Ch.3 No More Running Please!
No doubt about it that's Wendy The Maiden Of The Sky, oh? Well will you look at that I believe The Skeleton Key To The World is also with her I must say we have been blessed with our findings today
What's that even mean
I was going to ask you
Don't look at me I don't know
I mean maiden of the sky sounds cool I suppose but skeleton key to the world? I feel like the guys would be laughing there ass off hearing that. Looking to Wendy who held her head as she crouched down onto the ground in fear I grew serious and cleared my head.
Grab them!
The Brain guy shouted as his staff shot out a green hand like thing that shot right at us and grabbed us both making Wendy scream and be to become suprised. Huh wasn't expecting that... not like I can cut my way out with Wendy being squishy beside me.
Wendy! Unhand them now!
Carla help me!
I'll save you!
No rush
Wendy stretching out to grab Carla's paw at the cats damand but grabbed some how grabbed a blue one by accident resulting in grabbing the blue cat instead. Still not being able ti do anything to safe we were pulled into a green swirly vortex to which I lost sight of the others and Carla. Getting throwed into a cave with Wendy and the blue cat we all gave a yelp as we fell onto the cold stone floor.
Back to being a prisoner then
Hey don't be so rough! She's just a little girl you know!
Happy... Jygou are you alright?
My ass hurts from being thrown on the floor but other then that sure
What's your deal throwing kids around huh!
The blue cats face being grabbed as the Brain guy picked him up I moved infront of Wendy with a glare as the cat struggled.
Let hin go!
The guy giving a glare at the cat he gave an annoyed huff as he chucked the cat harshly to the ground to which Wendy gasped and ran over to him as I sent daggers the guys way who didn't look fazed at all. I'd seriously wouldn't mind cutting both this guys arms off right now.
What's the deal I don't get why these two kids are so important
Do they have something to do with Nirvana?
They don't seem that special to me
Are they worth money! Your going to sell them to the highest bidder right! Oh ya!
You do realize cash isn't the awnser to everything right
Well I think money can by everything, even love
Give me a break
The girl uses something called sky magic, it gives her the power to heal others
Hows that even possible!
Isn't it a lost magic?
Many practices were lost long ago
Oh ya I can practically smell the money
And the boy?
He has a certain skill that makes him practically able to unlock anything and solve any puzzle
Huh nifty but what's the use of healing magic and a human lockpick for us-wait you don't mean-
They are the key, with them we shall revive him!
What are you talking about!
Look if your asking me to help you then forget it! I'd never do anything for you!
Talk about a bunch of creeps
I mumbled to myself as Wendy moved behind me with Happy in her arms held tight.
Yes you will, these no doubt in my mind you won't because once you find out who it is you'll be more then happy to help. Racer bring him to me at once
Will do boss but it's so far that it'll take me an hour to get there and back
No matter
I see once he's revived well be able to find Nirvana in no time, you really do your mind proud sir
Cobra, Hoteye, Angel, I want you continue the search for Nirvana
But why? We should continue the search after he's been revived
Come on you guys should just tell us who your trying to bring back!
I'd prefer to stay on the side of caution, me and Midnight will stay here
Sometimes tells me he won't make very good company
Alright guys I guess we better get going
You all want to race me? The first to find Nirvana-
Will get a mountain of one million jewel oh ya count me in
Don't you think a million is a bit much?
Be honest with me you two don't really have any idea what these creeps are talking about do you?
No sorry
Not a clue. Hey creepy dude what does this Nirvana thing even do?
Its incredibly powerful, it swaps light for darkness
But I don't understand why?
Me neither it doesn't make any sense
Great why does all of this make my head want to spin. Feeling kinda dragged down by the entire situation I let a sigh escape my lips as I looked around the small cave lit by nothing but candles. A table with food was in the room and the Brain guy and sleeping carpet guy was also here but I didn't see any other way out other then the entry way of the cave which was blocked by the two dark guild members.
You ok Wendy?
Uh y-ya just a little scared
Don't be if they try anything harmful I'll take care of things
Wendy looked at me questioningly but gave a small smile after looking into my eyes then nodded her head while also stopping her shaking. We waited in the room for about an hour before the Racer guy came back with a large purple coffin covered in chains and locks then set it down infront of us with a thud.
Sorry it took so long things so heavy it took forever for me to get back hear, I always thought I was fast but after that trip I'm starting to doubt myself
Let me assure you Racer that there isn't anyone who can come even close to matching your speed
What is that?
Its a coffin!
It's time you two are you ready to use your abilities to save the man inside?
No I told you I wasn't going to help you! I don't want to do it and you can't make me!
Ya shove it old man!
