Sargasso... (Y/n's POV)
I hear something shrinking and Byte walks back next to me in his normal form. I smile and crouch to his level, congratulating the robot who happily barked at the praise. I hear a giggle and see Rivet walking up up to us.
Clank: "I no longer sense any hostiles in range."
Rivet: "Wow..."
Rivet turns to me and Byte.
"Nice work."
Y/n: "Of course it was. Thanks."
She rolls her eyes in amusement and some Morts came out of hiding.
Mort: "Rivet! We raised the bridge to your hideout for protection, but the controls to lower it are over there on that platform."
I turn to where Mort was pointing and sigh.
Y/n: "Never that easy, huh?"
Rivet: "No, but easy isn't that fun, is it?"
Y/n: "You have a point." *to the Morts* "Thanks. We'll find a way over."
The Morts nod and me and Rivet run off to find a way to the platform. As we do, I catch some of the Morts asking each other if I was Rivet's boyfriend. I chuckle at this while Rivet blushes, making me smile.
We run over to a lift which brings us up to a higher platform, but there was no bridge to walk over to the platform platform tbe other side of the swamp. Rivet turns to me.
Rivet: "Think you can portal us over there?"
Y/n: "Sure thing." *creates portal* "Quick question, though. Do you have a problem with sudden shifts in your molecular structure?"
Rivet: "What's that supposed to me--"
Y/n: "Too late!"
I quickly grab Rivet's hand and pull her into the portal with me. We suddenly appear on the other platform, and I see that Rivet holding her knees as if she was nauseous.
Y/n: "You good?"
Ribet: "I'm fine... Just give me a min--Urk!"
Her cheeks puff up as if she was about to vomit. However, voices catch my attention and I look to see the Goons-4-Less around us.
Y/n: "Well, no time for that. We got Goons to take care of!"
Rivet swallow her vomit and nods. She stands to her full height and takes out some kind of double-barreled gun, and I take out my Shattedbombs. We split up as she runs off to shoot at the Goons, and I run off to blow them up.
I toss a bomb at a small grouping of them and they blow to pieces. I go around and toss two more before having to roll under some gunfire. I look to see a Goon on a jetpack aiming at me, but I only smirk as I grab my knives from my belt.
I fling them at him, one striking he jetpack wing and the other hitting him dead center in the head. He goes limp as his jetpack goes out of control, so I used my gravity glove to pull my knives back to me and holster them back on my belt.
Suddenly, robot dogs begin rushing at me and I jump over them to avoid their jaws. I turn to see Rivet dealing with some, too, so I immediately come up with a plan.
Y/n: "Rivet! Bring them down there to the bottom! I'll do the same with mine!"
Rivet: "And what good is that gonna do?!"
Y/n: "You're gonna find out!"
I smirk as I know Rivet was gonna follow my instructions and I store my Shatterbomb glove. I then grab a flash grenade from my belt and pull the pin, throwing it at the robot hounds which blinds them with a flash of orange light. I then flip over them with my rocket soles and take out my dual pistols, firing at the hounds which grabs their attention.
Y/n: "That's right! Over here!"
I then run and jump down to the lower floor, and sure enough the robots followed me down. Then Rivet landing right next to me, and we were suddenly surrounded my the metal hounds.
Rivet: "So what's the plan now, charmer?"
Y/n: "This."
I repel Rivet back and she gets sent flying into the air. She lands on the upper level and looks back at me. I, however, turn back to the hound dogs and smirk as I take out my Omni-Tool. I turn it into a double-sided Omni-Wrench and activate its electrical function, coating the wrench heads with electricity.
Rivet: "What the...? What're you doing?"
Y/n: "Sit back and watch, sweetheart!"
I swing my Omni-Wrench around a few times before slamming one end into the floor. An electric current surges through it and hits every single hound, killing them before they knew what hit them.
I laugh in victory and turn to find Rivet. I became surprised as she was finishing off some more Goons, and I portal up up her with a smile. She takes care of the last one and looks at me.
Rivet: "That's was a super dumb idea, y'know that?"
Y/n: "Worked, didn't it?"
Rivet shakes her head in amusement.
