Things get a little... spicy in this chapter. But first we're gonna have ourselves some good old-fashioned fun! Hahahaha!
Zurkie's Gastropub and Battleplex... (3rd Person POV)
After defeating Pierre and his crew, our Lombax heroes make their way back into Zurkie's. Finding an empty table away from the crowd, Y/n and Rivet place the two robots down it. The two then sit down on either side of the table as Rivet was humming the tune of one of the Michael Jackson songs Y/n had played earlier, which he found adorable.
Y/n: "Alright, buddy. Time to fix you up, but I gotta put you into recharge mode first, 'kay?"
Byte barks and Y/n nods. He presses the blue orb in his chest and then turns it counterclockwise, making Byte go limp. He then turns him around and opens a panel on his back. Rivet pulls down a panel on Clank's chest and inserts the signal booster into him. Clank laughs and giggles, feeling as if he was getting tickled. However, he soon stops when Rivet gives him a look. She then goes back to work before she's finally done.
Rivet: "Eureka, she's done it."
Y/n: "Done already? Good job, hot stuff."
Rivet blushes a bit, but smiles at the compliment as Y/n pulls out Byte's broken voice box. He sets it aside and goes to carefully put the new one in. Then Clank presses a button on his chest and turns on his comms.
Clank: "Ratchet? Can you hear me?"
It took a moment as the three all awaited in anticipation. Then a voice calls out from the other end.
Ratchet: *through comms* "Ratchet! Are you okay? Where are you?! I saw those Lombaxes take you--"
Clank: "I am fine. In fact, I am with the Lombaxes now."
Rivet: *nervously* "Hey, I'm Rivet!"
Y/n: "Yo. I'm Y/n."
Ratchet: *through comms* "Wha--? Hi! Wow, this is-- Wait, okay. I have to tell you something!"
Y/n: "Go ahead."
Y/n says as he gets zapped by the circuitry inside Byte.
Ratchet: *through comms* "Dr. Nefarious just crowned himself Emperor of this dimension."
Y/n: "No way!"
Rivet: "He did what?! Nooo, no, no. I've got my hands full with my own Nefarious."
Ratchet: *through comms* "That's the thing. We've gotta get him and us out of here, but without the Dimensionator..."
Clank: "I think we have to build a new one."
Y/n: "Seriously? Always wanted to create a device that can travel dimensions!"
Rivet and Ratchet: "That's a very specific goal."
Y/n: "Which are easy to manage. Now, continue please."
Y/n motions for them to continue as he finally places the voice box inside Byte.
Clank: "Me and Byte met a prophet from Savali named Gary. He would know what to do."
Ratchet: *through comms* "I'm only a few sectors away from there. I can go check it out."
Rivet: "What can we do?"
Clank: "Do you have the planet Blizar Prime in this dimension?"
Rivet: "Yeah. Why?"
Clank: "We can locate the phase quartz used to power the Dimensionator there. If my calculations are correct, we will be able to rebuild the Dimensionator in no time."
Y/n: "Okay, but here's the thing. In any dimension, phase quartz has to be--"
Rivet: "--incredibly rare. It's gonna be super difficult to find."
Ratchet: *through comms* "I guess we better get started, then! I'm glad you're okay, buddy."
Clank: "You, too, Ratchet."
Rivet/Ratchet/Y/n: "Be careful out there."
They all stop for a moment before laughing in unison. Ratchet then bids them good luck before ending the communication.
Rivet: "Wow... Another Lombax."
Y/n: "Yeah. This is nuts."
Y/n laughs a bit before closing the panel on Byte's back.
Y/n: "Alright. It'll take some time for his systems to accept the voice box, so it'll take a while for him to get back up and running."
Rivet: "How long will that take?"
Y/n: "A few hours at least, tomorrow at the latest."
Clank: "And I am running a bit low on power. I may need to rest as well."
Rivet: "What? Come on, we have a multiverse to save!"
Clank: "Which will need all of the energy we can muster to accomplish. You two should rest as well. We have a big day tomorrow."
Rivet sighs and accepts Clank's words. He nods and enters his own recharge mode, leaving Y/n and Rivet by themselves. Y/n then smiles as he gets an idea.
Y/n: "Wanna have some fun?"
Rivet: *blushes* "Fun? Wh-what kind of fun?"
Y/n: "I dunno. Get a few drinks, get a meal, dance a bit. Just some old fashioned fun."
Rivet: "We can't do that now! We need rest and--"
Y/n: "We will. But when was the last time you had some good ol' honest fun?"
