Chapter four 🙄🥩💦🤧
I wake up after a wild night with my steak Papí 😥🤭🤭🤫🤫🤫🤪🤪✋I put my long, blonde, perfect hair into a messy bun as always, as i look next to me. My steak Husband is still sleeping. His little Steak Body moves up and down as he sleeps peacefully. 🤧🥺🥺💞💞
I get up and pick up some of our meatball children from the floor, to make some juicy breakfast out of them.
Im literally so goofy i cant 🤪😋🤞🏻 #LOL
Because my face is already perfect, i don't want to wear make-up, since Im not like other bitc-
I m-mean girls!!😇😇😇🥰🥰🥰🤪🤪🤣🤣💞💞😋 #girlssupportgirls!!
They want to look pretty for others, but I only do it for my juicy fruity steak meat dadhaâé.
On my way to the kitchen, however, my 1'2 body is being knocked out and I fall ten floors down. I let out a perfect gasp and get up.
„W-w-w-w-w-what was t-t-t-that ??!"😱😱😱😱🥺🥺🥺🤒😷🤕🤕🤕🤕🤕
A large male figure stands in front of me. The only one that comes to mind is my ex Pápī oppæér jungkook. B-but he is dead?? So who could it be??!!
I look up and the big 11'10 man punches me in the face and breaks my cheekbones. 🤕🤕🥺🥺👿😷😷😷 Ouchie!
„Listen whore, my name is Jimin and your useless ass is MINE now." 👿👿👿😾😾😠😠😠😠
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