Rivet: "You're gonna get somebody killed one day."
Y/n: "Hopefully not you. Couldn't stand it if I couldn't see your beautiful face anymore."
The nearby Morts gush and Rivet groans.
Rivet: "Let's just lower the bridge."
Y/n: "Yes, ma'am!"
I playfully salute the Lombax girl who walks up to the controls. She inserts her Omni-Hammer into the socket and begins pulling it like a lever, or crank. I put away my Omni-Tool and help her, pulling we heard a snap. We look to see that the bridge malfunctioned and didn't unfold all the way.
Rivet: "Ugh! C'mon, seriously?"
Y/n: "Well, you did say that this is the funner way to do this."
Rivet: "Shut up, you. Just portal us down there."
I nod and create a portal under her feet. Rivet curses at me as she falls through and lands on tbe other end, and I hop into it after her. I land back to where Byte fought the Grunthor and Rivet punches my arm.
Y/n: "Hey! What's that for?"
Rivet: "Stop doing that! My stomach is doing flips and cartwheels because of you."
Y/n: "Alright. I'll give you a warning next time."
Rivet: "Thank you. Now, lets find another way across that bridge."
Clank: "I may regret suggesting this, but... what about that Speetle?"
We turn to see a lone Speetle nearby. Rivet groans as I grin.
(Rivet's POV)
No later were we on the Speetle. I was in front of Y/n who was sitting behind me, holding my torso so he wouldn't fall off. I was most definitely blushing from this.
Rivet: "Yah!"
Almost immediately, the Speetle dashes forward and races over to the bridge. Y/n holds onto me a little tighter, making me yelp and we jump over to the other side of the bridge. We get flung off by the Speetle upon landing, but we easily get back up. However, I groan when I see what's in our way.
Rivet: "And there's another Grunthor in our way! And when we were so close!"
Clank: "I do regret this..."
Smaller dinosaurs charge at us and I swing at them with my Omni-Hammer. Y/n takes out a shotgun and opens fire, blowing some back before they were all gone. Then the Grunthor roars, getting us to look back at it as it flings a giant rock at us.
Y/n: "Move!"
Before I knew it, arms wrap around my waist and pull me away from where the rock would land. Y/n sets me back down and I thank him before charging at the dinosaurs. He follows as he takes out his Shatterbombs and I take out Mr. Fungi. We open fire, slowly taking down the dinosaur.
Rivet: "Come on, we both know how this is gonna end, big guy!"
The Grunthor roars and charges which we both roll away to avoid. I then switch to The Enforcer and open fire as Y/n pulls out a rifle. It wasn't long until it falls over and dies.
Y/n: "Haha! Alright!"
Rivet: "Woo! And no for our final enemy, the Morts' pressure locks!"
I turn and run back over to the Speetle who brought us here and Y/n hops on behind me. It immediately runs and we make it over a ledge, but I realized we wouldn't make it.
Rivet: "Jump!"
Without a response from my fellow Lombax, we both jump off of the Speetle. I fire a tether that attaches to a nearby hook and I swing over to my hideout entrance. Y/n lands next to me and smiles.
Y/n: "Nice moves."
Rivet: "Thanks. Not too bad yourself."
We both laugh and enter into my hideout. Clank speaks up.
Clank: "Question. Why are you so hesitant to trust me?"
Rivet: "Robots aren't really my thing. Especially when they're tearing my galaxy apart."
Clank: "I am not."
Y/n laughs as I insert my Omni-Hammer into the socket near my door. I begin pulling it as it lifts my door up.
Rivet: "That's not what you said."
Clank: "I did not mean for this to happen!"
Rivet: "Yeah, yeah. Whatever."
I finish cranking and I pull my hammer from the socket.
(3rd Person POV)
The two Lombaxes walk into Rivet's hideout. Y/n looks around as Rivet walks over to her workbench, and he spots a picture by her bed. She looked younger in it, which was obvious since she had both of her arms in it.
Rivet: "We're safe for now."
She says as he picks up Clank from her back and sets him on her workbench. Y/n walks up to her as she takes out the Infobot she "didn't kidnap" and turns it back on.