Rivet takes a moment to think over Y/n's offer. The multiverse needed saving, but... it has been some time since she's had a few drinks and messed around a bit. Maybe it wouldn't be too bad...
Rivet: "Alright. But only a few drinks, and then we're going to sleep, capeesh?"
Y/n: "Capeesh."
With that, Y/n went over to the bar to get some drinks from Zurkie. He soon returns with the drinks and he begins talking with Rivet. With every drink, she eases up more and more and begins to loosen up. Y/n also became more confident and flirtatious, hitting on Rivet more and more as time passed which soon turned into some hours. Y/n then looked around after Rivet left to go to the restroom, and with a single blink everything changed.
He saw The Bar With No Name with all of its usual patrons. Crazy Jimothee was in his corner telling stories while music played from the speakers, Pietro's playlist playing on shuffle. Speaking of which, said robot was behind the bar as he cleaned some glass cups. Sitting at the bar counter was a younger Y/n, about fifteen, accompanied by some of his old friends Caboose, Mori-Landi, Tucker, and Atlas. They all helped him with jobs sometimes, and they were the closest thing he had to family after he had ran away.
However, the bar began showing less and less patrons as time passed. Then as Y/n got older, his friends slowly began to disappear. Caboose was hauled off to some prison and died there during a riot. He's the one who taught Y/n how to fight and use a gun.
Caboose: "You're one crazy kid, L/n. I respect that."
Mori-Landi went into hiding and was never seen again. She was the one to teach Y/n about love and kindness.
Mori-Landi: "I now I'm leaving, but I will always be with you. You have my blessing that you will one day find what you always needed."
Tucker was killed when his ship was struck by an asteroid. He's the one that taught Y/n how to fly a starship.
Tucker: "Okay, and if you press this button and pull this lever, you will engage in hyper--NOT NOW! NOT NOW!"
Finally, Atlas was killed on a job with Y/n. He taught him how to be a thief.
Atlas: "Hey, hey. Look at me kid. You're gonna go places... I can feel it..."
All that was left was an eighteen-year-old Y/n who was all by himself, sitting at the bar all alone with only Byte and his drinks to comfort him.
Y/n: "Hey, Pietro. Get me a Bitch's Shot."
Pietro: "Y/n..."
Y/n: "Come on! It'll be fun."
Pietro only sighs and goes to make the drink. It was a mixture of the worst drinks in the bar in one shot glass with whipped cream on top. Pietro hands it to Y/n who places it on a tray of a passing waitress.
Y/n: "Give that to Danyelso. Tell him it's from Ronnie."
The waitress nods and walks off to give the drink to Danyelso. Y/n chuckles as he turns back to Pietro who had an unamused look on his face.
Y/n: "What?"
Shouts of anger cry out from behind Y/n and a fight begins to break out. Pietro sighs as Y/n laughs before taking a swig of his beer.
Pietro: "You're gonna get someone killed one of these days."
Y/n: 'Too late for that...'
Y/n thinks to himself as he lowers his beer onto the counter. Suddenly gunshots ring out and everyone turns to see a Lombax in enforcement armor. Their gun was aimed at the roof, the barrel smoking from firing bullets.
Lombax: "Break it up, ya assholes. I don't want to arrest any of you."
The Lombax deactivates their helmet, revealing a younger Amelia. The people fighting grumbled but listened as they went back to their tables or just plain left. Amelia smirked and lowered her gun, putting it back into her armory before making her way to the bar. She sits next to her twin brother and smiles at him.
Amelia: "Hey, baby brother."
Y/n: "'Sup, Ames? How are you?"
Amelia: "Pretty good." *notices empty beers* "You're not doing so well, though."
Y/n: "I'm fine! Havin' a whale of a time."
Amelia: "Pietro, how many beers has he had?"
Pietro: "Twenty-five. He'll beat his record of thirty-two at this rate."
Amelia: "What? Y/n!"
Y/n: "What?"
Amelia: "You can't keep drinking like this. I'm taking you back to your ship so you can sleep."
Amelia tells her brother and begins to pry him off his seat.
Y/n: "Noooo...! Pietro! My drinks!"
Pietro: "Доброй ночи (Goodnight), L/n."
Y/n groans as he's dragged from the bar by his sister. However, he only smiles and laughs and looks at his sister.
Y/n: "I love you, Ames."
Amelia: "Love you, too, little bro."
"Hey, smooth talker! You there?"
Y/n blinked again a few times and everything returned to normal. He saw a yellow robotic hand waving in front of his face.
Rivet: "Yoooo? Sargasso to Y/n! You there?"
Y/n turns to Rivet with a blank look before rubbing his hands across his face.
