Ch.6 Painful Truth
Everything hurts. Like a lot. Looking up at the ceiling I could tell I was in the Cait Shelter Infirmary in one of the beds. Thinking back now the last thing I really remember was Wendy calling my name.
You gave us all quite a scare there you know
Carla? What are you doing here?
You didn't expect me not to make sure you were alright did you? Wendy hasn't left your side once since we got back here with the others which also makes my job of keeping an eye on the pair of you easier
What? Sitting up I looked down at the infirmary bed to find a dark blue haired sky dragon slayer sleeping with her head at the foot of my bed gripping the blanket with her hand tightly. I guess I really gave Wendy a scare back there.
So about that form you took back with Nirvana, that wasn't Nirvana's doing was it...
Agh I forgot about that. While being overwhelmed with Nirvana's power I went crazy and tried to kill everyone. Everyone meaning Wendy and Carla saw to. Looking away as I gripped the blanket tightly I felt guilty and fear start to eat at me as Carla stared at me waiting for an answer that was to disgusting for me to even admit. Not being able to get anything out I felt movement by my legs as brown eyes fluttered open and locked with mine, a smile took over the owners face which had my mind hoping that ment in some magical way Wendy didn't see my other form but...
Your ok! Thank goodness I was so scared....
Ya I know, sorry you had to see me like that... I tried my best to keep it together for you but looks like I screwed up and showed you what I really am, very messed up and most definitely a freak-
No your not! I-I wasn't scared of you, I was scared for you that you'd get hurt or the other's would hurt you… your not a freak or monster your Jyugo of Cait Shelter
Wendy's right plus now you can help Wendy when in battle without worrying about her fearing you isn't that right
Feeling my eyes begin to water I bowed my head as the two looked at me with warm smiles, what do I ever do to find such nice people all the time? You'd think I'd learn the first time but I guess I still doubt myself a little when it comes to others' opinions of me.
The other's came back with us here and are getting changed into some of our garments! Are you feeling well enough to walk around?
Ya I'll be fine
Don't push yourself child
Getting up from the bed I finally took notice of how many bandages and such were actually on me and I couldn't help but laugh a little. When I got these injuries I have no idea as it could have happened at anytime without my notice, I tend to almost kill myself a lot.
Carla and I are going to go check on the other's and make sure there doing ok but come out when your all changed ok?
Kay… thanks again guys
Watch the two leave me for privacy I took it slow as I got up before getting to putting on my now clean prison uniform, tying the arms around my waist then slipped on my black long sleeve shirt that had a bit of a V-neck which took me about 20 minutes to get all on due to having a little trouble getting dressed. Yup still have a hard time doing anything other than unlocking things. Leaving the infirmary everyone was gathered outside in the middle of town, joining the crowd and meeting up with Wendy who I gave a happy smile to as other members from our guild patted my back and congratulated us on our return and success I slowly smiled as it did feel good to still be accepted.
First off I'd like to thank Fairy Tail, Blue Pegasus, Lamia Scale, not to mention Wendy, Jyugo, and Carla, I commend your efforts and not only defending the Oración Seis but also saving our village from Nirvana's wrath. Speaking as a representative of our dear guild I Roubaul give you our deepest thank you, nabura we are in your debt
We were happy to help you Master Roubaul! A hard one victory against a ferocious opponent but from the deepest darkest pits of despair light shines down on us! It was the bright and warm glow of true friendship! We followed it all the way to victory!
Ren, Eve, & Hibiki
Well said Master!
Hey we deserve a victory party!
Aya sir!
Party sounds great!
Please keep your clothes on!
So is the Cait Shelter guild feeling up to getting down?
Eve, Ren, & Hibiki
Oh yes oh yes oh yes!
Heh oh yes! Oh-
...This just got awkward....
Everyone freezing as the rest of the Cait Shelter Guild stayed silent while everyone had been cheering Roubaul's face grew stiff.
I am truly sorry I've neglected to inform you about the Nirvit tribe people, please accept my senseless apology
Well it's not like it's going to stop us from partying
But will listen to whatever your about to say, right?
Aya sir
It's alright Master you don't have to tell us if you don't want to
It is important I ask that everyone please listen very closely to the tail I'm about to tell, first let me clear the air about something. The truth is we are not descendants of the Nirvit people
Your not?
Indeed... the Nirvit built Nervana themselves, and many years ago 400 to be exact I Roubaul created and fashioned it by my own hands
By you?!
I don't… understand
400 years ago?
I thought if my dream of Nirvana was made reality I could end the war destroying the world, changing the morality of those whose mind was set on the destruction of others. We made our home there and took great joy in what we accomplished, we were a shining beacon of light in the dark world. However even with our best intentions with each action there is a negative and positive reaction, Nirvana didn't get rid of the darkness but absorbed it so to speak. The world strives for balance and order and both light and dark need each other, both born from one another
Ya that's how it played out for us
All the worlds evil taken from those whose hearts where black was transferred to the peace loving Nirvit
I-It was?
It was a nightmare, engulfed in rage and hatred we slaughtered each other until no one was left standing. It's quite true for I am the only survivor, then again survivor is a little misleading and trust me my body cease to function many years ago what you see before you now is a projection of the man I once was. As punishment for committing such sins my powerless Spirit has been stationed over my creation for 400 years keeping my weary eyes open for the one who could at last destroy Nirvana and consign it to the pages of History, and now my post can be vacated for that person has been found
For real your dead? As in a… a ghost?
No… why didn't you tell me?
You can't just leave us!
Wait everyone's? Seriously!
E-Everyone's disappearing right in front of our eyes!
Why are you doing this please don't gooooo!
I've deceived you Wendy… Jyugo... and for that I'm sorry, all your fellow guild members were spector's, they were nothing but illusions
Are you kidding me!
That takes powerful creation magic for them all to have their own personalities
For many years I lived in this deserted village alone always keeping a watchful eye over Nirvana until one day when a boy came to me with a companion needing help. His eyes burned with sincerity that I simply had no choice but to take the little girl in, I had resigned myself to a solitary existence but there she was. I filled the village with apparitions so she wouldn't be alone
So you created an entire guild just for Wendy?
No one I care about is a real person! How could you do something so cruel to me master!
Calm down my dear neither you, Carla or Jyugo need those imaginary friends. Your surrounded by real friends who care for you, a bright future awaits you embrace it with open arms you three
Only able to take a step forward as Wendy went running towards Master Roubaul who was disappearing like all the other illusions I felt a pain shooting through me but it was deep in my heart and not one of my wounds.
To each and everyone of you I wish you all the best, I know I can leave Wendy, Carla, and even Jyugo in your hands
The guild marks on both me and Wendy started to fade away as she cried sorrowfully into the sky. Pushing myself forward with heavy legs dragging me down I slowly approach Wendy as she collapsed to the ground then slowly moved to kneeling beside her to which she quickly hid her face in my side as she cried heavily and I couldn't help but start to feel slightly betrayed in some ways. Not long after that I felt a hand rest on my shoulder as I looked out to where the Master once stood.
I know all too well what it's like to lose a loved one… but it'll heal...
Wendys body pulled away from me as she turned toward the red haired wizard while lightly holding my arm while all I could do was sit there. Thinking now what was actually real at the prison, the man with the scar.
Come with us... to Fairy Tail...
(End of chapter)
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