What was that noise?
"COUS! YOU SCARED ME! What was that noise?" Jocelyn asked slightly scared. "The wind." Her cousin replied not caring. "Oh-OK..." Jocelyn said still jumpy. Jocelyn went back up the stairs and went to bed.
"Hey Jocelyn, come on." Jocelyn hears Briana call out for her. Jocelyn grabs her bags and runs out side. "HEY!HEY! I'M HERE!" She screams. "Then get in the car." Briana says looking annoyed. "Hey! Finally! We've been calling you for a couple minutes." Kyra said. Leionna and Briley were on their phones not paying attention. "Let's go." Briana said driving off to her house.
"Welcome to my house." Briana says. "Well-ER-Not-Mine fully..."She says. She sees a person in a blue hoodie. Not impressed. "Sorry...Thomas..."(Please go in the comments and tell me if you know this character) She says with guilt.
Briley's POV
"...No." Is all I say. Looking at the man who has no eyes."GO HOME!!!!" I scream. Leionna stairs at me like I just killed somebody. "Briley, are you ok?" Leionna ask me. "JACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I scream with rage. "Go home E.J" Briana says. E.J shakes his head no. "...REALLY?!" I scream. He runs before I try to get my dad. "Ha!" I laugh at my victory.
Kyra's POV
I look out the window. I see someone or something. "Hey, girls. I think there's a person and he's got a red hoodie on." I tell them. I see Briana call someone. "What do you want Idiot?" She asked annoyed. "WHO IS THAT BRIANA?!" I scream scared because he had a gun in the frame. "WAIT BRIANA IS YOUR NAME?!" The man screams I see the title and it says 'Brian' "...We don't talk about today. Go ask Toby about my name." She says hanging up. "SHUT UP NO ONE SPEAKS ABOUT TODAY!!!!!!"Briana screams and gives me and the girls a house tour.
Briana's POV
I look at the clock.'NO NO NO! NOT NOW!' I look at the door. 'Think- OF COURSE!' I had just got an idea. "Hey, girls. I got to go. I just want to say, some rules before I go. 1.Don't go in my room.2.Don't go in that closet,"I said pointing at it they nod. "3.Stay in the rooms that don't have a sign on them.4.Basement and Attic off limits.5.You get to pick your own rooms. Well, goodbye, My friends I'll be back in- Two or more days."I tell them and run.'WHY NOW WHY NOW?!?!' I look around. "Hello, Master Mind." Oh no.
Jocelyn's pov for now and on.
The girls and me start to explore the place respecting Bria's rules. I see a picture of her and some men. '5 men....5 rules...5....Why the number five?' I ask my self. I look at the clock... 5...HEY WOAH WOAH WOAH IS THIS SOME BLACK MAGIC BULL CRAP?! BECAUSE I AIN'T HAVING THAT! "Hey girls! Look! Its some tapes of Briana back in middle school!" Briley screams we sit down and watch the tape.
"Tom! Tommy! Calm down! It was a joke!"I see the boy who was on Briana's phone earlier. "NO ITS NOT!" The boy in blue screams.
We hear a loud thump. Coming from the closet Briana said not to go in. "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"We all scream as we see-
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