Y/n: "Yeah. Yeah, I'm here. What's up?"
Rivet: "I went to the bathroom and came back to see you staring into the stars. You okay?"
Y/n: "All good here. Just got lost in my thoughts? Wanna dance?"
Rivet: "Heheheheh... What?"
Realizing what Y/n asked her, Rivet tries to explain that she wasn't a dancer. However, she realizes that Y/n was gone. She spun around to look for Y/n, only for music to begin playing. Then she spots the Lombax in the middle of the dance floor.
DJ: "Hey! Who hacked my music? You don't mess with a DJ stand, dude!"
After hacking the DJ booth, Y/n began dancing to the music playing. Rivet snickers at the sight as the others in the gastropub look at him. However, he soon gets people to join him on the dance floor and the lyrics soon begin.
It's close to midnight
And something evil's lurking in the dark
Under the moonlight
You see a sight that almost stops your heart
You try to scream
But terror takes the sound before you make it
You start to freeze
As horror looks you right between the eyes
You're paralyzed
'Cause this is thriller, thriller night
And no one's gonna save you from the beast about to strike
You know it's thriller, thriller night
You're fighting for your life inside a killer, thriller tonight, yeah
Rivet couldn't believe what she was seeing. She couldn't help but smile and laugh as Y/n dances to Thriller by Michael Jackson. Most of the patrons had joined him on the dance floor as they followed the Lombax's moves, and they soon enter the chorus. Y/n begins to do the signature Thriller dance move, which everyone copies.
Rivet couldn't help it as her tail wags.
Ooh, ooh
You hear the door slam
And realize there's nowhere left to run
You feel the cold hand
And wonder if you'll ever see the sun
You close your eyes
And hope that this is just imagination
Girl, but all the while
You hear a creature creepin' up behind
You're out of time
Y/n looks at Rivet and smiles at her. He then runs over to her and grabs her hand.
Y/n: "Come on! Dance with me!"
Rivet: "No, no. I don't think I should."
Y/n: "And why not?"
Rivet: "I'm... not much of a dancer."
Rivet states as she holds her tail nervously.
Y/n: "Come on! I'll show you how to dance to the song!"
'Cause this is thriller, thriller night
There ain't no second chance against the thing with forty eyes, girl
Thriller, thriller night
You're fighting for your life inside a killer, thriller tonight
Without waiting for a protest of response from Rivet, Y/n pulls his friend to the dance floor. He begins to dance a bit and she nervously begins to as well. However, she slowly begins to get the dance and follows Y/n's moves.
Night creatures call
And the dead start to walk in their masquerade
There's no escaping the jaws of the alien this time (they're open wide)
This is the end of your life, ooh
They're out to get you
There's demons closin' in on every side
They will possess you
Unless you change that number on your dial
Now is the time
For you and I to cuddle close together, yeah
All through the night
I'll save you from the terror on the screen
I'll make you see
Y/n: "Look at you having fun!"
Rivet: "Oh, be quiet!"
Y/n laughs and the chorus comes up. They all begin doing the signature Thriller dance move with their arms raised.
That this is thriller, thriller night
'Cause I can thrill you more than any ghoul would ever dare try
Thriller, thriller night
So let me hold you tight and share a killer, thriller
Chiller, thriller here tonight
'Cause this is thriller, thriller night
Girl, I can thrill you more than any ghoul would ever dare try
Thriller, thriller night
So let me hold you tight and share a killer, thriller, ow
I'm gonna thrill you tonight
Darkness falls across the land
The midnight hour is close at hand
Creatures crawl in search of blood
To terrorize y'all's neighborhood (I'm gonna thrill you tonight)
And whosoever shall be found
Without the soul for getting down
Must stand and face the hounds of hell
And rot inside a corpse's shell
More people began joining in, whether on the dance floor or at their tables just moving to the music. Even Zurkie began dancing behind the bar as he mixed drinks together and served them.
I'm gonna thrill you tonight
Thriller, ooh baby (thriller)
I'm gonna thrill you tonight (thriller night)
Thriller, all night, oh baby
I'm gonna thrill you tonight
Thriller, thriller night (oh baby)
I'm gonna thrill you tonight
Thriller, all night (oh baby)
Thriller night, babe (thriller night, babe), ooh
Do I have to explain anymore? They're dancing the night away!
