Ch.2 Part Of The Guild
Not much I can say about today other than it's reeeeeeeally hot out. It's been around half a year since I came here and have been assisting the Cait Shelter Guild as to learn more about this world and different kinds of magic. Helping Wendy with her jobs is what I've mostly stuck to and to say I've gotten used to this village and it's people would be an understatement. Everyone here treats me like a kid which is weird but I guess I am only 16. It was still strange. I haven't revealed to Wendy what my shackles can really do but I did show her my skills in lock picking and puzzle solving which she found pretty amazing. Sometimes I wonder if Wendys what I'd be like if I had a little sister. A very ditzy, shy, brave, and eager younger sister who instantly wanted to become my friend. Ya maybe like Niko in a small way?
There you are the Masters requested for us to meet him in the hall 2o minutes ago! And yet we had to look all over the village for your useless self
Carla be nice! Come on Jyugo we don't wanna keep the master waiting any longer!
I mean I could but I didn't wanna hear Carla yell at me for hour at a tkme again for being slow, she was almost worse then Hajime with her yelling it was kinda funny. Getting up from the grass I gave a sigh knowing the days slow pace was over then followed my two team mates into the guild's building and took a seat on a cushion infront of the old guy I learned was named Roubaul, sitting to Wendys left while Carla sat to her right. Roubal was the kinda guy I've never come across in prison or in the real world so every encounter was a strange one.
My dear Wendy, Carla, Jyugo, our guild has been asked to send some of our best members to help defeat an overwhelmingly strong group of individuals wishing to cause this world great harm. I have selected you three to answer to there request and represent our guild with pride!
How can the boy help really if he isn't even apart of the guild, in no way will he be representing it
Oh Carla's right it's so strange it feels like he's been apart of the village for so long!
Well then Jyugo what do you say?! Would you like to join our little family here till you decide to go back to your world?
I mean I didn't see any reason not to and I still didn't have anyways back home or a way to find the man with the scar so this place and the guild was all I had to go on. Everyone in the room looked to me with warm smiles as a blush hit my face and I felt a warmth spread through my chest then looked down at the floor akwardly as I scrated my head.
You don't want me... I... all I'm good for is picking afew locks here and there or figuring out a puzzle
That's ok! I'm not good at alot of things to but I do my best and so do you!
I suppose Wendys right, I may find you very irritating sometimes with how incapable you are at almost everything but you've save Wendy more tines than I can count along with myself with your little talent so don't go undercrediting yourself as such
I was pretty suprised at how Carla and Wendy both believed I was worth having around and soon the entire guildhall erupted in cheers and I felt like my face burning from all the kind words yeld at me and prays before I finally bowed my head and gave a weak chuckle.
Ok....... I'll..... I'll join
Everyone became even louder if possible and I was given a huge hug by Wendy gave me a hug while Carla gave me a to which I couldn't help but smile myself. Having the master grab a stamp he told me to step forward and I let him stamp a small black Cait Shelter Guild Mark under my right collarbone before nodding my head in thanks. I never though I'd have anything other then a number on my body but here I am with something to show I was apart of a guild, a family.
(Guild Mark that Jyugo received)
Well now that's settled you three better prepare for your journey!
Wendy & Jyugo
(The Next Morning, Wendy's Prov)
Ah! I hope I'm not to late! Rushing through the woods with the other two lagging far behind I went ahead to make sure the others didn't leave without us. That would be one of the worst and most embarrassing things to ever happen.
So 4 from blue pegasus and 4 from fairy tail? That's funny our guild only sent 3
It seems we have representatives from 3 guilds, the members from Cait Shelter have yet to arrive
Yes and about that guild I hear there only sending two
Just two members
That's insane were supposed to be up against a powerful group of individuals here!
They must be crazy powerful
Running through the front door which was left wide open I saw a large group of people who I assumed was the groups we were ment to meet up with and smiled but quickly yelped as I tripped on the carpet and went face first into the ground. Why me! Ah! I don't even know what I could of tripped on!
Weeeeeeeh! Ehhh ooow
Getting up and dusting myself off I tried to steady myself from that terrible entrance I just displayed. I was definitely making a bad first impression.
Hi I uh, I'm sorry I got here so late I've come from the Cait Shelter guild, I'm Wendy Marvell and well it's nice to meet all of you
She's a kid!
A little girl?
Wendy huh
Well then now that all guilds are present lets begin
He's not even fazed!
What was there guild thinking sending a little girl for something like this, they must really be hurting if this us the best they could send
She isn't alone you shouldn't jump to conclusions golly trolip
Turning around I smiled happily upon seeing the two enter. Carla using her wings flew into the building while carrying a knocked out Jyugo who was set on the floor as Carla landed with a huff.
Carla you guys made it!
Of course we did, your far to young to be traveling unaccompanied child
Pour Jyugo I forgot he doesn't do so well with long traveling. Carla probably ended up carrying him halfway here when he past out from exostion. Looking at his deflated dead body I gave a sad smile then turned to the others.
I'm sorry if were not what you were expecting, I know I'm alot smaller then the rest of you along with Jyugo but I'm able to use all sorts of suport magic and Jyugo's got his own really great talents so please let us join the group! I'd be so embarrassed if you sent us home!
