Chapter 5: Fears
Sonic's P.O.V
The next morning I woke up bright and early and dashed to my house. Unfortunately, Silver lacks my speed, so it wasn't a very FAST trip. He's too slow, y'know? Anyways, when I arrive I knock on the front door at a fast pace, wanting not to waste any time.
Tails answers the door. "Oh, hey, Silver. What are you doing here?" I clear my throat. "I... need Sonic for something. I need to talk to him." I vaguely explain. "He might be asleep in his room right now... which is odd, since he usually wakes up before me." Oh, Shadow... you lazy hog.
Tails steps aside to let me in the house and I walk upstairs without another word. I knock on the bedroom door quietly. "Shadow, wake up..." I don't get a response so I repeat it slightly louder. "Shadow. Wake. Up." I roll my eyes and enter the room to see Shadow.
He's still asleep, and he's in a weird position, like how I'd sleep. He's on his right side with his right arm straight out in front of him and his left arm twisted behind his head. His legs are weirdly crossed as well. His right leg curls around his left one from behind. Half of his mouth is forced into a frown by his shoulder. Oh, Shadz...
I shook him a bit. Nothing. I poke him. Nothing. I readjust his limbs. Nothing. Lastly, I decided to smack him across the face as hard as I can, which made him jolt awake with a yelp. He ended up kicking me in the process.
He covers his mouth after crawling backwards. "What the heck?!" I yell angrily. "Reflexes! You're lucky I didn't punch you! ...I would've knocked you out." "Shadow, get up." "Getting up, getting up." He sits up and rubs his face while groaning. "What time is it..?" "Shad, it's 8:00 AM, get up."
He groans and forces himself up. "That's so eeeaarly..." "Shad, what's with you? I thought you never needed sleep." "Well, I'm in a mortal body now, so I have to catch up on years of sleep..." "You were in stasis for 50 years, now get the hell up, Shadz."
Shadow stands up and stretches, then rubs his eyes. "Still, missed like four years of sleep, and only slept about once a month. I'm exhausted." "You weren't exhausted yesterday, you dumb hog! Go brush your teeth and you quills, and I'll tell you when and where you gotta be." "I gotta go for what again..?" "The damn date!" "Right, right, sorry... with who?" "Amy!" "Right, sorry, I'm just really tired." I facepalm as Shadow starts brushing his teeth. This idiot...
Shadow's P.O.V
I'm so tired and I don't know why. It feels like I haven't slept in years when I actually haven't slept in weeks. I didn't need to sleep like a normal mobian, but now I do. All of the rest I missed had piled on top of me when I fell asleep. I didn't even plan on waking up this morning.
I finish brushing my teeth and then I brush my quills. I could barely pay attention to what I was doing. When I walked back into the bedroom, I collapsed on the bed while groaning and turned to face Faker. "I can't do it... when is this damn date anyways?" Faker sighs in annoyance. "1, you didn't brush your quills right. They still look like a mess. 2-" I cut him off. "Why do you care? You said you didn't like her anyways."
Faker rolls his eyes. "Shadz, that doesn't mean I can't look nice. Anyways, 2, it's at 6:00 PM, so-" "6?! Why'd you wake me up at 5?!" "First of all, it's 8, not 5. Second of all, I usually wake up early, now you have to too." I groan. "1, it feels like 5:00 AM. 2, I'm exhausted. I can barely stand." "What if Eggman attacks?!" "That's not my job..." I mutter. "It is now, Shadz! You're me! You're the hero!"
I sigh and then let out this weird sound. I couldn't control it and it was like a forced exhale. I had a strange look on my face. "What was that..?" I ask out loud. Faker looked surprised. "It's called yawning, how do you not know what it is?" "Well, I-I don't do it." "You've never yawned and you've never heard someone else yawn?" I shake my head. "Not even Rouge?" I shake my head again. "She wakes up earlier than me and she's usually unaccounted for in the night." "Huh, makes sense."