The foulest stench is in the air
The funk of forty thousand years
And grizzly ghouls from every tomb
Are closing in to seal your doom
And though you fight to stay alive
Your body starts to shiver
For no mere mortal can resist
The evil of the thriller
As the song nears its end, Y/n and Rivet spun around from either side of the dance floor. They bump into each other and Rivet grabs ahold of Y/n to keep her from falling. They look at each other deep in each other's eyes before beginning to lean in. And once the song begins to end, the two Lomnaxes share a kiss as their tails wrap around each other, creating the shape of a heart.
However, in the heat of the moment, the kiss became more passionate and heated. Thankfully, Rivet had enough rational sense to ask Zurkie for a room which he just so happened to have. He promises to watch Byte and Clank, and the two Lombaxes make their way to the offered room.
Zurkie: "Hmph. Young love."
(Remember I said that this chapter was gonna get spicy? Well, lemon time!)
Once they made it to the room, Rivet jumped onto Y/n who grabbed her by the legs and they began kissing again. It soon becomes even more heated and breaks out into a makeout session as Y/n closes the room door with his foot. He brings Rivet over to the bed as she begins unzipping his jacket. Y/n then brings Rivet down on the bed and takes off his jacket, leaving him topless as he pulls off the Resistance fighter's scarf and goggles.
They part for some air and Rivet takes off her top, showing her purple bra that covered her breasts. Y/n stared at them for a moment before smiling at Rivet and kisses her again. Then he trails his lips away from his partner's and across her cheek, making his way to her neck. He begins kissing it a few times before Rivet moans, telling Y/n that he found the sweet spot on her neck. He begins to kiss that one spot more before sucking on it and licking it, making the Lombax girl moan even more before she yelps as Y/n gives her a love bite.
Rivet: "Y-Y/n..."
Y/n: "Ssshh...~ Let me handle this~ I'm here for you~"
Rivet shudders at hearing Y/n's voice so close to her ear. The way he said it was so... enticing. It made her excited!
Y/n began trailing kisses down from Rivet's neck and to her collar bone. She shudders at the feeling as Y/n takes off her bra, revealing her "medium premium" breasts. He then smiles at his fellow Lombax who nervously smiles back, and then the thief lowers down to them. He licks and kisses them, making Rivet hitch her breath and moan aloud as she leans her head back from the pleasure. Then Y/n begins to suck on Rivet's breasts and lovingly bites on them, making her yelp and moan from both pain and pleasure.
Rivet: "Fuck...~!"
Y/n: "Did you just swear? Look at that~"
Rivet: "Sh-shut up and k-keep on doing whatev-ver y-you're doing..."
Y/n: "Yes, ma'am."
He kisses Rivet's lips again and then goes down her body again. He trails his hands down her furry body, feeling her curves before ending at the Lombax girl's pants. Y/n looks up at Rivet for confirmation and she nods, letting Y/n do what he did next. He grabs the Lombax girl's pants and pull them off, along with her boots, to see her purple panties. Rivet blushes as you smile up at her.
Y/n: "This is where the fun begins, sweetheart~"
Rivet gulps a bit as Y/n pulls down her panties to reveal her wet womanhood. Y/n smiles at this and lowers his head down in-between the hammer-swinging Lombax's soft thighs, his own breath blowing on Rivet's pussy making the Lombax shudder and moan again. Then Y/n decides to teast Rivet, kissing her thighs and slowly inching his way towards her womanhood. He then kisses the outer folds, making Rivet whimper and moan as her legs shake a bit.
Rivet: "Damn tease... D-don't do that...! Just do it..."
Y/n: *smirking* "Do what, sweetheart~?"
Rivet: "D-don't make me say it..."
Y/n: "Oh, but I want you to~"
The thief kisses right outside of Rivet's pussy, making her whimper and moan again. He keeps on doing it and even licks her, making Rivet even wetter a her mind goes crazy.
Y/n: "Wow... Didn't actually expect you to know that saying. But as you wish~"
At those words, Y/n brought his head down to Rivet's pussy and inserts his tongue. Rivet moans as she leans her head back and arches her back upwards, her body tingling at the pleasure. Y/n continues to lick Rivet's womanhood, eating her out as the Lombax moans louder and louder. Her mind was going absolutely crazy at the feeling, unknowingly wrapping her legs around Y/n's head which pushes him deeper into her womanhood.
Rivet: "Fuck...! Your tongue... feels amazing!"
Y/n smiles, not answering since his mouth was busy eating the Lombax out. It wasn't much longer until Rivet's end came close. She moaned and whimpered a bit more, her mind to driven by pleasure and still too drunk to care. And since she knew Y/n probably didn't care, she didn't try to tell him. He could probably tell either way, but it was soon enough that she orgasmed. She let out scream as she arched her back, letting her love juices stain Y/n's face.
