Chapter fourteen 🔥😲⁉️😨
I didnt understand what the fuck was going on. Why did this bitchass Taehyung motherfucker bring me here and why is this british big teeth big head ass prince talking to me??
„Yew must be wonderin' why yor friend Tayyoung brought yew here innit 😂😂, well mate le' meh tell yew somefin yeah."
I wait for his answer, while I slowly boil with rage because of his annoying fucking accent.
„Oi am not onley a prince, bot oim also a mafia boss. Thots roight, I just bought yew. 😂🤓"
„WHAT??? WHAT THE FUCK NO BRO HOW??" I violently free myself from Taehyungs grip and try to run, but suddenly Prince Williams teeth grow and grow and grow......
„AAAAAH FUCKING LET ME GO YOU BRAINDEAD FUCKING WANKER!!!" I kick my legs and try to punch his bitchass face, but the punches unfortunately didn't land.
Taehyung just watched me getting fucking abducted by this British dude. I even see a SMIRK forming on his face.
This little fucker.
„ILL GET YOU BACK TAEHYUNG, YOU WATCH ME." I yell while Prince William carries me inside his mansion.
„Hehehhoinkhoink, Oi will make yew mah' prisona' baybeygirel. 😂😂😂" Prince William giggles and my urge to punch someones fucking teeth in has never been bigger.
Taehyung I swear I'll get you back so good, you will BEG to be turned back into a steak. Just you wait.
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