Sargasso... (Y/n's POV)
In the skies of Sargasso, I leaned on the back of the ship as Rivet piloted it. She was going over the details of the stories me and Clank told her.
Rivet: *to Y/n* "So you're a wanted thief from another dimension that escaped a space prison that your father ran? And you had to fight your own sister who you got separated from?"
Y/n: "Pretty much sums it up, love. But I prefer the term 'collector of the things I'm not allowed to have'."
Rivet rolls her eyes at this and I only smile. Then she turns to Clank.
Clank: "And this Dimensionator thing... It was stolen by Dr. Nefarious who used it to bring you and Smooth Talked here? Now you just have to find your friend who is also-- miraculously, a Lombax-- to save the day?"
Clank: "And get home."
Rivet laughs, making me smile. She has a nice laugh.
Rivet: "You must seriously think I'm an idiot. Hell, I believe 'The Collector' here more than you. Look!"
She motions for the giant rift in the sky which had flying dinosaurs coming out of it.
Rivet: "As real as I'm sure this 'Dr. Nefarious' is, this has the Emperor written all over it."
Y/n: "Emperor? Geez, this must be some Hellhole, then."
Rivet: "You have no idea."
The comms suddenly beep and a voice comes from it.
"Help! We--! Under attack!--anyone--!"
Rivet: "Mort? What's going on?"
Something suddenly rocks the ship, making me fall to the ground. Rivet tries her best to readjust the ship, but she loses control as it nears the ground. She tells us to brace for impact and Clank points outside.
Clank: "Look out!"
Rivet: "What do you think I'm doing?!"
Y/n: "Lizard thing!"
Rivet panics at the observation and narrowly avoids some kind of giant lizard. The ship then soon crashes into the ground, throwing me forward into the cockpit hatch before knocking me into Rivet. We both get knocked to the floor of her ship and groan, and I look at Rivet who shook her head and looked back at me. She grows a blush under her fur and I only smirk.
Y/n: "Hey."
Rivet: "Ugh. Get off."
The Lombax girl pushes me off of her and I land on my back. I laugh as Byte walks up to me and I stand as Rivet does. She opens the cockpit and steps out as I grab Byte and put him on my back. Rivet does the same with Clank and we hop out from the ship and onto the ground. I look around with a smile.
Y/n: "Wow... What a pretty sight."
Rivet: "No time for sight-seeing. We have to go find my friends."
Y/n: *smiles at Rivet* "Who said I was talking about the scenery?"
Rivet grows a heavier blush before clicking her teeth and turning away.
Rivet: "Come on. We gotta go rescue my friends at their Gelatonium Factory before heading to my hideout."
Y/n: "Alright. Lead the way, Rivet."
Without giving me an answer, Rivet ran off and I follow. However, a giant flying centipede robot flies overhead.
Y/n: "What was that?!"
Rivet: "A Seekedpede. Just great! And it's right over my hideout."
Y/n: "Looks like we'll have to take it down, then."
Rivet nods and then spots something in the corner of her eye. She smiles as she calls out to a Ms. Zurkon who was nearby. Me? I couldn't believe my ears. Zurkon was alive in this dimension! Great!
I follow Rivet over to a stand where Ms. Zurkon was and I laughed. Zurkon was basically everywhere with Peitro, as if they could teleport.
Rivet: "Ms. Zurkon! Hey!"
Ms. Zurkon: "Oh, hi, sugar! And another Lombax! How are they suddenly everywhere?"
Rivet: "What?"
Clank: "She must be talking about Ratchet! Did you see him?"
Ms. Zurkon: "Another Lombax with orange-yellow fur and wearing a mechanic's outfit? Sure did! He was in Nefarious City and I pointed him in the direction to find some ships."
Clank: "Thank you."
Ms. Zurkon: "Now, back to business... Here to buy a weapon?"
Before Rivet could respond, I jumped in.
Y/n: "Hell yeah! What'cha got, Ms. Z?"
Ms. Zurkon: "Oh, what an energetic Lombax. Let's start, shall we?"
