Chapter 77 (Slightly Mature)
Keefe's POV
The next time Keefe woke up, it was from unfamiliar voices flowing through his ears. He slowly opened his eyes, finding more sand in the corners of his eyes. His hands were asleep from being beneath Sophie's back.
"It's alright, Keefe, your father is here," Sophie told him. He blinked, the words taking a moment to register in his mind before he shot up, surveying the room to find Elwin sitting on one of the guest seats, Calla in his arms with a bottle in her mouth. His father stood at the end of the bed, arms crossed as he stared down at Keefe.
"Why are you here?" Keefe asked, glaring right back at his father. But, to his surprise, he found eyebags beneath his father's bloodshot blue eyes, his body looking desperate for any kind of rest.
"I am worried about you."
Keefe narrowed his eyes, swinging his legs over the side of the bed.
"Since when?"
"Since my dream last night."
That caught his attention.
"Your dream?" he asked.
"You should listen to this Keefe, he already told me and I was wondering if it corresponded with your nightmare," Sophie said from the bed. Keefe felt his cheeks flush in embarrassment at the memory of him waking up, most likely shaking and on the verge of tears.
"I had a dream that the Vacker boy stole the little one," Cassius said, gesturing over to Calla who was happily sucking on her bottle, reaching her hands out to grab at the container.
Keefe's eyes widened.
"He took her? Do you know where?" he asked. Cassius shook his head, looking down at the ground as if defeated. Keefe had never seen his father so disheveled, his usually slicked back hair standing in all sorts of different directions, his clothes not freshly ironed and his family pin practically upside down on his chest.
"I just saw him at our beach house, out by the water," he whispered. Keefe watched in utter confusion as his father ran a shaking hand through his hair, eyes shooting around on the ground.
"I-it was nice to see you again, Ms. Foster, please keep the little one safe," he said before making a quick departure out the door of the health care office.
"What was that about?" Keefe asked. Sophie shrugged.
"He cares about Calla a lot, strangely enough," she said. Elwin stood from the chair, bringing the small baby over to Sophie after she had emptied her bottle.
Keefe scoffed, crossing his arms.
"Why would he?"
Sophie took the baby into her arms.
"Maybe he wants a fresh start?" she asked. "You saw how anxious he was when he held her, he's nervous, I've never seen him so thrown off."
Keefe pressed his lips into a firm line.
"Did his dream match yours?" she asked. Keefe crawled over to her, setting his chin on her stomach again, running his hand down her uncovered thigh.
"No," he said. "I don't want to talk about my dream."
Sophie nodded, gently kissing the baby on the forehead.
"Do you want Daddy to hold you?" she asked the small child. To Keefe's surprise, the baby laughed, clapping her skinny hands together as she turned to her dad. He held his arms out to her, gently taking her from Sophie and holding her in his arms.
"Keefe," Sophie said, her tone going serious as Elwin wandered his way back into his office. "What happened in your nightmare?"
Keefe felt the fake smile on his face break. He hadn't wanted to talk about it, yet she insisted they did. He closed his eyes, trying to get rid of her cries which echoed through his ear.
"Nothing good, nothing like my father's, so it doesn't matter," he said, running a finger down Calla's nose, the baby's eyes distracting him from his nightmare last night. He could feel Sophie's annoyance waft through the air and over to him, the bed shifting as she lied back down on the bed and crossed her arms.
"Tam and Marella are going to stop by today, they want to see the baby, I'm assuming Biana and the rest of them will come as well, they are all curious," Sophie told him. Keefe felt her mood neutralize at the thought of their memories coming.
"Do you know if he–?" Keefe asked, suddenly remembering the other man who could be coming with Biana. He looked over his shoulder to Sophie and found her sitting a bit stiffer than she had been. Her eyes were emotionless as she stared across the room at the wall, hands clenched in her lap.
"I can't imagine Biana will bring him," she murmured. Keefe gently stroked the baby's head, biting his lip as she took a shaky breath.
"Hey, I think she wants to be fed," Keefe said, snapping her out of her panicked daze. Her eyes snapped over to him and then down to the baby, nodding. He handed Calla over to her, watching as her face melted at the sight of the baby, letting little Calla feed from her breasts.
"Do you know what time they are coming? Do you want to take a shower?" he asked. Sophie groaned.
"Yes, I do."
Keefe grinned.
"I'll see what Elwin can do, we can always go back to Havenfield if we need to," he said. Sophie nodded, glaring down at the baby as she jumped in pain. Keefe got up from the bed, peering into Elwin's office where he sat, playing with orbs of light in his chair.
"Do you have a shower we could possibly use?" Keefe asked. As the words escaped his lips, he realized how strange the request sounded.
Elwin looked up, straightening his glasses as a small smile came to his face.
"Could I recommend you take Sophie home for a shower? I can let you two stay here for two more days at the most, but I need to get the healthcare center back open for business," he told him. Keefe quickly nodded, ducking back out to where Sophie was now attempting to stand.
"Woah, Foster, slow down," he said, rushing over to help her. She held Calla tightly in her arms, her legs wobbling beneath her as her hospital gown fell to her legs.
"I'm fine, I need to get up," she huffed. Keefe softly smiled.
"Alright, you can walk around, but can I take Calla?" he asked. Sophie nodded, handing Calla over to Keefe as she began padding around the room. He was careful to keep his distance from her, but he stayed close enough to make sure she wouldn't fall over. She was obviously sore, her steps moving in strange patterns.