Ya beat it meany
I'm sorry have I forgotten to mention you have no choice in the matter! Now boy this coffin is sealed shut by unlockable locks by the magic council, you will open it or I'll smash the blue cats skull in! I've heard of the small whispers of your skill so unlock this coffin or the cat dies
Great this is all ending up just perfect. I could try fighting our way out with my blades and Wendys sky magic but due to being in such a small space cave It'd probably just cave in and kill us all. I'd have to play along till I get an opening. Giving a sigh I stood up to Wendy's confusion as the Brain guy stood aside.
Fine give me some space
Looking at the strange looking mechanism all over the thing I gave a sigh then raised my hand over one of the locks as it quickly snapped open to which suprised everyone at how fast it was done probably because they had been hacking at the thing for days. The coffin seemed like something the magic council would put together as a prison but I guess the Oración Seis got there hands on it somehow. Locks are alot easier then Nanbakas thats for sure. Steeping back as all the chains and locks fell to the floor with a clank I moved back beside Wendy then watched as the coffin opened slowly revealing a blue haired man with a red tattoo on his face.
Wow what the!
Allow me to introduce you to Jalal, a magic wizard who managed to infiltrate the magic council
Its not him it can't be!
But it is, once he's revived he will lead us to Nirvana
Revive him! But how what do you even mean by that! Bring him back from the dead!
It's really him...
How do you know Jalal?
Over exposure to the ethernano caused him to go into a catastrophic like state, tho he's been rendered unconscious he's still far from dead. Your the only wizard capable of reviving him, isnt that the least you can do for all he's done for you?
Jalal... I don't understand?
That guy is bad news
What are you talking about do you know him to?
It's not like were friends, he tried to kill me, Erza, and a bunch of other people! He even convinced the magic council to shoot the ethereal canon
I know, I heard about that
Sounds like a interesting guy
He's dangerous! I thought Jalal was ancient history!
He is indeed, a shell haunted by a miserable ghost, filled with miserable ideals. But also the man who gave you the gratest gift Wendy
...she got to pet Kuu? I mean it's the best thing I can think of but why would that mean she owes him?
This is the opportunity to repay him for all he's done for you!
Don't do it! Whatever you do don't wake him up! Please don't do it, you cant!
So you can't do it?
The Brain guy asked to which he pulled out a knife and stabbed it beside the Jalal guys head and made Wendy scream at him to stop then fall to her knees. Holding the knife to the Jalal guys throat I had no idea if I should risk this guys life and attack the Brain guy with my blades and show Wendy what I really am or if I should sit and let things play out.
Revive him
No that's the last thing you should do, there planning on using him for Nirvana
But I have to repay him, I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for him. He was so kind to me, I heard all the terrible storys of what he did but....
I swear there all true I was there-
He's not the kind of guy who could do that!
But he did Wendy
Please just give me a little time to think about it
Why?! Tell them no!
Very well you have 5 minutes
Damit! I don't know the sleeping guys powers and this Brain guys is already way to strong to random in his acrions in here. The magic concept in this world is still hard to deal with and with our situation I can barely think of a way around this. This is more something Uno would know how to handle, Rock would just start smashing people heads together, Nico would probably be able to handle this no problem with his weird opposite effect thing happening... I... I'm usless in tines like these...
Happy, Wendy, Jyugo!
Racer take care of them
Happy to boss
There all fools, time is up girl
Please don't do it Wendy-
Shooting Happy back into a wall Brain gave a glare as I started to rack my brain. If the other's are just outside maybe we can escape?
Look your magic can bring him back so will you help your friend or leave him like this?
Natsu & Carla
Wendy! Jyugo! Happy! Awnser us!
The wind blowling into the gave from the entrance as we could hear the two running in to save us I looking away knowing it was to late. Natsu entered the cave with Carla, Jalal stood now awake as Wendy cried on the ground then past out as I sat beside her and held her body up then picked up her body princess style to keep her safe. The Jalal guy seeming to be out of it somewhat both punched Natsu then Brain into the wall before walking out of the cave as if in a daze. Taking this opportunity to get the hell out of here I held Wendy close then approach Carla.
Are you two ok?
Ya sorry I didn't get us out our self but it wasn't safe
As long as you two are ok now
Aghhhhhh! This sucks! Well we better get back to Erza so Wendy can save her
Letting Carla take hold of the back of my shirt while holding Wendy Happy took Natsu and we flew back in the direction of the others and out of the dark groups hold. Flying overhead the lush but dark looking forest as the wind brushed past us we could see the racer guy and Gray down below then soon the speed runner shot up and knocked us from the sky as I held onto Wendy tightly for the rough landing. This is gonna hurt like hell, at that thought though I felt a warm pair of arms under me as the Natsu guy hit the ground first and scrambled to getting to us before we hit the ground to which he caught me in his arms then after collecting the two cats and pilling them over Wendy began running carrying me princess stype as I held Wendy and Wendy had the two cats atop her. This just got awkward and how strong is this guy? I mean sure I guess I'm not that big or tall only a head taller then Wendy and shorter then everyone else other then barly Lucy and almost Erza but still!
