8: Remorse
AN: Warning there's a lil' bit of gore in this chapter ;v; Enjoy ~
Marks P.O.V ~
''Felix let them go! I don't care what my father says- I still have a say in things!'' I yell towards him as I saw Cry get yanked back with the air taken out of him. Felix turned his gaze to me and smiled, before I could protest two of the guards men grabbed a hold of my arms and held me back.
''Get off of me!!'' I screamed, trying to wriggle lose of their tight grips. At this point Jack and his friend are being taken back to the castle. I glance to my left as familiar woman comes to sight, someone I'd never expect to see here.
''Maria?!'' I say in shock as walks by Felix.
''A fish really?! Me! Over a goddamn animal?! How ungrateful of you...'' She sharpened her gaze on me, I completely ignored her bitchy complaints and focused on the bigger picture.
''How did you-'' My question is disturbed by Felix's impatient voice.
''We made a deal..'' He said taking out what I could only guess was a bag of gold. ''-And so, I pay my debt'' He finished, chucking it towards Maria. She caught the bag, the clinking of the coins inside confirming my suspicion.
''You wont get away with this Felix! I'll tell my father what you've been up to!'' I said as the guards men grip tightent on my arms. He chukled as if amused.
''Oh, but I already have...You see, if you speak so much as a word to your father about...this'' He motioned around the area. ''Then I wont hesitate to hurt your precious little boyfriend'' He said with a smirk, but soon turned to laughter once he realised something. ''And don't even get me started about your...thing for men'' He snickered with disgust.
I feel as if I'm wrapped around his little finger and I can't do anything about it. He's right, if my sexuality comes out to my father then he wont hesitate to disown me or throw me to the streets to be trampled by many citizens. Or even worse, I'd slowly burn in a pit of fire while everyone throws rotten food at my helpless, tied body. I shivered at the thought. I can't even help Jack...If I try anything, Felix will know and I'll only end up hurting Jack and his friend even more so. I feel powerless...
I let my head hang low in defeat as the guards finally let go of my arms, Felix let out a monstorous chuckle before leaving with Maria by his side. When they were out of sight I felt the world crash upon me.
Everything felt heavy, causing me to fall to my knees and sob uncontrollably as the tears left my sore eyes. I can hear the birds chirping and the waves crashing against the two boulders, the wind flowing through my hair. The world was laughing at me, as if I deserve all of this because I'm a spoiled little rich boy- but Jack doesn't. He's never done anything wrong and he gets the beating of my punishment while I can only stand and watch. Why must he suffer for my wrong doings? Why must such an innocent soul be forced to see the cruel side of the world? He doesn't deserve this...
I watched my tears collide with the sand as they made tiny little holes through, escaping below within seconds.
I have to save him.
No matter the cost.
Jacks P.O.V ~
I let out another painful whimper once my back roughly collides with the familiar metal table. The straps are quickly tied around my chest, arms and tail before they pour a bucket of salty water over me to prevent my tail from forming. I tried to scream but exhuastion came over me and I could only stare in shock as Cry was treated the same on a table next to me. They tied some material over his mouth to stop his screams of terror from coming out before Felix finally came to view.
I didn't have the courage to give him a deadly glare so I just stared in shock as he began to slowly walk around my table. He sighed.
''You know...'' He started, glaring at me with cold souless eyes. ''This could've all been avoided if you would have just LISTENED!'' He banged his hand on my table once he finished, giving me eyes which burn with anger and contain no sanity. I could hear Cry's muffled whimpers on the left of me.
''You're a...monster!'' I yelled with a shaky voice, causing him to chuckle as he flung his head back.
''Maybe...'' His sharp gaze returned to me. ''But I can get away with anything~'' He slurred out as his eyes grew wider. He looked like he'd ran away from the mental hospital. I turned my gaze to the man standing by him, he had a beared and was holding a clipboard to his chest. His expression looked pained and guilty, although he said nothing.
''Kenith'' Felix said with a formal voice as he stood straight, fixing his tie. The man with the pained look fixed his posture before turning his attention to Felix.