Y/n: "Nice digs. Got any music you can play? It's really quiet."
Rivet: "No, not really. And don't think of trying to steal anything."
She flips the Infobot open and plugs a cord into it. She presses some buttons as it begins to decrypt.
Y/n: "Boring."
Rivet laughs a bit as she grabs another cord and plugs it into the back of Clank's head. Byte hops off of Y/n's back and begins to explore the room.
Clank: "This is extremely unnecessary."
Rivet pulls out what looked like a game console controller and presses a button. Clank immediately deactivates and a big screen turns on. It reveals Dr. Nefarious with the Dimensionator, but Rivet rewinds the robot's memories further back. She then stops it on Ratchet, and both Rivet and Y/n look at the screen in shock.
Rivet: "A Lombax..."
Y/n: "So Bolts here was telling the truth. Would ya look at that."
Y/n smirks at the Lombax girl who only groans and pulls the cord out of Clank. He reactivates and turns to Rivet.
Rivet: "Okay. So you were being honest."
Clank: "As I have been saying."
Y/n: "Repeatedly."
Rivet rolls her eyes and looks at Clank.
Rivet: "Your Nefarious... he looks a lot like mine. Evil like him, too. And that Lombax..."
Y/n: "Yeah. This is nuts. I thought me, my sister, and my father were the only Lombaxes left. Then I met you. And now this...?"
Rivet: "Okay, this might sound crazy but--"
Clank: "--you think he is your dimensional counterpart."
Rivet: "Or something! Hell, Y/n here could be for all we know!"
Y/n was silent at this. He really hoped that wasn't the case.
Rivet: "Look, whatever's going on here, we're going to fix it."
Clank: "We? I thought robots are 'not your thing'?"
Y/n: "And you seem to want to get rid of me."
Rivet: "Well, yes and no. Y/n, you aren't actually that bad. And Clank, you're fine. It's just... the Emperor, his stupid followers, pirates--"
Y/n: "Hey. Pirates are cool. One of my friends is a pirate."
Rivet sighs and then sees that Clank was looking at her arm. Then he looks at Y/n. The Resistance fighter sighs.
Rivet: "Yeah. I see tbe irony, too."
Clank: "Oh. I apologize. I didn't mean to, uhm..."
Rivet: "You feel bad? Even though I just watched your brain-diary-thingy?"
The Infobot beeps and Y/n looks at it.
Y/n: "I, uh, think it's done. Here. I got this."
He pulls out the cord and the Infobot shuts its mouth as its eyes blink red. They all look at it before the whole ground shakes and something tears through the wall. Two massive pincers tear a whole in the wall and destroy it, making everyone back up in shock. It was tbe Seekerpede.
Seekerpede Pilot: "Missing Infobot located! Initiating retrieval!"
A strong magnet began pulling at out heroes. Rivet was able to hold herself in place with her good arm, but Clank, Y/n, and Byte weren't as lucky. They were fully metal, and Y/n was mostly mad of metal, so they were easily getting pulled towards tbe Seekedpede with tbe Infobot.
Y/n: "Rivet! Help!"
Using what strength she had, the Lombax girl grabbed Y/n by the hand to keep him from being taken. Y/n reached out for Clank who had grabbed Byte, only to miss and grab the Infobot instead.
Clank: "Rivet! Y/n!"
Rivet and Y/n: "No!"
Clank and Byte get pulled into the Seekerpede and, thinking it had the Infobot, flew away. The two Lombaxes fell to the ground but easily got back up, running right to the hole the Seekedpede made to watch it fly off.
Y/n: "Oh, you're not getting away, you sunova bitch! Rivet, grab onto me."
Rivet: "What? Why?"
Y/n: "Trust me!"
Rivet nods and grabs Y/n by the shoulders. He glares at the retreating Seekerpede before his rocket soles activate and he flies off with Rive on his back. She screams as she didn't realize that was going to happen, instinctively changing her hold from Y/n's shoulders to wrapping her arms around his torso.
Y/n: "Getting our friends back!"
Y/n turns to avoid a mountain wall and chases after the Seekerpede.
Y/n: "I don't have many weapons with me right now since Byte has them, so you have to take it down! I'll do what I can do get use close!"
