Chapter 52 (Ending Mature)
Extra long chapter for you guys.
3rd Person POV
Sophie bit her lip at his greedy eyes. She had seen those before. The night he had almost raped her. She didn't like that word very much. And she felt bad for using that word and her boyfriend in the same sentence.
"Wait, Keefe," she whispered before he could start anything. His eyes flicked over to hers and his grin slowly faded. The dim in his eyes began to fade slightly, revealing his normal, beautiful, caring ice blue ones. "I'm sorry, I just-" she started, but he softly smiled down at her. He reached for her hand, placing a soft kiss on it as he pulled her off the table. Sophie bit her lip, looking up at her boyfriends eyes and could tell he was still craving for sex.
"I don't want it to be rough, can you hold in all your fantasies for another time?" Sophie asked, raising an eyebrow. Keefe smiled, planting a kiss on his girlfriends forehead.
"Foster, you have to tell me what you want and what you don't and trust that I will follow your orders. I learned my lesson last time and it will never happen again. If you want fast rough, sex, then so be it. But if you want slow, steamy sex, I'm all in for it. Whatever you want," Keefe told her, locking their eyes. Sophie smiled, wrapping her arms around her boyfriends shoulders.
"Can we have hot, steamy sex in the bedroom at your house? The beach house?" Sophie asked. Keefe grinned, kissing his girlfriends nose as he handed her her dress and panties. He softly wiggled the undergarments at her, raising it above his head. Sophie raised an eyebrow at her boyfriend and he handed to her.
"My dad's staying at Candleshade for the night, so we'll be all alone," he told her, a smirk coming to his lips. Sophie rolled her eyes. "I'll have it all ready by tonight, don't you worry." Sophie smiled at her boyfriend. This was going to be the first planned sex they were every had.
That was weird to think about.
Sophie did not want to face Grady after having to shove him out of the room when Alden had dismissed the room, so she went out the back way after calling that they were done. The two of them teleported to the Sencen's beach house and Sophie dropped off Keefe. Then she went home, lying on her bed to rest up for the night ahead.
Keefe rushed into the beach house to begin setting up for the night. He was going to make this the best night Sophie had ever had. He sat down at his table, beginning to make a list of things he had to buy.
2. Roses
He bit his lip when he realized he didn't know what shampoo Sophie liked. He quickly set down his notepad, rushing to the leap master and calling out Havefield.
He had a plan, but it was a flawed plan. He quietly opened the door to the Havenfield, but then slammed it shut. He could almost see Sophie wince at the sound up in her room. Keeping a snicker in, he stomped over to the stairs and up to the door.
Please don't open it, please don't open it, he pleaded in his head.
"Sophie Foster, you are in big trouble, Missy," Keefe mimicked in Grady's voice. He could hear footsteps retreating in the bedroom, but Keefe held his ground. "What shampoo do you use? Me and Edaline are going to the store," he continued. He bit his lip, not thinking that was the smoothest transition in the world.
The door opened a crack and Keefe quickly jumped to the side. A bottle slipped out and the door slammed shut behind it. Keefe softly smiled, picking up the bottle and running down the steps and leapt back to his house.
Back to his list.
2. Roses
Keefe reached down to the bottle and read the name.
3. Summer Breeze Shampoo
He softly smiled at his girlfriend's choice. He was twenty and Sophie was only nineteen, so neither of them could drink. He bit his lip, trying to think of something that went with his humorous appearance. Then, he got it. He quickly jotted down a few more ideas before rushing off toward the store's.
When he got there, he then remembered why he never went to the store with his parents. It was always so busy and cramped. But this was for Sophie, so he trudged on. Keefe quickly found a bunch of roses and he wanted to make sure the room was loaded with them so she knew how much he really did love her. He snatched a few things of mallowmelt, knowing that was her favorite, but couldn't seem to find her shampoo.
