Ch.4 Nirvana
(So here the next chapter! I am still unsure about this strange crossover I have made but this is one I really do find adorable as Jyugo himself is in it and that boy is just the cutes~ Don't know of I can but other than Killua Zoldyck, Rin Okumura, and Karma Akabane, Jyugo is one of my fav anime children~ Anyway enjoy and hope it's not to bad.)
Wow that's a real light show. Looking at the beam of light I let out a whistle or the closest thing to a whistle meaning me saying the word Ooooooooooooo in a high voice then smiled.
Preeeetty flashy
That's got to be it, Nirvana
Seriously?! But how'd the Oración Seis beat us to the punch
That pillar of light… I know Jalals there!
Hold on don't just run off without telling us what's happening!
This this is all b-because of me
You did what you needed to so don't feel to bad Wendy
I-I did this though
We have to go after Natsu
Why what's happening?
I can explain later!
Aaaaaaaaa! Erza has gone missing, she didn't even thank Wendy how rude!
This is all my fault, if I hadn't healed him! If I hadn't have, it's my fault! Erza disappeared and Natsu ran off and it's all my-
A blast being sent Wendy way by Hibiki her body flew into the air at her painted shocked scream to which I quickly rushed to catch her before she fell to the ground then growled out at the attacker. What the hell is wrong with these people!
What the hell man!
I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you, she's going to be just fine I just knocked her out but we have to get moving I'll explain on the way!
Growling I followed after the guy as we all started running through the forest glaring at his back the entire time. I could hear Nirvana in the distance and the sky still looked like the world was ending but I pressed on as I stumbled slightly in my run but kept from falling and dropping Wendy.
You better start talking now!
We've got to catch up with Natsu and Erza, keep running till we reach the light!
Why should we listen to you? I get Wendy can be abit of a whiner but that's no reason to strike her with your magic!
Not cool dude!
I did it because I had to, I haven't been completely honest I know a lot more about Nirvana then I originally let on
Great so your keeping life threatening information from us great team skills there pretty boy
I had to because of the nature of the magic, I couldn't say a word even just mentioning it now is risky it might put us in danger. That's why guild Master Bob only told me about it, Mr.Ichiya, Eve and Ren have no clue about it
So what did he tell you?
Nirvana is something that's a terrifying magic like no other it alone has the ability to turn light into darkness or dark into light
Are you serious?!
It can switch them?
That sounds like some creepy mind control stuff
Very similar yes but switching light from dark or dark to light doesn't happen until its final stage. The first thing it does when it's been unsealed is to shoot up a black beam just like the one in front of us then it goes in search of those who are weak switching anyone wavering between light and dark to the opposite alignment. A good guy feeling down will instantly swap to the darkness
That's why you knocked Wendy out
Still doesn't excuse the fact you attacked her
She was feeling guilty for what she did and that was a risk
Is anger a negative emotion? If so Natsu's in trouble!
I'm not sure, normally yes but his angers for someone else so it's hard to say
Me and Wendy really shouldn't have come here this is all way too much for the both of us. Running towards the light breathing heavily I pushed forward for Wendy's sake as there was no running now. Hibiki explained slightly further but I knew enough and chose to focus on the task at hand, protecting Wendy through all of this and the guild. The power of Nirvana being able to control people against their will made my blood boil, nobody should be able to do such things. Nobody. Running towards a river of sort the entire group halted in confusion at seeing Gray and Natsu on a raft, Gray about to kill Natsu in cold blood with a sickening look on his face. Ok really what's wrong with these people?!
Sagittarius! Stop Gray!
Yes my lady!
A man dressed in a horse costume shouted as he appeared out of nowhere then aimed a shot of arrows at Grays lance shattering it in his hands stopping his actions and looking to the horse man the only thing that hit my mind was… cosplay?
Nice shot
What's the matter with you Gray! Your taking this way too far unless he ate your fish!
Don't give him an out!
I don't know eating someone's food can he a huge crime from my experience, Rock lost his shit when Uno took one of his sushi rolls.
Can you guys be any more annoying mind your own business, I'll deal with the rest of you once I'm done with him! So keep you mouths shut
Is this Nirvana? Has that thing already switched one of us to the dark side
Hang on buddy I'm coming for ya-
Happy can only carry one person he doesn't have any combat skills, that's all the info Grey has on the pest
Your not making any sense at all
He's got plenty of info on Lucy, a newcomer to Fairy Tail definitely easy on the eyes he likes the whole package
Should I be hearing this?