Rivet: "Ugh! Fine! You owe me for this!"
Y/n didn't argue as he accelerates his speed. Rivet glares at the Seekerpede.
Rivet: "Give us back our annoying robots!"
Seekerpede Pilot: "Deploying amphibious explosives to neutralize hostile furballs."
Y/n and Rivet: "What did you just call us?!"
Y/n growls as he rolls to avoid some bombs shot at him and Rivet. He continues following the giant flying centipede, narrowly avoiding explosives and natural obstacles.
Rivet: "That Seekerpede's flight stabilizer should be on its back! If we can get up there and hit it, we can bring tbe whole thing down!"
Y/n: "On it!"
Y/n takes off into the sky with Rivet. He easily gets right above its backside and nears the front where a large engine was.
Rivet: "There it is! Get ready!"
Y/n: "For what?"
Rivet: "For this!"
Pulling out her hammer, Rivet swings at the flight stabilizer and blows it up. This sends the Seekerpede out of control and blasts the two Lombaxes back. They land on a platform and watch as the Seekerpede crashes down into the water.
Y/n: "Where'd it go?"
Out from the swamp water below, the Seekerpede erupts and screeches at the two.
Seekerpede Pilot: "You two must be so excited for annihilation!"
Y/n: "Give me back Byte!"
Rivet: "And Clank!"
He pulls out his Omni-Tool and turns it into a double-sided Omni-Wrench. He begins firing electric bolts at the Seekerpede as Rivet follows, taking out The Enforcer and opening fire. The two begin to deal damage as they dodge lasers and jump over pincers when the robot gets close. When it did, Y/n turned his tool into an Omni-Screwdriver and dug it into the Seekerpede, creating a long tear through its shell.
Seekerpede Pilot: "Hey! Do you know expensive this thing is?!"
Y/n: "DON'T CARE!"
Seekerpede Pilot: "Well, that doesn't matter! The backup power almost has the flight stabilizer back online!"
Rivet: "Oh, you are not getting away from us!"
Y/n turns the Omni-Screwdriver back into an Omni-Wrench and opens fire again. Rivet swaps her gun for her Negatron Collider, firing its laser which dealt more damage. However, the pilot soon took flight again and began to leave.
Rivet: "Y/n!"
Y/n: "I know! Grab on!"
Rivet nods and runs over to Y/n as he ran towards tbe ledge. The Resistance fighter jumped and grabbed onto her fellow Lombax as he jumped and took off into the sky. They continue their pursuit after the Seekerpede as the pilot sent out more explosives.
Y/n: "Come on! Try something different!"
The cyborg Lombax yells as he avoids some explosives.
Rivet: "Hey, be careful! I'm still back here!"
Y/n: "Sorry!"
Y/n moves out of the way of more explosives as Rivet helps guide him. Then, when he was able to, Y/n put all power to his rocket soles and flew up above the Seekerpede. He rocketed towards tbe flight stabilizer and Rivet swung at it with her hammer, blowing it up again which sends the robot spiraling out of control.
Y/n and Rivet get sent flying back, and Y/n wraps his arms around Rivet just before they crashed into the ground. He takes most of tbe impact, but they both groan in pain.
Rivet: "Thanks."
Y/n: "No problem..."
Rivet stands to her feet and helps Y/n up as well. Then the Seekerpede rises from the swamp water it crashed into again and screeched.
Y/n: "Okay, I'm done with this guy!"
Rivet: "Couldn't agree more!"
Y/n takes out his Omni-Tool and opens fire as Rivet shoots her Negtron Collider.
Seekerpede Pilot: "You're destruction is most assured now."
Y/n: "Says the bucket of bolts losing!"
Rivet: "Bring it!"
The Seekerpede fires its lasers again and the two Lombaxes dodge it. However, it was soon enough that the Seekerpede was almost destroyed, so Y/n ran up to Rivet with an idea.
Y/n: "Fireworks?"
He holds a grenade in his hand, and Rivet smirked. She knew exactly what her fellow Lombax was planning.
Rivet: "Fireworks."