Me and Rivet nod and Zurkon brings up a screen of weapons. Using the bolts I've collected, I buy myself something called a Shattedbomb. Turns out it was a glove that that generate explosives, which I happily accept.
Rivet: "You're a child, you know that?"
Y/n only chuckles as he plays around with one of the non-active Shatterbombs he had. It was then Rivet's turn to buy something, only to find weapons she didn't buy. Zurkon said she had opened the account up to their "mutual friend". I guessed it was Ratchet and we soon left after she purchased something called Mr. Fungi. I had no idea what it did, but it looked cool.
As we ran off, I stored my Shatterbombs into the pocket dimension I used. I made a device that opens up to one and added it to Byte, so now he's my personal armor on legs.
Rivet: "I haven't been this far out in a while... Got a lot of swamp acid between here and the Morts' Gelatonium Factory."
Clank: "Those beetles appear to have mo issue with tbe acidic swamp water."
The small robot points over at some kind of beetle creature.
Rivet: "Speetles. Yeah. That's why we're gonna ride one... as soon as we can get close enough."
We sneakily try to get to the Speetles, but one spots us and runs off. The others follow with crazy speed and we give chase.
Y/n: "Get back here! We need a ride!"
Rivet: "Look out!"
I turn to see giant wasps that were charging at me. I portal out of the way and push another away with my gravity glove.
Y/n: "What're these things?"
Rivet: "Needle wasps! Be careful around them!"
I nod and turn to Byte.
Y/n: "Byte, let's try out our new toy!"
Byte barks and I reach to my back, pulling out a gun bigger than my shotgun. The Enforcer looked powerful, and I smirked.
Y/n: "Party time!"
I open fire as Rivet takes out a Burst Pistole and shoots at the Needle Wasps. They spat out some kind of acid at us which we dodge easily since they were slow, and we eventually took out the stupidly large bugs.
Y/n: "Nice shootin', Tex!"
Rivet and Clank: "Who?"
I groan and put my gun away before running forward. I jumo to a small island in the acid swamp and to another before making it to a large entryway, and Rivet was right behind me.
Clank: "You both dispatched them quite capably."
Y/n: "Of course I did. I'm awesome!"
Rivet: *groans* "Let's just find those Speetles."
Y/n: "Well, you're no fun."
Rivet ignores me and we run to the back of the long corridor to see some kind of shattered rift.
Clank: "It appears that this is some kind of dimensional distortion. We must get through it."
Y/n: "And it looks like there's no other way. Our Speetles probably went through there."
Rivet: "How do we get through, though?"
Y/n: "I'll handle that."
Both Rivet and Clank look at me in confusion as I walk up to the closed rift. I bring my cybernetic hand up to it and I make a portal, shattering the rift open and creating what I know dub as a rift-portal. I turn back to the Lombax girl as another dimension, or something, appears behind me.
Y/n: "Ladies first."
Rivet rolls her eyes buts smiles as she walks into the rift-portal and I follow right behind. She then takes off and I match her pace, running through some kind of natural bridge made of stone, technology, and purple vegetation.
Ratchet: "Alright, smarty-bot. What is this place?"
Clank: "I, uhm... a dimensional pocket? Perhaps a symptom of the Dimensionator's destruction. Which Y/n here was able to open."
A small robot floats over to us and Rivet smiles at it.
Rivet: "Hey, it's Maynard, the Morts' helperbot! Must've wondered in through the rift--"
Y/n: "Rift-portal. Trademark pending."
Rivet: "... Must've wondered in through the rift-portal somehow."
It flies off over to the end of the path where Clank spots some Speetles. We run up to them, only for them to burrow into the ground.
Rivet: "Dammit! No!"
I look around before seeing something like an anthill nearby. I take my Omni-Tool and turn it into a single-sided Omni-Wrench.
Rivet: "What're you doing?"
Y/n: "A theory."
