Zurkie's Gastropub and Battleplex... (Y/n's POV)
"Oi, mate. Wake up."
I stir a bit, but I stay in bed. I made sure to hold whoever else was in bed with me, soundly sleeping.
"I do not think he is waking, Byte. Neither is Rivet."
"Maybe we need somethin' a little more effective, lad."
I sense movement across the bed, and then something hit me in the head. I yelp and sat up, now awake and I rub my head in pain.
Y/n: "Graah... The fuck?"
"Glad to see ye awake, Y/n!"
I turn to look at the speaker, only to see Byte standing where my head once was. I smile at him.
Y/n: "Byte? You can talk!"
Byte: "Aye, lad. Though, I miss my old voice, but this will do."
I laugh a bit at Byte's new pirate voice and turn to see Clank on the floor. I wave at him.
Y/n: "Morning, Clanker."
Clank: "Good morning, Y/n. Mind waking Rivet up? We must leave to find the phase quartz as soon as possible."
Y/n: "Hm?"
I look at myself to see that I was naked with half my body under the covers of the bed.
I look down to see someone loosely holding onto my body. Her silver blue fur and yellow robotic arm quickly caught my attention, and I see Rivet pulling herself closer to me. I smile as I lean down to her face, her quiet snores making my ears perk up a bit.
Y/n: "Wake up, Rivet. We got a multiverse to save."
I kiss the edge of her lips, making her stir a bit and groan. Her ears flick back to bit and her eyes then flutter open and dart around before landing on me. She smiles which makes me smile.
Rivet: "Hi...~"
Y/n: "Morning, sweetheart. Sleep well after our night of fun?"
Rivet: "Wha...?"
Rivet looked confused, which I knew would happen, so I sat up away from her to give her space to think. She looked at me and then at the room before looking at herself under the bed's covers. It takes her a moment, but her eyes widen in realization as she sat up, revealing her breasts to me once again. Clank and Byte immediately looked away.
Rivet: "Oh, my God! Oh, shit! Last night, did we actually--?"
I nod in confirmation.
Rivet: "I did--?"
I nod again, my smile growing.
Rivet: "You did--?"
Y/n: "Yes, Rivet. We had sex last night."
Rivet: "Oh, my God... We had sex."
Y/n: "Yep. And it was amazing."
Rivet slowly began to blush before she realized that her chest was exposed. She blushes like a madwoman and covers her chest. I only chuckle and kiss her forehead.
Y/n: "Come on. We got phase quartz to steal."
Rivet nods as I get out from the covers and hop out of bed. I stretched a bit before looking back at Rivet who was staring at me. When she realized I had caught her, she looked away with a little bigger blush. I smile at this.
Clank: "While we do need to get this phase quartz, please clean yourselves. You look rather..."
Clank didn't want to finish what he was saying, so Byte did.
Byte: "Yer both disgustin'."
Rivet: "Hey!"
Y/n: "Nah, they have a point. We gotta take a shower, or maybe a bath."
Rivet: "R-right..."
Clank: "We will leave you two be. Come along, Byte."
Byte groans but follows Clank out of the room. Y/n chuckles and turns to Rivet who hopped off the bed. However, she stumbled and groaned before falling back down onto the bed.
Y/n: "Hangover?"
Rivet: "Hangover. Uuggh... Feels like I'm being crushed by a Grunthor. How are you not messed up?"
Y/n: "Grew a bit of a resistance to it. Still a little woozy, though. What song did I play last night?"
Rivet: "I can't remember... Can you help me up so I don't fall and break my face."
Y/n: "Sure thing, Rivvy."
Rivet: "Rivvy?"
She raised a brow at the nickname as I walk around over to her, and her ears perk up as well.
Y/n: "Need something to call you other than sweetheart, now don't I?"
Rivet: "You can just call me Rivet."
I grab her hands and help Rivet up to her feet. She stumbles a bit, but I catch her.
Y/n: "I can, but I like Rivvy. It's cute."
Rivet: "Then I get to call you N/n."
Y/n: "Fair enough."
Rivet smiles at this and she looks into my eyes as I do the same. However, she snaps out of it and turns away.
Rivet: "So, um... Think you wanna... take a shower with me?"
Y/n: "Oh?"
