She's a Rainbow
Before our little tour, I didn't know much about Sean and Isaiah. I discovered Sean's family had money, which explained why we could afford to go '"on the road." It explained a lot.
Courtesy of Sean's family, we leased a van that held our equipment. Sean and Isaiah drove in the van while Memphis and Levi drove with me in my car. We each took turns driving.
Upon entering the hotel room in New York City, I ran to the bed and jumped on it like a little kid. Levi stood at the door, laughing. I stopped jumping for a second to take off my shirt. I threw it at Levi.
"Are you sure you wanna room with me?" I asked, standing on top of the bed. I wiggled out of my jeans and kicked them off.
"Oh, yeah, I'm sure," he said, undressing on his way to the bed. He reached for my legs and pulled me down, throwing me on my back. "We're going to have lots of fun."
So far I was having fun, and we'd only been in New York for a few minutes.
But there were other things on my mind, too.
"I need a new playlist," I said as Levi kissed my neck, my legs wrapped around his body. "Seriously, Levi. What do I do without a playlist? You told me you'd help me."
"Yes, I did," he answered, making his way down my body.
"What should I put on my list?" I asked, enjoying his lips on my chest.
"We can talk about it later."
"I was thinking Bring it on Home to Me. That's one of my favorite songs. I wish you'd do a duet with me... like on stage. Oh, my God, Levi, that's so good." He circled my cock with his tongue. "I think we're going out with everyone in a few minutes."
"Yes, a few minutes. We have time."
I sighed, enjoying whatever Levi was doing down there. "I'm already having fun."
Levi was a fast worker—maybe because we were pressed for time—and knelt upright, pushing inside me. I loved it. He slid back up my body so his face was directly above mine.
"I think I've fallen in love with you," I said, holding Levi's face.
"Yeah, me too." I brought my arms around him as he kissed my lips.
As we made love, Sean pounded on our door, almost ruining our good mood. "Hurry up in there! Some of us are hungry."
"We're coming," Levi said as I moaned against his neck, clawing his back.
So far I had no regrets, knowing I made the right decision.
Although we played in small clubs, they were jam packed. By now I'd grown accustomed to performing on stage and looked forward to it. In fact, I got off on it, especially when the clubs overflowed. Our fan-base grew over time. I loved every minute of it. We'd perform until midnight, then we'd all celebrate, partying until two or three in the morning. I was never much of a drinker, but I'd gotten used to it. I ignored the fact that my medication and alcohol didn't mix well.
When Memphis drank, she tended to spill her guts, and she'd spill her guts to me. Drawn to me, she'd often confide in me. As we leaned against the bar, she went on and on about her mental health history. It turned out it wasn't nearly as bad as mine, but it was still significant. I was going to say impressive, but there was nothing impressive about mental illness.
"I think I've found a good mix of meds," she said. "Lamictal and Seroquel have been working great. How 'bout you? If you don't mind me asking."
I had had a few drinks, too, and was just as talkative, which wasn't saying much since I was already talkative. "Lithium, Seroquel, and Welbutrin."
"Seroquel's great. I've never known anyone on Lithium. That's a hardcore old-fashioned drug."
"Yeah, but it works," I said. "I've been catatonic in the past and it's snapped me out of it. I can't be on it forever, though. My shrink says it can damage your kidneys. I have to have blood work every few months. It's kind of annoying. Despite all those meds, I still have an insomnia problem. Can you believe it?"
"How many times have you been in the hospital?"
"Too many."
"Come on. You can tell me. I won't tell Levi."
"You don't think he knows? Of course he knows. I'm upfront with him. I'm surprised he's still with me. I must give good head or something."
"You're so obnoxious."
"No, I really do. I'm gifted at giving oral... men and women."
"Oh, my God, Ezra, shut up," she laughed, elbowing me in my ribs. "Levi is with you because he loves you, not just because you give great oral."
I rolled my eyes, chugging down a shot. Whiskey shots were dangerous, but I accepted it. "How many times have you been in the hospital?" I asked her.
"Twice," she answered.
"Twice?" I scoffed. "That's nothing. Let's see... it all started when I was nine. I guess I make a trip to the looney bin every other year or so, but it's been a couple of years since the last one. I think I've found a good balance now, and music helps a lot. I like singing with you guys, and Levi's been great. I've never connected with anybody before. I had a lot of one or two night stands... nothing serious."
"Are you and Levi serious?" she asked, bringing her martini glass to her lips. She was working on her third or fourth cosmo.
I thought a minute. "Yes. I think so." I smiled.
"Do you love him?"
I smiled even broader.
"Yes. And he's a great singer and an amazing drummer. He makes me feel good."
"I bet you make him feel good, too," she said. "Oh, yeah, you told me you did."
Standing to the right of Isaiah, Levi smiled in my direction. He grabbed his beer and walked over to me. As a band, we never talked about me and Levi's relationship, but it was obvious we had a thing together, particularly since Levi just came up to me and kissed me. He was slightly drunk, and I was getting there. If I continued to drink, I'd end up puking on the way back to the hotel and regret it.
"We should go," I said, holding Levi's waist. I glanced at Memphis. Her demeanor had changed. She went from happy, enjoying herself, to despondent. Maybe I was the only one who noticed it because we had gotten to know each other so well. "Are you all right?" I asked her.
"Yeah," she answered, swallowing hard, she looked like she was about to cry. "I gotta go."
"Wait. We'll get a taxi together," I said.
"Don't bother," she said, storming off.
I pulled away from Levi and followed her. I didn't want her wandering the city alone in the middle of the night. I caught up to her outside.
"Leave me alone, Ezra," she said, looking both ways down the street for a taxi.
"Did I say something wrong?"
"Go back to Levi. I'll see you tomorrow."
"I'm going to add She's a Rainbow to my playlist. What do you think? The song sort of reminds me of you."
"Don't, Ezra," she said. "Add a song for Levi."
"She's a Rainbow doesn't suit him. He has brown hair. Yours is sort of like a rainbow."
The ends of her platinum blond hair were still pink, but she added lavender and blue. She flagged down a taxi, but before getting in, she turned to me and kissed my lips quickly. "Goodnight, Ezra."
Just as Memphis stepped into the taxi, Levi appeared. "Everything okay?" he asked as my eyes remained on Memphis. This can't be happening. I'm the guy Memphis likes.
"We have a problem," I said to Levi as the taxi drove off. I was about to tell him about Memphis but decided against it. I didn't want to cause a rift in the band.
"Oh, yeah? What? I thought everything was going so well," Levi said, bringing his arm around my waist.
"I've only thought of one knew song for my playlist. She's a Rainbow."
I had other things on my mind and it wasn't creating a new playlist.
"Hmm... I thought you didn't like The Rolling Stones."
"I like some of their songs. Paint it Black is one of my favorites, but She's a Rainbow just popped in my head."
"It reminds you of Memphis, doesn't it?"
"I guess," I said.
"What song reminds you of me?"
I thought a minute. "Come as You Are."
"Why that song?"
"Don't ask me why. Sometimes I don't have a reason. What about me?"
"The Man Who Sold the World. Don't ask me why."
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