I swing and smack the hill, making two Speetles shoot out of it. I laugh as Rivet congratulates me and we jump on top of the Speetles. Getting spooked, they suddenly take off running with crazy speed, with Rivet easily knowing how to control hers while I have some trouble steering mine. However, I was able to keep it steady behind Rivet.
Rivet: "I think Maynard can lead us to the Morts."
Y/n: "Right behind you!"
We steer our Speetles through the acid swamp, passing by structures and creatures from other dimensions. I couldn't help but smile with the thrill I was feeling, happy with the speed I was going.
Y/n: "This is awesome!"
Rivet looks at me and laughs a bit as we follow Maynard up onto another solid path. With amazing speed, we soon make it to the end of the dimensional pocket and crash back into Rivet's dimension. We both laugh in joy as we speed after Maynard.
Clank: "Now if we could get away from this acid--"
Rivet cuts him off.
Rivet: "C'mon, Maynard! Let's find the Morts!"
We jump from the ledge of a stone path and enter into some kind of tunnel. We continue following Maynard as we try to avoid some obstacles.
Clank: "Look out!"
Byte: "Bark! Bark!"
Rivet steers her Speetle out of the way of the tail of some creature and I go the other way.
Rivet: "See? Sometimes I don't crash!"
I laugh at this and we suddenly get flung off of our Speetles. Thankfully, we land on some solid ground as Maynard speeds off.
Rivet: "No, no, no, no, no! Stop!"
Rivet growls, but stops as she sees my hand in front of her. She looks up at me.
Y/n: "I know I'm handsome, but just take my hand."
Rivet rolls her eyes, but with a smile this time and takes my hand. I pull her up which she thanks me for and dusts herself off.
Y/n: "No prob. Now come on. We got a robot to catch!"
I race forward with Ribet behind me as we get out of the cave we were flung into. In front of us was some kind of large building. However, there were some reptilian humanoids on jetpack flying nearby.
Rivet: "That's the Gelatonium Factory. I'm coming, Morts!"
She rushes forward and I chase after her to see who I assumed to be the leader of the group of reptilians. He was floating in front of a small alien, which I assumed was a Mort.
Reptilian Leader: "We didn't follow that Lombax and his robopet 'cross dimensions just to get stopped by some fuzzballs! So you got, like, nine and a half seconds to tell us where they're at!"
He aims his gun at the Mort who holds her hands up in fear.
Mort: "Ha-ha-hand on there now!"
"Hey! Leave them alone!"
The two turn to see me and Rivet running up to them. The reptilian I recognize as a Goon-4-Less, a group of goons that my father sent after me in my dimension. They're annoying.
Goon-4-Less: "Oh, great! More fuzzballs that we aren't looking for!"
I stop in my tracks before glaring at the Goon.
Y/n: "The fuck you call me?"
Goon-4-Less: "Ya heard me! Fuzzball!"
Y/n: "Fuzzball?!"
With an angered yell, I charge at the Goon and kick him, sending him crashing into a wall. I then take out my Omni-Tool and turn it into a double-sided Omni-Wrench, swinging it around and firing electrical blasts from it. I didn't even realize Rivet and Clank were watching me from the sidelines.
Clank: "Note to self, never anger Y/n."
Rivet: "Yeah, no kidding. He's got a pretty cool weapon, though."
Y/n: "DIE!"
Cries of pain and explosions result from the angry yell. Rivet and Clank watch in awe as I single handedly take out the Goons-4-Less. I swing my Omni-Wrench around and slams it into the face of Goon before slamming another's foot into the ground, making him cry out in pain before I roundhouse kick him. I then pull two towards me and then throw them into three others. I follows this by opening a portal that two Goons fall in and I open the other side of the portal in the air above the acid swamp, their cries of agony echoing through the swamp.
I turn to the remaining five Goons and shout at them. They all scream in fear and fly away, hoping to avoid their teammates' fates. I breathe heavily a bit before I calm down and turn to Rivet and Clank as Byte was still barking at the Goons.
Y/n: "You guys okay?"
Rivet: "Uh, y-yeah... Let's go get my friends."