It took a moment, but Rivet finally dropped her legs from Y/n's head and released him. He pushed himself up and licked the cum from his face, smiling at the taste. It was sweet like nectar, or honey.
Y/n: "Delicious~ You taste amazing, Rivet."
Rivet: "That felt amazing...~"
Y/n laughed at the sight of Rivet lying beneath him. She was even drooling a bit. It was adorable, but he wasn't done.
Y/n: "If you liked that, then you're gonna love this~"
Rivet looks at Y/n in confusion before Y/n unbuckles his pants. He pulls them off with his underwear, revealing his erect penis. The Resistance member blushes at the sight, her eyes wide as she looks at her friend's cock.
Rivet: "Oh, wow..."
Y/n: "What's wrong?"
Rivet: "I-I've never done this before. I don't know if--"
Y/n: "Don't worry, love. I'll go easy on ya." *leans into Rivet's ear* "It'll be fun~"
Rivet takes a moment before nodding. Y/n nods back and positions his dick in front of Rivet's womanhood before inserting it inside of her. The Lombax girl gasps as she leans her head back, gripping the sheets so tightly they might've ripped. Tears were in her eyes as she tried adjusting to the new feeling ans Y/n's size, but after a few moments she looks back at Y/n.
Rivet: "O-okay..."
Y/n took this to continue. He pulls out just before he takes out his penis and then slams back into Rivet. She gasps with a yelp and Y/n slams inside of her again. He slowly picks up the pace and begins fucking Rivet, going faster and harder as time goes by. Y/n was enjoying himself since he hadn't had sex in years and was loving the fact that it was with someone like Rivet, and Rivet herself was loving the feeling of pleasure coursing through her body. She had been a virgin her whole life and had finally been freed from that title thanks to Y/n, and it was amazing. The feeling of the Lombax thief inside of her gave her a feeling of ecstasy she never thought was possible. Her mind was slowly losing her mind to the pleasure.
Y/n: "Ah, fuck~ You're so tight! But you feel amazing, Rivet~!"
Rivet: "You're so big~! F-faster, please! Harder! Fuck me more~"
Y/n: "As you wish!"
Y/n increases the speed and force in which he pounded Rivet with. His grunts and her moans filled the room as the bed begins to creak with their movement, accompanied by the sound of skin slapping against skin. Y/n then picked up Rivet and pinned her on the bed frame, her legs wrapping around him as they then kiss in the moment of passion. They stay in that position for the next twenty minutes as Y/n drives Rivet crazy with his cock, pounding her pussy which begins to hold onto the Lombax tighter. And like last time, Rivet didn't care to say that she was close to her end, and neither did Y/n. They were too drunk and too high on the pleasure of each other's bodies to care and warn the other. Then they finally came, orgasming together as Rivet's juices cover Y/n's cock as his seed empties into her.
They stay like this for a few more moments as strings of semen fill up Rivet. However, it soon ends and they both slump over in exhaustion. They then slide down onto the surprisingly soft bed and Y/n pulls the covers over him and Rivet. She lets out a shaky breath and wraps her arms and legs around Y/n whose tail wraps around her. He then wraps an arm around Rivet and pulls her close as she rests her head on his chest.
Rivet: "That... was... amazing. Thank you for that..."
Y/n: "I could say the same... for you, sweetheart. You did amazing for... your first time..."
Rivet: "Thanks..."
Y/n: "You're welcome, love..."
It took a moment, but Y/n realized that Rivet wasn't speaking anymore. He looks down from the ceiling and at her to see the Lombax girl sleeping peacefully, snuggled against his chest as if the multiverse wasn't ending. Y/n smiles at the cute sight and pulls Rivet closer to his chest as he closes his eyes, sleep slowly overcoming him.
Y/n: "I love you, Rivet..."
And with that, the lull of sleep finally overtook him. The thief falls asleep next to Rivet, the two cuddling close to each other after a night of fun and passion.
One: What the hell did I just write?
Two: You all may be confused as to why this happened so quickly. "Shallot, they've only known each other for a day!"
Let me explain. All planets have different rotation periods/cycles, meaning that some days/years can be shorter or longer than the other. And with how long space travel probably is, because I believe it is impossible or near-impossibls to access light speed and it could take hours to days to travel with wormholes/jump ports/hyper speed/whatever you wanna call it, you and Rivet have known each other for only a few days. A week at most if you want to extend it, but for at least a few days.
There's a whole lot of science behind it all that I don't want to get into and that I also don't completely know about, so I'll leave you with this adorable dancing Rivet for your troubles.
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