6: Master Plan
AN: There's a wee bit o' fluffy smut in this chapter :S And don't forget to vote if you've enjoyed the chapter! Also- Thanks SO much for the reads and awesome comments! You guys really warm my stone cold heart :') I'm really honored that so many people read this book! It's fricken insane! I love you all, my precious smol beans <3 Enjoy~
Jacks P.O.V ~
I reach for his hand as I'm swiming with all my strength towards him, I'm able to grab his wrist and pull him towards me before I swam up to the surface. The water was unusually strong and agressive, so much that I wasn't able to reach the shore. Large waves caving over every few seconds as I try my best to keep Mark's head over water. The oceans strong current pulls me further into sea, which wouldn't be much of a problem if I didn't have a dying man in my arms.
I decide to swim to the side, heading for a man-made object while hoping to god that no one's there. Thankfully it doesn't belong to the Shadow Hunters as I see no sign of their flag, but once I get closer all I'm able to see is an old wooden den. A very small one at that- but it's age clearly visible in the rotting paint and loose wooden tiles.
I'm finally able to swim to shore with my tail dragging along the sharp shells. The stinging feeling of the sand getting into the small cuts in my tail hurts, but I have to concerntrate on Mark. He's not breathing.
Usually his chest would be raising up and down, but it wasn't moving a mucle. His skin is cold and worst of all pale. I begin to panick and yell his name as if it would help, the shore still reaching my tail. All of a sudden a loud crackle snaps in the air, almost giving me a heart attack. A large bolt of thunder was seen flashing over me as heavy rain began to pour. I need to get inside the den...
I managed to drag both Mark and my self into the man-made den, at least it's dry here. As soon as I shut the door with a spine chilling creak I hurried to Marks aid. I don't know what to do, so I shook his shoulder untill I realised he probably has a lot of water in his lungs. So I lay him down carefully before resting both my palms on his chest and pushed as hard as I could. Nothing. I began to panick.
''Mark..please...'' I pushed again. ''Wake up!!'' I yelled into his face, expecting to scare him- anything to get him to move a muscle. A tear trickled down my cheek as I rested my forehead on his chest before sobbing hopelessly. I heard the distant thunder crackle as the rain hit the roof. My breathing was hitched from my sobs, I don't know what to do...He needs air...and I don't know ho-
Suddenly my thoughts are cut off by another coming to mind. He needs air...Maybe I can give it to him...''But how...'' I quietly whispered to my self. I glanced at his helpless limp body and had an idea that made my cheeks burn red. I could give him air...I leaned in closer to his lips, taking any dirty thoughts away and focusing on the problem at hand. I took a deep breath in and closed my eyes as I leaned closer to his face, I placed my hand under his head and raised it up. Just as I'm about to go mouth-to-mouth...
Marks coughs and spits a large amount of water from his lungs. I sigh in relief and slight disappointment as I lean my body upwards while Mark tries to sit up.
''J-Jack..?'' He said after his fit of coughs and hacks.
''Mark!'' I finally yelled out and lunged onto him, full force. He yelped in slight pain before he smiled at me as if he hasn't seen me in years. I was still confused and most of all angry as to why he jumped off the rock in the first place.
So I leaned back, out of his grasp and slapped him square on his face.
''Ow!'' He whimpered and held his now red cheek.
''Why did you do that?!'' I yelled out, not realising how angry I really am. ''S-Sorry...I-'' He cut me off my words.
''No I deserved it..'' He said quietly as he hung his head low in shame. I whiped the remaining tears off my cheeks and scooted closer to him- my tail almost entirely dry.
''I-...'' He stopped him self as if afraid to say anymore.
''You what?'' I queitly questioned, furrowing my eyebrows.
''I thought you were...'' He let out a deep sigh as if contemplating what he should say next. ''...dead..'' His words almost were almost inaudiable from how quiet he was speaking.
''Why would you think that?'' I said a little louder. He looked at me as if a dark cloud was covering the warmth in his beautiful coca eyes.
''Well...When you didn't come to our date- I thought you just left me and...'' He gripped his hair in fustration. The distant sound of the thunder rumbling in the background. Suddenly a switch flicked on in my head.
''Oh god Mark!'' I hugged him tightly, his body stiffened in suprise but soon warmed up. ''You don't know what I've been through'' I said in a dramatic tone.
''W-What..happened..?'' He stuttered out.
''It all started with an argument that I had with my father- and then he hit me so I swam away in hopes to just forget all the troubles- but then! The Shadow Hunters caught me- and oh god they almost killed me-but-but- Then they sold me to the king!- And I saw you Mark! I called for you! buttheyputmeoutwiththisgasand-'' Mark cut off my rambling, he could barely understand what was coming out of my mouth.
