgusting." Killua muttered under his breath as Hisoka walked away.
Killua had taken Gon to a rabbit's burrow a long time ago, and knew that it was probably around one in the morning now. It was cold underground, so Killua cuddled with an Unconscious Gon to keep him warm. Killua's eyes had long since adjusted to the darkness, and he laughed as the family of bunnies laid across Gon and himself.
"Killu?" Gon muttered, awakening from his unconsciousness.
Killua was ecstatic. "Gon! You're awake?!" he sat up quickly, knocking all the bunnies off of him. "Oh, sorry bunnies."
"Yep, I guess I am. But what happened? I can't remember anything." Gon laughed nervously. "Also, where are we and why is it so dark?"
Killua mulled over what to tell Gon, he could tell him anything, if he didn't remember, anything he wanted, but he was above that, he wouldn't do that to his friend, no, not his friend, his love interest.
"Well, you got into a fight with Hisoka and he ended up knocking you out and leaving. I took you into a rabbit's burrow so that you could rest in peace."
"Oh," Gon said, his mind still fuzzy.
The last thing Gon could remember was Killua telling Hisoka that Gon was off limits. . .
"You okay Gon? You seem a little red." Killu said, he really could see well in the dark, or at least well enough to see the blush dusted across Gon's face.
"Yea I'm fine, I just, can we spend the night here? With the rabbits, I mean." Gon said, and then he passed out on Killu's lap.
Killua's face turned an entire new shade of crimson. Just having Gon sleep on his lap made him blush. Killua wanted to lean down and kiss him so bad, but knew that he shouldn't without Gon's consent, so he resisted the urge. For now anyway, he couldn't promise next time.
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