Rivet: *blushes* "N-not in a weird way!" *starts flailing her arms* "J-just so we can save time and water! Besides, we... already saw each other naked, right?"
Y/n: "You bring up a fair point. Alright. I'll get the shower started."
Rivet nods and I leave her to find the bathroom. Thankfully, this room was like a hotel room so it had a bathroom built into it. And it had a shower, so that was a plus. I get it started and bring the water temperature to where it's hot, but not burning hot. Basically where it's comfortable while still warm. I call out to Rivet, telling her that the shower was ready and she walked in not long after. However, I noticed that she was lacking her prosthetic, which she noticed as well.
Rivet: "The metal in that arm can rust, so I try not to get it wet. So only one-armed showers for me. Heheh..."
Y/n: "Well, I think you great either way. Now come on, let's get cleaned up."
I didn't see it as I turned to get into the shower, but Rivet smiled at my compliment. She then joins me in the shower which surprisingly spacious enough for both of us to fit in. I offer to wash her first since she may have difficulty doing so on her own with only one hand, so she agrees and I grab the 3-in-1 body wash, shampoo, and conditioner from the corner. I squirt out some soap and begin washing Ribet with it.
Rivet: "H-hey. Just... don't try anything, okay?"
I could see her blush and her nervous composure, so I only smile and nod.
Y/n: "Of course, Rivet. I know when to control myself."
Rivet laughs at this, but I notice that she visibly eased up her composure. This makes me smile as I continue spreading the soap across her body, and she even leaned on me a bit with a closed-eye smile. This made me grow a soft smile towards her, happy that Rivet was relaxed. From how long I've known her, which was only a few days, she's seemed really tense and serious. It was nice and refreshing seeing her so happy and relaxed.
Then I started looking at her more, and I realized how amazing she actually looked. I've never been able to get a good look at her until now, even with last night since we were both drunk. We're fur was soft and smooth, and her body had amazing natural curves that made Rivet look like a model. She had somewhat of an hourglass figure with a nice, round butt and beautiful breasts. Her eyes were always so pretty to look at, her smile and laugh are amazing, and her scent drives me a bit wild. She was drop-dead--
Y/n: "Gorgeous..."
Rivet: "What?"
I realized that Rivet now had her eyes opened and was looking at me. I couldn't help but smile as I pause washing the Lombax girl and wrap my arms around her as I lean closer to her.
Y/n: "I hadn't been able to get a good look at you since we met, but now I have. And you're absolutely gorgeous, Rivvy."
Rivet: "R-really?"
Y/n: "Positive. Now that could be just hormones talking since we're both Lombaxes and all that biology and whatever stuff, but I absolutely believe you're the most amazing woman I've ever met."
Rivet blushes at this, but she grows a small smile as she leans back on me a bit more. Her eyes never left mine.
Rivet: "Th-thank you. You're... the most amazing man I've ever met... N/n. You're amazing."
Y/n: "And so are you, Rivvy."
I kiss Rivet's cheek and then went down to her neck, leaving a trail of kisses. She giggles a bit with each kiss, closing her eyes and smiling in bliss as she was enjoying the feeling. I then went back up and kissed her on the lips, savoring the taste as she moaned a bit. Probably I was rubbing thigh rather close to her "private garage", but we soon broke the kiss before it could go too far.
Rivet: "W-we should finish washing up. We have a lot to do."
Y/n: "Of course. Care to help wash me now?"
Rivet: "Sure."
With that, we switch roles as Rivet was now applying soap to my body as I help her. Her hand was so soft, but she wasn't able to cover much ground with my body since she had only one hand. But she was skilled, I'll give her that. It wasn't long until we were both cleaned off and stopped the shower water. We then stepped out of the shower and went to get dressed in the clothing that we had thrown around the room the previous night. I had offered to help Rivet since I thought it would be difficult for her to put on her outfit with one arm, but she declined it saying that most of her clothing only required her one arm. However, once we were both dressed, I did help her reattach her prosthetic back into the socket that was surgically implanted into her shoulder.
Rivet: *rotating arm* "Thanks, N/n."
Y/n: "No problem, love. Anything for you."