Kinda acting like a robot there buddy
A member of Cait Shelter who came with Wendy Marvell the sky dragon slayer to help defeat the Oración Seis Jyugo, Gray finds his eyes to be very eye catching but has learned he is a very slow runner, other then that he knows little to nothing about him how annoying
Hey! I'm not that slow I just can't run for that long without needing a chance to catch my breath
...Lucy is the one with the most knowledge about her known to Gray… oh she's a celestial wizard is that so!
Getting attacked by an ice spell Hibiki used his magic to block the attack and the ice mage continued to ramble about info on everyone to which started to just sound strange. What the hell?!
Were wasting time we should just knock out the fool so we can be on our way
Who the heck are you! Your not Gray so show yourself!
Giving a dark laugh the now not Grays face smirked then in a poof of smoke changed into being the blond girl while giving a mischievous smile.
Ok I'm officially lost
You've got to be kidding me we know your not the real Lucy so you might as well show us your true form
Not Lucy
Oh I'll show you I'm as real as that bumbo just watch
Seeing what the copy of Lucy was doing as she reached for her shirt a blush covered my face as I held Wendy but I didn't see anything as Carla flew up and covered my eyes.
Dear me, children are watching I'll have you know! Think about what kind of examples your setting for these two you floozy
But that's not me!
Not Lucy
Sorry it's only going to get worse from here on out because now I know exactly which keys your holding, Sagittarius take them out!
What? Quickly getting picked up by Carla as we left into the air away from everyone I barely had time to see what was happening down below as we flew out of danger.
Take Wendy and Jyugo out of here hurry!
I was just waiting for you to say that
We can't just split up can we?
We can and we are, I must say though Jyugo that I'm highly disappointed in you for not trying to look away when that look alike began to lift her shirt
Hey I was in shock ok!
You seem to be in shock a lot lately perhaps when Wendy is able she might take a look at you
She's right. Looking away I looked down at the forest we were flying over thinking over my actions so far. Everyone has been fighting with everything they've got and all I've done is stand around or hide under cover but.......I don't want Wendy or Carla to know what I really am. What a monster I can be and what these shackles really are. I don't want her to be scared of me and I don't want to lose them. Damit why am I so useless! Coming to a good landing spot Carla set us down and I layed Wendy onto the ground gently as I tried not to feel guilty. I really haven't done much since getting here but I can't think that way unless I want to let that beam affect me. Wendy started to wake not to long after we landed I helped her sit up as she came to with a sad face and collecting herself.
Maybe I shouldn't have joined the alliance
Child stop beating yourself up it wasn't your fault
I know it was
Your playing with fire Nirvana could change your heart at any moment
I should of helped Lucy and the others fight
You know as well as I that if you had stayed you'd only be in the way, same for Jyugo
See we should of just stayed home
Ya I don't see anything good of us being here neither of us can actually defend ourselves
Both of you stop it now! Wendy if you hadn't been here the world would of lost Erza and Jyugo you've been saving Wendy none stop everytime she needs you and have been there for her to relay on since the day you two met!
But we both helped in there aid to find Nirvana
Is that all so bad you seemed fairly happy to see that Jalal guy Wendy and while your on that subject mind explaining?
It's nothing personal it all happened before I met you and Jyugo so you guys wouldn't know. I meet him 7 years ago after Dragdeana disappeared, he found me all alone and said he was all alone too so let me go with him on his journey. We travel together from that day on, then one day he started acting strange. He told me he had to leave me alone after he dropped me off at a guild and I've been in Cait Shelter ever since
What happened after that?
I heard good and bad rumors about him later on and some I just couldn't believe at all, so silly he would never do such horrible things. I wonder if he even remembers me anymore
People aren't always what they seem Wendy, looking away guiltily I knew I couldn't hide what I was forever and one of these days Wendy and Carla would find out. The beam of light grew stronger as it shot into the air painting the sky red and soon the earth began to shake as a building began to raise from the earth knocking us into the air as we both let out a surprised scream.
Are you serious!
Reaching for Wendy in the air locking our hands I pulled her towards me and held her to my body as she hid her face in my chest.
Jyugo your arm!
Holding Wendy to my side I raised an arm up and opened my hand to which I felt Carla's paws securely hold onto and keep us from falling to which we both let out a sigh of relief, watching the earth rumble beneath us.
