I woke up the next morning before dawn and changed back into the clothes I came in, which had been washed and dried for me. I crammed my feet back into my warm boots and laced my bracers onto my forearms.
I pulled on my warm fur cloak and picked up the scarf. I studied the red fabric, then looked at myself in the mirror on the wall. My silver hair was still braided in a dwarvish fashion, but they were small, numerous, and intricate like an elf's.
I nodded once, then decisively tied the scarf around my upper arm, winding it around my bicep and tying it off, but not too tightly. I buckled on the belt of daggers and my sword, then grabbed my pack and made my way out to the courtyard, breathing in the crisp morning air and gazing fondly at the waterfall and shimmering river, and all the many jewel-toned flowers.
I found the Company gathered around, looking impatient to leave. But no Gandalf. I stopped next to Bilbo and he smiled at me and said,
"Good morning, Freya."
"Good morning, Bilbo. I don't suppose you could keep what we discovered- all of it- from the others? Just for now? I want some time with it before I go talking to the others about it, that's all."
He smiles and nods understandingly. "Of course, Freya. I'd want to keep my secrets, too, and understand last night was rough for you. All that at once and all." He wrinkled his nose, fists on his hips. "But, we are moving along. And I daresay you and that dragon of yours will keep us safe." He says with a wink. "Did you name him by the way?"
"Yes. Finian. It means warrior and protector. I thought it suited him. And I think he'll like it."
Bilbo smiles. "I think that's a great name."
I laughed and nodded. "Yeah. Me too. When I found him he was so small he could fit in my jacket easily. Now...nearly three months into our journey, he's larger than an elk."
He nods and says something else about sizes when I looked over to the company and found that Thorin was watching me. There was a small smile on his face. But when he noticed I saw him, he quickly turned away from me, clasping his hands behind his back and ordering the company to move out.
One by one, we filed out of Rivendell.
"Where's Gandalf?" Bilbo suddenly asked in alarm.
"We couldn't wait around anymore," Fili said, hands wrapping around the straps of his pack. "So uncle said we would leave without him if he wasn't ready in time."
I glanced behind me, where Dwalin was walking along at the end of the group, talking to Oin and Gloin in undertones. He wouldn't stop looking at me. They seemed to be giving him advice about something.
I now wished more than ever Gandalf was here. How was I supposed to explain that Dwalin forced himself on me without him making good on his threat? No. I wouldn't fear Dwalin. There was one dwarf here that would be able to deal with him. And that was Thorin.
We walked along and soon enough, we were perched along a precarious path along the mountain's ledge. It was nearly nightfall, but the clouds darkened the sky and it began to rain.
It took everything I had to keep from slipping off the ledge.
Wedged between Fili and Bilbo, Fili leading the way and Kili behind Bilbo, we made our cautious way along the mountain.
The wind began to pick up and thunder boomed, seeming to shake the very mountain itself.
Suddenly, Bilbo yelped next to me and I watched in horror as he began to fall, but I missed him. "Bilbo!" I screamed, tears falling down my cheeks as I watched him fall, his eyes were wide with horror, and disappear into the darkness below.
But just then, a massive blue form appeared, Wings flapping to keep it aloft and Bilbo on its back, holding onto a neck spike.
"Finian?" I gasped.
My dragon seemed pleased with himself, and had nearly doubled in size since I had last seen him.
"Come." He said in the Common Tongue. "I have found a cave for shelter."
The other dwarves stared in shock at the dragon that saved Bilbo, and then looked at me in equal astonishment. I looked to Fili and Kili and they were looking at me with mixed emotions.
Finian snorted, then turned and began to fly along next to us, guiding us along the path. A few of the dwarves clutched their weapons in one hand and the ledge in the other, sending glares towards the dragon. Bilbo, however, stayed on Finian's back and was smiling widely.
We finally found the cave Finian spoke up and we all ran inside quickly and a few turned to aim their weapons at Finian- including Fili and Kili. My dragon paused, wings raising a bit in defense of Bilbo, lip curling up in a snarl.
I raced forward and stood between them and held my arms out.
"Don't kill him!" I shouted.
"He's a dragon, lass! Are ye crazy, get-"
"No. He's my dragon. I'm a Dracari. It means I have dragon blood. I discovered it not so long ago. I can speak to dragons- communicate with them. I discovered it quite some time ago. I found Finian's egg in the Shire of all places and he hatched for me. I raised him and he's been protecting us ever since. The trolls and the wargs chasing us serve as just two examples." I was breathing hard, and just looked at them. My friends. My family.