I nod and follow the Lombax girl over to some hiding aliens. They all wore some kind of construction uniforms, and were overjoyed to see Rivet.
Rivet: "I'm so glad you guys are okay!"
Mort: "Us?! Oh, when we heard those fellahs were after a Lombax, we were worried about you! Next thing we know, your boyfriend here was savin' our behind."
Rivet: "Well, I'm just glad you guys are--... Boyfriend?!"
She turns to me with a blush and I only laugh as she tries to explain that we weren't a couple. Though waking up to her face every morning wouldn't be too bad. She's cute, and so far seems awesome. Just my type.
Mort: "Whatever you say, Rivet."
Rivet: *sighs and looks around* "Wait, where are the others?"
Mort: "Well... some'a the Morts are stuck inside'a that mess there."
She turns to point at the dimensional anomaly behind them.
Mort: "Not a clue what it is. All I know is it keeps gettin' bigger. Between that and our new neighbor in the sky, we are not doin' too fine."
The Mort points up and me and Rivet look up to see the Seekedpede flying around. Rivet sighs and turns back to Mort.
Rivet: "Don't worry. We'll take of it."
Y/n: "Yeah. Just leave it to me and my girlfriend."
I laugh at Rivet's cherry red face along with some of the Morts, and she looked even cuter. Why do so many girls look cuter when they're angry?
Rivet: *calming down* "Anyway... I have something to keep you Morts busy while I'm gone."
She takes a part from her bag and hands it to the Mort.
Y/n: "What's that?"
Rivet: "A ship part." *to Mort* "Got that at Zurkie's. Mort can finally fix that ship she's been working on."
Mort: "Zurkie's?! Oh, those pirates didn't give yah any trouble did they?"
Rivet: "Eh, only a little."
Mort: *hands part back* "You can give this to Mort yourself once you get her from that purple mess over there."
Y/n: "We got that covered, don't worry." *walks over to anomaly* "Come on, sweetheart! We got some Morts to save."
Rivet groans and follows me to the anomaly as the Morts chuckle and giggle. When we make it to the dimensional anomaly, Rivet tries to touch only to get zapped and pull her hand back.
Y/n: "You good?"
Rivet: "Yeah. But this is basically a huge 'do not enter'. How do we get through it?"
Clank: "May I take a look? I have some experience with dimensional anomalies."
Rivet: "I... sure."
Byte barks and I glance at him before looking back at Clank.
Y/n: "I think he wants to join you."
Clank: "Hmm. I do not see why not. I could use the help."
Y/n: "Great! Good luck, you two."
Me and Rivet turn our backs on tbe anomaly and Clank reaches for it with his hand while Byte leans his head closer to it. Then they both immediately go limp on our backs, and me and Rivet look at each other.
Rivet: "So... what now?"
Y/n: "I dunno. Any of the Morts have card games?"
The Dimensional Anomaly... (Clank's POV)
I stumble forward as I find myself on some platform. I had both of my arms and Byte was right next to me. Then we turn to see some kind of purple floating lizard mam who gasped when he saw us.
Floating Purple Lizard: "Greetings! Welcome!... How did you two get in here?"
Clank: "Where exactly is... um... here?"
Floating Purple Lizard: "Oh! You don't know? Well--! I don't either. It appears to be a space between dimensions."
Byte turned his head in curiosity, and the lizard goes to explain.
Floating Purple Lizard: "Could be nothing, could be a cascading entropic fissure that will soon turn the entire universe into a formless soup." *checks imaginary watch* "Time will tell."
Clank: "Oh. Oh, dear... Well, I am Clank, and this is Byte. Please allow us to help."
The lizard opens a book he had and began flipping through it.
Floating Purple Lizard: "Right, yes! Clank and Byte! I am the All-Seeing Cosmic Prophet of Interdimensional Sector 2-2-5-5, Phase Omega! Call me Gary."
Byte barks and wags his tail, making Gary gush. He mentions something about him being cute before turning back to his book.
