6/27/22 -Chapter Two-
You went to get ready for bed as Grampa adjusted his sleeping arrangements. As you squeezed your slightly minty toothpaste onto your blue toothbrush, you still couldn't believe that he was going to stay at your house for a night.
After all, you just met him less than, like, 2 hours ago! You knew vaguely about him from what Petey had said in prison, about Grampa being rude and such, but that was the only thing you knew about him.
As you begin brushing your teeth, you heard crashing in the other room. You pulled your toothbrush out of your mouth and set it on the sink before you ran, mouth full of vaguely minty toothpaste foam. "Grampa?" You managed to say through the toothpaste foam, entering the bedroom where your bookshelf had collapsed onto your bed.
"Oh my god!" You say, unwittingly swallowing your mouthful of toothpaste foam. You ran to the bookshelf, and Grampa stood next to you, looking guilty.
"What happened!?"
"Uh, well, you see, I thought I saw an, um, a pillow on the top of the bookshelf, so I decided to climb it, but then when I had the pillow and jumped off, the bookshelf fell on top of your bed."
"A pillow? I didn't have a pillow on top of my bookshelf."
"Then, what's this?" Grampa held out his hands, and in his hands was......
"That's my wallet!" You yelled, snatching it from him. You squeezed the bridge of your nose.
"I can't deal with this right now. I'm gonna go finish brushing my teeth, and you are going to go sleep in the living room." You said, angrily.
Grampa walked off muttering something, and you sighed as he walked off before looking at your bed.
"Wait, grampa-"
Grampa turned around to look at you, stopping just before he crossed the doorway. "What?"
"Uh, can you help me lift my bookshelf back up? I'm looking at it now and it'll be a two person job at least."
Grampa groaned, but still walked back in to help you lift it up. After you both lifted it up, you held your hand out for a high five.
"What is that."
Does he really not know what a high five is? "It's a high five. It's like a clap, but with 2 paws."
Grampa looked at your paw quizzically, before slapping it as hard as he, presumably, could, before stretching and walking off to go to bed. You stood there holding your sore [dominant] hand in the other, trying not to squeel in pain for several minutes, before eventually heading back to finish brushing your teeth.
The next morning you woke up to the smell of bacon and pancakes in the air. You got up and walked into the kitchen, where Grampa was making breakfast. "Oh, did you make breakfast?" You asked, to which Grampa looked at you confused as he slid all the food he prepared onto his own plate. "For me, maybe," he said, sitting down at your table.
You blinked at him as he chomped into his food, before you sighed and walked over to your pantry, opening it wide. You grabbed a box of cereal and began searching for a bowl before you laid eyes on the sink, and you sighed.
"Ok!" You said, hearing your voice swell with false cheerfulness, "I'm just gonna go to a restaurant to get some breakfast. Want anything?"
"I want to come with you." Grampa said, dropping everything and walking over to where you were opening the door.
Outside, the sky was a pleasant light blue, and the sun shone bright, buttery rays onto your apartment complex, the parking lot, and most importantly, your car. You and Grampa hopped inside your car, and you twisted your keys in the keyhole to start your car.
"What kind of car is this?" Grampa asked, opening the glove box. You shut the glove box, but he opened the small compartment below it instead.
"Stop that-" you said, getting annoyed with him. He closed the compartment and kicked back his chair, crossing his legs on the small area between the steering wheel/glove box area and the windshield. You sighed as you shifted your car into reverse, thinking about what happened yesterday.
Were you really helping a criminal that had escaped prison? And, most importantly, why were you? From what Petey had told you, you shouldn't have cared for him, yet here you were, helping him. Why?
You suddenly realized he was talking to you, and that you were at the restaurant. How long had I zoned out? You thought, confused.
"Uh, hey, did you hear me?"
"I'm sorry, but no," you replied sheepishly. "I wasn't paying attention."
Grampa rolled his eyes angrily and slouched in his chair. "Sorry," you said, but before he could respond you had to pull up to the drive through window.
Words: 829
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