"Sophie, where of where do you buy your signature shampoo?" Keefe asked, looking around int he bathing store. But no where he he find anything even close to Summer Breeze. But his eyes quickly wandered to the ingredients label and dropped. They were all human ingredients. Grady and Edaline must have been buying their daughter human cosmetics and not elven. He softly groaned, but trudged on. He quickly used Alden's blue leaping crystal to get to the Forbidden Cities and ran into the nearest store. They, thankfully, had the thing he was looking for. But the girl did at the register did give him a weird look when he handed her a handful of lusters before running out the door.he quickly leapt back to his home and returned Alden's crystal to where it had been before he had 'borrowed' it.
He rushed back to the beach house, placing the shampoo on the table next to the rest of his things with a huff.
Back to the stores, he thought, groaning.
When he got back with the rest of the stuff, it was almost dark. He quickly ran up to the top room of the beach house where their was a balcony with a hot tub. He softly grinned when he looked out onto the sea. All the memories of when they had flew on Silveny came rushing back. he sighed against the white railing that ran around the marble balcony. He quickly turned back to the bunch of roses he had. The wind didn't seem to be moving to fast tonight, so he thought it would be safe to lay the roses down. He began quickly ripping the petals off the stems of the roses, sending them fluttering to the ground.
Sophie was getting her clothes on for tonight, looking in front of her bathroom mirror. She did not need Vertina's stupid comments right now.
Sophie had picked a flowing red dress, since Keefe seemed to like her in red. It was a silky fabric, but slightly transparent. She was wearing a red skirt under neither with a crop top sort of thing that slightly showed through the slightly cleared layers.
But when she looked over at the sun, that was on the horizon at the time, she let out a shaky breath. Then, she quickly told her parents goodbye and leapt to Keefe's beach house.
When she arrived, she was immediately greeted by a long trail of rose petals that led up to the large doors of the house. She softly smiled, walking toward the doors, her eyes shooting from one petal to the next.
She eventually got the door and a very handsome boy opened it. He was wearing a red tunic, small white designs going down the sides along with some black pants and black dress shoes. She raised an eyebrow at him and he smirked.
"Looks like we were thinking the same thing, Foster," he told her, opening the door wider for her. The petals continued in the house and up the stairs. She turned to her boyfriend and he waved her forward. She picked the sides of her dress up as she followed the petals up the winding pair of stairs, Keefe following close behind her. He was panting at her pace and they arrived at the top floor. Sophie slightly gasped at the room. It was darker, the lights dimmed and the king bed across the room was covered with red sheets and a few red and pink pillows. The floor was littered with petals. A table twas sitting to the right of the bed, two wine glasses filled with something that appeared to be wine.
"Keefe, you know I can't drink," she told him as he walked her toward the table. he pulled a chair out for her and she sat down. He grinned, bending down to her level and whispering into he rear.
"Don't tell anyone, Foster, but it's grape juice. But don't be deceived, if you spill, you'll get the same stain as wine," he told her. She blushed and rolled her eyes as he walked over to the chair across from her.
He lifted the cover from the tray and Sophie's eyes slit up. She reached for the mallowmelt piece, but Keefe shook his head. He scooted his chair toward her, and her eyes widened as he picked up a piece of the gooey goodness and brought it to her lips.
"Ah ah, Foster," Keefe told her when she reached for the cake in his hands. He brought the food to her lips and she softly took a bite. He grinned at her and bright brown eyes lit up with the scrumptious taste.
"Wait-" Sophie started, but Keefe shoved the food into her mouth. He took another large bite and Keefe took the food from her. She reached out for more, but he shook his head.
"We don't want to eat to much before the fun, do we, Foster?" He asked her. She gulped down the sticky goo and shook her head. He smiled, standing up from the table after taking of swig of grape juice. She softly giggled when she saw his lips were red from the colored juice. He raised an eyebrow, but rolled his eyes. He helped her up and kissed her forehead, making a lip mark form from the grape juice. He smirked and she growled at him.
