A Song for You
"And R.I.P to my youth and
you can call this the funeral"
The Cuban boy strummed onto his ukulele. Slowly singing the lyrics.
"I'm just telling the truth."
With many people watching and many more passing by a specific boy who folded his arms against his chest with a emotionless face listened and stared at how he played and sang the song.
"And you can play this at my funeral, wrap me up in Chanel inside my coffin."
Lance took a few glances at the boy who seemed to take small gazes at him also but just turned back to studying the way Lance's hands played the small instrument.
"Might go to hell and there ain't no stopping,
might be a sinner and I might be a saint."
The tan boy nodded his head at people who put a couple dollar bills in the case. Everyday it was like this, go down to the most visted place and sing a couple songs, get a couple fifty dollar bills to provide for his family.
"I'd like to be proud but somehow I'm ashamed,
sweet little baby in a world full of pain."
The boy was with a small girl with bed head hair and a green shirt, tapping away on her iPhone nudged them to move forward, but the boy resisted.
"I gotta be honest, I don't know if I could take it.
Everybody's talking, but what's everybody saying?"
Lance plastered a small smile at the ravens action towards the smaller one. She leaned onto him but he didn't move a muscle.
"R.I.P to my youth,
if you're really listening than this is to you."
The rest of the song was sung heavenly by Lance. When he finished the last cords he put the ukulele down onto his lap and waved at people who gave small polite gestures to him.
Everybody who was around him continued on with there day, expect Keith. Leaving his friend's sister, he walked to Lance who was putting away the instrument in its case.
"Hey, I just wanted to give you this." Keith reached into his pocket and pulled out more money than he expected to. He handed the wad of cash to Lance.
Lance, who just looked at the money with stars in his eyes and a blush that crept onto his face.
"Thank you, amor!" Lance rarely uses his first language but this was first impressions.
Keith didn't respond but gave a small smile to the cuban boy as he gazed upon the money.
From that day forward Keith would come everyday to see Lance play the ukulele and sing covers of songs. Lance came to that place since he knew that Keith would be there.
They talked after Lance did his sets. Keith, who was oblivious as ever didn't get the hint that Lance would occasionally hit on him in both English and Spanish.
But Keith was also fully aware about his growing straight toward feelings for Lance. He has been about the most beautiful boy he's every seen.
A bright relationship was forming in the future for both. But one was seeing a different story.
Then a buff guy with a white tuff came into the picture. Lance found a different love. A 'different love' was referring to better than Keith.
It all happened the day Keith was going to ask Lance out on a date to a movie. He bought roses and wore winning smile that could make any girls knees weak.
When he got to the place where he sings, he stopped in his tracks. There he was, being kissed by a guy much bigger than Keith's own body. He smiled and laughed and called out the man's name. Shiro.
Instantly tears flooded his eyes and he threw the roses in a nearby public trashcan. God, how come he couldn't have been faster?
Keith couldn't believe what had just happened. Why did Lance seem way more happier than he was with him? Of course, that's love for Lance.
The next day Keith went to the same place. He walked up to Lance but not looking at him. He cleared his throat and said.
"Congratulations to you and your new boyfriend." Keith said monotone-like. He gave Lance a single rose painted a sultry blue color. Lances favorite color.
Lance held the rose in one hand, looking at it like how he looked down at the money but with a hint of sadness.
Keith turned to walk away but was soon stopped when Lances light strumming on his ukulele sounded through his ears.
"Pitch black pale blue
It was a stained glass
Variation of the truth
And I felt empty handed."
Keith didn't turn around but just stood there, trying to comprehend what was going on.
"You let me sail with cheap wood
So I patched up every leak that I could
Till the blame grew too heavy."
The raven's ears began to get hot when he heard Lance's voice getting near him.
"Stitch by stitch I tear apart
If brokenness is a form of art
I must be a prodigy poster child"
Keith could feel hot tears forming in his eyes as his head hung low, still not facing where the beautiful sound came from.
"If brokenness is a work of art
surely this must be my masterpiece."
Lance, who was only three feet behind Keith gave a worried look that he wasn't buying it.
"I'm only honest when it rains
If I time it right, the thunder breaks
When I open my mouth
I want to tell you but I don't know how.
Keith resisted the huge urge to cry into his shoulders. To tell him that he's hopelessly in love him.
"I'm only honest when it rains
An open book with a torn out page
And my ink's run out
I want to love you but I don't know how."
The taller boy stepped a little closer. He didn't care if Shiro would say something. Sure he did love Shiro but he knew that Shiro wasn't into him than he though he was.
"I don't know how
No I don't know how
I don't know how
I want to love you but I don't know how."
Lance stepped forward until he was in front of Keith, who covered his face with a deep blush and tears covered his fingers that desperately wiped away.
"I want to love you, Keith..."
Lance put down the ukuele and lifted up Keith's face with his index and thumb. Tears of both sadness and happiness rolled down Keith's face as he lightly pressed his lips against Lance's.
Keith wrapped his arms around Lances neck as the taller boy picked him up from the waste line.
And in that moment they both heard different loving songs inside their heads.
Hope y'all enjoyed my Klance one shot story. The pitch black and pale blue part was unintentional.
The songs used
R.I.P to my youth - the neighbourhood
Neptune - Sleeping at Last
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