Word of advice
This is going to sound really cheesy but here it goes:
1. Don't judge someone from when you first meet them, I can't name the amount of times I've HATED someone and then they became one of my closest friends at a point.
2. Just because someone is mad at you, it doesn't mean they hate you, Anger is a normal emotion and sometimes people say stuff they don't mean. Just last them cool off, and try talking to them again. In a way, a friend getting mad at you can sort of be taken as a compliment. I know that if I'm friends with someone I usually push stuff away instead of getting mad at them if that makes any sense. But like my besties, Not_A_Monster and Dancer22404 , I have gotten angry at them both, (most of the time it was over text and they didn't know), and the reason is I'm comfortable enough with them that I can get angry but I always cool down cause I can't stay mad at those adorable knuckle heads for long, (love you guys)
3. Don't have serious conversations over text. I hate texting. I'm super bad at it and feel really awkward. You also can't see a persons facial expression or body language, which I rely on heavily during a conversation. I can say in the past there have been a lot of misunderstandings because of people saying things over text as a joke, but I having no idea that they were joking and me getting upset. I'm not saying more then that because it's kind of personal. Anyway I've talked with the person and we're good ❤️.
4. Make sure to check up on your friends often. Even if they seem fine, there is most likely a lot on their minds. I've kinda learned the hard way about not doing that. On a related note, don't forget to let your friends know that you love them. Sometimes on a bad day the occasional, "love ya ❤️" from a friend can brighten the day.
5. Venting is ok. I still have to learn that myself. As long as a person is ok with you venting, then it's good, AS LONG as you let them vent back.
6. Friendships and relationships take work. You should be able to be yourself 110% with your friends, but needless to say sometimes it's up to you to change. NOW BEFORE YOU START YELLING HEAR ME OUT. I don't mean change entirely. You friends should like you for you, and you should always stay true to yourself, but what I mean is, say your friends dog just died. You would most likely avoid the subject of pets for awhile. That's not changing who you are, but it's making adjustments to your normal self to accommodate your friend. Same with other stuff. If your friend doesn't like certain words, then you might want to make somewhat of an effort to not say that word as much, (like personally, I don't like the n word, the r word and the f word, not f***, but the other one, although some reason, every once in a while someone cussing when angry stressed me out, anyway), I am no way suggesting you change yourself for your friends to like you, I'm simply saying take your friends wants into account.
7. The more you put yourself in uncomfortable situations the easier it gets, (within reason obviously). For example, I used to have really bad stage fright, but the more I sang in front of People, the easier it got, I still get nervous but I'm prepared for how my body will react, (possible blanking, shakey voice, I need more air) and it gets easier every time.
8. Admit when you need help. Yeah.... I really don't do this... like I don't know why but ever since I was younger I never liked asking teachers for help, and that's gotten better, but admitting I need help with other things, yeah not so easy.
9. Your parents are not always right. Now you should mind your parents, but even though they don't believe it, the can't see the future, and things ARE different then when they were a kid. Some things are the same, but a lot of things are different. So if you have family that's like, "your not going to make it as an astronaut, you should do something like a teacher or something" DONT LISTEN!! If you have the drive you can do ANYTHING you want to in life. EVERY SINGLE JOB Is Competitive. You are going to have to work hard no matter what job you want, so you might as well work hard in something you enjoy.
10. Ok last thing, ALWAYS watch the stage version of a musical before the movie, I'm not saying every movie adaption is bad, but at least with, Newsies and Rent, watch the stage version. (If you ever need help tracking down a stage version hit me up, newsies is on Netflix and rent, the 2008 closing cast, is on YouTube)
Ok thank you for listening to my rants this actually makes me feel better, so I'll probably come up with another part. Ok, thank you!
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