Gary: "Ah, here we are! Byte here was created by his Lombax partner who was lonely, aided him in stealing from countless people and museums on tons of planets-- that's bad... --and recently broke his partner out of prison!"
I look at Byte who growled and snapped at me, making me put my hands up and turn back to Gary. He begins talking about me.
Gary: "Clank here is a former warbot, teamed up with the Lombax in his dimension, became a hero-- good for you! Ooh. Ooh! A friend of my father... I see."
I was confused.
Clank: "Your... father?"
Gary: "You two may be the ones I've been waiting for. Would you like to help me fix the dimensions?"
Clank: "You know how to fix the dimensions? And why are there copies of me and Byte running around?"
Gary: "They're your possibilities! The key to repairing this Anomaly, but you should first pick up that nearby sphere."
Gary points over to a red glowing object behind some boxes. I thank him and run towards them with Byte right behind me. He destroys the boxes and I grab tbe red sphere behind them.
Gary: "That is a Lift Sphere. It can reduce the gravity of any object it touches."
I nod and look around. Byte gets my attention and makes me look over at some kind of pad with a dent in it. I thank him and we run over to it, and I place tbe Lift Sphere in it. It shines red and gravity immediately lessens as we float into the air and over the ledge to another platform. I look to see my Possibilities doing the same and they run over to a tunnel with a purple light inside it.
Gary: "It seems that your Possibilities are what keeps this Anomaly from collapsing. They look like because that's how you interpret dimensionality, but as you you see, they've lost their way. If you keep bring them to the Meta-Terminals, you two will fix this Anomaly!"
Byte barks in excitement and runs to the Terminal. I chase after him and we are transported to another platform.
Clank: "I feel... as if things are slowly starting make sense. Dimensionally-speaking?"
Byte barks and runs over to a sphere similarly to the Lift Sphere, but it was green instead of red. I follow him and pick it up.
Gary: "Ah, a Speed Sphere! That'll get you moving."
Clank: "A Speed Sphere..." *notices barrier on other bridge* "I bet some extra speed could make quick work of that barrier."
Y/n's partner barks and snatches the Speed Sphere from my hands. I call out to him as I chase him to the bridge, only to watch him toss the Speed Sphere into a pad in front of the barriers I spotted. He runs through the green light emitting from the pad, gaining a similar glow and he runs right through the barriers. He turns to me and barks, making me smile as I run up to him.
Clank: "Good job, Byte."
He huffs a breath and I see a Lift Sphere behind him. I grab it and bring it over to the other pad while Byte takes tbe Speed Sphere as I ask where Gary leaves. He said Savali, some kind of planet that stores data and knowledge. Seemed like a fascinating planet.
Byte places the green sphere on the first pad and I put the red one on the second. We run through them and hover over to the platform that had the terminal we were supposed to go to. We look to see our Possibilities following, only to take a hard left and fall off the edge.
Clank: "Oh..."
I look around and see a green arrow on the ground. I then turn to see a green button nearby and assume it can help me. I walk over to it and step onto it, pressing it down and turning the arrow to face the terminal. The Possibilities go straight this time and go right into the terminal.
Gary: "Outstanding! You seem to be a natural at this, you two!"
Clank: "I am cautiously optimistic."
Byte barks happily.
Sargasso... (Rivet's POV)
Me and Y/n are sitting on the ground as we wait for Clank and Byte. After finding that none of the Morts had any card games, he suggested talking to pass the time. So we did. He was actually fun to talk to, and kinda funny. And for a thief, he was really nice to talk to. He seemed to be the most relaxed person I've ever met, which helped me relax even in the middle of this whole "multiverse ending" stuff.
Now if only he could stop with the flirting, it would be even better.
I heard a gasp behind me and a bark from Byte, and Y/n smiles as he grabs the robot from his back.
Y/n: "Byte! You're back with Clank! How'd you two do?"
A noise takes our attention and we turn to see the Anomaly shrinking into nothing. It reveals to us some more Morts working on a ship.
Mort: "So then I says, 'listen, Mort. You, Mort, and Mort better hide that lemonade before Mort shows up!"