You'll never earn there respect if you dont show confidence girl
I'm sorry Carla
I swear you'll drive me to catnip
I can't help it!
Forgive me I was caught off guard I ment no offense, were glad to have you aboard Wendy
Oh wow your Erza! I can't believe its really you!
Your not quite the monster I pictured
Surely you've heard of the great happy!
Carla turned away from the blue cat again bitterly but I tried to stay focused.
Will you please come with me lovely lady
Huh um o-ok?
(Jyugo's Prov)
Mmmm what's with all these new voices around me. Opening my eyes slowly I saw a white ceiling and found myself on the floor. Pushing up while feeling sore from all the running I guessed we already made it to the place and Carla must have carried me the rest of the way after I blacked out from all the exostion. Looking around I saw all sorts of different people but what caught my eye was Wendy who sat on a strange couch with a heart on the back of it surrounded my three men who were flirting with her. Wait what! Rushing forward so fast everyone barely had time to blink I pushed the table that was infront of them out of the way with my foot then scooped Wendy up as she yelped in suprise and I skid away from the three men.
Keep your creepy hands off her you perverts! She's only 12 and she doesn't need to be tainted by your disgusting minds!
Jyugo to the rescue
J-Jyugo you shouldn't be moving around so much after passing out!
Setting Wendy down I sent a glare at the three men who all looked quite shocked at being called perverts then I ran my hand through my hair as my head started to hurt.
Great and now my heads killing me
You must be Jyugo, Wendy said you two were sent here from Cait Sheltered, I'm Erza its nice to meet you
Uh ya same
I said to a lady in armor that had long red hair. She seemed really serious like Hajime but I guess I'll have to get along with her for this mission.
Well seeing as how everyones here now and awake shall we begin! Our first order of business shall be taking care of the Oración Seis, right after I make a letter of the alphabet
The short weird guy said as he waddled away and the three men who were surrounding Wendy previously started clapping. When the guy finally came back the guy started explaining the area and something called Nervana that the Oración Seis wanted. Showing us pictures of the group through some magic called archive magic he started informing us of everything about the groups memebers.
Question can I go home I really don't want to die
I kinda want to go home to
You may not! We have a job to do child
Come on Wendy we can take them
Your one to talk we both know you can barely hold your own for long
Ouch! Jeez Wendy tell me how you really feel, turning away while tisking I tried not to yell back.
Don't worry children with your help perhaps we can find the enemys strong hold!
Strong hold?
Ya you heard the man, we searched everywhere but have had no luck
Here's the deal we learned they got to have a temporary base in the worthwoodsea
And once we've located it were to gather the Oración Seis inside
And how do we do that?
We beat them up and drag there butts there!
He's a little to excited about this
Whats the next part of the plan?
Then we'll send them a one way ticket to oblivion with Cristina the very great pride of the blue plagues guild
I've heard about the magic bomber but I thought it was just a myth?
Oh is that necessary!
Thats the kind of enemy we face!
Sir yes sir!
Remember under no circumstances should you engage the enemy in single combat, our best bet is to separate them and have two wizards fight each one in each fight!
Great this is starting to sound slightly to complex. The pink haired guys fist started to flame as ge yelled something before bursting out the door into the woods as his team followed and I gave an annoyed sigh. Me and Wendys missions never got this crazy and chaotic. Following everyone outside we soon started running to catchup and I gave a sad groan as I started following Wendy who was being dragged by Carla by the hand. If we have to run like this everywhere I think I might actually die. Following everyone I felt lightheaded again and wanted to cry as things started to role out like last time. A ship soon came flying over head which was fairly breath taking but soon it exploded and fell to the ground then a figure emerged from the woods.
Lowly magets swarming together
I'm afraid short stuff isn't going to make it
There's fear in there voices I can smell it
The speeder we wrap this up the better, I'll run you over so fast it'll make your head spin!
My determined strength dishes out misfortune for your futures
Racer & Cobra
Enough with the preaching Hoteye
Is it bad that the one who scares me the most is the ine that's sleeping?
I have to admit I hadn't expected for you guys to show yourselfs
Well this seems like a weird coincidence. And why was this rolling out so weirdly, like one of those trying to suprise people but then kinda failing? Not really knowing what was happening as the two known as Gray and Natsu rushed the group, soon everything was in complete swing and battle things were happening everywhere as swords were flying throught the air from the Erza girl then she changed her outfit to a cheetah outfit as she soon fought the fast guy and snake guy, Natsu then joined her and they started to get there butts kicked to the point of me wincing. Ice and earth started flying everywhere and a snake was flying while I stood there kinda in a daze at what the hell was happening as everything moved so fast. The Brain guy started to cast a spell that was green and ozzy making mosty everyone stuck to the ground as me, Wendy and Carla all stood beside a rock where it was safe and as I had my hand placed on her sholder she shook in fright and the Brain guy froze as he saw her making me ball my fist ready to stop him even if Wendy had to see my not so normal monstrous self. What I was turned into when that man placed these shackles on me.
That girl, Wendy...
(End of chapter)
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