I was about to fidget with my inhibitor rings, but then I realized I didn't have them. I was about to panic until I remembered I'm not in my body and I don't need them. So, I fidgeted with the cuff of my glove instead. "So... where's the date I have to go to..?" "It's at the fair." My eyes widened. The fair..? "The fair? That's where you're having this date with her?" "It's not a really romantic place, more action packed. And there's tons of cool rides! You'll have a blast, Shadz."
So, something no one knows about me is that I have acrophobia. A fear of heights. None of what was said just now sounded pleasing in the slightest. It sounded terrifying to me. Of course HE would like it, but not me. I was frozen in place, unable to process the information being told.
Do I really have to do this? Can I make an excuse? Oh, chaos, what do I do? "Shadz?" I look up at him. "You good?" He sits down next to me on the bed as I nod. "I'm fine, Faker." "You don't look fine..." "Well... does anyone ever look fine?" "Most of the time, yes. Shadz, why're you stalling?" "Wha- I'm not stalling!" "Yes, you are." "No, I'm not." "Yes, you a-" The fox boy enters the room. "Hey, guys, breakfast is ready. I made some for you too, Silver." "Uh- thank you." Faker replies sheepishly. "You comin', big bro?" The fox nudges me.
I have to put on the confident and bubbly act in front of Faker? Great... "Of course, lil' bro! But uh- me and Silver are kinda in the middle of a very important conversation. We'll be down in a few minutes, got it, bud?" "Ohhh... ok! Bye Sonic! Silver!" "Cya Tails!" I chirp and close the door as he exits the room.
Faker blinks in surprise at me. "How did you-?" "I know how you act around your friends. How? Rouge forces me to come and watch all the time."
Tails' P.O.V
I exit Sonic's room and just as I'm about to walk back downstairs, I hear them talking. "How did you-?" "I know how you act around your friends. How? Rouge forces me to come and watch all the time." I hear Sonic and Silver talking. Surely they wouldn't mind if I listened in, right?
Sonic's P.O.V
"Ok, back to the original topic... why did you freeze when I mentioned the fair and all the rides?" I ask Shadow. I was so confused. Why would he freeze like that? Almost as if he was afraid... but, no! That's impossible! Shadow doesn't get scared of anything! ...does he?
Shadow turns his head away from me. "I... I don't like people. And there's a lot of people at the fair." "You don't have a phobia of people, Shadz." "Phobia?! Who said I had a phobia?! I'm not afraid of anything!" He replies immediately. That's sus...
I roll my eyes. "Shadz, tell me the truth. I know you're lying, so just tell me what's up." He gulps as if he were nervous. Shadz? Nervous? That doesn't sound right. "...If I tell you, you can't tell anyone else. Not a soul, or I'll hunt you down in your sleep." "Ok, ok, easy, Shadz. I promise, I won't tell anyone." Oh, so this is a secret?~
Shadow sighs and curls his legs into his chest. "I have acrophobia." Acro- what? "A fear of heights." Oh, good, I didn't have to ask. "I... am not a big fan of tall rides and stuff like that. I-I can't do this." Shadow said 'I can't do this'..? But he's almost as persistent as me, it doesn't make sense, I- wait... right, I don't like water very much either. Or spiders, they're creepy.
Shadow hides his face in his knees and wraps his arms around his legs, hugging them to his chest. "You can laugh now..." I hear him mutter and my ears lower. I shake my head and place my hand on his shoulder. "Shadz... I'd never make fun of you for being afraid of heights. I mean, I'm afraid of water." "Yeah, but everyone already knew that..."
His ears lower in shame and I sigh. "Well... did you know I'm also afraid of spiders?" His ears perk up and he lifts his head up, facing me. "You're what?" "Yep. Absolutely terrified." "You're joking..." "Nope. I'll freak out at the mere sight." He seems surprised. "Huh... I actually didn't know that..." "You learn something new every day... even if it's about your rival." I smile at him, and surprisingly, he smiles back. "You know, I thought I'd never be saying this but..." I wait for him to finish.
"Thank you, Sonic."
Guys! I gave my chapter's names now! What do you think? Should I change them? If you have suggestions, put them in the comments!
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