"We'll need to go home to take a shower, Elwin's going to kick us out sometime in the next few days," he said. Sophie gently smiled, outstretching her arms to keep her balance.
"Would you take me home now, then? I want to be fresh before the others come," she said. Keefe quickly nodded, giving Calla to Elwin who seemed delighted to have the little baby back in his arms.
"Hold tight," he told her before they leapt back to Havenfield. Sophie immediately crumbled into Keefe's chest who quickly wrapped his arms around her body, keeping her on her feet.
"It's alright, I'm going to carry you up there, okay?" he asked. She nodded and he lifted her up by her legs and her back, cradling her against his chest and pushed his leg muscles up the stairs, ignoring the soreness which flowed through them.
"I'm sorry, Keefe," she whispered to him, glancing up at his face.
"It's no problem, Foster, I like carrying you around," he said, a smile on his face. He brought her up to her room where he set her on the bed.
"What kind of outfit are you feeling today?" he asked, walking over to her dresser and beginning to dig through her drawers. "Not that you don't rock the hospital gown, I'm just sure you want to get into some new clothes."
"I'll pick something out if you'll go and start the shower for us," she said, slowly standing from the bed. Keefe's eyebrows shot up.
She smirked.
He darted into the bathroom, calling to her, "yes ma'am!"
Sophie rolled her eyes walking over to her dresser to pick out an outfit.
After she had picked out a dark blue tunic, tan cape, and a pair of black leggings, she wobbled her way back into the bathroom where Keefe was waiting, staring at himself in the mirror, his face numb.
"I look so tired," he murmured, reaching up to his eyes and gently tugging his eye bags. Sophie gently reached over to him, slipping her hands under his shirt and running her hands across his thin chest. She frowned, but leaned forward, planting a kiss on his cheek as she brought his shirt over his head, tossing it to the floor. He stripped even further as she did the same, careful to use the wall to keep herself on her feet as she removed her panties.
"Come on, Foster, I'll help you," Keefe told her. She kept her eyes locked with his, letting him take her by her blank waist and brought her into the running shower of water. Sophie let out a sigh as the hot water hit her back and she held tight to Keefe's chest, feeling him run his lips along her neck.
"Feels good," she whispered to him. Keefe gently smiled, leading Sophie's hand to hold the side of the shower as he got down on his knees, his hands holding her thighs tightly.
"You don't have to," she whispered. He smiled, parting her legs a bit more so he could lean forward, running his nose down her slit. She sighed again as the water of the shower fell between her legs. He gently ran his tongue through her folds, her breath shaking as she reached down to his soaked hair, legs shaking.
"You've gotta stand on your own, Foster, or I can't-" he began but she shoved his head between her legs. He quickly opened his mouth, running his lips and tongue across her slit, her wetness soaking his entire face as he gently ground herself against his nose.
"Gentle," she whispered as he flicked his tongue against her nub. "It's still sore."
"Yes ma'am," he responded, his tongue doing long strokes along her entire slit as his hands held her thighs tightly. She let out a whimper, her hands tugging against his hair as her legs spasmed and she attempted to collapse. Keefe quickly grabbed her by her waist, hoisting her up to the back of the shower.
They both took a deep breath.
"Thank you," she whispered. "That was so good."
Keefe leaned forward, gently taking one of his breasts into his mouth as he held her by the bottom of her thighs. Sophie moaned, reaching over to his neck while her other hand pressed against the wall, trying to help him hold her against the wall.
"Are your breasts feeling better?" he asked her, leaning forward and kissing the corner of her mouth.
"Yes," she whispered. "But I have a feeling this is just the beginning."
She felt something brush against her leg and she peered down, smirking at his hard length.
"I'm sorry I haven't taken care of you," she whispered to him. Keefe gently smiled.
"Don't worry about it sweetheart, I'm here for you," he told her. He gently set her down outside the shower after they had both washed up, wrapping towels around both their bodies.
"Do you still have my trunk of extra clothes?" he asked. Sophie nodded.
"It's right where you left it," she told him. He nodded, kissing the back of her neck as she swept her blonde hair off to the side and padded his way into her bedroom. The trunk he had left for her when they had first found themselves in a relationship was tucked back in her closet. He opened it, grinning down at the old clothes he had kept. Hopefully he hadn't grown out of them yet.
He tugged a tunic over his head along with a pair of underwear and pants, the clothes a tight fit, especially his pants with his still slightly hard length tucked within his underwear.
"Keefe? Can you leap us again?" she asked from the bathroom, walking out with a dark blue tunic on. Keefe immediately nodded, awkwardly moving towards her. She looked so much happier now, her smile wide as he approached, brown eyes glimmering. Her hair was still wet, but it looked much better now that it wasn't as sweaty. Before he jumped, she reached up and ran her hand through his hair, a giggle escaping her lips as it stood up in all directions.
"Hold on tight," he whispered, taking her by the arm as they leapt.
Thoughts on Multiverse of Madness?
(I personally liked it a lot, the horror vibe fit with Wanda really well).
Thoughts on Ms. Marvel?
(I personally liked it, I think we need more down to Earth shows and it made me feel seen as a Marvel fan lol, I also really like all the diverse characters).
Thoughts on Kenobi?
(I haven't finished it yet, but don't worry about spoilers, I like the relationship between Leia and Kenobi, it makes a lot more sense now about why she would've called for his help. The child actress for Leia portrayed her very well as well).
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