"Come on Foster, let's get started, why don't we?" Keefe asked. She blushed a bit in the dim light as he led her over to the bed. "Hot and steamy, right?" He assured. She nodded and crawled onto the bed. He crawled in next to her. She looked up into his eyes, her lips slightly parted. He slowly leaned down, taking his mouth against her. She slowly moved her lips as their breathes mixed. She reached up to his hair and he tilted his head to the side, letting her deepen the kiss. He keeled over her, keeping himself up by his elbows as Sophie moved her legs.
His hands slowly shimmied under her dress and Sophie gasped at how cold his hands were. His smirking lips moved to the corner of her mouth, planting a soft kiss before moving to her cheekbone. he nuzzled his nose into the caved in spot as he planted soft kisses. Sophie let out a small whimper as his lips moved to pulse and he smirked at how fast her heart was moving. His hands lifted the main part of her dress off, throwing it to the ground beside the bed. The heat of the room pricked at Sophie's arms as Keefe ran his hands over her covered breast. his tongue slowly ran over one spot on the side of her neck and she let a small moan slip from her mouth. he continued massaging her chest, but she was ready for more. She peered down and saw how Keefe was sitting up, the bulge in his pants showing. She smirked, reaching a leg up and softly rubbing the spot with her knee cap. he gasped, biting down on her neck and she mewled, throwing her head back. Her knee fell slack and Keefe looked down at her. She nodded and he lofted the article of clothing that was acting as her bra off. he threw it down with other clothes as Sophie reached up and began unbuttoning his tunic. He grinned down at her.
"Eager aren't we, Foster?" He asked. She stuck her tongue out at him and he quickly enveloped it in his mouth. Her eyes widened as he lapped her tongue with his saliva. He pulled away, a glint in his eyes she hadn't see in a while. It was pure love, all the love in his heart, gushing out at her.
She didn't need to be an Empath to see that.
He removed his tunic and Sophie could never get enough of his built chest. She reached up, running her hands over his sweaty chest as he leaned down and began sucking her nipples. he did it gently, lapping his tongue over the small nubs. She grinned, running her hands over his back and up to his neck and then The Hair.
He continued his kissing down to her belly where he laid his head for a few seconds before looking up at Sophie.
She knew he was thinking the same thing she was.
But he continued down to her red skirt. He pulled them off slowly, revealing her wet core. He threw the clothing down at the pile and began taking off his belt. He threw it on the ground Sophie let out a small whimper at the missed contact. He removed his boxers, his hard erection poking out. She grinned, reaching to it, but he quickly grabbed her wrist, bringing it up to his bird nest of hair. He slowly lined up with her hole, not taking his eyes away from hers and pushed in. She had felt him before, but every time it got even better. He started with slow trusts and leaned down so their faces were only a few inches apart.
"Your so beautiful," he whispered to her, in a sort of daze. She softly smiled, and his pace sped up. She gasps as he hit her sensitive spot and he grinned. "So beautiful," he said again.
"You're handsome," she told him. he raised an eyebrow.
"That's it?" He asked her. She gasped as he bucked hi ships against hers hard.
"Stop... cracking jokes," she told him. He grinned as she moaned and her insides squeezed around his member. He continued, their hips hitting each other and Sophie's nails digging into his back. He would have some scars there in the morning, but he didn't' care. He leaned down, kissing her collarbone as she tugged on his hair.
"Keefe!" She hissed and he felt her giving way. Liquid poured over his member and he thrusts inside of her a few more times before letting himself go far inside her. She gasps as the liquid ran down her thigh. He panted, a drop of sweat running down his brow. Sophie was breathing hard, her head still thrown back. Keefe pulled out, letting her breath. He picked the girl up, planting a soft kiss on her forehead before walking out the french doors. He set her inside the hot tub, letting her sit against the wall. he sat next to her, and she slowly climbed onto his lap.
"Thank you," she whispered to him, her eyes fluttering shut. He raised an eyebrow.
"For what?"
"For being here, with me."
He softly smiled, kissing her golden locks as he closed his eyes.
Alright, voting time!
The question is in code so you have no idea what your voting for, but just pick your favorite of the two.
Wynn or Luna?
That question right there is going to change the whole story, so choose carefully.
Hope you guys liked the chapter.
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