Thanks Carla
Ya thanks… what's that over there?
Could that be Nirvana?
Flying towards the large structure we both let out a breath we had been holding as we looked at the ancient city on large legs.
Hey Carla we should go help out to
Of course
The large building quickly began to start moving through the forest walking on all of its spider legs and destroy everything it stepped upon to which we knew wouldn't end well if we hit a town or city. Quickly landing as I could tell Carla was losing strength we set down as she then collapsed onto the ground.
You ok?
Ah! I'm sorry I couldn't do more
It's fine but now that we've arrived at what do you two even plan to do? Wait… your trying to find Jalal aren't you Wendy!
I'm not-well maybe, but this thing does have to be stopped so maybe now that we're here we can do something to make that happen!
This thing might have a control panel or something I can break into so that's something I might be able to help with?
Ya! Um Carla is something the matter
W-Well I might be wrong but... if it continues going the way it is now very soon it will trample right over the home of the Cait Shelter Guild
Are you serious! Can we get a break!
Standing up I gave a sigh then looked towards the highest point in the city. The leaders probably up there controlling everything so that's where I need to be. Explosions started going off all over the city along with fire and red and black shots of power probably from the pink haired guy. An unholy like scream or roar soon range out which made both me and Wendy cover our ears then look around.
What the hell was that!
I don't know but we better hurry!
Right, running through the old forgotten city taking many twists and turns we jumped and climbed over rubble all over as more crashes and booms could be heard off in the distance. We haven't run into any of the Oración Seis yet and might be able to make it to the control panel without even having to fight so at least that was something good. Coming to a sudden stop at that thought I gritted my teeth.
Huh? Jyugo what's wrong?
Wendy you should go towards those explosions and help everyone out, I'll go towards the controls and see what I can do up there
Are you crazy! You can't go one your own you can't even really defend yourself if you engage in a fight!
Carlas right! We should stick together!
I'll be fine! Now go help the other's we don't have time for this!
Turning my back and running ignoring there shouts I sharpened my gaze as I looked up at the high pillar. I can't be around Wendy if I plan on fighting or need to and if I can somehow stop this thing from up there then it doesn't matter what happens to me! Everyone at Cait Shelter treats me like family and fill me with confidence in myself everyday and every time I start doubting my capabilities they constantly convince me I'm amazing... I won't let some crazy lunatics take that from me, not ever.
(Back at Cait Shelter)
Everyone going into a panicked as they saw Nirvana approaching the guild without slowing down at all and they all turned to their master who was drinking from a large bottle after ignoring the glass he just poured for himself.
Guild member
Master what do we do!
Pfff w-what! Don't tell me that infernal thing is headed our way!
He spoke as his liquor spilt out his mouth him having not even bothered swallowing before speaking.
Aaaaaaaaaaa! Will you please swallow before you speak Master!
Nirvana has set it's destructive eye upon us could this be fate or coincidence nabara
Palm tree hair guy
If the coalition failed what do you think happened to Wendy and Jyugo?
Bald guy
Don't know, not sure the answer to that question would sit well with any of us
"Gulp gulp gulp gulp"
Fear not the magic inside us is alive and well! It shall lead us to victory!
Mask guy
Still this doesn't feel like a coincidence
Palm tree guy
At this point someone figured out what we are
Mask guy
That's why they're coming for us
It is fate nabura
Guild members
For as long as I've known you I still don't even know what nabura means?
Everyone inside the guild began to chat among themselves fearful and asking the master if they should flee but the master would have none of it as his patients grew thin.
Fools! Have you all forgotten there are wizards out there working to keep us safe! We must not dishonor them by running away!
"Gulp gulp gulp gulp"
Trust me I know it's hard to keep faith in the swarm of fear but we all knew our transgressions would catch up with us one day....
(Back with Jyugo his prov)
Looking at the large area gritted my teeth as I saw no control panel other than an empty area. Shit there doesn't seem to be any secret control panel anywhere up here! I need to think maybe if I hurry to the lower part they might of hid a secret room where a power source night be. Changing root I shot off to the lower ground of Nirvana's area in a last attempt at being useful to which I took notice of alot of large blue orbs of crystals. Each one 6 in all seemed to be a power source laid out all over down here but we're all connected, I could hear the building beginning to shake again and the crystal began to glow suggesting to me it was possible about to fire at Cait Shelter so I jumped into action. Changing one of my arms into a blade as I jumped up I slashed at the crystal with a large amount of force to which it cracked and things seemed to quiet only for a second as I landed on the floor before the crystal began to repair itself. Shit these things being connected probably fix each other every time one breaks! I need to find a way around this, running while following the connecting wires and tubes along the walls connecting each lacrama I noticed a few straying tubs going away from the other's that all the other crystals seemed to have. Follow there trail into the heart of Nirvana's body my eyes widened and I bit my lip as I saw a huge black and white crystal sitting in the center of the large room. There's a 7th Lacrama… probably a backup system of sorts for emergencies but it was still a problem and a huge one at that.
