3: Broken Heart
AN: Yes I know, I haven't updated in a LONG time, but I did mention I was working on a project on my message board thingy. So if you ever wonder why I haven't updated, please don't hesitate to ask or check out my message board. I should probably make a book dedicated to things like that...Maybe I will? But I kinda feel like most readers have given up on this book because it's just lying on the shelf with 2 chapters and it hasn't been updated in over a month ;__; I feel like I've failed you all D: Here is an extra long chapter ;-; Also Thanks for almost 500 reads?! O: Idk how this happened heh.. Enjoy~
Marks P.O.V ~
The guards led me to my father's study room, as if I hadn't been here a million times. Once the large doors open it gave view to a shocking sight, I stood there with my mouth agape as my father motioned the two guards to leave. As soon as the doors closed, I spoke in a shaky voice.
''W-What's she doing here...'' I said aloud as if I was questioning my self. My father glanced at my mother to which her smile only grew.
''Well~'' My mother replied in an excited tone. ''We have prepared an early marrige for you and Lady Maria!'' My mother exclaimed while I almost had a heart attack from the words. They hit me like a dagger through the heart. I can't...I- My thoughts are cut short.
''I expect the very best'' Maria finally said, looking down upon her nails as if she had better things to do. She's always like this, I hate her...
''Why?! You said in a few weeks! All of a sudden I g-'' My pleads are disrupted by my fathers stern voice.
''The sooner the better!'' He raised his finger ''We all know that Lady Maria can help our army grow stronger with her kingdom, It'll be a huge disadvantage if we decline such a...'' He glanced at Maria with a warm smile. ''-Generous offer'' I know exactly what he ment, usually if you decline a marrige they end up head to head in a war, but we are one of the most powerful kingdoms around, so we usually don't have to worry.
''But-'' I tried to complain.
''I prefer crimson over honeydew for the dress'' Maria interrupted me with her usual careless tone, as she played with her hair. (AN: Honeydew is a light green) My mother gave another smile before speaking.
''Well you can have what ever you please'' She replied. At this moment Maria looked at me with a dominating glance, as if she owned me now...
''Black with red under-dressing for you'' She pointed at me without a care in the world. I was just about to protest but my father interrupted me from speaking. Again.
''So it's done! The wedding the be hosted in a few days, it'll give Lady Maria some time to chose the theme of the wedding'' My father explained before leaving, soon after my mother left with Maria by her side. I stood there, in the empty large room with the spine chilling feeling of a manipulative hag. This can't be happening...
I slowly walked to my room with the rushing thoughts of the marrige through my head, at this point I don't have a choice...For once, a pleasant memory flowed into my mind. I smiled at the thought of meeting Jack tomorrow as I lay on my bed with a silly grin on my face.
At least there's something good left in the world.
Jacks P.O.V ~
I swam back with all my speed to avoid getting in serious trouble, I was always told to be back before sundown, well the moon is already up when my home came to view. A rather large coral castle hidden between the seaweed as a beatiful mixture of different corals and sealife surrounded the area. To be honest I hated this place but it's all we have. I kept my distance from the mushroom lights so the guards- or worse, my father couldn't see me, thankfully it's pretty dark.
I swam up to my window and quickly went through it, (AN: It's just a gap in the coral) letting out a relieving sigh as I rested my body on my soft coral bed. My silence was cut short by a shocking squeel, I almost hit my head on the ceiling but soon remembered it was my little Sam greeting me. His little green body collided with mine as he wrapped his long tail around me, causing me to giggle.
''Hey buddy'' I said playfully as I pet his scales. Sam was a very shy fish when I found him, he doesn't warm up to knew merrows easily but I heard that he's the only one of his kind in history. Since we know nothing about this fish I just give him some food that I eat, his favourite seems to be blue seaweed. An uncommon type of weed that's very sweet and tender in comparison to the normal green seaweed, which is usually used in salads.