''Jack just calm down..'' He grabbed my waist and pulled me close. ''Uhh-Jack...You're kinda...''
''Huh?'' I cocked my head in confusion.
''You're-uhhh...naked..'' He said while turning his head to the side with shame. I quickly glanced down and realised I've formed human legs, and with that I scrambled away trying my best to cover my private area.
''S-Sorry...I didn't notice..'' I replied with embarrassment. My cheeks were hotter than the sun at this point and I felt my ears burn up. Mark gave out an unsure chuckle.
''It's fine'' He said with a wide smile before he took his jacket off and walked up to me.
''W-What are you doing??'' I said rather quickly, but before Mark could answer he wrapped the jacket around me. It was just big enough to drag down and cover what I was trying to hide. The Jacket was wet but that was the least of our problems, I was thankful enough to be able to smell Mark's scent as I huged it tightly.
''Thank you'' I smiled warmly.
Minutes passed as we both silently listened to the now, distant thunder following the heavy clouds to another island. The rain became lighter and the night was finally in peace. Mark and I were in a cuddling position from side to side and he finally broke the silence witha thoughtful sigh.
''You know....'' He whispered, turning his head to my direction as my cheeks were bright red once again. ''You never gave me that kiss...so you owe me'' He spoke with his deep, soothing voice. It felt hypnotic- angel like to say the least. His voice could calm every living soul, it's like he has a gift that he's completely unaware of. I wasn't even listening to what Mark was saying but soon enough my thoughts are cut off by his lips connecting to mine.
His sweet tender lips smashed onto mine like a hungry predator feasting on it's prey. I kissed back, our lips moved in sync with eachother's while he slowly wrapped his arms around my waist and moved me closer. Soon enough our tounges found eachother's mouths and began to dance around. Mark fought for dominance and I awllowed him to take over my mouth as he hungrily searched every inch of it. I moaned in pleasure- Sure I've kissed a few mermaids in my time but this was truly special. This kiss was filled with pure lust and love.
Mark gently pushed me down and I let out a little yelp in suprise once my back his the hard ground. I was too mesmerized by his warm lustful eyes to notice the jacket had loosely fell from both sides. Now exposing my bare chest and of course my hungry member. Mark leaned most of his weight on me so I couldn't move and began to kiss me deeply, I felt his strong hands entangle between my hair as I grabbed hold of his back.
I had a feeling I knew were this was going- but the sound of horse cries interupted our little kissing scene. Mark groaned in displeasure while my eyes widened in fear. I heared someone calling for Mark. (AN: These horses love to cock-block)
''How did they know you were here?!'' I whisper shouted as Mark got up off of me and peeped through one of the many small holes in the den. He sighed.
''They know I like the beach...you better hide!'' He replied in the same voice level as I, shuffling around- all there was were some loose wooden planks lying against the walls. I could only hide behind this, and so I squeezed my self into the little gap the planks gave while Mark put another infront just in case.
''Wait Mark!'' I quietly shouted. He turned his head towards me, his beautiful eyes looking back into mine. ''Meet me at the boulders tomorrow afternoon...when the sun is at it's highest'' I said quickly. He smiled before replying.
''You better be there'' He said with a wide grin before opening the door and exiting the den. I heared the horse hooves stop right next to me...
''Sir Mark! What are you doing out so late?'' One of what I could only guess 'guards' asked him with concern in his voice.
''Just walkin' 'round geeze'' Mark replied, he sounded so annoyed, so irritated. As if this has happened a million times before.
''What were you doing in there?'' A lower- more strict voice said. I heard silence for a few seconds before Mark finally replied.
''I was uhh-hiding from the-uhh rain...'' He stuttered out. Oh god.
''Well it doesn't seem like it helped since you're soaking wet from head to toe..'' The low voice replied.
''Yeah..heh..-Well! we should get back..'' Mark finally broke the tension. I sighed in relief and relaxed my muscles- but soon I regretted my every move because it caused a plank to fall. A loud clap on the hard floor echoed through the small den, I hitched my breath as I was now half exposed- I couldn't hide any further. To make matteres worse the door creaked open, the gentle moon light gave view to a man- most probably a guard.
''Must've been the wind...'' He mumbled to himself before closing the door. My heart finally slowed down as I heared the horses trot away.
Timeskip ~ The Next Morning
Jacks P.O.V ~
I decided to swim home in the morning as the waves were still angry and agressive all night. I hid Marks jacket between some wooden planks and sawm off home, for once I couldn't wait to get there. When I got there I was given the biggest hug my father ever gave me. He promised not to do that ever again- I of course apologized for swiming off like that. I didn't feel safe to say that I was caught by the shadow hunters and then sold to the king, he'd probably unleash a typhoon with his god-like powers. So when he asked about the missing scale and small scratches on my tail I simply gave an excuse explaining that I was being careless.