''Yes sir?'' He asked.
''Get the tools...'' Felix's freaky stare turned back to me, my eyes widened. I could only imagine the worst. The man then walked off, only to return with a metal suit case before placing it on the small table between Cry and I. He walked off with his head hung low.
Felix then opened the case to which I couldn't see what was inside. Soon enough he took out a sharp metal object. I stared wide-eyed at the small surgery knife before he walked towards Cry. Cry began to struggle in his restrains, as muffled pleads were heard through the material.
''Don't touch him!!'' I yelled which caused Felix to stop dead in his tracks, he glanced to me before speaking.
''Maybe you'll learn to listen'' He replied with his bitter words through gritted teeth. Before I could argue he raised his arm and swung it down full force on Cry's tail. Cry wailed in pain before I screamed with pleads for him to stop, the men then deiceded to tie a smiliar material around my mouth so it wouldn't make their ears bleed.
I tried my best to struggle against the restrains as the room was filled with Cry's helpless screams of agony. I've never heard him shriek like this. Tears began to rush down my own face as I was sure Cry was doing the same, I felt weak and useless. I felt my wrists burn with pain from the ropes. I felt my heart shatter into countless peices. I've failed to protect my only friend...
After what felt like hours of torture for my ears and heart, he finally stopped. I glanced over and noticed Cry's head was lying on the table, one of his tear stained cheeks covered in blood from a small cut that monster did- his eyes closed shut. I wanted to say something- anything but the thing over my mouth was preventing that from happening. Is he dead..? My shaky breath hitched when I saw the men tend to Cry's wounds before putting him in the same tank I was in. Felix then turned to me, his devious eyes meeting my pained ones.
He ripped off the material that was tightly tied around my mouth and roughly grabbed my chin with his bloodied hand...Cry's blood...I felt my stomach turn, wanting to vomit right then and there.
''Now..we'll continue our...'' He cockoed his head, keeping his gaze locked on me. ''-Session...tomorrow...'' He said before snapping his fingers, causing the men to throw me in the tank where Cry still lay unconsious.
''Cry?!'' I cried out as I weakly swam up to him. He layed peacefully on the sand, I gently grabbed a hold of his light body and swam into the hollow rock. Once we were out of sight from the monsters I broke into a fit of sobs and hics, my tears cleaning some of the blood on Cry's face.
He looked like he's been mauled by a tiger shark. His tail was covered in blood from where a bunch of his scales had been ripped off. A few deep, long slices across his tail surrounded those scabs. Thankfully the blood wasn't pouring out because of the medicine. I looked at his face, even his sleeping expression seemed like he was having the worst of nightmares. I hugged him tighter and sobbed over my friends body.
''I'm s-so sorry...I'm s-sorry...please..Cry...w-wake up..'' I stuttered through hics and sobs. I always had a feeling there was something off with Dr Felix, and now I know to listen to my heart next time. I should never have brought Cry over, he knew it was dangerous- I knew it was dangerous...and yet I pushed him to come with me. This is all my fault.
Cry would never have gotten hurt so badly if I didn't force him to his limits. Mark wouldn't be so upset with Felix, and maybe...maybe Mark would be much happier if I never visited that rock in the first place. If I didn't exist...then no one would get hurt.
Cry would have a better friend, Felix might've kept his sanity, Mark would be happy with the true love of his life. My father wouldn't hate me- and...mother...she wouldn't have died if I hadn't asked her to play with me...She would be happy with my father and they'd have a better son, an actual prince that would be able to take his lead- he would would have the knowledge to fix his mistakes, he would be a good friend- but no...Everyone's stuck with me and look what I've caused...
All of this is because of me...
Tears freely escaped my pained eyes as I lay next to Cry's beaten body, holding him close. My eyes begining to feel heavy and weak...my body turning off, my mind going blank. Everything going black.
AN: Sorry it's short but it would be way too long if I kept on going! I have plans and they must be spread out >~< I also wanted to show how Jack thinks with the world- he's very modest so he blames himself for everything if you haven't noticed already. Anywho!
Thank you so much for reading! And have a good one!
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