Rivet blushed a bit at my statement before she surprised me. She kissed me on the cheek, her lips lingering for a few moments before she pulled back and stood to her feet.
Rivet: "Let's get going. Gotta get to Blizar Prime."
I smile and nod as I stand and follow her out of the room. We make it back to the main area of Zurkie's with the owner behind the bar having a conversation with Clank and Byte. When they noticed us approaching, the pub owner waved us over.
Zurkie: "Namesta to you two, and a good morning. Sleep well?"
Rivet blushes as I chuckle.
Y/n: "You can say that."
Clank: "Zurkie here has prepared a to-go meal for the two of you so you may eat while we make our way to Blizar Prime."
Y/n: "Food? Hell, yeah! Thanks, Zurkie."
I say with a smile as I take the meal Zurkie had placed on the bar counter earlier. Byte turns to the robot bartender.
Byte: "Thank you again, mate. I have no idea when the last time the lad has eaten a proper meal."
Zurkie: "It's no problem whatsoever. Rivet has the same problem, so I have to remind her whenever she comes over."
Rivet: "Hey..."
I only laugh as Rivet's ears droop down a bit in embarrassment, but I kiss her cheek. Her mood immediately rises as her ears perk up.
Byte: "Not what I mean, but alright."
Rivet: "Goodbye, Zukie."
Zurkie: "Good luck, you two."
Me and Rivet put Clank and Byte on our backs and wave Zurkie goodbye before turning to leave. We walk out of the gastropub and past the reception area as Rivet gets her weapons back. We then walk back through the rift entrance and exit Zurkie's, but I get stopped by a familiar robot pirate.
Pierre: "A-honhon! Bonjour, mon amis! How did you sleep?"
Rivet: "Ah, great..."
Y/n: "Good morning, Pierre. What do you want?"
Pierre: "I just wish to have some conversation with you, monsieur. If that is okay with you, Rivet."
Rivet: "... fine. Just don't do anything to him, got it? I'll be back at the ship, N/--....Y/n."
Y/n: "Right-o."
I salute Rivet playfully, making her giggle. She then walks off with Clank back to the ship, and I turn to Pierre.
Y/n: "What do you want, Frenchie?"
Pierre: "I just wish to talk! Honhon. So you and Rivet, eh?"
Y/n: "Yeah. What about it? Got a problem?"
Pierre: "No, not at all! With all that I say about Rivet, I do genuinely care for her. I have not seen her act with anyone else the way she does with you. She is... heureuse. Thank you for that."
Y/n: "... what?"
Byte: "Aye. I'm also confused."
Pierre: "Ever since Rivet lost her arm, she has not been the same. But she is changing for the better because of you. I believe many can thank you for that."
Y/n: "You're welcome... I guess. Anything else you wanna say?"
Pierre: "Two, actually. One, please protect our dear Lombax cherie. She needs someone in her life. And two, I will still have my revenge! HONHONHONHON!"
With that, the pirate captain ran off to his ship where I assumed his crew was.
Byte: "Well, he has a few screws loose, eh?"
Y/n: *chuckles* "Most definitely. Now let's get back to Rivet."
Byte chuckles a pirate chuckle and nods. I turn back around and head back to Rivet's ship, quickly making it back since there were no more distractions in my path. Once I made it back to her, I saw Rivet leaning on her ship while having a talk with Clank. When she spotted me, she paused the conversation and smiled at me.
Rivet: "Hey there, charmer. What did Pierre want?"
Y/n: "Nothin' much. It's nothing important."
Rivet: "If you say so. Now let's go."
I nod and jump back onto the ship with Rivet. We put Clank and Byte in the back and Rivet closes the cockpit, but an orange holographic screen appears, grabbing our attention. It shows Dr. Nefarious on top of a golden statue of "himself", and he turns to the camera.
Dr. Nefarious: "Hello, dimension!"
Y/n/Rivet/Byte/Clank: "Oh, no.../Oh, dear.../Oh, gears and starters..."
Nefarious jumps down from the statue and lands in his chair. I would have to admit, though, his jump and land was rather smooth.
Dr. Nefarious: "I know I've been away for a... you know how long. So! I thought we should catch up. What have I been up to?"
He turns as the camera pans to the monitors behind him.
Dr. Nefarious: "Oh, just speaking with my adoring fans..."
