4/1/23 -Chapter 3- holy shit lemon dmeon
After getting you and Grampa food, you decide to drive back to your place to eat. Grampa decides to mess with the radio, not finding any interest in the songs or podcast.
"Ugh, there's nothing to listen to!" He yells angrily.
"Well, what do you want to listen to?" You ask genuinely, stopping at a red light and pulling out your cellular device from your pocket.
"Anything but what is on the radio," Grampa response stubbornly.
You nod and put your Spotify playlist on shuffle. The song Two Trucks by Lemon Demon starts playing, and you quickly go to change it before you hear,
"Hey, is this Lemon Demon?"
Surprised that this old man knows Lemon Demon, you respond by saying, "Yeah, how'd you know?"
Sighing, Grampa states, "I.. used to listen to him a lot."
You then skip the song (as you don't want to listen to someone describing two pickup trucks reproducing).
"Hey, why'd you skip the song? It wasn't even past the instrumental yet."
"Oh, uh, well. Um uhhhhhhh-"
"Just change it back, it seemed interesting so far." Grampa said as he hadn't listened to this Lemon Demon song before.
Sighing defeatedly, you changed the song back. It apparently had saved to when you last where listening, so after about 3 seconds of techno music you hear "TWO TRUCKS HAV'IN S3X"
"😨" Grampa says.
You awkwardly drive to your house, just waiting for the song to be over.
"I mean, it seems like a cool song, besides the lyrics. But it doesn't bother me that much, ya know? Was just surprisin'." Grampa says.
"Yeah.." you say, continuing to drive.
He likes your style in music.
Words: 280
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