I can walk!
No time we have to move!
As we got out of the way Natsu stopped real quick then turned to gray concerned as I awkwardly let myself be carried. My pride was gone if the guys ever found out about this.
You got this?
I'm fine!
I can tell you burnt through a whole lot of your power
I said I'm fine now go!
Thanks man
I won't let him past now go save Erza's life!
Fine but once she's healed were coming back for you!
The pink haired guy yelled over his shoulder as he ran through the woods at full speed and I felt kinda lost again at what to do because really everything seems to be moving so fast? Nanbaka was always so chill, well unless the guys or someone else started to goof around or cause a stir... our prison breaks weren't this bad but still. Looking over the pinkys sholder I could no longer see the ice mage fighting the speed guy and wondered if the Gray guy would be ok... he kinda reminds me of Rock.
So Jyugo what's the story with those weird shackle things on you? And why are your eyes changing color every time you turn your head?
Um the shackles are stuck on me and are impossible to remove and my eyes are normal they just do that
Your one to talk
To be honest though alot of these people remind me of people from home. At that moment the blue cat began to wake and I adjusted Wendy to make sure she didn't fall as we were carried to my discomfort.
N-Natsu where are we?
You ok little budy? No talking you've got to try and rest up ok
But Jalal he's out there somewhere
Ya I know but I'm going to make sure he doesn't stick around for long
Suddenly stopping Natsu started looking around and then stare at tall but averge looking tree.
Natsu what's wrong?
This tree is talking to me? ...yes great tree. Your a treevonquist? ...uhhhh? There both right here, Wendy's unconscious and Carla but Happy and Jyugo are both awake. Hold on what's this upload stuff stay out of my head! Woooow, I know where you guys are thanks great tree-I mean Hibiki!
Natsu I think you maybe lossing it
Great tree? Like Nicos Zelda game thing? Natsu running through the forest again started taking precise turns as if following a map then we soon came to seeing Hibiki, Lucy, and Erza who was laying on the ground in pain unconscious. Setting me down on my feet gently the pink haired boy left me to hold Wendy who was still unconscious then took Happy so I wouldn't have to carry both cats. I approached the red haired woman laying on the ground who had a blonde girl kneeling beside her with a wet cloth.
Is she ok?
Ya just used to much of her energy up and past out, is she ok?
She was poisoned by a snake of Cobra's and need Wendy to heal her
Looking at Wendy's sleeping face I lightly set her down slightly and kept her body leaning on mine as I gently shook her sholder as to wake her up slowly and to my relief her eyes fluttered open as she began to stir.
Jyugo what.....what happened?
Wakey wakey up and atom! We need you to heal Erza up if you can
Starting with a smirk I changed to a soft smile to which Wendy looked around hazily till her sight feel onto the red head and gasped as she saw the state the woman was in. Moved to sitting on her knee's then raising her hands shakily I watched as her hands began to glow with a light green magic as she got to work on healing.
Wait Wendy don't you need to rest!
I can handle it! I can so please let me
Watching as Wendy used her sky magic as sweat began to from on her skin from all the magic already having been used everyone watched in anticipation and awe at her work. Her magic didn't take long to work towards healing and soon Wendy whipped her forehead off with a smile as she turned to the group happily.
Well I got all the poison out so all we have to do is wait for her to wake up
There was a silence before everyone started celebrating and high fiving each other and Natsu thanked Wendy for her hard work to which she smiled for.
Guess I owe you one!
She's probably not going to wake up for a while but she'll be back to normal once she does
Good work Wendy
Wow that's incredible who knew sky magic could be so effective
No you don't!
Lucy shouting at Hibiki as he leaded over Erza as uf ready to kiss the woman I rested a hand on Wendys sholder seeing she was tired from all the healing to which she gave me a thankful smile that I returned.
Now that your friend is healed please reframe from asking her to heal anyone else, it drains her quite alot. She'll say that she's fine but she's lying, I can tell from that exosted look on her face
No I'm fine!
Were going to go find everyone once Erza wakes up so don't worry
Ya those Oración Seis better watch out!
Aya! We're not going to let you get Nevada-
An explosion not to far from where we were as a beam of light shot into the sky with black smoke to which I gave a sigh at. Looks like things aren't anywhere near over... where's a quite guards office to take a peaceful nap in when you need it.
(End of chapter)
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