Alessia and Eya continued to walk, yet again in the cobblestone path, but – their was now an uneasy feeling up ahead, and it made Eya anxious.
The healer stopped her movement, along with Alessia. Alessia gives her a concerned face.
"Are you feeling bad, Miss Eya?" Alessia asked with a concerned voice. Eya nodded in response, while Alessia somehow feel suspicious.
"Tell me, please." Alessia begged. Eya just sighed.
"I feel..like..someone's watching us," She explained. "And, I'm a bishop. I'm completely vulnerable."
"Hm? No worries, Eya." She comforted, tapped her shoulder. "Everything is gonna be fine."
"What about the war? The king?"
"Don't over think it, come on, let's keep going."
The sun was setting, a vibrant orange color in the sky. The two, sat down in a peaceful meadow. Eya, let out a sad sigh. Alessia, noticed that she kept sighing lately.
'Their is something wrong with Eya..."
"Uh, Eya? Can we set up camp here?" Alessia asked. Eya snapped back to reality, and nodded and smiled in agreement. They both stood up, and did their perspective jobs.
The Other Country; Inside The Palace
A woman figurine got out from the shadows, and bowed slowly.
"Yes, my lord?"
The king grinned, and titled her head to his number one assassin.
"Asuka, can you do a favor, for me?" The king asked, gently.
"Of course, my lord. What shall I do for you?" She accepted gladly. She sighed, yet again. Asuka was the one who always got called by the king, and she was the number one assassin.
"Overall, since our knights manage to barge in the other country's palace, the daughter of the king and Queen managed to escape," He discussed. "She's a wizard.."
"Like Addison?" She cut him off. It was very rude, and Asuka just realized it.
The king stopped for a moment, but just shrugged it off. If he just got angry, it won't solve anything.
"Yes, apparently she got company," the king pointed out now in a firm voice. "A bishop. Bishop's are well known around their parts. Although, they are quite vulnerable for an assassin like you."
Asuka just smiled to herself, proud for he compliment. It faded quickly, and Asuka just stood up.
"Where are they staying?"
"At a forest. You might waste your energy running. So here,"
The king offered her a bento box, while Asuka just grabbed it. Asuka bowed in respect, while the king waved goodbye. Asuka ran, until she was no where to be seen.
"Okay, I think we are done.." Alessia said as she wiped her sweat. All that's missing is a campfire.
"Mm, sure..w-we are done, but, do you need healing? You, s-seem tired."
"Huh? Oh, I appreciate the help, but I can manage," Alessia said as she offered her a smile. Alessia lowered down her staff a little, a orange, inferno fire surrounded it. Alessia put it in the logs, and the fire started spreading.
"Okay, camp fire is don –"
A scream was heard.
Alessia immediately titled her head, and saw Eya who was mouth was closed, by a purple gloves. Alessia shot the girl an icy glare, while her purple eyes looked straight at her, and somehow, Alessia felt dizzy.
"Oh gosh.." Alessia slowly said, and held the side of her head. "Don't make me screw up.."
"I'll remove my hand if you drop your weapon," She outsmarted. Alessia sighed, she had no choice. She dropped her staff and her book, while the assassin released Eya. Eya ran up to Alessia's back, and healed her.
"Sorry," She apologized. "I wasn't being careful.."
"It's fine," Alessia said. "We need to deal with this first.."
The assassin removed her mask, and Alessia realized. She's from the other country. She's one of the number one assassin, she didn't knew her name tho.
"Tell me, your name." She demanded grabbed her staff again, and raised it up.
She scoffed. "I shall always stay in the darkness, I shall not tell my name, unless it is my lord ."
"She's a loyal one." Alessia thought, her eyes widened. She could see that she had a sign of an assassin in her clothes, making her more curious.
"If you don't..." Alessia threatened. The assassin grabbed her weapons, and did her stance.
"Frost Strike.."
The two, fought. Left Eya behind.
Eya, got a bit annoyed. She secretly started casting a spell, while the two ...had a ..shouting match.
"If you don't tell me your name, I'll kill you!"
"How? Poison me?"
"Close, but no!"
"Enough already!"
Alessia and the assassin, stopped fighting, and tilted their heads to Eya, who's expression were furious. Her bishop staff glowed, while Alessia, chuckled to the assassin. Alessia backed away a bit, left her curious. She looked up, there was a bright arrow.
"It's called, Holy Arrow. A bishop's spell."
"My name is Asuka..."
"Sweet, we persuaded her!" Alessia exclaimed. "Thank you, Eya. And I never knew you could do attack spells."
"Mm, just two." She responded, pinpointed her index finger. "Holy Arrow is my strongest tho."
"Oh, okay." As she looked back to Asuka. "What are you doing here, anyways?"
"Do I need to tell everything..?" Asuka said as she groaned. "It's personal.."
"Ooh, I get it!" Alessia exclaimed. "You are 'watching' us, right?" She teased, and let out an evil smirk. Asuka rolled her eyes, while Eya; shot her an death glare.
"Okay! You are right!" She admitted. "I am watching you guys!" She exclaimed, stood up, and put on her mask. "Meet me tomorrow by the river over there," She commanded, raised up her weapon. "If you don't, you won't like what I will do..."
"Okay, okay, we will." Alessia said while she sighed in defeat. "Now, go do whatever you are doing. Shoo-shoo."
Asuka clenched her fist, and put her weapon in her belt. She bowed, which is kinda weird , then disappeared in a blink of an eye.
"There she goes again.." Eya said and smiled warmly.
"We better get some rest..tomorrow is a big day."
"Of course, princess."
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