Chapter 2.
No one POV.
It has been two weeks since Will's mother died and he had spent those two weeks in a Gotham orphanage. The orphanage wasn't bad or anything it was quite nice actually but he didn't care, he often would sneak out at night and walk around the streets of Gotham. For no specific reason, he just couldn't sleep and he didn't wanted tot hink about his mom.
Tonight he has snuck out again, tomorrow was the cremation and then the reading of his mom's will.
Will didn't even knew that his mom had a will but considering that they lived in Gotham for close up to two years it actually made sense.
Passing a corner Will took a sip from his water that he had bought in a 24/7 just down the street but suddenly he could hear moaning coming from one of the alleyways and it wasn't the I feel good moan nope it was a I am in pain moan. Will didn't knew why but he ran towards the sound and as he reached the entrance he saw several thugs laying on the ground unconscious and a injured man leaning against the wall. The man wore a skin tight black suit with a blue bird on his chest and a Domino mask, it was Nightwing and a knife was stuck in his shoulder.
Great Will thought as he ran to the injured hero, he assest the situation and the first thing he realised was the smell of shit that was coming from the knife. Will's eyes widen if this is really shit then he can't leave the knife lodged in Nightwings shoulder.
Will :,,You got any medical supplies on you?"
Nightwing nodded :,,Right side third pouche."
Will quickly got to work finding some basic medical supplies, like bandages, a small bottle of rubbing alcohol and a cream against burns. It wasn't much but it will have to do.
Will :,,Lay down."
Will instructed and Will could see Nightwing hesitating.
Will :,,Hey you can either wait till that wound of yours starts to fester or you lay down and let me help you."
Will's firm voice suprised Nightwing, seeing no other way Nightwing lay down on his back as Will kneeled down besides him.
Will :,,I will have to pull the knife out."
Nightwing nodded and Will got to work, he held a bandage in one hand and gripped the knife tightly with the other.
Will :,,Take a deep breath."
The hero did and just a second later Will pulled the knife out and then quickly put the bandage on the wound applying pressure. Then he took his water bottle and put the cap against the wound and pressed to wash it out. Nightwing let out a groan but didn't scream as Will cleaned the wound. After washing it out with water Will pushed the bandage back on the wound, he grabbed the rubbing alcohol and uncapped it with his teeth.
Will :,,That is gonna hurt."
Then just like he did with the water he poured the alcohol on the wound, this time Nightwing couldn't supress a scream and tried to sit up. But Will quickly reapplied pressure on the wound and effectively pushing the hero back onto the ground.
Will :,,Just a question you don't have a phone by any chance do you?"
Nightwing was catching his breath as he stared at the blonde boy infront of him. How was he that calm, he had worked quick and effective and didn't even seemed bothered by the blood on his clothes or hands.
Will :,,Hey? You still there?"
Nightwing :,,Huh? Oh no worry I already send out a distress call."
Will :,,When will they be here?"
Nightwing :,,In a minute or-"
They were interupted by the sound of a engine followed by the squeaking of tires.
Nightwing :,,Right now"
Will :,,Well atleast they were fast."
Will began singing something in a language that Nightwing couldn't understand, it was only one or two sentences before Will stopped and looked up coming face to face with the Dark Knight once again. But Nightwing for some reason felt slightly better already.
Batman :,,What happened?"
Nightwing :,,Got stabbed."
Will :,,Got stabbed by a knife that was covered in shit from the smells of it. I pulled the knife out and cleaned out the wound the best I could but you may want to clean it up again and maybe check his shoulder plate the knife was deep enough to have hit it.
Batman nods as he leaned down and picked up Nightwing all the while Will didn't stop keeping pressure on it until they reached the Batmobile.
Will :,,Keep pressure on it."
Will grabs Nightwings hand and puts it on the wound before stepping away.
Nightwing :,,Thank you"
Will nods before turning tot he dark knight.
Will :,,Make sure he keeps pressure on it."
Batman :,,I will. You shouldn't be out here."
Will :,,The orphanage is just two blocks away I will be fine. You should make sure that the wound of your sidekick here doesn't get infected."
Nightwing :,,I am not a sidekick anymore!"
Batman :,,I will and you go home."