They stared at me in shock and silence for what seemed an eternity. A few looked angry, some confused. And when I looked at Dwalin, he looked...disappointed.
"She saved us and you can't even thank her?" Thorin spat suddenly, pushing aside a few of them and sending them all angry looks. "Our Freya- who was probably scared to even admit what she was- saved us all anyways in the only way she could. And you say nothing?"
The anger from before seemed to slip away and became replaced with shame. All except for three. Dwalin stood with Gloin and Oin in resolution and stoic glares aimed at me, standing close together.
He told them. I knew he did.
"Believe what ye like, Thorin," Dwalin began and my heart began to pound. "But who's to say she's not responsible for Smaug if she can talk to dragons? Did you see her leave with you and the young princes like she was supposed to? No. She appeared later. Much later, if I recall."
"Yeah. And as I recall, Master Dwalin, so did you." Fili said gruffly, eyes narrowing. "Perhaps you don't remember that? But of course, it was years ago. But I remember the fear I felt for Freya- whom I've always seen as an older sister- run off in search of you! Then you both returned safely later. Or does my memory betray me?"
Kilo nodded. "I seem to have the same memory."
"Aye. So do I." Bofur said and narrowed his eyes at Dwalin and his possy. Bombur, Bifur, Dori, Ori, and Nori all nodded their agreement. So did Balin.
Thorin looked back at me once, then said, "Freya loves us- her people. Her parentage has never once changed the fact that she loves the dwarves of Erebor. I don't think she'd ever sick a dragon on us, men gorach." You idiot.
I stared in shock at Thorin's display and just wrapped my arms around myself, biting back tears at the way he and so many others immediately stuck up for me. Finian lowered his head head and nudged it into my hand. I moved my hand to gently stroke his nose and Bilbo slid off his back and came over and took my other hand.
"You're a fool if you think Freya would ever hurt us." Thorin said with a raised chin in the direction of Dwalin, Oin, and Gloin, coming next to me to rest a hand on my shoulder.
I was such a fool to be afraid of him in the beginning. It was strange to me, in a way, how the dwarf I thought I could trust turned his back on me, and the dwarf I thought wouldn't accept me, instead opened his arms to me.
Dwalin merely glared at me and I knew the look in his eyes. It was vengeful anger. I knew that look, but had never had it directed at me before. I had seen it on training grounds and even when people threw racial slurs at me. But never once had he given me that look.
Uncomfortably, we settled in for the night. It was still pouring, but Finian insisted he should go. I hugged him around the neck and he hummed, almost sounding as if he was purring like a cat.
"Thank you." I said softly. He nodded his head once, then turned and left the cave, leaping over the ledge and soaring off into the distance.
I crossed my arms over my chest and rubbed at my arms, feeling cold. Suddenly, something warm was wrapped around my shoulders and I looked over to see it was Thorin, wrapping that giant blue fur coat he always wore around me.
I turned to face him and hugged him, wrapping my arms around his waist and stuffing my face in his chest. His arms wrapped around me, one hand moving up to my hair and he gently stoked his fingers through it.
I closed my eyes, relishing in it all and feeling comfortable and safe.
Then, he gently moved his hand under my chin and tilted my head up to him so I had to look him in the eyes, then leaned forward and kissed my forehead.
"You've protected me far longer than just this journey, Freya. During the years we were in exile in the Blue Mountains, you went everywhere with me. Stayed by my side when countless others left. Saw me as a king, but more. A friend. A companion. You protected and cared for me. I don't know how I could ever thank you-"
I stopped him by standing on my tiptoes and taking his face in my hands and kissing him. He paused for a moment, startled, but then his strong arms circled around my waist and he kissed me back. When I pulled away, I rested my forehead on his and stroked my thumb across his cheekbone.
"I did it all because I care about you, Thorin Oakenshield. And I still do. I never stopped."
He smiled at me, blue eyes sparkling in the firelight the others had gotten going. I had never seen him look so happy before. Not since before the dragon. And even then, this smile was reserved for his family. But they were rare. So I cherished this smile, memorizing it.
"Come. We should get some rest. We'll explain as the questions arise." We. He said we will. "But your dragon...he saved Bilbo. And I am thankful for that."
He squeezed my hands and I smiled and walked away to lay out my bedroll. I looked over to see Dwalin staring at me, a look of unbridled rage in his eyes.
His threat rang in my head.
But I found I didn't care anymore. Because an overly jealous man is not a reason for me to sacrifice who I am, who I want to be, and who I love.
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