He took the bait.
Now, I'm in my room with Sam by my side. He really missed me for the days that I was gone, I made sure to play his favourite game- hide and seek and cherish every second of that moment. It's funny how you understand how priceless things are once you lose them, how important the things you hate can become the things you chrish most. I've certiantly learned my lesson.
Felix's P.O.V ~
As soon as I woke up I was expected to be greeted by Jack, our most important test subject- but I was shocked to find out the tank was empty. I told the king about our dilemma and he agreed to take a searching scout to the beach and keep a sharp eye out for any green merrows. At this point I couldn't care less if we found dozens of normal merrows, Jack was a one of a kind, probably worth hundreds of thousands of gold. I slammed my fist into the metal table, men glanced but ignored it and walked away faster once they neared.
''Felix?'' Dr Morrison said, interrupting me of my raging thoughts. He was my closest friend so it was fine for him to call me by my frist name.
''Yes, Ken'' I stated with a slightlly annoyed tone as I fixed my glasses.
''It seems that we have figured out how he escaped'' He replied.
''How could he have- he's a bloody merrow! A fish can't just waddle to the sea!'' I blurted out, waving my arms dramatically.
''Well. Our men forgot to move the winch out of the way and we could only guess that he used that to climb out of his tank and safely go down- Then he must've dried him self to form human legs and run away- We also found that our back entrace door was wide open so he's already in the sea by now'' He stated while pointing to the areas as he explained. I sighed.
''We need to find that merrow. No matter the cost. Understood?'' I strictly stated. Ken seemed to widen his eyes in shock before replying.
''You don't mean to...force it out of the other merrows...do you..?'' He quiestioned.
''Kenneth, if anyone stands the way of my prize they'll be taken down. Sure, we don't use this method very often but that merman was priceless'' I whisper shouted through gritted teeth.
''Understood'' He nodded in agreement before walking off. I for once had an idea pop into my genius head of mine. Mark always seems to wander off into the beach...the guards always talk about how troublesome it is to keep on going after him. Maybe he has a connection?
I decided on my thoughts and walked towards the queens room, expecting to see a specific person with her. I knocked on the door and put my usual fake smile on before I was called in.
''Oh? Dr Kjellberg? What brings you here?'' She asks, standing up from the bed and walking towards me. I bow before spekaing.
''My royal highness, I'd like to exchange a few words with Lady Maria'' I said with a gentle smile as I glanced at the woman.
''Oh, of course you may'' She replied before Maria walked towards me.
''If you don't mind, I'd like to speak in private'' I said before walking out, Maria following closely. We finally made it to an empty study room, this castle had many of them.
''What do you want'' She stated blandly with her usual bitchy attitude. I really dislike this woman, but she could help me out.
''I want to make a deal'' I say with a sadistic grin forming on my lips. She raised her brow, she was known for getting down and dirty in other people's buisness.
''I'm listening'' She replied with her arms across her chest.
''I want you to figure out why Mark always goes to the beach, you see. I've recently lost a very important test subject and I have an itching feeling that Mark might know why'' I explained as she carefully kept her eye on me.
''And what will I get from this..'' She asked raising her brow once again. I reached in my lab pocket and pulled out a small bag of gold. Her eyes seemed to lock onto it. She tried to reach for it but I snatched it out of her grasp while taunting her with the bag. The sound of the coins clinking together.
''Nu-uh-ahh~'' I moved my index finger from left to right, something a parent would do when telling off their child. ''Not untill your duty is fulfilled'' I said as I put the bag back into my pocket. She sighed in displeasure.
''Fine, I'll do this...'' She rolled her eyes ''-Task. And then you owe me'' She sharpened her gaze on me as if suspicious of my actions.
''Well then, the deal is sealed'' I say as I take my hand out, she hesitantly accepts it and we shake hands.
''Deal'' She said with her usual 'I don't give a fuck' tone, before walking out of the room, leaving me to my devious plan.
A sickly grin appeared on my face before I walked out.
This is gonna be fun~
AN: Well yeah...I wanted you guys to meet Felix and Maria so you can get to know their true selves a little more~ It seems that an evil plan is in place! I wonder what'll happen?! Stay tuned for the next chapter! And holy mother o' jesus almost 3k words when I said I was gonna do shorter chapter xD Weeeeell shit. I guess you awesome readers like the longer chapters more? I certiantly do! Anywho!
Thank you so much for reading! And have a good one!
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