A loud voice suddenly bursts through the hard coral walls, causing Sam to squeak in terror before hiding in the small gap under the bed.
''SEAAAAN!'' He yelled with his loud, yet extremely annoying tone. You could've sworn he's woken up the entire ocean at this point. I rolled my eyes before replying ten times quieter than him.
''Whaaaat!'' I slurred with attitude as I hung my head to the side, knowing very well what he's mad about. Suddenly, he storms into my room with a large gust of strong water behind him. He is really angry.
''WHER-'' He closed his eyes and let out a long sigh. ''Where have you been all day!'' I was just about to answer as I raised my finger like a school merrow would in class, but he ignored me and kept on talking. ''You missed the important meeting!!'' He yelled out with his deep voice, I could hear Sam whimpering in fear. I gave my father a half-eyed look.
''What meeting'' I simply said in a monotone voice. This only caused my fathers anger to boil.
''WHAT MEETI- THE GATHERING OF ALL THE SEA KINGS AND QUEENS!!! YOU OBLIVIOUS BRAT'' He bellowed with all his might. Before I could protest, he slaps me accross the face with his powerfull force. It sends me to the other side of my rather small room, my back hits the wall as I let out a whimper in pure pain. My sight is blurry from all the tears but I notice my father put his hand over his mouth, as if he'd just regretted what he had done.
''I couldn't give any shits about your stupid meetings! I don't care!!'' I slowly helped my self up. ''You can shove you and your crown up your arse for all I care!!!'' I felt as if I was losing controll. ''I never asked to be born a prince!!'' I can't hold it in anymore. ''I WISH YOU DIED INSTEAD OF MOTHER!!''
He gasped while a single tear left his stern eyes, he slowly began to swim towards me. He extends his arm at me while speaking in an unusual soft tone.
''Sean-I..I'm So-'' I slapped his hand away while bursting out of my window with all my speed and strength. I didn't even hear his loud voice cursing my name out like he would normaly do. I just swim and swim into the dark ocean of nothingness, or so it seems when the sun sleeps. I have no idea where I'm heading but anywhere is better than that rotten castle with that...
I whipe my tears away, telling my self to stop thinking of my father and focus on something else, something that isn't so dull and dark. A memory from a couple hours ago flashed into my mind, making a goofy smile form on my lips. Mark... His name alone made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. I stopped in my rebelious tracks and simply allowed the soft current of the salty water to take me, as my mind was full of warm and pleasant memories of that strange human.
Maybe it's love at first sight? *Scoff* It can't be...I'm a merrow and he's a human...There's no way in hell that anyone will allow this kind of thing to happen. Unless...what if- My careless thoughts are cut short from a loud bang as I suddenly realise a large net has been shot into the water and wraps around my frail body. I begin to panick.
''W-What?!'' Was all I could whimper out before the net is lifted out of the water with a large metal thing that is connected to the small ship. I've never experienced this but this is no doubt the....I looked the the ripped up flag on the wooden pole and recognised the Shadow Hunters symbol.
I didn't bother screaming for help, instead I thrashed my powerfull tail but to no avail. This net was made of a strong material that was unbreakable for merrows. I heard cold chuckles of victory as three filthy men grabbed the net and allowed the machine to drop me onto the boat with a loud thud. I couldn't help but let out a yelp of pain as the heavy net paralysed my every muscle.
''Heeeey! Get teh Captin'! We gotta gooolden one here~!!'' One of the men slurred with his 'Pirate' like accent. I could only widen my eyes in pure terror as I glared at the man with a lit cigar in his mouth, he seemed to be above the other filthy men. I squirmed with all my might, trying to move the net off my body but the man with the cigar pulled his sword out and held it to my neck. I could feel the cold metal against my neck, ready to slice through at any moment.