Do you read me, someone anyone respond! Please let me know your ok!
I know that voice
What the hell why am I hearing voices in my head?
Jyugo your alright thank goodness!
Erza, Wendy, and Jyugo good to know you're alright
Just to let you know, I'm alive but not doing quite well
Master Ichiya, good to hear from you
I can't believe it I hadn't expected to see the magic bomber fly again
Nor did I
How'd you get it flying?
Hard work and corporation, Eve, Lyon, Cherry, and Ren are all working hard to keep this thing flying but we won't hold for long, I didn't think we our attack would do much in stopping it from firing but I guess it did
Ya maybe but it was more me than you
What do you mean Jyugo?
I found 6 lacrimas down here all connected to one another and when I tried to destroy one the others repaired it
That's the other thing those legs on Nirvana aren't actually legs there tubes that are sucking up the earth's energy and using it to power itself. The 6 lacrimas need to all be destroyed simultaneously if we wish to stop this thing before it fires again
Sorry but you forgot the backup system lacrama
I found another lacrama down here making it 7 but this one is bigger and seems like a backup power for emergencies
This isn't good, ok here's the plan! I'll give each of you guys a sinked timer for 20 minutes, exactly when the next blast will be I know you guys can do it
Care to wager a bet!
Who's there!
It's that Zero guy!
The creep who kidnapped me and Wendy? Isn't his name Brain?
How was he able to hijack my telepathy?!
I am Zero master of the Oración Seis! Brain is no more, first of all I never suspected there might be other Wizards capable of archive magic like Brain
Archive must have been what Brain used
I've already destroyed three of your friends! An Ice mage, a dragon slayer, a celestial mage, and a blue cat
He got Natsu and the others!
What they ever do to you!
Did I hear you say something about destroying Nirvana's lacrama simultaneously? Well you can try but I'm standing right in front of one of them and I have no intention of leaving ahahaha! As long as I'm here It will be impossible to destroy all 6 at once! As for the back up lacrama if you try and break that one it will stop the entire thing but you'd have to break it at the same time as the others and not die from its defensive system which would be suicide! Give up now children
What Jyugo don't break that one you'll die!
Our telepathically connection has been cut of from Zero
We must split up and destroy all 7 of the lacrama
Your forgetting that we don't have enough wizards to go through with your plan!
That means.....Oh no I can't fight I'm sorry I can't help you
Everyone started to talk as I looked at the large lacrama in front of me and I began to look around for a way not to die while taking the thing down as electricity zapped around it, energy building up around it dangerously from the other lacrama. This is gonna be tricky.
Please we need to know who can help!
We can help
Destroy all 7 at one time
So who's fight Zero?
I numbered the lacrama so split up and chose a number!
I'll take one!
Guess I'll take three
I'll take number four, I can tell where it is from its parfum
You mean the map inside your head
My honey why must you make a fool out if me!
I can take number five
Erza your ok!
That leaves me with number-
That leaves you with number six
Whose voice was that!
I can take the seventh one due to me already being in front of it
Jyugo… please-
The connection cut and I gave a sigh as the clock in my head started counting down and I readied myself activating my second blade on my other arm then look a deep breath in as I tried to steady myself. This is it, I need to save Cait Shelter and everyone there. From looking it over I didn't see anyway to take it apart or turn it off other than breaking the crystal at the same time as the others… if I die then that's just how things are, the guys will be ok without me… and the man with the scar… I'll hunt him down in my next life and the one after.
What a monstrous creature... I'm sorry but I can't let you destroy this last peace of Nirvana's life, bow down before me or I will be forced to use what I feel is needed to protect this place....
(End of chapter. Well I guess Jyugo might not have to go back to Nanbaka if he dies! Not saying it's a plus but it's something, he really did only want a quiet nap before he got swiped away into all of this.)
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