I couldn't believe it! They were safe!
Rivet: "You saved them! How did you do that?"
Clank: "I... am uncertain. I don't think Byte knows either."
Y/n laughs at this as he pulled Byte back on his back. Mort walks up to me.
Mort: "Rivet! How the heck are yah?!"
Rivet: *smiles* "Look who it is!"
I walk up to her and we do our secret handshake. When we finished, I laughed a bit before speaking.
Rivet: "You would not believe my luck to today. My trip to Nefarious City went totally sideways..." *points at Y/n* "... dound this smooth talker, I wrecked my ship, and--"
Mort: "Ah, you on on an' leave that one to ol' Mort! Well, assumin' you brought that part I asked for?"
I smile as I pull out the ship part and hand it to Mort.
Mort: "I'll have this old thing in ship shape!"
I smile and nod as Mort tosses the part to Mort and they get to work. I then turn the bridge nearby.
Rivet: "Just gotta lower that bridge and then I'm taking you two to my hideout."
Y/n: "Alright. Let's go!"
I nod and we begin to make our way to the bridge.
Clank: "What are we going to do there?"
Y/n: "Yes, Rivet. What are we going to do there~?"
I turn to see Y/n's flirtatious smile and I blush.
Rivet: "Get your head out of the gutter. You will find out soon enough."
I hear Y/n laugh a bit and I feel my face heat up even more. Ah! Why is my stomach quesey?!
(Y/n's POV)
I laugh at Rivet's reaction and couldn't help but think how cute she was. Then we come across some more Goons-4-Less... and a huge dinosaur!
Y/n: "Whoa! What is that?!"
Rivet: "A Grunthor. This guy is gonna be hard to take down, especially with these morons all around us."
I look around at the Goons and then at the Grunthor. Then I turn to Rivet with a smirk.
Y/n: "Me and Byte will take care of this."
Rivet: "What? Are you crazy?!"
Y/n: "A teeny bit."
I admit as I walk towards the Grunthor and grab Byte. I look at him with a smirk, and he smirks back.
Y/n: "You know what to do, buddy!"
He barks and I toss him forward. He rolls on the ground like a ball before he sprouts giant legs! His torso grows as well and a giant tail forms, followed by a neck and head.
Rivet: "Whoa!"
I laugh as I take out my Omni-Tool and portal onto Byte's back. I turn my tool into an Omni-Hammer, and Byte glances back at me.
Y/n: "Let's do this! RAAAAAGH!"
Byte lets out an earth-shaking roar that catches the attention of the Grunthor. Byte charges at it, making the dinosaur roar and tear some rock up from the ground, throwing it at us. Byte only catches it in his jaws and crushes the rock before ramming into the dinosaur. It stumbles back but attacks back with a headbutt. It barely affects my partner, however, who slaps the Grunthor with his tail before bitting down on its neck. I then run up Byte's neck and jump off, swinging my Omni-Hammer into the Grunthor's face which makes it roar in pain.
I laugh as I land on the ground and look back up to see the Grunthor pry itself from Byte's jaws. Blood spills from its neck and it roars in anger. Then I hear gunfire and turn to see Rivet taking out the Goons. And she was during remarkable! She was like a warrior goddess with guns and a hammer! And she seems to have noticed my staring.
Rivet: "Well, I know I'm pretty, but you don't need to stare."
I roll my eyes and stand, and Rivet takes notice of my hammer.
Rivet: "I see you've copied my style."
Y/n: "Hard to copy when I did it first."
The Lombax girl swings around and knocks two Goons back with her hammer. She turns back to smirk at me.
Rivet: "Who's to say I didn't do it first?"
Clank: "I believe it would be preferable if you two stopped flirting and went back to fighting. Especially you, Y/n. You still have that dinosaur to take care of."
Y/n: "What dinosaur?"
As if the universe wanted me to remember, the Grunthor Byte was fighting fell beside me. I look at it and notice that it was only the head, and that the body was somewhere else.
Y/n: "Oh. That dinosaur."
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