''Make yer move boy~ An' I promise yer aint gonna see teh light o' day evah again'' He threatened me as I swallowed the lump in my throat and shivered with every fiber of my being. I'm so scared...Suddenly a wooden door bursted open as one of the men was thrown out of the room inside, every soul on the ship was dead silent at this point, and I had a feeling why.
A man dressed in all black came to view and all the other men seemed to lower their heads in fear of his presence. He had a lit pipe with a golden rim while his ugly, boney fingers were littered with golden rings and bracelets. Some teeth were pure golden and his beard was braided along side his 'side burns' which were all scruffy and messy, as if a thousand rats had nested there. I couldn't look away from this horrid sight, but his terrifying souless eyes met mine. I didn't dare move...
He fiddled with his cigar before taking it out of his mouth and kneeling down, admiring my tail before he gave a look of shock. The man glanced at my face and I quickly looked away before he stood up again, placing the cigar back into his dirty mouth. Still keeping his deadly glare on me he spoke with a rusty low voice.
''Spare 'em'' The men on the boat gasped in suprise, I'm guessing this doesn't happen often but all I can think of right now is how to escape. Just before he dissapeared into his room with the now crooked door he spoke with his spine chilling voice. ''Hurt'a scale on the ting' and I'll be usin' yer skin as me personal coat'' He spat ever word with pure hate, giving everyone a death glare, causing all the men to whimper in fear. He must be the captain.. As soon as the door slammed shut the man from earlier yelled out and all the other filthy beings scattered around the ship while three of them lifted the net that was on me.
Me being the foolish merman that I am, tried to use this as a perfect moment to escape, but soon found a tight collar on my neck. I was yanked back with full force, sending my head to hit the wooden floor with a loud thud. I squinted in pain before some kind of liquid was poured onto my face, it tasted unbearably sweet. I laid there helplessly choking, as the water felt like sharp shells scratching my inner throat.
You'd think a merrow wouldn't choke on water, but there is a huge difference from sea water and fresh water, it can't kill us but it's extremely uncomfortable to be in. As soon as I opened my waterey eyes, I glanced to my right and noticed a small glass tank, only barely big enough for a merrow to fit into. I wasn't able to process any thoughts as my body was lifted and carelessly thrown into the tank, I was the slightest bit thankfull that this was salty water.
Before I could open my eyes, a glass lid was placed over and locked onto the tank that I managed to squeeze into. I began to hyperventilate, fearing for my own life.
Timeskip ~ The Next Evening ~
Marks P.O.V ~
This time I managed to bring Callison, my white stallion with me. After all, he only makes transport easier. I tied Cali to a nearby palm tree before I slowly made my way to the salty shores where we promised to meet. I smiled to my self as I admired the beautiful sunset that kisses the horizon, thinking of what we'll do when he gets here...
Mabe I can teach him how to walk and I can show him around the market. Or Jack can take me to a beautiful area where we might define our love for one another. I sat on a small rock that was sunken into the wet sand as I gazed upon the calm sea, oddly enough there were no seagulls like there usually would be. Maybe they're just someplace else-where.
I sat there untill the moon had risen, he was already hours late but I still had hope untill a moment ago a thought had caught my attention. What if he doesn't love me? Maybe he thinks of me as any other human he should fear...Or...Maybe he hates me..-but then why would he have saved my life? Was it just out of pity? Did he change his mind...
A million thoughts were running through my head as tears managed to seep out and fall off my red cheeks. I was in a moment of depressing thoughts but Cali interupted me with his cry of impatience. I slowly stood up and glanced at the stars....hoping Jack is looking at the same lights in the sky of wonder...hoping he's thinking of me...hoping he loves me...
My broken heart...
AN: I have finally gotten a decent chapter down! :D Thanks so much for reading the whole chapter is you did :3 I'm gonna try and update more often but I have things going on, but I hate making you wait! So I'll try my best! I also wonder what'll happen to poor Jack o: Anywho!
Thank you so much for reading! And have a good one!
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