She takes out her Shatterbombs and threw one just as Y/n pulled the pin on his grenade. He throws it as well and tbe explosives hit the Seekerpede head-on, finally taking it out as the pilot begins to panic.
Seekerpede Pilot: "Well, this us unfortunate."
The Seekerpede crashes into the ground and the two Lombaxes run at it. They take out their Omni-Tools, hers an Omni-Hammer and his he turned into one, and leaped at the pilot. He gets destroyed in one fatal dual swing, and falls to the floor of his own cockpit. Then Y/n ran in to get Byte as Rivet offered a hand to Clank
Y/n: "Byte! I'm so glad you're okay!"
Rivet: "You okay, Bolts?"
Clank: "You came after me..."
Rivet looked at Clank in shock as she realized what she did. Then she nodded with a smile.
Clank: "Thank you."
The robot smiles as he takes Rivet's hand. Then they heard crying and turned to Y/n who was holding Byte in his arms. The small robot was struggling to get free of his partner's grip.
Y/n: "You're never leaving my sight again! Hear me?"
Byte barks for helo, but Clank and Rivet only laugh at the scene.
Rivet: "Alright, you two, come on. We've still got unfinished business."
Y/n tensed up at Rivet's voice and turns to her. He then chuckles nervously before standing up, correcting himself as he clears his throat and puts Byte on his back.
Y/n: "You two saw nothing. This never happened."
Rivet: "Sure."
Rivet laughs a bit and puts Clank on her back before hopping out of the Seekerpede. Y/n follows her and they take off towards the nearby platform where the Morts were.
Rivet: "Let's go see if Mort's done with the ship." *to Clank* "By the way... how about I hook you up with a signal booster to fix that communicator of yours? I know you've been having some trouble with it since you failed contacting your friend on the ship."
Clank: "That would be... delightful."
Rivet: "And Byte! How about a brand new voice box?"
Byte barks happily at this as his tail wags.
Y/n: "I think he'd like that."
Rivet giggles at this and Y/n smiles at her gratefully. She notices this and looks away with a blush.
Rivet: "Mind, uh, portaling us up there?"
Y/n: "Sure thing, sweetheart."
The thief walks forward and opens a portal that he first hops through. Rivet was right behind him and they land on the platform.
Mort: "Rivet! New guy who's name I don't know! The ship is ready and waiting for ya! I even made it a little bigger to accommodate for your new friend."
Rivet: "Mort, you fixed it! Thank you!"
Rivet thanks her friend as she and Y/n walk up to her and the fixed ship.
Mort: "No problemo!"
Rivet smiles and looks at Y/n.
Rivet: "Ready to go?"
Y/n was about to nod, but he notices Ms. Zurkon in the corner of his eye. He asks for a moment and runs over to her. After a small talk, he uses the bolts he found lying around and purchases his own Negatron Collider like Rivet. Then he bids Ms. Zurkon goodbye and heads back over to Rivet.
Y/n: "Now I'm ready."
Rivet: "Let's go then!"
She hops into the ship and Y/n follows after her. They both sit down in the front and place their robot friends on the seats in the back. Rivet then takes out the Infobot and looked at it.
Clank: "What does it say?"
Rivet: "Phantom... MoyDoy... Captain Quantum... Clatchky... Me. It's a hitlist. Y/n, you're even on here!"
Y/n: "Really? I just got here. Guess I'm a public enemy in any universe."
Rivet: "I need to tell everyone about this."
Pushing some buttons, Rivet activates her comms that go to all the Resistance.
Rivet: "Attention, Resistance. I'm posting the Emperor's hitlist to our network."
After finishing that up, the ship hatch closes and Rivet looks back at Clank and Byte.
Rivet: "Come on, let's fix that communicator and voice box. We've got a dimension to save before the Emperor finds us, too."
Y/n: "Where're we goin', hot stuff?"
Rivet: "To a place I know where we can get the parts we need. Zurkie's, in the Scarstu Debris Field."
Y/n: "Then what're we waiting for? Let's go!"
Rivet smiles at this before punching in some coordinates. The ship suddenly activates and flies up into the air. Then it rocket forwards, bringing our heroes one step closer to their goal.
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