The Batmobile came to a hold inside the Batcave.
Batman got out of the car and pulled down his cowl revealing the face of the one and only Bruce Wayne. Bruce walked around the car to help his protege out but Nightwing already got out by himself.
Bruce :,,We should check your wound."
Nightwing nodded as they walked over to the med bay in the cave were a old Butler was already waiting for them.
Nightwing :,,Hey Alfred!"
Alfred :,,Master Bruce, Master Dick. What happened?"
Bruce sat Dick down on one of the stretchers and then started to help the injured hero out of his suit.
Bruce :,,Got stabbed by a shit covered knife."
Alfred in the blink of a eye was at Dicks side.
Alfred :,,You cleaned the wound already?"
Dick :,,I didn't, someone else did."
The old Butler nodded as he looked over the wound. After he saw that the wound was clean he moved over to a near by cabinet and pulled a bandage and some cream.
Alfred :,,The wound was cleaned very well. Who did it?"
Dick :,,Some blonde kid, he found me first."
Alfred raised a eyebrow as he applied the cream on the wound.
Alfred :,,Well the kid certainly knew what he was doing. The wound was very well cleaned, any later and I dare say that a infection would have been very likely."
Dick nodded before he looked at his mentor and father figure.
Dick :,,Something on your mind Bruce?"
Bruce :,,From where or who did he learn how to treat a wound like that?"
Dick :,,I don't know but he was very efficient at it. This definetly wasn't the first time he did something like that."
Bruce nods :,,I ran into the kid two weeks ago as I was after Zsasz.... Zsasz killed his mother. I saw him performe CPR for up to half a hour before paramedics arrived. Sadly it was to late for her."
Dick :,,Poor kid. Is that why you broke Zsasz nose?"
Bruce shook his head :,,No that was the kid as he defended himself."
Bruce turns around and starts walking away as he called over his shoulder.
Bruce :,,The kids name is William Andrew Solace by the way and we will be going to his mothers cremation tomorrow so be on your best behaviour."
Will looked down on the pale lifeless face of his mother. Closing his eyes he took a deep breath in before pulling out two Drachmae and putting them on her eyes. He touches her face one last time as tears fill his eyes.
Will :,,I am sorry mom... I am so sorry."
He leans down kissing her cold forehead.
Will :,,I love you mom."
Will takes a step back as the top of the coffin is closed and then piushed into the cremation chamber.
The fire starts and Will watches as the coffin of his mother burned to ashes.
Will :,,Goodbye Mom."
Leaving the cremation room, Will was about to walk out of the building but was stopped by a tall man in a suit. Will recognised the man of course, it was Bruce Wayne.
Bruce :,,Mister Solace. I am Bruce Wayne and I am very sorry for your loss."
Bruce stretched out his hand and Will grabbed it.
Will :,,Thank you Mister Wayne."
Bruce :,,I really liked working with your mom. Her music was quite unique in my usual quite monotonous galas."
Will :,,Can imagine, going from Mozart and Beethoven to modern country music must have been quite the shocker."
Bruce :,,Ha, yeah it was pretty suprising the first time."
Then 4 boys and 1 girl walked to Bruce side.
Bruce :,,Can I call you Will?"
Will :,,Sure."
Bruce :,,Will those are my kids. Dick Grayson, Jason Todd, Tim Drake, Damian and Cassandra Cain."
Will shook each ones hand as he introduced himself, but he hesitated as he got to Jason. He could feel the aura of Thanatos around the other boy but nonetheless Will shook his hand.
Finally he came to Dick and Will noticed how Dick seemed stiff and wince lightly as he shook his hand.
Will :,,Are you alright? Are you hurt?"
Dick looking suprised quickly shook his head before replying that he just doesn't like funerals. Will nodded and didn't press the matter, excusing himself Will walked towards his mom's lawyer.
As Will was out of earshot Jason hit Dick on the back of the head.
Jason :,,Idiot you nearly blew our cover."
Dick :,,I didn't expected him to realise!"
Bruce :,,Be quiet you two. We are at a funeral after all."
The others nodded as they started to talk to each other. Meanwhile Bruce looked after Will, the boy for some reason interested him.
Tim :,,Oh hell no. I know that face."
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