Chapter 3: Oh, Chaos
Sonics P.O.V
"So, does anyone know what happened..?" I question. "Rouge told me we were struck by lightning on the roof of the house." Shadow spoke. It was weird seeing him in my body, and talking especially. "So... we were fighting, there was lighting, we got struck, and this is the result." I sum up our situation. "What do we do? I-I don't know how to use these powers..." Silver speaks with nervousness. It's weird seeing Shadow nervous, even if it's actually Silver... man, this is weird.
"We need to fix this as soon as possible. No messing around." Shadow says sternly with a scowl. "Hey, smile once in a while. You're gonna give me frown lines." I cross my arms. "Oh, yeah? Well, I don't care. I'll make any expression I want." He says, being stubborn as always. I notice some kinda green aura stuff leaking from Shadow- I mean Silver's hands... I raise an eyebrow.
"Uh- Silver? What is that?"
Shadows P.O.V
I saw Sonic looking at Silver's hands. I saw the aura and my eyes widened. Shit, he can't control the chaos energy... I look at the chaos energy spreading as panic fills me. "Silver, are you feeling any intense emotions? Whatever you're feeling, I need you to calm down." "What's going on..? What is this?" Silver looks even more panicked.
Damn, I need to calm him down before he destroys something. "Silver, calm down. It's nothing important, but I can help you control it." "HOW?" "Take deep breaths. You must stay calm until you learn to control it." Silver starts to take deep breaths and calms himself as much as possible. The chaos energy disappears.
3rd Person P.O.V
As Shadow successfully calmed Silver down, Sonic stood there shocked. He's never seen Shadow so panicked before, and the way he helped Silver was so out of character for him. Shadow sighs of relief after Silver is calmed. "Shadow... you did something nice..." Sonic points out. "I wasn't doing it to be nice, I was doing it so he doesn't accidentally break something in my own home." "Uh-huh, suuure..." Sonic is unconvinced by Shadow's statement.
", do we tell anyone about this?" Sonic asks unsure whether or not to let anyone else know about their situation. "No." Silver and Shadow speak in unison. "I do not want any attention brought to this." Shadow explains. "I'd rather try a few of our own solutions before asking for help." Silver continues.
"Whatever you say, but I think we should at least get Tails' help." Sonic states, crossing his arms. "We are not getting the fox involved." Shadow states sternly. "If you're gonna be in my body then call Tails by his name." Sonic glares while Shadow rolls his eyes.
"Fine, Tails, whatever, we're not telling him." Shadow speaks in a demanding tone. "Ugh, fine." You can never win with this guy can you? Sonic thinks to himself. "I think we should start by looking on the roof. That's where we were when we were struck, so maybe we can find clues there." Silver suggests. Sonic and Shadow nod once in agreement and they go out to the backyard to figure out how to get up to the roof if they can't use their powers properly.
After 30 minutes of Silver trying to teach Sonic to use his powers they finally start to float up and they crash on the roof.
Shadow growls and stands dusting himself off. Sonic stands, sighing. "At least I did it..." He says trying to make himself feel proud, but failing. "Yeah, you did great, Sonic. It's not easy getting used to another's powers so quickly." Silver reassures him.
Shadow looks around the roof, but finds no clues whatsoever. Sonic and Silver start to wander and don't find anything either. "Did you find anything?" Shadow asks wondering if they found any clues. They both shake their heads making Shadow let out an annoyed sigh while rubbing the sides of his cranium with his index fingers.
They eventually find a way off the roof and safely onto the ground, although Shadow now had a few scratches.
Sonic is pacing back and forth, not knowing what to do about the situation "What to do, what to do..." He's hoping for suggestions from the other two, but they never come until Silver finally speaks. "Well, for now we can try to live life as each other until we can find a way to fix this."
"Do I REALLY have to act like HIM?" Shadow asks, annoyed with his situation. "Yes, Shadow, you WILL act like me and be NICE, otherwise we're gonna have a problem." Sonic replied, trying to threaten Shadow into acting like him, but he just rolls his eyes and sighs.
"That sounds humiliating." "No one will know it's you, Shadz." "And if someone finds out?" "Just come on! I'd do it for YOU!" "Would you though?" "...Shadz, please?" Shadow sighs. "Fine. I'll act like you." "Do an impression of me." "Right now?" "Yes!" Shadow groans and clears his throat. "Hi, I'm Sonic the hedgehog..." He says groggily. "Shadz, no. Please put effort." Shadow rolls his eyes and forces a giant grin on his face. "Hi! I'm Sonic the hedgehog! The fastest thing alive!" His smile falls after he's done speaking. "Am I off the hook now?"
Sonics P.O.V
"Woah, Shadz, that... that was good." I smile with pride in him. I didn't think he'd actually pull it off, nor have the guts to smile, let alone a full on grin. It's weird knowing he's in my body and he's the one doing that. "...thanks, I guess." Shadow mumbles rolling his eyes.
"Y'know, if you got rid of that negative attitude, you could really pull it off." "Yeah, yeah, whatever, Faker." "You're technically the faker, since you're faking being me." "Well, you have to fake being Silver." "Yes, but you're faking to be ME. You're MY fake... you're the ultimate faker!" I laugh as he growls. "If you guys are gonna fight and make this situation worse, be my guest." Silver remarks.
"No one was talking to you fern head." Shadow growls at him. "Rude... and by the way, I'm NOT a fern head!" Shadow looks at Silver weirdly and then with a slightly shocked and worried expression. "Ok, ok, fine, you're not a fern head, I apologize, now calm the heck down." Huh? Why'd he immediately apologize? What's up with Shadow..?
Shadows P.O.V
I noticed the chaos energy emanating from my body- Silver's temporary body, and I started to panic. I immediately try to de-escalate the situation and calm him down. "Ok, ok, fine, you're not a fern head, I apologize, now calm the heck down." Silver noticeably started to calm down and I let out a soft sigh of relief. I gotta keep him calm otherwise he'll end up destroying the whole world in my body...
I noticed Sonic's surprise and rolled my eyes. "What are you looking at, hedgehog?" "You... why are you being so nice?! It's freaking me out!" I raise an eyebrow at Sonic. "What are you-" I realize what he means. I apologized... whatever, it's for the sake of the world, I don't mean it...
Do I..?
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