A picture appears, showing Nefarious surrounded by robots as he stood on one.
"Enjoying my lovely scenery..."
The image changes to show Nefarious in front of a statue of "himself".
"And finding out that there are three, three, insolent Lombaxes running around trying to ruin everything!"
A bunch of pictures of different locations appears with crude drawings of me, Rivet, and who I assumed to be Ratchet plastered on them. Then an image of Nefarious reappears, which is soon replaced with a drawing of a stack of money with Nefarious' face on them.
Dr. Nefarious: "So! I'm offering a bounty of three squilliom Nefarious freedom coupons to anyone who can bring me those funny miscreants, dead of alive!"
Framed pictures of me, Rivet, and Ratchet get thrown on the screen. Red circles get drawn around our faces. Then Rivet's pictures gets horns and a fanged scowl crudely drawn onto it, Ratchet gets Xs over his eyes and a fang-filled mouth, and my picture gets fire with red eyes and a devil's tail.
Dr. Nefarious: "But preferably alive so I can have some fun with them first! My elaborate spy network indicates that they'll be at Blizar and Savali very soon, so get to it!"
The camera then pans back to Nefarious himself who had a twisted grin on his face.
Dr. Nefarious: "And if one of those Lombaxes are listening, then I'm going to show you something you are familiar with... Y/n L/n."
Wait, wait, wait! He knows my name?!
Rivet: "Y/n, what does he mean by that?"
Y/n: "I don't know..."
Byte: "Oh, this can't be good."
Nefarious grabs the camera and move it to the right, and what it shows fills me with worry as my eyes go wide. In an orderly line, a team of men and women holding weapons and wearing some kind of armor were shown, and I couldn't believe it.
Dr. Nefarious: "I have made an alliance with an elite task force from the Lombax Y/n L/n's dimension to hunt him and his pesky little menace friends down! And trust me when I say, it will only be enjoyable for one of us. Hahahahaha--"
I immediately slam my fist down on the control console, shutting the screen off and cutting Nefarious off from his laughter. I kept it there for a moment before leaning back into my seat. I tried to calm my breathing, but it didn't work. I was filled with worry.
Rivet: "Hey. Hey, Y/n! Calm down! It's okay. Everything's fine. It's just another hitlist."
Y/n: "No, it's not just "another hitlist"! That is the Alpha Task Force! The best enforcers and hunters in my dimension! They're gonna be tracking us down before we can blink!"
Rivet: "Y/n, everything's gonna be fine. I'll make sure of it. They won't get us."
Byte: "Maybe not now, but they eventually will."
Ckank: "What do you mean?"
Y/n: "They're the same team that brought me in, led by my..."
I trail off as fear slowly fills my brain. I couldn't let myself get caught again! I can't go back into some cell without any sunlight or proper social interaction again! What would happen to Byte? Or Rivet?!
Rivet: "Led by who?"
Y/n: "... my sister. The only person I've ever met that could take me on equal footing. But that team isn't a joke either. There were multiple times when they nearly caught me and Byte. I can't go back. I can't go back..."
I felt a hand place itself on my own, and I look to see it was Rivet's. I look from her hand and to her as she smiled assuringly at me. I slowly begin to calm down.
Rivet: "Everything's going to be fine. I promise. They may be a team, but so are we. They've never taken you on with me by your side. They won't know what him 'em."
I smile at Rivet and hold her hand back.
Y/n: "Yeah. They can't take us together."
Clank: "Then it shall be done. We will stop them if they ever do come for us."
Byte: "Aye! We will kick their rumps into 'em and bury 'em six feet under!"
Clank: "I wouldn't use the same wording, but I agree."
Y/n: "Aye-aye, Cap'n. We'll get it done!"
Rivet: "Hoorah! That's what I wanna here! Now let's get us some phase quartz."
I nod and Rivet begins punching in some coordinates. Then the console beeps, and the systems lock onto Blizar Prime's coordinates and it hovers up into the air. Rivet turns to me smirking and I smirk back, and we both grab the throttle at the same time. We then push it forward together, initiating the ships hyper-jump function as it rockets forward into space.
Now I wonder how Ratchet had done with Savali and finding the Dimensionator blueprints.
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